

1 Jeffress, Conrad. Head, Automotive-North America, Panelpina Inc. “Logistics Challenges in India” Online interview, November 2008,

2 Sahni, Diksha. (21 June 2012). “Why Is Delhi Running Out of Water?” Wall Street Journal India.

3 Stecklow, Steve. (7 June 2005). “Virtual Battle: How a Global Web of Activists Gives Coke Problems in India.” Wall Street Journal.

4 “Coke in the Cross Hairs: Water, India, and the University of Michigan.” Case 1-429-098, 25 July 2010, the ERB Institute and William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.

5 “Call for presidential assent to Plachimada Bill.”(5 June 2012). The Hindu.

6 Venugopal, P.N. (31 March 2006). “Kerala: rain-blessed and short of water.”

7 “For Want of a Drink.” (20 May 2010). The Economist.

8 “Water Stewardship.” 2010/2011 GRI Report, the Coca-Cola Company,

9 “Indians force Coca-Cola Bottling Facility in Plachimada to shut down 2001-2006.” Global Nonviolent Action Database, Swarthmore College,

10 Stecklow, Steve. (7 June 2005). “Virtual Battle: How a Global Web of Activists Gives Coke Problems in India.” Wall Street Journal, A1.

11 Ibid.

12 Rai, Saritha. (21 May, 2003). “Protests in India Deplore Soda Makers’ Water Use. The New York Times.

13 “Kerala assembly panel moots curbs on Pepsi plant.” (17 March 2010). The Hindu.

14 “2010/2011 GRI Report.” The Coca-Cola Company, 16 December 2011.

Chapter 1

1 Priddle, Alisa. (6 May 2012). “Middle class eager to buy cars in congested China; automakers try to keep up with demand.” Detroit Free Press.

2 Khouri, Andrew. (28 June 2011). “Westside and Valley businesses are preparing for Carmageddon.” Los Angeles Times.

3 “Truckers cope with I-405 shutdown - Overdrive Magazine.” (15 July 2011). Supply Chain Review.

4 For a clear distinction between “logistics” and “supply chain management,” see Cooper, Martha C., Douglas M. Lambert, and Janus D. Pagh (1997). “Supply Chain Management: More Than a New Name for Logistics,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1–14.

5 Adapted from Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance, 3rd Edition. D.M. Lambert (Ed.). (2008). Sarasota, FL. Supply Chain Management Institute.

6 Lambert, Douglas M. in Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance, 3rd Edition. D.M. Lambert (Ed.). (2008). Sarasota, FL. Supply Chain Management Institute.

7 Hendricks, Kevin B. and Vinod R. Singhal. (2005). “An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Supply Chain Disruptions on Long-Run Stock Price Performance and Equity Risk of the Firm,” Production and Operations Management, Vol. 14, No. 1, 35–52.

Chapter 2

1 Historical and projected world populations (1950–2050) drawn from U.S. Census Bureau estimations. Populations from 1930–1940 provided by a 2006 United Nations report.

2 This has ensured that the classical Malthusian philosophy remains a tenet of “politically moderate” environmentalists. In some cases, however, the original Malthusian theory has been twisted to serve political purposes that are disingenuous to the original theory’s postulates. A modern-day offshoot known as NeoMalthusianism purports that negative environmental impact is a result of population size, affluence level, and technological efficiency. According to the Neo-Malthusians, population growth is bad for society simply because they increase negative environmental impacts with a multiplier effect. Similarly, affluence is seen as bad because it proportionally increases consumption, and technological efficiency is bad because it enables mass consumption more than it diminishes birthrates. Because people seek both affluence and technology progress, Neo-Malthusians see each additional person in the populace as a threat to the environment, a disease spreader, a resource exhauster, and a potential war starter. Limited empirical evidence supports their key premises; thus, Neo-Malthusians have actually damaged the Classical Malthusians’ cause. Population impact skeptics can point to them as radical reformers detached from the “realities” of growth. Unfortunately, by taking a similar position a bit too far, the Neo-Malthusians have made it convenient for casual observers and detractors to lump the two together.

3 Voeller, John C. (June 2010). “The Era of Insufficient Plenty,” Mechanical Engineering Magazine.

4 The World Factbook: Central African Republic. (2011). Central Intelligence Agency.

5 Bureau of African Affairs. “US Relations with Central African Republic,” U.S. Department of State, 24 July 2012.

6 The World Factbook: Zimbabwe. (2011). Central Intelligence Agency.

7 The World Factbook: Niger. (2011). Central Intelligence Agency.

8 McKenzie Global Institute. (2012). “Urban World: Cities and the Rise of the Consuming Class,” white paper.

Chapter 3

1 Tarrisse, Isabel. (2010). “Brazilian Middle Class Reaches 95 Million, Represents Over Half of Population.” Press Releases. Secretariat of Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of Brazil (SAE). “Brazil’s middle class in numbers.” (2010). Press Releases.

2 Steele, Chandra. (11 May 2012). “How the Mobile Phone Is Evolving in Developing Countries.”

3 Peters, Mike. (25 June 2012). “China’s appetite grows for meat from Uruguay.” China Daily: USA.

4 “Australian beef farmers set to benefit from McDonald plans to expand in China.” (17 August 2011). MercoPress: South Atlantic News Agency.

5 Ahsan, Afnan. (May 2011). “Business and the Middle Class in Pakistan.” Planning Commission: Government of Pakistan. “Pakistan: Framework for Economic Growth.” Planning Commission: Government of Pakistan.

6 Hatch, Grant, Pieter Becker, and Michelle van Zyl. (2011). “The Dynamic African Consumer Market: Exploring Growth Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Accenture.

7 “East Africa gets high speed web.” (23 July 2009). BBC News.

8 Miniwatts Marketing Group. (2012). “Internet Users in the World.” Internet World Stats.

9 Moyo, Admire. (13 July 2012). “Southern African broadband market to hit $19bn.” ITWeb: Enterprise.

10 “How Hybrid Sourcing Can Lower Costs.” (1 March 2011). Materials Handling & Logistics.

Chapter 4

1 “Stratospheric Ozone Depletion by CFCs.” (2012). Encyclopedia of Earth.

2 Recycle Your Ride Program. (24 June 2009). Ford Motor Company.

3 “Get an Apple Gift Card for your old device.” (2012).

4 Air Quality in Europe, 2011 report.

5 Hays, Jeffrey. (2008). “Air Pollution in China.” Facts and

6 Voiland, Adam. (22 September 2010). “New Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution.”

7 Youngman, Betsy, Mark Chandler, Linda Sohl, Mark Hafen, Tamara Ledley, Steve Ackerman, and Steve Kluge. (January 2010). “Envisioning Climate Change Using a Global Climate Model.” Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College.

8 “Human Development Report 2004.” (2004). United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Tables 7 and 33.

9 Bluewater Network, 2000.

10 Qi, Xu. (29 January 2007). “Facing Up to ‘Invisible Pollution.’”

11 Walmart’s Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting, 18 April 2012.

12 Fitzsimmons, Caitlin. (21 August 2009). “Cadbury bows to people power, drops palm oil.”

13 Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (2012). Pocket Guide to Transportation. Also U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration.

Chapter 5

1 Burnett, John. (16 August 2010). “Mexico’s Drug War Hits Historic Border Cantina.”

2 Sterling, Eric E. (1 March 2012). “The War on Drugs Hurts Businesses and Investors.” Forbes. Retrieved 27 July 2012 from

3 Davila, Vianna. (28 June 2011). “Fear of violence hurts Acuna business.”; “Mexico Joins Suit Against Arizona’s Immigration Law, Citing ‘Grave Concerns.’” (23 June 2010). FOX News; Reilly, Mark. (2 July 2012). “Late-night violence hurting downtown business.” Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal.

4 Myers, Amanda Lee. (22 June 2010). “Evidence suggests many immigrants leaving Arizona over new law.” Austin American-Statesman. Associated Press; Tyler, Jeff. (18 May 2010). “Hispanics leave AZ over immigrant law.” Marketplace (American Public Media); Stevenson, Mark. (11 November 2010). “Study: 100,000 Hispanics leave Arizona after immigration law debated.” Associated Press. MSNBC.

5 Ozimek, Adam. (21 June 2011). “Georgia’s Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops.” The Atlantic.

6 Sterling, Eric E. (1 March 2012). “The War on Drugs Hurts Businesses and Investors.” Forbes.

7 Burges, Dan. (2012). Cargo Theft, Loss Prevention, and Supply Chain Security. Waltham, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

8 Currie, Adam. (12 July 2012). “Market Focused on Chinese REE Strategic Reserves.” RARE EARTH Investing News.

9 “China warns its rare earth reserves are declining.” (20 June 2012). BBC News: Business.

10 Bradsher, Keith. (22 June 2012). “Chinese Data Mask Depth of Slowdown, Executives Say.” New York Times.


12 U.S. Department of the Interior, Mineral Commodity Summaries, 2012.

13 Coal Statistics. (2011). The World Coal Association.

14 “Coal Matters: Global Availability of Coal.” The World Coal Association.

15 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2011.

16 Ibid.

17 Ibid.

18 Wall Street Journal, August 2011; Voeller, 2010.

19 Capehart, Thomas. (28 May 2012). “Corn Trade.” United States Department of Agriculture: Economic Research Service.

20 “Corn.” Iowa State University: Center for Crops Utilization Research.

21 Burke, Hilary and Alejandro Lifschitz. (16 July 2012). “Argentina to approve more corn exports; ‘Plant corn, boys,’ president says Monday.” Grainews: Practical production tips for the prairie farmer.

22 Walsh, Heather. (18 April 2012). “Argentina Meets About Extra Corn Export Quota, Group Says.” Bloomberg.

23 Gonzalez, Pablo. (23 July 2012). “Argentine Corn Growers Urge Export Cap to Boost Crop 60%.” Bloomberg.

24 “Argentine farmers changing from wheat to barley to avoid export taxes.” (21 July 2012). MercoPress: South Atlantic News Agency.

25 See Rodriguez, Peter, Klaus Uhlenbruck, and Lorraine Eden, “Government Corruption and the Entry Strategies of Multinationals,” Academy of Management Review, April 2005, for a highly rigorous treatment of this subject.

26 Guriev, Sergei, Anton Kolotilin, and Konstantin Solin. (Spring 2011). “Determinants of Nationalization in the Oil Sector.” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.

27 “Growth in Counterfeit Goods Shows No Signs of Abating.” (24 April 2010). Supply Chain Digest.

28 Raftopolous, Brian and Karin Alexander. (2006). “Peace in the Balance: The Crisis in Sudan.” Institute for Justice and Reconciliation.


30 Pellow, David N. (2004). Garbage Wars: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

31 Crooks, Nathan and Corina Pons. (April 2012). “Exxon gets disappointing $750 million after Venezuela seizure.” Bloomberg News.

32 Gardner, Frank. (13 March 2012). “Dangerous Waters: Running the Gauntlet of Somali Pirates.” BBC News Online.

33 Wayne, Leslie. (16 February 2003). “A Well-Kept Military Secret.” New York Times Online.

34 Fairclough, Gordon. (12 July 2007). “Lead Toxins Take a Global Round Trip: E-waste from Computers Discarded in West Turns up in China’s Exported Trinkets.” Wall Street Journal.

Chapter 6

1 The SCOR model was originally developed by PRTM Consulting and is endorsed by the Supply-Chain Council as a supply chain benchmarking and diagnostics tool.

2 Chevrolet Volt. (2012). “Model Overview.” Retrieved 7 August 2012 from

3 Hill, Brandon. (5 March 2012). “GM to Suspend Chevy Volt Production for Five Weeks, Cites Soft Demand.” DailyTech.

4 Ibid.

5 Lutz, Bob. (12 January 2012). “Chevy Volt and the Wrong-headed Right.” Forbes.

6 Stank, Theodore P. and John T. Mentzer. (17 December 2007). “Demand and Supply Integration: A key to improved firm performance.” Industry week.

7 “Is FDI reform the answer to the India problem?” (26 January 2012). The Business of Fashion.

8 Ibid.

9 Bissonette, Zac. (30 January 2007). “The New McDonald’s.”

Chapter 7

1 “Steel shortage stalls Prince Albert-area bridge project.” (20 January 2012). CBC Radio-Canada.

2 “SA battles reinforcing steel shortage.” (17 April 2011).

3 “Steel shortage halts Nissan factories.” (25 November 2004). United Press International.

4 “Iron ore shortage brings JSW Steel operations on verge of shutdown.” (28 September 2011). The Economic Times.

5 Carpenter, Claudia. (7 February 2012). “Barclays forecasts aluminum shortage, copper surplus in 2014.” Bloomberg News.

6 Winning, David and Gavin Lower. (2 August 2011) “McArthur Bid Goes Hostile.” The Wall Street Journal, B2.

7 Shapiro, Gary. “China’s price gouging of rare earth minerals: A wake-up call to the world.” (18 April 2012). Forbes.

8 Voeller, John G. (June 2010). “The era of insufficient plenty.” Mechanical Engineering.

9 Bell, J.E., C.W. Autry, D.A. Mollenkopf, and L.M. Thornton. “A Natural Resource Scarcity Typology: Theoretical Foundations and Strategic Implications for Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 158-166.



12 Based on Bell, J.E., D.A. Mollenkopf, and H.J. Stolze. (2013). “Natural Resource Scarcity and the Closed-Loop Supply Chain.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Forthcoming.

13 Areddy, J.T. (17 August 2011). “A timeline for eroding China’s rare earth chokehold.” The Wall Street Journal.’s-rare-earth-chokehold/.

14 Lahart, J., P. Barta, and A. Batson. (24 March 2008). “New limits to growth revive Malthusian fears.” The Wall Street Journal.

15 Wagner, L.A. (2002). “Materials in the economy: Material flows, scarcity, and the environment.” US Geological Survey Circular 1221.

16 Verbruggen, A. and M.A. Marchohi. (2010). “Views on peak oil and its relation to climate change policy,” Energy Policy, Vol. 38, 5572-5581.

17 Liu, B. and R. Speed. (2009) “Water resources management in the People’s Republic of China,” Water Resources Development, Vol. 25, No. 2, 193-208.

18 Schoolderman, H. and R. Mathlener. 2011. “Minerals and metals scarcity in manufacturing: The ticking time-bomb.” Sustainable Materials Management. The Netherlands: PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

19 Duclos, S.J., J.P. Otto, and D.G. Konitzer. (September 2010). “Design in an era of constrained resources.” Mechanical Engineering.

Chapter 8

1 Soccer ball production in Sialkot is not without controversy, with rampant concerns about child labor used to produce the goods. During the 1970s and 1980s, it was estimated that more than 7,000 children between the ages of 7 and 14 were employed full-time in home-based workshops to produce soccer balls. A collection of interested stakeholders, including UNICEF, the United Nations’ International Labour Organization, industry trade groups, and the brand marketers, signed the Atlanta Agreement in 1997, which has helped curb the practice of child labor and has improved the monitoring of middlemen and producers.

2 Kaldor, N. (1967). Strategic Factors in Economic Development. New York: Ithaca Publishing.

3 Manufacturing represented 13% of the United States’ GDP in 2010, compared with 79% for services. The balance was in government spending. This represents a consistent decline from 16% in 2000 and 18% in 1990.

4 We acknowledge that the example of an electronics product of the nature of Apple’s iPad is an extreme one given the “healthy” margins and seemingly boundless demand it enjoys.

5 Kraemer, Kenneth, Greg Linden, and Jason Dedrick. (July 2011). Capturing Value in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and iPhone.

6 A countering argument to this line of reasoning stands in the replacement of high-paying manufacturing jobs for lower-paying service jobs. The jury is still out as to whether knowledge capital or manufacturing capital exerts greater influence on economic vitality in the long term. Another corollary to the argument is that the knowledge capital associated with knowing how to make products (R&D and engineering skills) is sometimes lost in the transfer of production activity. Hence, not only is the manufacturing expertise lost, but also key aspects of knowledge.

7 In 2012, the World Trade Organization ruled that China unfairly imposed duties on imports of U.S. electrical steel. In that same year, however, China filed a dispute claiming that the United States was unfairly dumping supplies in China. The World Trade Organization dismissed the suit, but it underscores the tensions found among these trade powers.

8 2011 data were unavailable at the time of this writing.

9 Data are unreliable for the former Soviet states of Russia and Ukraine prior to 1992.

10 Luxembourg’s secretive banking environment makes it a tax haven and financial hotspot internationally.

11 According to a 2010 estimate from the Food Marketing Institute.

12 Womack, James P., Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos. (1991). The Machine That Changed the World. New York: Harper Perennial; Womack, James P. and Daniel T. Jones. (2003). Lean Thinking. New York: Free Press.

13 This data point comes from the last installment of Industry Week’s “Census of U.S. Manufacturers” in 2007.

14 This arrangement of replenishing supermarket supplies based on sold quantities is the general replenishment logic employed in vendor-managed inventory (VMI) relationships found in several different product industries.

15 According to WardsAuto “U.S. Light Vehicle Inventory by Company,” July 2012.

16 As quoted in Kleiner, Art. (Summer 2005). “Leaning Toward Utopia.” strategy + business.

Chapter 9

1 Allett, Tom. (2011). “Easing Congestion in Europe’s Busy Skies.” Airports International.

2 Lambert, Lisa. (26 March 2012). “More Americans Move to Cities in Past Decade.” Reuters.

3 Singapore narrowly outperformed Hong Kong for the top ranking in 2012.

4 Shirley, Chad and Clifford Winston. (March 2004). “Firm inventory behavior and the returns from highway infrastructure investments,” Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 55, No. 2, 398-415.

5 In May 2012, the New York State Thruway Authority sought to increase tolls by 45%, raising this figure from $88 to $127.

6 Robl, Ernest. (25 April 2008). “Mixed-use rail.” Mass Transit.

7 Townsend, Matt. (15 March 2012). “Is Nike’s Flyknit the Swoosh of the Future?”

8 Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide, 2011.

9 Bensinger, Greg. (7 August 2012). “Amazon’s New Secret Weapon: Delivery Lockers.” The Wall Street Journal.

10 “Self Driving Cars will take over by 2040,” Retrieved September 20, 2012.

Chapter 10

1 Rio Tinto, “Our History,” 2012.

2 Sprague, Marshall. (1953). Money Mountain: The Story of Cripple Creek Gold. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

3 “Honda to reuse rare earth metals contained in used parts,” Honda News Releases. 17 April, 2012.

4 Schreffler, Roger. (2011). “Hybrid, EV Sales Lag Forecasts, But Plenty More Models on Way.”

5 Gordon, Julie. (14 November 2010). “From Mine to Wind Turbine: The Rare Earth Cycle.” Reuters.

6 Bell, J.E., C.W. Autry, D.A. Mollenkopf, and L.M. Thornton. “A Natural Resource Scarcity Typology: Theoretical Foundations and Strategic Implications for Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 158-166.

7 “2011 Sustainability Report.” 3M Corporation. St Paul, MN, 25 June 2011.

8 Elmquist, Sonja. (28 September 2011). “Rare earths fall as Toyota develops alternatives: Commodities.” Bloomberg.

9 Kohler, A.R., C. Bakker, and D. Peck. (2010). “Materials Scarcity: A New Agenda For Industrial Engineering.” Knowledge. Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation ERSCP-EMSU Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, October 25-29, 2010.

10 Isenberg, Sasha. (2007). The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the Making of a Modern Delicacy. New York: Gotham.

11 The Institute for Energy Research. (2010).

12 Krautkraemer, Jeffery A. (1998). “Non-Renewable Resource Scarcity,” Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 36, 2065–2107.

13 Pae, Peter. (30 May 2008). “Hedge on Fuel Prices Pays Off.” Los Angeles Times.

14 Kumar, Aswin. (2011). “The Lithium Battery Recycling Challenge.” Waste Management World.

15 “The Passenger Pigeon.” (2012). Smithsonian.

16 “The Clorox Company.” (2012).

17 “Mining reclamation success.” Mineral Information Institute.

18 “What Matters Most: 2011 Sustainability Report.” International Paper (2012).

19 “Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in our operations.” (2012). ExxonMobil.

20 Messenger, Ben. (2011). “Recycling: Rarely so critical.” Waste Management World. PennWell Corporation.

21 Bishop, C.A. (2009). “Dwindling Resources, a Molehill Out of a Mountain.’’ Vacuum Technology & Coating, Vol. 10, No. 12, 49–52.

22 Kumar, Aswin. (2011).

23 Bell, J.E., C.W. Autry, D.A. Mollenkopf, and L.M. Thornton. (2012). “A Natural Resource Scarcity Typology: Theoretical Foundations and Strategic Implications for Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 158–166.

24 Bell, J.E., D.A. Mollenkopf, and H.J. Stolze. (2013). “Natural Resource Scarcity and the Closed-Loop Supply Chain.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Forthcoming.

25 Shumsky, T. (12 September 2011). “Testing their metals.” The Wall Street Journal.

Chapter 11

1 Hamilton, Anita. (11 November 2008). “Why Circuit City Busted, While Best Buy Boomed.” Time magazine online.

2 Benton, Dan, Dave Davidson, Kyle Larsen, Dan Oliver, and Long Chul Park. (18 January 2011). “When Innovation Disappears: Five Lessons from Circuit City.” Forbes India.

3 Spolsky, Joel. (1 May 2009). “Why Circuit City Failed, and Why B&H Thrives.” Inc.

4 Benton, Dan et al. (2011).

5 Crothers, Brooke. (29 March 2011). “Is Best Buy following CompUSA, Circuit City to certain doom?” CNET News.

6 Sheth, J.N., N.K. Sethia, and S. Srinivas. (2011). “Mindful Consumption: A Customer-Centric Approach to Sustainability,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 39, 21–39.

7 Brander, J.A. (2007). “Viewpoint: Sustainability: Malthus Revisited?” Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1–38.

8 Hart, S.L. and M.B. Milstein. (1999). “Global Sustainability and the Creative Destruction of Industries,” Sloan Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 1, 23–33.

9 Gottfried, M. (14 August 2012). “B&N’s Nook Getting Pushed into a Corner.” Wall Street Journal, C8.

10 Esper, T.L., A.E. Ellinger, T.P. Stank, D.J. Flint, and M. Moon. (2010). “Demand and Supply Integration: A Conceptual Framework of Value Creation Through Knowledge Management,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 38, No. 1, 5–18.

11 Stank, Theodore P. and John T. Mentzer. (17 December 2007). “Demand and Supply Integration: A key to improved firm performance.” Industry Week.

12 Stank, Theodore P., Terry L. Esper, T. Russell Crook, and Chad W. Autry. (2012). “Creating Relevant Value Through Demand and Supply Integration,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 2, 167–172.

13 Porter, M. (1985). Competitive Strategy. New York: Free Press.

14 Ulrich, Lawrence. (1 June 2003). “Outside the box bigger, faster, better: A new wave of minivans arrives to challenge SUVs.” CNN Money.

15 General Motors offered deep discounts on automobiles throughout much of 2004 and 2005, even offering employee rebates to all U.S. buyers in an effort to clear out inventories in late 2005.

16 Stank, Theodore P. et al. (2012).

17 Here, “lean systems” refers to those of the Lean-Push variety described in Chapter 8, “Implications for Production: Disrupted Process Flows.” They employ the make-to-stock manufacturing strategy to replenish forecast-based supermarket supplies. This is the “Lean” philosophy that is practiced by Toyota in North America and employed by many companies seeking to implement Lean in different industries.

18 Benton, Dan et al. (2011).

19 Porter, M. (1985).

20 Ballou, Ronald H. (2005). Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management: Planning, Organizing and Controlling the Supply Chain. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 288.

21 Brat, Ilan, Ellen Byron, and Ann Zimmerman. (26 June 2009). “Retailers cut back on variety, once the spice of marketing.” Wall Street Journal.

22 “Cabela’s says new Billings, Montana store will now open in 2009.” (4 February 2008). Montana Associated Technology Roundtables.

23 Bell, J.E., D.A. Mollenkopf, and H.J. Stolze. (2013). “Natural Resource Scarcity and the Closed-Loop Supply Chain.” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management. Forthcoming.

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