Working with time-enabled layers in a data frame

In this recipe, you will learn how to time-enable a layer and data frame. You will then write a script that cycles through the time range for the layer and exports a PDF map showing crimes through time in seven-day intervals.

Getting ready

The DataFrameTime object provides access to time management operations for time-enabled layers in a data frame. This object is returned when you reference the DataFrame.time property, and includes properties for retrieving the current time, end time, start time, time step interval, and others that are established by using the Time Slider Options dialog box and then saved with the map document. One or more layers in a data frame must be time-enabled for this functionality to be operational.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to learn how to work with time-enabled layers:

  1. Open c:ArcpyBookCh2Crime_Ch2.mxd with ArcMap.
  2. In the ArcMap Table Of Contents make sure Crime is the active data frame.
  3. Open the Layer Properties dialog box for Burglaries in 2009 by right-clicking on the layer and selecting Properties. Select the Time tab, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

    Enable time for the layer by clicking on the Enable time on this layer checkbox.

  4. Under Time properties, select Each feature has a single time field for Layer Time:. Select the SPLITDT field for the Time Field:. Define a Time Step Interval: of 7.00 Days, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

    Define the Layer Time Extent: by clicking the Calculate button, circled in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...
  5. Check the Time Step Interval: field. You may need to reset that to 7 Days.
  6. Click on Apply and then OK.
  7. In the ArcMap Tools toolbar, select the time slider options button to display the Time Slider Options dialog as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  8. On the Time Display tab of the Time Slider Options dialog, make sure Time step interval: is set to 7.0 days. If not, set it to 7.0 days. Do the same for the Time window: option.
    How to do it...
  9. Click on OK.
  10. Save your map document. It's very important that you save the time-enabled data with your map document. The code you write next won't work unless you do so.
  11. Open the Python Window.
  12. Import the arcpy.mapping module:
    import arcpy.mapping as mapping
  13. Reference the currently active document (Crime_Ch2.mxd), and assign the reference to a variable:
    mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
  14. Retrieve the Crime data frame:
    df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Crime")[0]
  15. Generate the DataFrameTime object:
    dft = df.time
  16. Set the DataFrameTime.currentTime property to the DataFrameTime.startTime property:
    dft.currentTime = dft.startTime
  17. Start a while loop that will loop through the time while the currentTime is less than or equal to the endTime:
    while dft.currentTime <= dft.endTime:
  18. Inside the while loop, create a file for each PDF that will be created, export the PDF, and reset the currentTime property. The entire while loop should appear as follows:
    while dft.currentTime <= dft.endTime:
           fileName = str(dft.currentTime).split(" ")[0] + ".pdf"
           mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd,os.path.join(r"C:ArcpyBookCh2", fileName), df)
           print("Exported " + fileName)
           dft.currentTime = dft.currentTime + dft.timeStepInterval
  19. The entire script should appear as follows. You can consult the solution file at to verify the accuracy of your code:
    How to do it...

How it works…

The DataFrameTime object provides access to time management operations in a data frame. Several properties of DataFrameTime, including currentTime, startTime, endTime, and timeStepInterval, are used in this recipe. Initially, we set the currentTime property equal to the startTime property. The initial startTime was calculated when you set the Time Step Interval: properties in ArcMap. The while loop was set up to loop as long as the currentTime property is greater than the endTime property. Inside the loop, we created a fileName variable that is set to the currentTime property, plus an extension of .pdf. We then called the ExportToPDF() function, passing in a path and the filename. This should ideally export the page layout view to the PDF file. Finally, we updated the currentTime property by the timeStepInterval property that was set to 7.0 days in in the Time Step Interval: properties dialog.

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