Installing and testing an add-in

You'll want to test add-ins before distributing them to your end users. To test these, you first need to install the add-in.

Getting ready

In the working folder of your add-in, the script can be used to copy all files and folders to a compressed add-in folder in a working directory with the <working folder name>.esriaddin file format. Double-click on this .esriaddin file to launch the Esri ArcGIS add-in installation utility, which will install your add-in. You can then go into ArcGIS for Desktop and test the add-in. The custom toolbar or menu may already be visible and ready to test. If it is not visible, go to the Customize menu and click on Add-in Manager. The Add-In Manager dialog box lists the installed add-ins that target the current application. Add-in information, such as name, description, and image, which are entered as project settings, should be displayed.

How to do it…

  1. Inside the main folder for your add-in, there will be a Python script file called This script creates the .esriaddin file. Double-click on the script to execute and create the .esriaddin file. This process is illustrated in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
  2. To install the add-in for ArcGIS for Desktop, double-click on the Widlfire_Add-In.esriaddin file, which will launch the Esri ArcGIS Add-In Installation Utility window, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
  3. Click on Install Add-In. If everything was successful, you should see the following message:
    How to do it…
  4. To test the add-in, open ArcMap. Your add-in may already be active. If not, navigate to Customize | Add-In Manager. This will display the Add-In Manager dialog box, as shown in the following screenshot. You should be able to see the add-in that you created:
    How to do it…
  5. If needed, select the Customize button. To add the toolbar to the application, click on the Toolbars tab and choose the toolbar you created:
    How to do it…

    The add-in should now be displayed, as seen in this screenshot:

    How to do it…
  6. Click on the button and in the dialog that is displayed, navigate to the Wildfires layers you created earlier inside the WildlandFires.mdb. Select and add them to the display:
    How to do it…

    Here, you will see the output of having selected one or more layers from the dialog:

    How to do it…

How it works…

The utility will place the add-in into a well-known folder discoverable by ArcGIS for Desktop. The locations of this folder are as follows:

  • Windows 8: C:Users<username>DocumentsArcGISAddInsDesktop10.3
  • Vista/7: C:Users<username>DocumentsArcGISAddInsDesktop10.3
  • XP: C:Documents and Settings<username>My DocumentsArcGISAddInsDesktop10.3

A folder with a unique globally unique identifier or GUID name will be created inside the well-known folder. The add-in will reside inside this unique folder name. This is illustrated in the following screenshot. When ArcGIS for Desktop starts, it will search these directories and load the add-ins:

How it works…

The add-in will look similar to the following:

How it works…


The default add-in folder is located in the ArcGIS folder within your user account. For example, if your ArcGIS installation is version 10.1, the add-in is copied to C:users<username>DocumentsArcGISAddInsDesktop10.1 on a Vista or Windows 7 operating system.

You can also use a private network drive to distribute add-ins to end users. The Add-In Manager in ArcGIS for Desktop adds and maintains lists of folders that can be searched for add-ins. Select the Options tab and then Add Folder to add a network drive to the list.

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