Simulating trading at random

In the previous recipe, we tried out a trading idea. However, we have no benchmark that can tell us if the result we got was any good. It is common in such cases to trade at random, under the assumption that we should be able to beat a random process. We will simulate trading by taking some random days from a trading year. This should illustrate working with random numbers using NumPy.

Getting ready

If necessary, install Matplotlib. Refer to the See Also section for the corresponding recipe.

How to do it...

First, we need an array filled with random integers.

  1. Generate random indices.

    Generate random integers with the NumPy randint function. This will be linked to random days of a trading year:

    return numpy.random.randint(0, high, size)
  2. Simulate trades.

    Simulate trades with the random indices from the previous step. Use the NumPy take function to extract random close prices from the array of step 1:

    buys = numpy.take(close, get_indices(len(close), nbuys))
    sells = numpy.take(close, get_indices(len(close), nbuys))
    profits[i] = sells.sum() - buys.sum()
  3. Plot a histogram of the profits.

    Let's plot a histogram of the profits for a large number of simulations:


    The resulting histogram of 2000 simulations for AAPL with 5 buys and sells in a year:

    How to do it...

The following is the complete code:

from import quotes_historical_yahoo
from datetime import date
import numpy
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot

def get_indices(high, size):
    #2. Generate random indices
    return numpy.random.randint(0, high, size)

#1. Get close prices.
today =
start = (today.year - 1, today.month,

quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo(sys.argv[1], start, today)
close =  numpy.array([q[4] for q in quotes])

nbuys = int(sys.argv[2])
N = int(sys.argv[3])
profits = numpy.zeros(N)
for i in xrange(N):
    #3. Simulate trades
    buys = numpy.take(close, get_indices(len(close), nbuys))
    sells = numpy.take(close, get_indices(len(close), nbuys))
    profits[i] = sells.sum() - buys.sum()

print "Mean", profits.mean() 
print "Std", profits.std()

#4. Plot a histogram of the profits

#python AAPL 5 2000
#Mean -2.566465
#Std 133.746039463

How it works...

We used the randint function, which can be found in the numpy.random module. This module contains more convenient random generators, as described in the following table:




Creates an array from a uniform distribution over [0,1] with a shape based on dimension parameters. If no dimensions are specified a single float is returned.


Sample values from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. The dimension parameters function the same way as for rand.


Returns an integer array given a low boundary, an optional high bound, and an optional output shape.

See also

  • The Installing Matplotlib recipe in Chapter 1, Winding Along with IPython
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