
2D motion blur 176

3D imagery 228


A/B comparison 246

acromegaly 28

actual object reference 34

Adams, Ansel 116; zone system 1212

additive color mixing 36, 523

aerial perspective 1445

Alarm 154

aliasing (stair-stepping) 93

alpha channel 164; color corrections 170

ambient color 157

ambient lights 51

ambient occlusion 867, 167

ambient shadows 56

animated values 33; avoiding in the master rig 242

Ansel Adams zone system 1212

aperture, lens 11516

appetite 1067

Archer, Fred 121

area lights 501

artifacts: lens effects 174; render 93, 95

artificial light sources 13940

artistically positioned shadows 114

aspect ratio 69

atmospheric perspective 1445

attribute layers 835


Bambi 145

beauty lighting 2008

beauty render layers 823

Beddini, Andrew 624

behind-door light source 30, 31

Belasco, David 119

Ben Hur 69

Beversdorf, David Q. 26

Bierstadt, Albert 32

biological interpretation of color 1067

bit depth 93

black background 78

black points 147

blinn shader 88

blue 523, 1067

Blue Sky Studios 21, 23, 96, 179

blur 110, 116; edge blur 1712; motion blur 95, 176

bounce light 37, 38, 76, 190, 202, 216; role 734

Brave 131

broad strokes approach 252, 253

Buckland, Wilfred 119

bump mapping 155

Bunny 23

Burtynsky, Edward 251


Calahan, Sharon 435

Campbell, Heather 26

career development 25467; demo reels 2567; getting started 25660; job applications 25860; learning in the first job 2603

Cars 2 44

Cartoon Saloon 96

cast shadows 56

Caza, Philippe 229

ceilings 143

Cel Animation 1656

CG lights, common 4851

character beauty lighting 2008

character and environment walkthrough 20917

character lighting 1307, 193; multiple characters 221, 222

character style sheets 42, 68, 236

chatter (noise) 93, 95; reducing 1767

Cholich, Eldar 24850

color 1415, 27, 184; ambient 157; complementary colors 20, 186; good and bad characters 223; hero color 1301; interior lighting 1389, 140; key light 72; materials 1535, 157; and mood 1415, 1069, 125; overall 153; processing reference 34, 368; properties of light 523; reflected 155; shadows 39, 59; specular 154

color corrections 16870

color keys 68, 97, 236, 2378

comics 229

commercial work 230

common CG lights 4851

comparisons: changes 789; matching shots 246

complementary colors 20, 186

compositing 151, 16477, 244; 2D motion blur 176; character beauty lighting 2023; color corrections 16870; depth of field 1746; diffusion 172; edge blur/light wrap 1712; final touches 1717; layering 1648; lens effects 174; reducing noise 1767; vignetting 173

compression 91

confidence 259

connections 2578, 267

contact sheets 235

contrast 16, 17, 1089

contrasting elements 112

cornea 135, 136, 137

corners 143

cultural interpretation of color 107

Cunningham, Imogen 116


dance floor 219, 222

Dart, Kevin 125

Day, Doris 109

dead-eyed characters 135

decay, light 34, 40, 55, 185

DeMille, Cecil B. 119

demo reels 126, 179, 2567, 265, 2667

depth of field 11516, 1746, 190, 193, 21112

diffuse illumination 545, 211

diffuse layers 84

diffusion 16, 141, 172, 211, 215, 225

direct lighting 35, 37

direction of light 34, 35

directing the viewer’s eye 14, 1820, 98, 102, 11016, 126; character and environment 20910; character lighting 1323

directional lights 49

disagreements, managing 2623

disco ball 2201, 222, 223, 224, 225

displacement 155

distance to camera 11516

distant lights 49

documentation 2423

Druillet, Philippe 229

Dungeon Keeper 2 231

Dusseault, Yannick 124


edge blur 1712

Edmond était un âne (Edmond was a Donkey) 75, 111

eliminating unnecessary lights/geometry etc 70, 242

email etiquette 263

Emperor’s New Groove 108

environment 57; character and environment walkthrough 20917

Epic 21, 223, 98

exaggerated values 79

expectations, managing 262

exterior lighting 29, 1447, 188

eye dings 136, 137, 185, 205

eyes 1357, 193, 203, 205, 206, 214


falloff 34, 40, 55, 185

false memory 267

Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, The 15, 19, 122, 171

Feral 85

Ferriss, Hugh 63

Figueroa, Anuar 209

fill light 35, 73, 76, 201, 202, 211

Film Noir 109

film reference 33

final render settings and tricks 95

Finding Nemo 124

fine arts: gathering reference 32; painting see painting

first impressions 261

first job: getting 25660; working and learning in 2603

floating point images 93

floors 143, 219, 222

focal length 11516

focal point 110

focus: more defined 1323; racking 174, 175

food 1067

Ford, Walton 63

frame blending 1767

framing the character 1334


gamma 71; color correction 169

Giant 109

Giménez, Juan 229

gist memory 267

glass 160

goals of lighting for animation 14

gobos 49, 601, 146, 186; gobo maps for multiple characters 220, 221, 222, 223

God rays 56, 146

Goldsworthy, Andy 229

Goldwyn, Sam 119

Google Images 249

green 523, 107

Gribouille 228

Groomes, Red 195

Group F64 11516


Haeckel, Ernst 251

Hallmark commercial 231

Hansmeyer, Michael 251

hard shadows 39

Harper, Charley 125

HDRI data 230

Heda, Willem Claeszoon 118

hero color 1301

high key lighting 102

Hill, Brian 17880

Hillier, Ashleigh 26

honesty 257, 266

horror films 16, 17

HSL color method 53

HSV color method 53

Hudson Valley school of painting 195, 249

hue 53

humility 261


I, Pet Goat II 115

Ice Age 22

ideal co-worker 262

image file types 912

image outputting structure 94

image plane 78

image size 70, 94, 95

Impressionism 195, 249

incandescence 157

Incredibles, The 15, 124

indirect lighting 35, 378

intensity of light 54; interior lighting 1389, 140; processing reference 34, 35; well-lit shots 1027

intensity wedges 79, 80

interactive light placement 78

interior lighting 30, 13843, 188

Internet 34; online photo reference 44; online profile management 2589

interviewing 25960, 266

iris 135, 136, 137

Iron Giant, The 96

isolating lights 78

isolating problems 79

isolating the render 70


Jansen, Théo 229

job applications 25860

JPEG file format 91, 92

‘Just Like You’ 231

Juste de l’eau 132


Kaminski, Kurt 2513

Keillor, Jocelyn 26

key light 35, 36, 1489; character beauty lighting 201, 2045; character and environment 210, 216; creating 76; high key lighting 102; low key lighting 103; rim key lighting 104; role 72

key to fill ratio 35, 73

kick lights 74, 76

Knapp, Michael 969


L3.0 133

lamps 13940

landscapes 1447

layering 1648; common methods 1658

layers, render see render layers

leading lines 11011

learning in a first job 261

lens effects 174

lens flare 174, 225

Leonardo da Vinci 145

Leucotopia 103

library, reference 41

light decay 34, 40, 55, 185

light direction 34, 35

light intensity see intensity of light

light linking 81, 163

light over dark 19, 20, 132, 133, 184

light wrap 1712

lighter’s toolbox see toolbox, lighter’s

lighting attribute layers 835

lighting over black 78

lighting scenarios see scenarios

lighting walkthroughs see walkthroughs

lightness 53

linear workflow 712

linking, light 81, 163

Little Freak 16, 75, 103

live action plate 22930

longer shots 94

look development 2368

lossless file formats 91

low key lighting 103

Ludwig, Carl 23

luminance key 212


Mabille, Yann 22831

Mac and Cheese 112, 144

Marilyn Myller 104

master lighting 23253; compositing 244; layers 243, 244; lighting pre-production 2345; look development 2368; shot lighting 2447, 249, 252

master lighting rig 2403

master shots, picking 2389

matching shots to master 2446

materials 151, 15263, 179, 180; common adjustments to shaders 1623; simulating specific materials 15861; surface attributes 1537

matte layers/passes 8990, 170, 225

McCorkle, Rocky 120

memory 267

metals 158

Missing Scarf, The 132

mockups 68

Moebius 229

mood 149, 190, 195; color and 1415, 1069, 125; setting 1416, 63, 1029, 125

‘Mother Bird’ Hallmark commercial 231

motion blur 95, 176

multi-pass approach 179

multiple characters 21826

multiplication: color correction 169; merge operation 166, 167


naming conventions 94, 240, 242

naturalism 99

negativity 2589

newly hired artists 2603

noise 93, 95; reducing 1767

Nosferatu 16, 17


observation see reference

office rules 263

Oga, Kazuo 124

Oli, José Manuel Fernández 124

omni lighting test 162, 163

online photo reference 44

online profile management 2589

OpenEXR file format 91

Out of the Past 33

‘over’ merge operation 166

overall color 153

overnight render settings and tricks 945


painting 245, 32, 44, 195, 249; still life 118; with light 11820

passing shadows 1045

Penny Dreadful series 231

Phillips, Nicole 26

photography 257; gathering reference 2931

photorealism 126, 196

physical reference 34

Picture of Dorian Gray, The 134

Pio 130, 157, 162, 163, 170; character beauty lighting 2008

Pixar 124

placement of lights: interactive 78; and mood 1027; wedge for 7981

plastic 159

‘plus’ merge operation 1667

pockets of light 113, 21011

point lights 48, 225

Portnof, Gabriel 1947

positioning see placement of lights

pre-lighting phase 6872

Premier Automne 112

preparing the shot 6970

procedural maps 153, 154

procedural materials 180

properties of light 526

pupil 135, 136

purple 107


quadratic light decay 55

quick sketches 68


racking focus 174, 175

Ratatouille 44, 124

raytracing 23, 252

real time lighting 45, 63, 231, 250

rebalancing materials 1623

recommendations 264

red 523, 1067

reference 2445, 68, 249; effects of ignoring 278; gathering 2934; importance of 267; organizing 412; processing 3440; utilizing 41

reference library 41

reflection 191; specular 154

reflection maps 220, 223

reflection passes 878, 137, 205, 223

reflectivity/reflected color 155

reliability 262

Rembrandt Lighting 11920, 121, 201

removing unnecessary lights/geometry etc 70, 242

render artifacts 93, 95

render layers 8190; beauty 823; diffuse/specular 84; keeping to a minimum 243, 244; layering 1648; lighting attribute 835; setting up 812; shadow passes 82, 845, 167, 203; specialty layers 8590

render mattes 8990, 170, 225

render quality 93

render settings, modifying 69

render time 51, 63, 242

render workflow 915

RGB light layers 90

RGB mattes: layers 8990, 205, 207; with material files 163

RGB specular pass 223

RGB values 523

rim key 104

rim lights 74, 76, 184, 185, 191, 202

Robots 180

Rockwell, Norman 245

role of lighting 1417

rotation wedges 7981

rotoshapes (rotos) 170, 207

Ruckus Manhattan (Groomes) 195

Runaway (Rockwell) 245


salary negotiation 260

saturation 53, 1089

saturation over desaturation 132, 133

Saturday Night Fever 218, 219

saving frames 789

scenarios 12849; character lighting 1307; exterior lighting 1447; interior lighting 13843; see also walkthroughs

Schachter, Dan 26

sclera 135, 136, 137

‘screen’ merge operation 1678

secondary lights 378, 189

Secret Life of Kells, The 96, 112

Secret of Nimh, The 96

Segerman, Henry 251

Selznick, Brian 96

sequences 234

shaders, common adjustments to 1623

shadow passes 82, 845, 167, 203

shadows 5661; artistically positioned 114; color 39, 59; directional lights and 49; interior lighting 140; light properties for 601; and mood 16, 17, 1045; processing reference 34, 39; qualities 5860; size 58, 59; softness 39, 60; types 56; visual contribution 57

shape: of artificial light sources 140; of shadows 140

shaping: in fill values 211; subtle 143; visual 14, 17, 102, 11722, 1256, 187, 189

Shave It 105, 112, 132

shot continuity 247

shot lighting 2447, 249, 252

Shrek 278, 130

size: image 70, 94, 95; shadow 58, 59

sky light 201

Sleeping Beauty 96

slide viewer comparison 246

smaller companies 258

softness 16, 21112; shadows 39, 60

Song of the Sea 19, 96

spatial relationships 57

specialty layers 8590

specular illumination 545, 211

specular layers 84

specular reflection/color 154

specularity 133

speed 2612

spotlights 4950, 111, 202; disco ball 2201

spread angle 87

squinting 110

sRGB 71

Staub, Josh 1247

Still Life with Oysters, a Rummer, a Lemon and a Silver Bowl (Heda) 118

stochastic raytracers 252

Stone, Deb 2657

storyboards 234

storytelling 195

studio pipelines 151, 152

style sheets 42, 68, 236

sub-surface scattering material 161

subtle shaping 143

successful shots 18297

surface attributes 1537; simulating specific materials 15861

symbolic color 108


Tale of Mr. Revus, The 75, 113

Tan, Shaun 96

TARGA file format 91

television reference 33

texture maps 153, 154

TIFF file format 91, 92

Tillet, Maurice 28

tilt-shift 116

time of day 29, 57, 58

time of year 29

timing, job search and 25960

tonal range 1212

toolbox, lighter’s 4664; basic properties of light 526; common CG lights 4851; shadows 5661

traditional artwork 257

translucence 156, 216

Trappers’ Camp, The (Bierstadt) 32

Tre3 20917

Tyrian purple 107


Uesato, Haji 1489

Uesugi, Tadahiro 125

under-lighting 103

unnecessary lights/geometry, removing 70, 242

utility lights 75, 76


value 53

variation 133

Vendedor de Humo, El 102

video reference 33

viewing tricks 246

vignetting 11415, 173, 187, 189, 192

virtual reality 252

visual shaping 14, 17, 102, 11722, 1256, 187, 189

volumetric lights 56, 111; character and environment 214, 215, 216; multiple characters 221, 225


walkthroughs 198231; character beauty lighting 2008; character and environment 20917; multiple characters 21826

walls 143

warm over cool 19, 20, 132

Warrens of Virginia, The 119

water 160

Wedge, Chris 213

wedges 7981

well-lit shots 10027; directing the viewer’s eye 102, 11016; emphasizing the mood 1029; visual shaping 102, 11722

Weston, Edward 116

white balance 142

Whole 157

Wilson, David 251

windows 141, 160

wood 159

Woods, Lebbeus 63

work-in-progress (WIP) renders 69, 94

workflow 64, 6699; creating lights 767; creating wedges 7981; interactive light placement 78; isolating lights 78; isolating problems through exaggerated values 79; light linking 81; never light over black 78; pre-lighting 6872; render layers 8190; render workflow 915; saving frames and comparing changes 789; understanding the roles of each light 725

Wyeth, N.C. 21


z-depth pass 175, 176

zone system 1212

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