Converting ArcGIS for Desktop Python code to ArcGIS Pro

As I mentioned earlier in this chapter, there aren't many differences between the Python code you would write for ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. We've already discussed the primary differences between the two. The versions of Python used are quite different with ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3, which runs Python 2.7 and ArcGIS Pro 1.0, which runs Python 3.4. These two versions of Python are incompatible and there are some tools that you can use when migrating your existing code to ArcGIS Pro.

The first tool that we'll examine is the AnalyzeToolsForPro. This geoprocessing tool can be found in the Management toolbox. This tool analyzes Python scripts and custom geoprocessing tools, and toolboxes for functionalities that are not supported by ArcGIS Pro. This tool will identify any geoprocessing tools and environment settings that are not supported by ArcGIS Pro, the replacement of arcpy.mapping with, and any unsupported data formats, such as personal geodatabases that are not supported by ArcGIS Pro. For issues related to Python 2 and Python 3, the tool also uses the 2to3 utility to identify any Python-specific issues.

The following is the syntax for this tool:

AnalyzeToolsForPro_management(input, {report})

The input for this tool can be a geoprocessing toolbox, Python file, or tool name, and the optional report parameter is a output text file that includes any issues that were identified.

You can also use the standalone 2to3 Python tool that will identify any Python-specific coding issues related to the differences between the two versions of the language. This is a command-line utility provided with Python 2 and 3 installations. The utility can be found in a path similar to or This is not a perfect tool, but has been estimated to identify approximately 95 percent of the differences.

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