Summary of Common Random Variables

This appendix provides a quick reference of some of the most common random variables. Special functions that are used in this appendix are defined in the following list:

Gamma function: image

Incomplete Gamma function: image

Beta function: image

Incomplete Beta function: image

Modified Bessel function of order m: image

Q-function: image

Marcum’s Q-function: image

Continuous Random Variables


For any b > 0

image (D.1)

image (D.2)

image (D.3)


1) Formed by a transformation X = bcos(2πU + θ) where b and θ are constants and U is a uniform random variable over [0, 1).


For any a > 0 and b > 0

image (D.4)

image (D.5)

image (D.6)


For any b > 0

image (D.7)

image (D.8)

image (D.9)


1) Both the mean and variance are undefined.

2) Formed by a transformation of the form X = btan(2 πU) where U is uniform over [0,1].


For integer n > 0

image (D.10)

image (D.11)

image (D.12)

image (D.13)


1) The Chi-Square random variable is a special case of the Gamma random variable.

2) The parameter n is referred to as the number of degrees of freedom of the chi-square random variable.

3) The Chi-Square random variable is formed by a transformation of the form image , where the Zk are IID zero-mean, unit variance, Gaussian random variables.


For any integer n > 0 and any b > 0

image (D.14)

image (D.15)

image (D.16)

image (D.17)


1) The Erlang random variable is a special case of the Gamma random variable.

2) The Erlang random variable is formed by summing n IID exponential random variables.

3) The CDF can also be written as a finite series

image (D.18)


For any b > 0

image (D.19)

image (D.20)

image (D.21)

image (D.22)


1) The Exponential random variable is a special case of the Erlang and Gamma random variables.

2) The Exponential random variable possesses the memoryless property,

image (D.23)


For any integers n > 0 and m > 0

image (D.24)

image (D.25)


1) If U and V are independent Chi-square random variables with n and m degrees of freedom respectively, then F = (U/n)/(V/m) will be an F random variable with n and m degrees of freedom.


For any a > 0 and b > 0

image (D.26)

image (D.27)

image (D.28)

image (D.29)


1) The Gamma random variable contains the Chi-Square, Erlang, and Exponential random variables as special cases.


For any μ and any σ > 0

image (D.30)

image (D.31)

image (D.32)

image (D.33)


For any n element column vector μ and any valid n × n covariance matrix c

image (D.34)

image (D.35)

image (D.36)


For any b > 0

image (D.37)

image (D.38)

image (D.39)

image (D.40)


For any μ and any σ> 0

image (D.41)

image (D.42)

image (D.43)


1) The log-normal random variable is formed by a transformation of the form X = exp (Z), where Z is a Gaussian random variable with mean μ and variance σ2.

2) It is common to find instances in the literature where σ is referred to as the standard deviation of the log-normal random variable. This is a misnomer. The quantity σ is not the standard deviation of the log-normal random variable but rather is the standard deviation of the underlying Gaussian random variable.


For any b > 0 and m > 0

image (D.44)

image (D.45)

image (D.46)


For any σ > 0

image (D.47)

image (D.48)

image (D.49)


1) The Rayleigh random variable arises when performing a Cartesian to Polar transformation of two independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables. That is, if Y1 and Y2 are independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables with variances of σ2, then image follows a Rayleigh distribution.

2) The Rayleigh random variable is a special case of the Rician random variable.


For any a ≥ 0 and any σ > 0

image (D.50)

image (D.51)

image (D.52)

image (D.53)


1) The Rician random variable arises when performing a Cartesian to Polar transformation of two independent Gaussian random variables. That is, if Y1 and Y2 are independent Gaussian random variables with means of μ1 and μ2, respectively and equal variances of σ2, then image follows a Rician distribution, with image .

2) The ratio a22 is often referred to as the Rician parameter or the Rice factor. As the Rice factor goes to zero, the Rician random variable becomes a Rayleigh random variable.

Student t

For any integer n > 0

image (D.54)

image (D.55)


1) This distribution was first published by W. S. Gosset in 1908 under the pseudonym “Student.” Hence this distribution has come to be known as the Student’s t-distribution.

2) The parameter n is referred to as the number of degrees of freedom.

3) If Xi, i = 1, 2, …, n, is a sequence of IID Gaussian random variables and image and image are the sample mean and sample variance, respectively, then the ratio image will have a t-distribution with n − 1 degrees of freedom.


For any a ≤ b

image (D.56)

image (D.57)

image (D.58)

image (D.59)


For any a > 0 and any b > 0

image (D.60)

image (D.61)

image (D.62)


1) The Weibull random variable is a generalization of the Rayleigh random variable and reduces to a Rayleigh random variable when b = 2.

Discrete Random Variables


For 0 ≤ p ≤ 1

image (D.63)

image (D.64)

image (D.65)


For 0 ≤p ≤1 and any integer n > 0

image (D.66)

image (D.67)

image (D.68)


1) The binomial random variable is formed as the sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables.


For 0 ≤ p ≤1

image (D.69)

image (D.70)

image (D.71)

Pascal (or Negative Binomial)

For 0 ≤ q ≤ 1 and any integer n > 0

image (D.72)

image (D.73)

image (D.74)


For any b > 0

image (D.75)

image (D.76)

image (D.77)

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