Mathematical Tables

A. Trigonometric Identities

image (E.1)

image (E.2)

image (E.3)

image (E.4)

image (E.5)

image (E.6)

image (E.7)

image (E.8)

image (E.9)

B. Series Expansions

image (E.10)

image (E.11)

image (E.12)

image (E.13)

image (E.14)

image (E.15)

image (E.16)

image (E.17)

image (E.18)

image (E.19)

C. Some Common Indefinite Integrals

Note: For each of the indefinite integrals, an arbitrary constant may be added to the result.

image (E.20)

image (E.21)

image (E.22)

image (E.23)

image (E.24)

image (E.25)

image (E.26)

image (E.27)

image (E.28)

image (E.29)

image (E.30)

image (E.31)

image (E.32)

image (E.33)

image (E.34)

image (E.35)

image (E.36)

image (E.37)

image (E.38)

D. Some Common Definite Integrals

image (E.39)

image (E.40)

image (E.41)

image (E.42)

image (E.43)

image (E.44)

image (E.45)

E. Definitions of Some Common Continuous Time Signals

image (E.46)

image (E.47)

image (E.48)

image (E.49)

F. Fourier Transforms

Table E.1. Common Fourier transform pairs

Signal (Time Domain) Transform (Frequency Domain)
rect(t/t0) t0 sinc(ft0 )
tri(t/t0 ) t0 sinc2 (ft0 )
image image
image image
sinc(t/t0 ) t0 rect(ft0 )
sinc2(t/t0 ) t0 tri(ft0 )
exp(j2πfo t) δ(ffo)
cos(2πfo t + θ) image
δ(tto) exp(−j2πfto)
sgn(t) image
u(t) image
exp(−(t/t0 )2) image

G. z-Transforms

Table E.2. Common z-transform pairs

Signal Transform Region of Convergence
δ[n] 1 All z
u[n] image |z| > 1
nu[n] image |z| > 1
n2 u[n] image |z| > 1
n3 u[n] image |z| > 1
bnu[n] image |z| > |b|
nbnu[n] image |z| > |b|
n2bnu[n] image |z| > |b|
bncos[Ωon]u[n] image |z| > |b|
bn sin[Ωon]u[n] image |z| > |b|
image image |z| > 1
image image |z| > |b|
image exp(bz_1) All z

H. Laplace Transforms

Table E.3. Common Laplace transform pairs

Function Transform Region of Convergence
u(t) 1/s Re[s]>0
exp(−bt)u(t) image Re[s]>-b
sin (bt)u(t) image Re[s] >0
cos(bt)u(t) image Re[s] >0
e at sin(bt)u(t) image Rs[s] >-a
e at cos(bt)u(t) image Rs[s] >-a
δ(t) 1 All s
image s All s
tnu(t), n > 0 image Re[s] >0
tne−btu(t), n ≥ 0 image Re[s] >-b

I. Table of the Q-function

The following table lists values of the function Q(x) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 in increments of 0.05. To find the appropriate value of x, add the value at the beginning of the row to the value at the top of the column. For example, to find Q (1.75), find the entry from the column headed by 1.00 and the row headed by 0.75 to get Q (1.75) = 0.04005916.

Table E.4. Values of Q(x) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 (in increaments of 0.05)


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