8 The construction of image-sets

As seen in the previous chapters, inductive definition plays a key role in hyperarithmetic theory. In fact Gandy (see [106]) held the view that inductive definition rather than computation constituted the core characteristic of any generalized recursion theory. Admissible set theory (Chapter 3) reinforces the line of thought. Here we discuss inductive definition in greater detail and present some applications of this notion to the construction of image-sets. The reader is referred to [47] and [106] for more on this subject.

8.1 An introduction to inductive definition

8.1.1 Inductive definability

Definition 8.1.1. Let Γ : 2ω → 2ω be a function.

Γ is progressive if xΓ(x) for every x ∈ 2ω;

Γ is monotonic if Γ(y) ⊆ Γ(x) if yx.

Given a function Γ : 2ω → 2ω, let


A real x ∈ 2ω is inductively defined by Γ if x = Γ. We use |Γ| to denote the least ordinal α such that Γα = Γ. Note that |Γ| < (20)+. It is not difficulty to see that for any real x, there is a function Γ : 2ω → 2ω such that x is inductively defined by Γ (Exercise 8.1.1).

Theorem 8.1.2. (Gandy). Suppose that Γ is a progressive function such that the set {(n, x) ∈ ω × 2ω | nΓ(x)} is image. Then |Γ| ≤ image and Γ is image.

Proof. By Theorem 3.1.8, there is a Σ1(image)-definable function f : imageimage such that f(β) = Γβ for image. Let x be a real such that

nx ⇔ (∃image)(nf(β)).

Note that x = image. Moreover x is Σ1-definable in 〈image, ∈〉 and hence image. Let R be a recursive predicate such that for any i,

iΓ(x) ⇔ (∀j)R(i, xj).

Fix an iΓ(x). Then (∀j)R(i, xj). Now for each jω, there is an ordinal β < image such that Γβj = xj and hence R(i, Γβk) for every kj. Since R is recursive, we have

image, ∈〉 ⊨ (∀j)(∃β)R(i, Γβj).

By induction, let βj be the least β > βj−1 such that 〈image, ∈〉 ⊨ R(i, Γβk) for every kj. Then the function p : jβj is Σ1(image)-definable and hence belongs to image by the admissibility of image. It follows that the ordinal β(i) = imagej<ω βj is a limit ordinal less than image. Note that ΓβjΓβj+1 for j<ω. Then for each k, there is a jk such that Γβ(i)k = Γβjk. Thus

image, ∈〉 ⊨ R(i, Γβ(i)k).

In other words,

image, ∈〉 ⊨ (∀k)R(i, Γβ(i)k).

Hence if iΓ(x), then iΓβ(i) and so ix. Thus Γ(x) ⊆ x, i.e. Γ(x) = x. We conclude that x = Γ.

8.1.2 Monotonic inductive definability of image-reals

Proposition 8.1.3. Let k > 0. Suppose that Γ is progressive and monotonic, and the set {(n, x)| nΓ(x)} is image. Then Γ is image.

Proof. Since Γ is progressive and monotonic, Γ is the least real (in the sense of inclusion) x such that Γ(x) ⊆ x. Then nΓ if and only if

(∀x)(Γ(x) ⊆ xnΓ(x)).

If the set {(n, x)| nΓ(x)} is image, then Γ is image.

The following strengthens Theorem 8.1.2 for monotonic functions.

Theorem 8.1.4. (Spector [153]). Suppose that Γ is progressive and monotonic such that {(n, x) ∈ ω × 2ω |nΓ(x)} is image. Then |Γ| ≤ image.

Proof. We prove that Γ(image)and |Γ| ≤ image.

Let Cimage(ω × ω) be a image-set such that xC if and only if

{n | (1, n) ∈ x} = image

(∀j)(Γ({n | (j, n) ∈ x}) ⊆ {n | (2j, n) ∈ x}), and

(∀e)(eimage → (imagejω{n | (Φe(j), n) ∈ x} = {n | (3 ⋅ 5e, n) ∈ x})).



Then z is image. We leave it to the reader to verify that


Hence image = {n | (∃jimage)((j, n) ∈ z)} is a image-real.

Let iimage image. Define Dimage × 2ω to be a image-set such that xD if and only if


By Gandy’s Basis Theorem (2.5.3), there is a zD such that image = image. For jimage, let


Clearly image = image. Moreover, for any j0 <o j1 <o i, imageimage.

Suppose that nΓ(image). We claim that there is a jimageimage such that nΓ(image) = Γ(Γ|j|). Otherwise, since Γ is monotonic, it must be the case that nΓ(image) for any jimage image. Let


Note that imageh z for every jimage. By Corollary 2.2.12, yn is image(z). By the assumption, yn = image image. Thus yn is also image(z) and hence image(z). Obviously image > image and hence image > image, contradicting the choice of z. We conclude that Γ(image) ⊆ image Γ(Γ|j|) = image Γ|j| = image .

8.1.3 Inductively defining image

As an illustration, we show how image may be defined inductively. Let Γ beafunctionsuch that for any x,


We leave the proof of the following proposition to the reader.

Proposition 8.1.5. Let Γ be as defined above. Then Γ = image = image.

Thus image is inductively defined by the arithmetical function Γ. Indeed, every image-real is “generated” by a simple monotonic function Γ (Exercise 8.1.3).

8.1.4 Exercises

Exercise 8.1.1. Prove that for any real x, there is a function Γ : 2ω → 2ω such that x is inductively defined by Γ.

Exercise 8.1.2. Prove Proposition 8.1.5.

Exercise 8.1.3. For any image-real z, there is a monotonic function Γ such that the set {(n, x)| nΓ(x)} is image and z is many-one reducible to Γ.

Exercise 8.1.4. Suppose that Γ is a progressive function such that {(n, x) ∈ ω × 2ω | nΓ(x)} is image. Show that if x is image, then every ninΓ(x) belongs to Γ(y) for some hyperarithmetic yx.

8.2 Inductively defining image-sets of reals

There is a parallel way of defining image-sets of reals inductively. In [164], Engelen, Miller and Steel constructed a number of image-sets of reals not based on the method of inductive definition.1 We prove some of the results here via inductive definition (see Chong and Yu [17]).

8.2.1 A image-induction principle for reals

Definition 8.2.1. A binary relation P(x, y) ⊆ 2ω × 2ω is cofinally progressive if for every real x, theset {y|P(x, y)} is cofinal in the hyperdegrees, i.e. for each z, there is a yh z such that P(x, y) holds.

Let image = {y | yimage}.

Lemma 8.2.2. Assume (2ω)L = 2ω. If P is image and cofinally progressive, then for every x and z there is a yh z such that yimage and P(x, y).

Proof. Suppose (2ω)L = 2ω and P is cofinally progressive. Then for any reals x, z, the set A = {y | xzimage ∧ P(x, y)} is a nonempty image(xz)-set. By Theorem 4.1.2 there is a yA such that yimage [xz]. Since xzimage, we have xzh y and so image = image. Then yimage[xz] = image and P(x, y) holds.

Given a countable set A of reals and a real x, we say that x codes A if {(x)n | n < ω} = A where (x)n = {m | m < ω ∧ 〈n, m〉 ∈ x}.

A cofinally progressive relation generates a progressive relation as follows: Let P(x, y) be cofinally progressive. For each X ⊆ 2ω, let Q(X) = X ∪ {y | (∃xX)P(x, y)}. Then it is immediate that Q(X)⊇ X for all X. However, an operation such as Q may be too general to be useful and this motivates a refinement of Q to one that is similar to a uniformization function for well-defined sets. Now if P(x, y) is image, then Theorem 4.2.1 guarantees the existence of a uniformization function for P. However, our interest is in strong uniformization, i.e. a function that uniformizes “initial segments of reals” that does roughly the following: If x codes a set of reals in image such that any two elements w <L z in x satisfy P(w, z), then there is a “least” yimage such that xy and P(x, y) holds. This strong uniformization property enables one to implement an inductive construction which is made precise by the image-inductive principle I defined as follows:

image-inductive principle image. If P(x, y) is image and cofinally progressive, then there is a image-set Aimage such that:

(i)|≤LA|, the height ofL restricted to A, is ω1;

(ii)(∀y)(yA → (∃x)(ximagex codes the set {z | zAz <L y} ∧ P(x, y))).

Theorem 8.2.3 (Chong and Yu [17]). V = L implies image.

Proof. Suppose V = L, and P is image and cofinally progressive. Recall that for each constructibly countable β, there is an α > β such that (Lα+1 Lα) ∩ 2ωimage. Given ordinals β < α and Xα × ω, denote by X[β] the real {n | (β, n) ∈ X}. We may regard X as a sequence of reals of length α.

Since P is image, by the Spector–Gandy Theorem (3.7.1) there is a Σ0-formula ψ(x, y, s) such that


Assume V = L. We define a partial function F which we will show to be total on ω1 × imageα<ω1 2α×ω. For α<ω1, z ∈ 2ω and Xα × ω, let image be the least ordinal γ such that Lγ[X, z] is admissible. We define F(α, X) to be the real z such that image [X, z] satisfies the following properties:

(1)there is a βα such that zLβ+1 Lβ;

(2)there is an ximage which codes X;

(3)there is a limit ordinal γ and an element sLγ such that Lγ[X, z] ⊨ ψ(x, z, s);

(4)if (t, y, μ) <L (s, z, γ), then 〈Lμ[X, y], ∈〉 ⊨ ψ(x, y, t) implies image < β;

(5)if (t, y, μ) <L (s, z, γ) and 〈Lμ[X, y], ∈〉 ⊨ ψ(x, y, t), then either no real rimage codes X or yimage.

Since image[X, z] = image, <L is uniformly Δ1 in image[X, z]. Moreover, (4) implies that (5) is Σ1 in image[X, z]. Hence (1)–(5) are uniformly Σ1 in image[X, z]. We show that F(α, X) is defined for α < ω1 if X is countable.

Fix (α, X). Since V = L, there is a countable γ′ > α with a real xLγ coding X. Since P is cofinally progressive, by Lemma 8.2.2 there is a β > γ′ such that (Lβ+1 Lβ) ∩ 2ωimage, and a real zLβ+1 Lβ such that xzimage, Lγψ(x, z, s) for some limit ordinal γ < image and sLγ. Note that image = image[X, z] and Lγ = Lγ[X, z] for all sufficiently large γ < image. Hence (1)–(3) are satisfied. Clearly we can assume that (s, z, γ) is the <L-least satisfying these properties. Thus (4) and (5) are satisfied as well. By the absoluteness of <L, one concludes that F is a well-defined function on each (α, X), where α < ω1 and X is countable.

Observe that (1)–(4) are Σ1-statements. By (4), one verifies that (5) is a Δ1-statement. Hence there is a Σ0-formula φ(α, X, z, s) such that


Thus we may perform transfinite induction on α to define a sequence {zα | α < ω1} using F. However, the resulting sequence yields in general a set of reals that is Σ1 over Lω1, i.e. image but not necessarily image over second order arithmetic. To ensure that image-ness is achieved, we refine the approach as follows.

Define G(α) = z if and only if α < image and there is a function f : α + 1 → 2ω with fimage[z] so that for all βα, f(β) = F(β, {(γ, n)|nf(γ) ∧ γ < β}) and f(α) = z. Since image[z] is admissible, {f(γ)| γα} ∈ image[z]. Hence G(α) = z if and only if there is a function f : α + 1 → 2ω with fimage[z] such that


Since image[z] is admissible, G is Σ1-definable. In other words, G(α) = z if and only if there is a function f : α + 1 → 2ω with fimage such that


Let A be the range of G. Then zA if and only if there exists an ordinal α < image and a function f : α + 1 → 2ω with fimage such that


Hence A is image.

All that remains is to use an argument as that for Theorem 3.1.8 to show that G is a well-defined total function on ω1. The only nontrivial part is to prove that the function f defined above exists. This can be done by induction. Let α < ω1 be given and suppose that {fβ}β<α is a uniformly Σ1 and increasing (i.e. fβfγ for β > γ) sequence such that each fβ is an f at stage β < α as required, Let fα be such that fαimage[z] and for all βα, fα(β) = F(β, {(γ, n)| nfβ(γ) ∧ γ < β}) and fα(α) = z, where F(α, X) = z and X = {(γ, n) | (∃β)(γβ < αnfβ(γ))}. Note that X = {(γ, n)| γαnfγ(γ))} by absoluteness. Then fαfβ for all β < α and satisfies the requirement of such an f at stage α.

By (1) and (2) above, (x, z) ∈ Lγ and Lγimage. So Aimage. Since P is cofinally progressive, (i) of the definition of image is satisfied.

For (ii): If yA then y = G(α) for some α < ω1. By the definition of G, there is a real ximage such that x codes the set {G(β)| β < α} and P(x, G(α)) holds. Clearly β < α if and only if G(β) <L G(α). Hence (ii) holds.

It turns out that the image-inductive principle image is equivalent to the set-theoretic assumption (ω1)L = ω1, as we now show.

Theorem 8.2.4. (ω1)L = ω1 if and only if the image-inductive principle image holds.

Proof. The “if” direction is immediate: Choose P(x, y) to express xT y. Then P is cofinally progressive. Let A be a image-set satisfying image for P, of <L-height ω1. Then (ω1)L = ω1.

For the other direction, suppose P is image and cofinally progressive. Then for any pair of reals x, zL, the set Ux,z = {y | yh z ∧ P(x, y)} is a nonempty image(x, z)-set. By Theorem 4.1.2, there is a yUx,zL. By Theorem 4.1.2 again,

L, ∈〉 ⊨ P is cofinally progressive.

By Theorem 8.2.3, there is a image-set A such that (A)L witnesses the correctness of the inductive principle image in L.

Since (ω1)L = ω1, image (i) is true in V. Since the statement “ximage” is image and


by the Shoenfield Absoluteness Lemma (Corollary 4.2.9), 〈V, ∈〉 ⊨ (∀x)(xAximage. Hence Aimage.

Let yA. Since AL, yL. Then there exists an ximage such that

L, ∈〉 ⊨ x codes the set {z | zAz <L y} ∧ P(x, y).

Since AL, x codes the set {z | zAz <L y}. Since the relation P is image and x, yL, by the Shoenfield Absoluteness Lemma (Corollary 4.2.9) again, P(x, y) holds. Hence (ii) follows.

One may relativize the image-inductive principle image to admit real parameters and obtain its boldface version image. Then Theorem 8.2.4 may be generalized to state: Boldface image-inductive principle image fails if and only if there is no real x such that (ω1)L[x] = ω1. This leads to the following conclusion:

Corollary 8.2.5. The statement “ZFC + image-inductive principle image is false” is consistent if and only if “ZFC+ There exists an inaccessible cardinal” is consistent.

Proof. If image fails, then (ω1)L[x] < ω1 for all x, so that the latter is inaccessible in L. Conversely, suppose ZFC+ “There is an inaccessible cardinal” is consistent. Then by Proposition 6.2.9 (the Levy collapsing map), ZFC+ “ω1 is inaccessible in L” is consistent. Now in a model M with such a property, ω1 > (ω1)L[x] for all x. Hence image fails in M.

8.2.2 Exercise

Exercise 8.2.1 (Miller [100]). Asubsetof 2ω is almost disjoint if any two of its distinct members have finite intersection. Assume 2ω = (2ω)L. Prove that there is a image-maximal almost disjoint set.

8.3 image-maximal chains and antichains of Turing degrees

We now apply the image-inductive principle I to construct some special image-sets of Turing degrees.

8.3.1 Chains in the Turing degrees

Given a partial ordering (P, ≤P), pP is a minimal cover of AP if q <P p for all qA and there is no rP such that r <P p having the same property. A set AP is a chain if for any x, yA, either xP y or yP x. A chain A is maximal if there is no chain BA. Define P(x, y) if and only if

y is a minimal cover of {(x)n | nω} under ≤T.

Lemma 8.3.1. P(x, y) is a cofinally progressive relation.

Proof. We prove that for any countable set A = {xi}i<ω and any real x, there is a minimal cover z of A such that z″ ≥T x.

Fix an effective enumeration of partial recursive oracle functions {Φe}e<ω.

Given a perfect tree T, define the n-th level Levn(T) of T to be

{σ ∉ Levn−1(T)|(∃τ)(τTσττ is an n-th splitting node on T)}.

Let {pn}n<ω be a recursive one-one enumeration of prime numbers. Allowing ambiguity, we will also use pσ to denote the prime number which codes the string σ. Given a recursive oracle function Φ, we use Φy = T to express the following:

(1)Φy is total;

(2)(∀n)(Φy(n) = ∏σLevn(T) pσ).

Given a tree T and a string νT, let Tν be the subtree of T consisting of all ν′ ∈ T extending ν. Define Ln(T) to be the leftmost n + 1-th splitting node and Rn(T) to be the rightmost n + 1-th splitting node on T.

For each finite string σ, real x and perfect tree T ⊆ 2<ω with σT, define image(σ, x, T) to be the perfect tree that is the intersection of a sequence of perfect trees Tn given as follows:

T0 = Tσ.

Tn+1 = {τ | (∃σLevn(Tn))(τσ)} ∪ Sn+1Tn

where Sn+1 is defined as:

Case 1. x(n) = 0: σSn+1 if and only if there exists τLevn+1(Tn) so that στ and τ = L1(image) for some ν which is an n-th splitting node of Tn.

Case 2. x(n) = 1: σSn+1 if and only if there exists τLevn+1(Tn) so that στ and τ = R1(image) for some ν which is an n-th splitting node of Tn.



In other words, image(σ*, x, T) is a subtree which, roughly speaking, codes x(n) at a 2n-th splitting node of Tσ*. Note that image(σ*, x, T) ⊕ TT x. Moreover, suppose for some recursive oracle function Φ, we have Φy = T for all y ∈ [T]. Then there is a recursive oracle function Ψ such that Ψy = x for all yimage(σ*, x, T). Furthermore, given an index of the oracle function Φ, an index of the oracle function Ψ may be effectively obtained from σ*. In other words, there is a recursive function f such that image = x for all y ∈ [image(σ*, x, T)]. Since Φy = T for all y ∈ [image(σ*, x, T)] ⊆ [T] and xTT image(σ*, x, T), there is a recursive function g so that image = image(σ*, x, T) for all y ∈ [image(σ*, x, T)].

We give a sketch of the idea behind the construction of z. To obtain a minimal cover of a countable set A = {xi}i<ω, one makes appropriate modifications of the construction of a minimal degree (see [82]). To make the minimal degree relatively high (i.e. to make it compute a given x through jumps), one needs to code the indices of the perfect trees in the course of the construction. Were the construction uniform, one could use the Recursion Theorem to code the index of the next perfect tree being defined during the step by step construction. This technique could be applied to code x and xi into z for each i < ω. However, the construction to achieve minimality is nonuniform (one needs to decide whether the next tree will be an “e-splitting tree” or a “full tree”, which in general is a “double jump” question). Although it is highly nonuniform, the construction does become uniform once it is decided which situation one is in (see Substep 3 of the construction below). This is the reason for using z″ to “get up” to x.

We now turn to the construction.

Fix a real x and an enumeration {xi}iω of A. Suppose the recursive oracle functional Φ0 satisfies image = 2<ω for all reals y. We construct a sequence of perfect trees step by step. At step n, we construct a perfect tree TnTi<nxi and a finite string σn so that Tn ↾|σn|={τ | τσn}, |σn|> n and there is a recursive oracle functional Φen such that for each y ∈ [Tn], image = Tn.

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