

Add As Favorites button, 30

Advanced MIDI Device (Reason Rack screen), 23

Alligator effects

channel options, 235

description, 57

Dry section, 238

envelopes, 233–235

filters, 235–236

gates, 62, 232

multi-effects processing, 237

patterns, 63

Resolution knob, 233

rhythm generator, 62

Shift knob, 233

Shuffle knob, 233

Alt button (Reason Sequencer), 82

Alter Notes tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Alternate knob (NN-XT), 210

AM (Amplitude Modulation) filter, 164

Amp Envelope parameters

Dr. Octo Rex, 145

NN-Nano drum module, 118

amp modeling effects, 57

Amplifier (Thor), 182

amplitude envelope

Malström, 162–163

NN-XT, 203–204

Analog oscillator, 177

Anchor Point tool, 95

Arena algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225

Arrangement mode, 52

audio inputs

Dr. Octo Rex, 148

Kong, 133

Malström, 168

Reason Rack screen, 23

Thor, 189–190

audio outputs

Kong, 132

Malström, 168

Reason Rack screen, 23

Thor, 189

audio performance

normalization, 102

recording, 100–101

reversing, 102–103

Spectrum EQ, 105–108

audio quality (Dr. Octo Rex), 147

Audio Track device, 31

audio tracks, recording, 37–39

Audiomatic Retro Transformer, 65, 245–248

automatic quantization, 51


Automation Cleanup function, 268

BV512 (vocoder/equalizer) effect, 220

drawn, 267–270

live, 261–267

Automation Cleanup tool (Reason Sequencer), 81

Automation Override function, 266–267

Aux outputs (Kong), 132


backdrop, combi, 258

bandwidth (Dr. Octo Rex audio quality), 147

bass-comp groove patch, 99

Beater and Stick parameters, 122–123

Big Meter (Reason Rack screen), 23

BitSpeek LPC Vocoder (Sonic Charge), 67

Block menu, 78

blocks, 52–56

Blocks button (Reason Sequencer), 83

Body section (Scream 4 effect), 222–223

Boss DR-550 drum machine, 33–34

BP12 filter, 142, 164, 202

Browse Insert FX Patch button, 14

Buffre Beat Repeater (Peff), 67

buttons, Reason 7, 1–2

BV512 (vocoder/equalizer) effect, 217–221

Bypass mode, 61, 211



MIDI, 33

Reason 7, 1–2

Calc indicator (Reason Sequencer), 83

CF-101 (chorus/flanger) effect, 214–215

Channel Banks button, 95

Channel number (ReGroove), 95


adding to Reason Mix screen, 19–20

Alligator, 235

ReGroove Mixer, 95–96

charts, effects signal flow, 211

Childs, G.W.

Using Rewire: Skill Pack, 22

chorus effects, 57, 183–184, 216

chorus/flanger effect, 214–215

Chunk Trig mode, 120

clearing live automation, 263

Click button, 45–46

Click control (Reason Sequencer), 83

clips, 70

collapsing Reason Sequencer tracks, 85

Color/Filter section (Echo effects), 229

Comb filter, 164, 181

Combi patches, 249, 253–254


Combi patches, 249, 253–254

connections, 251–252

Controller Panel, 250

External Routing indicator, 250

interface, 249–250

key ranges, 255–256

microMIX, 252

Modulation Routing section, 256–257

Programmer, 250–251

routing, 251–252

Run Pattern Devices button, 256

Select Backdrop features, 258

Uncombine/Combine features, 257–258

Velocity Range setting, 256

Commit to Groove feature (ReGroove Mixer), 100

COMP-01 (compressor) effect, 217

comping, 42, 103, 104, 105

compression, 63


Mix screen Dynamics section, 11

Pulveriser as, 239

compressor effects, 127–128, 217

computer function keys, 5


BV512 effect, 221

Combinator, 251–252

Dr. Octo Rex, 147–148

Kong, 132–134

Malström, 168–169

RV7000 effect, 226

Scream 4 effect, 223

Thor, 189–192

Control Surfaces screen, 263–264

controller data, drawing, 94

controller, external MIDI keyboard as, 36

Controller lane, drawn automation in, 267–268

Controller Panel

Combinator, 250

Thor, 174–175

Copy/Paste options (ReGroove Mixer), 100

corrective effects, 57

Create Instrument command, 25–26, 28

Create menu, 25–26

Create Pattern Lane button, 77

Creative FX, 25

Cut section (Scream 4 effect), 222

cutoff filter, 142

CV inputs

Kong, 133–134

RV7000 effect, 226

Step Sequencer, 192

CV outputs

Dr. Octo Rex, 148

Kong, 133–134

RV7000 effect, 226

Scream 4 effect, 223

Step Sequencer, 192


D-11 (foldback distortion) effect, 213

Damage section (Scream 4), 221–222

DDL-1 (delay) effect, 212–213

delay effects, 57, 183–184

delay section (Echo effects), 227–229

deleting Reason Sequencer tracks, 84


Audio Track, 31

creating, 25

effects, 57–58

external, 33–36

Mix Channel, 31

types, 25

distortion effects, 57, 213, 239–240

Dr. Octo Rex

Amp Envelope parameters, 145

audio quality, 147

connections, 147–148

file formats, 135

filters, 142–143

LFO (low-frequency oscillator), 144–145

loading sounds into, 137–138

Modulation Wheel parameters, 146–147

Oscillator Pitch section, 141

Patch Browser, 137–138

Pitch Bend Range controls, 146

Polyphony parameters, 139

ReCycle! software, 135–136

REX file groove, rewriting, 149–151

REX files, creating, 151–155

REX files, selecting in Patch Browser, 138–139

Slice Edit mode, 141

synth parameters, 139

uses for, 148–151

Velocity parameters, 145

Waveform display, 139–141


controller data, 94

events, 89–90

drawn automation

in Controller lane, 267–268

live pattern changes, 269–270

in Pattern lane, 268–269

DREX file format, 135

Drum Control Panel (Kong), 113–114

Drum Edit editor, 74

drum head and shell parameters, 122

Drum Module and FX section (Kong)

Hi-Hat module, 123–124

NN-Nano drum module, 116–118

Nurse Rex Loop Player module, 118–121

Physical Bass module, 122–123

Show Drum and FX button, 115

Snare module, 122–124

Synth Bass module, 123–124

synthesis types, 116

Tom Tom module, 122–124

drum parameters, 123

drum pattern, recording with Redrum, 85–86

Drum Room Reverb effect, 126–127

drummer groove patch, 99

Dry section (Alligator effects), 238

DSP meter (Reason Sequencer), 83

Dub button (Reason Sequencer), 82

duplicating events, 91–92

Dynamics section (Reason Mix screen), 11–12


ECF-42 envelope controlled filter effect, 213–214

Echo algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225

echo effects

Color/Filter section, 229

delay section, 227–229

description, 57

doubled as chorus effect, 57

feedback loop, 60

feedback/distortion section, 229

Mode section, 230

modes, 61

Modulation/LFO section, 229

Output section, 229

repetitions, 58–59

Roll Mode with, 230

as triggered device, 61

Edit channel (ReGroove), 95

Edit mode, 71, 73

accessing, 72

changing modes, 74

Drum Edit editor, 74

Key Edit editor, 74

opening and closing, 52

REX Edit editor, 74

showing/hiding controller parameters, 74


comp, 103, 104, 105

universal edits, 88

editing tools (Reason Sequencer), 75


Alligator, 57, 62–63, 232–238

amp modeling, 57

Audiomatic Retro Transformer, 245–248

BV512 (vocoder/equalizer), 217–221

CF-101 (chorus/flanger), 214–215

chorus, 57, 183–184, 216

common features, 211

COMP-01 (compressor), 217

corrective, 57

Creative FX, 25

D-11 (foldback distortion), 213

DDL-1 (delay), 212–213

delay, 57, 183–184

device, 57–58

distortion, 57, 213

ECF-42 (envelope controller filter), 213–214

echo, 57–61, 227–231

filters, 57

flange, 57

gating, 62–63

input meter, 211


Compressor, 127–128

Drum Room Reverb, 126–127

Filter, 128–129

Noise, 125–126

Overdrive/Resonator, 131

Rattler, 129–130

Ring Modulator, 129

Tape Echo, 130–131

Tone, 126

Transient Shaper, 127

Neptune, 241–244

PEQ-2 (parametric EQ), 216–217

PH-90 (phaser), 215–216

phaser, 57

pitch correction, 57

Power/Bypass switch, 211

Pulveriser, 57, 63–65, 238–241

Reason, 57–65

reverb, 57, 211–212, 223–226

RV-7 Digital Reverb, 211–212

RV7000 (advanced reverb), 223–226

Scream 4, 221–223

signal flow, 211

Spider Audio Merger & Splitter, 226–227

Thor, 183–184

UN-16 (unison), 216

EMI icon, 35–36

Enable Monitoring for Track button, 35–36

envelope controlled filter effect, 213–214

envelope follower, 223


Alligator, 233–235

Filter/Amp, 182

Global, 184

Mod envelope functions, 183

NN-XT, 203–204

Thor, 182

EQ section (Reason Mix screen), 12–13

equalizer, BV512 effect as, 218

Eraser tool (Reason Sequencer), 75

erasing events, 89–90


drawing and erasing, 89–90

duplicating, 91–92

moving, 90

resizing, 93

exporting MIDI files, 69–70

extensions, rack, 65–67

External Control wheel (NN-XT), 199

external controller, live automation, 263–264

external devices, creating MIDI tracks for, 33–36

external inputs (Kong), 133

external outputs (Kong), 132

External Routing indicator (Combinator), 250

Extract Notes to Lanes tool (Reason Sequencer), 81


Fade In display, 103

Fade In knob (NN-XT), 210

Fade Out display, 103

Fade Out knob (NN-XT), 210

Fader section (Reason Mix screen), 9–10

faders, 1–2

Fast Forward button (Reason Sequencer), 81–82

feedback/diffusion section (Echo effects), 229

Filter effect, 128–129

Filter Envelope (Malström), 165

Filter/Amp envelope, 182


Alligator effects, 62, 235–236

Comb, 181

cutoff, 142

Dr. Octo Rex, 142–143

effects, 57

Formant, 181

Low Pass Ladder, 180–181

Malström, 163–166

Mix screen EQ section, 13

NN-XT, 202–203

programming pad sounds, 194

Pulveriser effect, 240–241

State Variable, 181

Thor, 179–181, 184

flange effects, 57

flying faders, 261

FM Pair oscillator, 178

foldback distortion effect, 213

Formant filter, 181

free time, 76

frequency modulation synthesis, 174

function keys, freeing up, 5


gate inputs/outputs

Dr. Octo Rex, 148

Kong, 134

Malström, 169


Alligator effects, 62, 232

gating effects, 62–63

Mix screen Dynamics section, 11

Get From Clip feature, 96

Global envelope (Thor), 184

global parameters

NN-Nano drum module, 117–118

NN-XT, 198

programming pad sound, 195

ReGroove Mixer, 95

Thor, 183–184, 195

Global Shuffle knob, 95, 98

graintable synthesis, 159–160

granular synthesis, 159

Groove Amount slider (ReGroove), 95

Groove Channel menu (ReGroove), 96

Groove Patch Browser channel (ReGroove), 95

Groove Patch parameters (ReGroove), 96

groove patches, 98–99

Group area (NN-XT Key Map display), 207

group parameters (NN-XT), 205–206

Hand tool (Reason Sequencer), 75


HF (High Frequency), 13

Hi Key knob (NN-XT), 209

High Velocity knob (NN-XT), 209–210

Hi-Hat module, 123124

HMF (High Mid Frequency), 13

HP 12 filter, 142, 202


importing MIDI files, 69–70

Initialize Channel feature (ReGroove Mixer), 100

input meter, effects, 211

inputs. See connections

Inserts section (Reason Mix screen)

Browse Insert FX Patch button, 14

premade insert FX, 14–15

Inspector, 78


creating, 25, 30

description, 25

recording with, 44–48

Redrum Drum Computer, 27

interpolation, 147

I/O (In/Out) indicators (Reason Sequencer), 83


Key Edit editor, 74

Key Map display (NN-XT), 206–207

key range, 207, 255–256

Key Range area (NN-XT Key Map display), 207

Keyboard area (NN-XT Key Map display), 207

keyboard mode parameters (Malström), 167–168

keyboard shortcuts

Reason Sequencer editing tools, 75

Reason Sequencer stop and play controls, 82

knobs, Reason 7, 1–2



audio inputs, 133

audio outputs, 132

CV inputs/outputs, 133–134

gate inputs/outputs, 134

modulation inputs, 134

sequencer control inputs, 134

description, 109

Drum Control Panel, 113–114

Drum Module and FX section, 115–124


Compressor, 127–128

Drum Room Reverb, 126–127

Filter, 128–129

Noise, 125–126

Overdrive/Resonator, 131–132

Rattler, 129–130

Ring Modulator, 129

Tape Echo, 130–131

Tone, 126

Transient Shaper, 127

Pad section, 110–113

Patch Browser, 110–111

patches, browsing and loading, 110

routing and FX, 124

Korg MonoPlay, 65


Lane Editor (Redrum), 86

lanes, 71

Legato Adjustments tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Legato parameters

Malström, 167

NN-XT, 205

Length option (Inspector), 78

Length/Time Signature parameters (ReGroove), 96

LF (Low Frequency), 13

LFO 2, 184

LFO (low frequency oscillator)

Dr. Octo Rex, 144–145

NN-XT, 204–205

live automation

Automation Override function, 266–267

clearing, 263

surface locking, 265

using external controller for, 263–264

using mouse for, 261

LMF (Low Mid Frequency), 13

Lo Key knob (NN-XT), 209

locator points (Reason Sequencer), 83

Loop End knob (NN-XT), 208–209

loop recording, 39–42

Loop Start knob (NN-XT), 208–209

Loop Trig mode, 119

looping controls (Reason Sequencer), 83

Low Pass Ladder filter, 180–181

Low Velocity knob (NN-XT), 209–210

LP 6 filter, 202

LP 24 filter, 142, 202

LP 12 filter, 142, 164, 202


Magnify tool (Reason Sequencer), 75

main display panel

NN-XT, 198–199

RV7000 effect, 224

Main outputs (Kong), 132


amplitude envelope, 162–163

connections, 168–169

Filter Envelope, 165

filters, 163–166

gate inputs, 169

graintable synthesis, 159–160

keyboard mode parameters, 167–168

Legato parameters, 167

Mod Wheel parameters, 167

modulation inputs and outputs, 169

Modulator section, 166

oscillator frequency, 162

oscillator parameters, 160–163

oscillator playback, 162

patches, 160, 170–171

Pitch Bend Range controls, 167

Polyphony controls, 167–168

Portamento parameters, 167

routing and output, 163

sequencer control inputs, 168

Shaper feature, 165

Velocity parameters, 167

Manual Record button, 77

master channel strip, 6

Master Inserts section (Reason Mix screen), 15

Master Keyboard, 85

Master section

Reason Mix screen, 15–16

Reason Rack screen, 23

metronome, 45

microMIX, 252

MIDI cable, 33

MIDI files, importing and exporting, 69–70

MIDI IN port, 34, 36

MIDI keyboard

as controller, 36

controlling Neptune through, 243–244

MIDI OUT port, 34, 36

MIDI tracks, 33–36

minimizing Reason Sequencer tracks, 85

Mix Channel device, 31

Mix screen (Reason)

creating audio tracks/adding channels to, 19–20

description, 3, 6–8

Dynamics section, 11–12

EQ section, 12–13

Fader section, 9–10

hiding and revealing parts of, 7–8

Input section, 10

Inserts section, 14–15

Master Inserts section, 15

Master section, 15–16

Send and Return section, 17–19

Mixer (Thor), 179, 194

mixing. See also ReGroove Mixer

Mod envelope functions (Thor), 183

Mode section (Echo effects), 230

modulation bus (Thor), 184–187, 195

modulation destinations (Thor), 186–187

modulation envelope (NN-XT), 203

modulation inputs

Dr. Octo Rex, 148

Kong, 134

Malström, 169

Thor, 190–192

modulation outputs

Malström, 169

Thor, 190–192

Modulation section

Combinator, 256–257

Malström, 166

NN-XT, 200–201

modulation sources (Thor), 185–186

Modulation Wheel parameters

Dr. Octo Rex, 146–147

Malström, 167

NN-Nano drum module, 118

NN-XT, 199

Modulation/LFO section (Echo effects), 229

Monitoring button, 100


events, 90

Reason Sequencer tracks, 85

MPC-60 groove patch, 99

multi oscillation synthesis, 174

Multi oscillator, 178

Multi Tap algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225–226

Mute button

Mix screen Fader section, 9

Step Sequencer, 188

Mute tool (Reason Sequencer), 75


Neptune effects, 241–244

New Favorites List button, 30

NN-19 and NN-XT differences, 197–198

NN-Nano drum module, 116–118


Alternate knob, 210

basic description, 197

envelopes, 203–204

External Control wheel, 199

Fade In knob, 210

Fade Out knob, 210

filters, 202–203

global controls, 198

Group Mono setting, 205–206

group parameters, 205–206

Hi Key knob, 209

High Velocity knob, 209–210

Key Map display, 206–207

Legato parameters, 205

LFOs (low frequency oscillators), 204–205

Lo Key knob, 209

Loop End knob, 208–209

Loop Start knob, 208–209

Low Velocity knob, 209–210

main display panel, 198–199

Modulation section, 200–201

Modulation Wheel parameters, 199

NN-19 differences, 197–198

patches, loading, 198

Pitch Bend controls, 199, 201–202

Play Mode knob, 209

Polyphony parameters, 205

Portamento parameters, 206

Remote Editor, 199–200

Root knob, 208

Sample parameters, 208–210

Start knob, 208

synth parameters, 200–205

Tune knob, 208

Velocity parameters, 201

Noise effect, 125–126

Noise oscillator, 179

noise synthesis, 174

Normal mode, 61

Normalization function, 102

Notch filter, 142, 202

Note Lane Performance Parameter Editor, 94

Note Length Impact slider (ReGroove), 96

Note Lengths tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Note option (Inspector), 78

Note Velocity tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Nurse Rex Loop Player module

description, 118

panel parameters, 121

REX files, 119–121

Waveform display parameters, 121


On channel (ReGroove), 95

Open in Comp Edit button, 41

oscillator frequency (Malström), 162

oscillator parameters

Malström, 160–163

NN-Nano drum module, 118

Thor, 176–179

Oscillator Pitch section (Dr. Octo Rex), 141

oscillator playback (Malström), 162


Analog, 177

FM Pair, 178

Multi, 178

Noise, 179

Phase Modulation, 177–178

programming pad sounds, 194

Wavetable, 177

output buses, 42–44

Output section

Echo effects, 229

Malström, 163


Overdrive/Resonator effect, 131


Pad section (Kong)

Clear button, 111

Drum Assignment buttons, 113

Hit Type section, 113

linking pads, 113

Mute button, 111

pad groups, 110

Pad Mute/Solo Quick Edit Mode button, 112

Quick Edit mode, 112

randomization effect between pads, 113

Solo button, 111

velocity sensitive pads, 111

pad sound (Thor), 194–195

Pan knob, 9

panel parameters (Nurse Rex), 121

Patch Browser, 28–29

Dr. Octo Rex, 137–138

Kong, 110–111

New Favorites List button, 30

pianos, 29–30

Patch name channel (ReGroove), 95


Combi, 249, 253–254

Malström, 160, 170–171

ReGroove, 98–99

Thor, 192–195

Pattern lane, drawn automation in, 268–269

Pattern section (Alligator effects), 63

Pattern/Loop menu, 77

patterns, Alligator effects, 63

Pencil tool (Reason Sequencer), 75

PEQ-2 effect, 216–217

percussion groove patch, 99

PH-90 (phaser) effect, 215–216

Phase Modulation oscillator, 177–178

phase modulation synthesis, 173

phaser effects, 57, 215–216

Physical Bass module, 122–123

pianos, in Patch Browser, 29–30

Pitch Bend controls

Dr. Octo Rex, 146

Malström, 167

NN-XT, 199, 201–202

pitch correction effects, 57, 242

Pitch parameters (NN-Nano drum module), 118

Pitch tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Plate algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225

Play button (Reason Sequencer), 81–82

Play Mode knob (NN-XT), 209

play modes (Thor), 175

Polyphony controls

Dr. Octo Rex, 139

Malström, 167–168

NN-Nano drum module, 117

NN-XT, 205

Thor, 175

Portamento parameters

Malström, 167

NN-XT, 206

Thor, 175

Position option (Inspector), 78

Power/Bypass switch, 211

Pre Align button (ReGroove), 95

Pre button (Reason Sequencer), 83

precount, 83

programmed groove patch, 99


Combinator, 250–251

Thor, 176–184

Prop Shop, 65–67

Pulveriser effects, 57, 63–65

as compressor, 239

description, 238

for distortion, 239–240

filters, 240–241

Tremor feature, 241



applying, 50–51

automatic, 51

basic description, 49

reducing, 51

settings, 51

timing corrections, 87

Quantize During Recording function (Reason Sequencer), 82

Quantize tool (Reason Sequencer), 78–79


rack extensions, 65–67

Rack screen (Reason), 21

description, 4

empty, 26, 32

filled, 32

hardware interface, 22–23

wires, 22

Random Timing slider (ReGroove), 96

Rattler effect, 129–130

Razor tool, 41–42, 75

RCY file format, 135

Reason 7

introduction to, 1–2

knobs, faders, and buttons, 1–2

Reason effects, 57–65

Reason Factory Sound Bank, 29

Reason instruments, recording with, 44–48

Reason Rack screen. See Rack screen

Reason Sequencer

Alt button, 82

Alter Notes tool, 80

Automation Cleanup tool, 81

Block menu, 78

Blocks button, 83

Calc indicator, 83

Click control, 83

Create Pattern Lane button, 77

drawing controller data, 94

DSP meter, 83

Dub button, 82

Edit mode, 71–74

editing tools, 75


drawing and erasing, 89–90

duplicating, 91–92

moving, 90

resizing, 93

Extract Notes to Lanes tool, 81

Fade In display, 103

Fade Out display, 103

Fast Forward button, 81–82

importing and exporting MIDI files, 69–70

Inspector, 78

I/O (In/Out) indicators, 83

Legato Adjustments tool, 80

Level display, 103

live MIDI performance, 85–89

locator points, 83

looping controls, 83

Manual Record button, 77

Normalization function, 102

Note Lengths tool, 80

Note Velocity tool, 80

Pattern/Loop menu, 77

Pitch tool, 80

Play button, 81–82

Pre button, 83

Quantize During Recording function, 82

Quantize tool, 78–79

Record button, 82

recording audio performance, 100–108

ReGroove Mixer functions, 95–100

Rewind button, 81–82

ruler, 70

Scale Tempo tool, 80

screen size adjustment, 72

Snap controls, 75–76

Song Position readout, 82

Song Samples section, 81

Song view, 70–71

Spectrum EQ, 105–108

Stop button, 81–82

switching to block view, 74

Tap button, 82

tasks, 69

Tempo readout, 82

Time Signature menu, 77

Time Signature readout, 82

timing corrections, 87

Tool Window, 78–81

Track List, 83–85

Track Parameter Automation button, 77


collapsing, 85

creating, 84

deleting, 84

minimizing, 85

moving, 85

name, 84

parameters, 84–85

Transport panel, 81–83

Transpose display, 103

Zoom tools, 72

Record button (Reason Sequencer), 82


audio tracks, 37–39

basic, 37–39

loop, 39–42

with metronome, 45

with Reason instruments, 44–48

sequencing, 44

undoing, 38

ReCycle! software, 135–136


Lane Editor, 86

recording drum pattern with, 85–86

Redrum Drum Computer, 27

ReGroove Mixer

applying groove to sequence, 97–99

assigning tracks to, 96–97

channels, 95–96

Commit to Groove feature, 100

Copy/Paste options, 100

global parameters, 95

Initialize Channel feature, 100

patches, 98–99

Remote Editor (NN-XT), 199–200

Remote Programmer (RV7000 effect), 224–226

resizing events, 93

Resolution knob (Alligator effects), 233

resonance, 142–143

reverb effects, 57, 211–212, 223–226

Reverse algorithm (RV7000 effect), 226

reversing audio performance, 102–103

Rewind button (Reason Sequencer), 81–82

ReWire and Reason compatibility, 22

REX Edit editor, 74

REX files, 119–121, 135

creating, 151–155

selecting in Patch Browser, 138–139

Ring Modulator effect, 129

Rob Papen Predator RE, 65

Roland XP-50, 33–34

Roll mode, 61, 230

Room algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225

Root knob (NN-XT), 208

routing.See also connections

Combinator, 251–252

Kong, 124

Malström, 163

ruler, Reason Sequencer, 70

Run button (Step Sequencer), 188

Run modes (Step Sequencer), 188

Run Pattern Devices button (Combinator), 256

RV-7 Digital Reverb effect, 211–212

RV7000 (advanced reverb) effect, 223–226

RX2 file format, 135

rhythm generator, Alligator, 62


Sample area (NN-XT Key Map display), 207

Sample Map display (NN-Nano drum module), 116–117

Sample parameters (NN-XT), 208–210

Scale Tempo tool (Reason Sequencer), 80

Scream 4 effect

Body section, 222–223

connections, 223

Cut section, 222

Damage section, 221–222

screen size adjustment, Reason Sequencer, 72

Select Audio Input button, 100

Select Backdrop features, 258

Selector tool (Reason Sequencer), 75

Send and Return section (Reason Mix screen), 17–19

sequence directions (Thor), 188

sequencer control inputs

Kong, 134

Malström, 168

sequencers, 36–37. See also Reason Sequencer; Step Sequencer

sequencing and recording, 44

Shaper feature

Malström, 165

Thor, 182

shell parameters, 122

Shift knob (Alligator effects), 233

Show Insert FX button, 31–32

Show Programmer button, 31–32

Show/Hide buttons, 7–8

Shuffle knob

Alligator effects, 233

ReGroove, 95

signal flow, effects, 211

Slice Edit mode (Dr. Octo Rex), 141

Slice Trig mode, 120

Slide knob (ReGroove), 95

Small Space algorithm (RV7000 effect), 224–225

Snap controls, Reason Sequencer, 75–76

Snap to Grid feature, 76

Snare module, 122–124

Solo button, 9–10

Song Position readout (Reason Sequencer), 82

Song Samples section (Reason Sequencer), 81

Song view (Reason Sequencer), 70–71

Sonic Charge, 67

Spectrum EQ, 105–108

Spider Audio Merger & Splitter effects, 226–227

Spread function (Tremor), 241

Spring reverb algorithm (RV7000 effect), 225

Start knob (NN-XT), 208

State Variable filter, 181

Step Sequencer, 187

Mute button, 188

Run button, 188

Run modes, 188

sequence directions, 188

sequences, writing, 188–189

Stick parameters, 122–123

Stop button (Reason Sequencer), 81–82

Stop mode, REX files, 121

Studio FX, 25

submixing, 42–44

subtractive synthesis, 173

SubTractor sequence, 90

surface locking, 265

Synth Bass module, 123–124

Synth Hi-Hat parameters, 123–124

synth parameters

Dr. Octo Rex, 139

NN-XT, 200–205


frequency modulation, 174

graintable, 159–160

Kong Drum Module, 116

multi oscillation, 174

noise, 174

phase modulation, 173

subtractive, 173

wavetable, 159, 173

System Preferences, disabling function keys, 5


Tab bar (NN-XT Key Map display), 207

Tap button (Reason Sequencer), 82

Tape Echo effect, 130–131

Tempo readout (Reason Sequencer), 82


Amplifier, 182

connections, 189–192

Controller panel, 174–175

effects, 183–184

envelopes, 182

filters, 179–181, 184

Global envelope, 184

global parameters, 183–184

LFO 2, 184

Mixer, 179

Mod envelope functions, 183

modulation bus, 184–187

modulation destinations, 186–187

modulation examples, 187

modulation sources, 185–186

oscillators, 176–179

pad sound, programming, 194–195

patches, 192–195

play modes, 175

polyphony controls, 175

Portamento parameters, 175

Programmer, 176–184

Shaper feature, 182

Step Sequencer, 187–189

synthesis forms, 173–174

Trigger section, 175

Virtual controls, 175

Time Signature menu, 77

Time Signature readout (Reason Sequencer), 82

timing correction, 87

Timing Impact slider (ReGroove), 96

Tom Tom module, 122–124

Tone effect, 126

Tool Window, 5, 78–81

Track List (Reason Sequencer), 83–85

Track Parameter Automation button, 77


assigning to ReGroove Mixer, 96–97

Reason Sequencer

collapsing, 85

creating, 84

deleting, 84

minimizing, 85

moving, 85

name, 84

parameters, 84–85

Transient Shaper effect, 127

Transport panel (Reason Sequencer), 81–83

Transpose display, 103

transposition, 80

Tremor effects, 241

Trigger section (Thor), 175

Triggered mode, 61

Tune knob (NN-XT), 208

Tuner button, 100


UN-16 (unison) effect, 216

Uncombine/Combine features, 257–258

undoing recording, 38

universal edits, 88

Using ReWire: Skill Pack (Childs), 22

utilities, 25


Vel option (Inspector), 78

Velocity Impact slider (ReGroove), 96

velocity, live MIDI performance with Reason Sequencer, 88–89

Velocity parameters

Combinator, 256

Dr. Octo Rex, 145

Malström, 167

NN-Nano drum module, 118

NN-XT, 201

velocity sensitive pads, 111

vinyl groove patch, 99

Virtual controls (Thor), 175

virtual effects. See effects


audio sources, 218

BV512 (vocoder/equalizer) effect, 217–221

tutorial, 219–220


Waveform display parameters

Dr. Octo Rex, 139–141

Nurse Rex, 121

Wavetable oscillator, 177

wavetable synthesis, 159, 173

wires, Reason Rack screen, 22

Wrench/Screwdriver button, 51


Zoom tools, 72

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