Choosing right colors

Most of the business reports are printed on greyscale printer. This recipe will highlight the importance of choosing the right colors when reports are meant for printing.

Getting ready

We will use the report used in all the previous recipes for this.

How to do it...

  1. Open the report in Report Studio. Select the list column titles.
  2. From properties, open the Background Color dialog. Go to the Web Safe Colors tab.
  3. Select the #CC99FF color (6th Column, 10th Row).
  4. Now select the Product line footer (sub-total) row and set its background color to #CCFF33 (13th Column, 10th Row).
    How to do it...
  5. Run the report and examine colors. Now print the report and examine colors. You will notice that though both the colors are very different (one is a shade of green and other is purple), they look almost the same on the grayscale printout.
  6. Now change the List Column titles to any color from 9th or 11th row. Print the output and you see that the colors are distinguishable now.

How it works...

If you print the whole palette on a grayscale printer, you will notice that rows have alternating light and dark shades. Hence, any two cells from the same row will have very similar output, but those from neighboring rows will have distinguishable shades.

How it works...

Hence you should always choose one color from an odd numbered row and the other color from an even numbered row.

There's more...

It is good practice to choose a color from a palette than defining custom RGB color. This ensures that the colors can be correctly shown to all output formats.

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