

3PL (third-party logistics), 137

benefits of, 142-143

Green Savings, 144-145

Lean Savings, 143-144

multimodal, 138

network optimization, 139-142

OSS (onsite supplier), 138-139


ABC analysis, 147-148

ABCDE classification of inventory, 147-149

central stocking, 152-157

Green Savings, 157

Lean Savings, 157

Green Savings, 150

Lean Savings, 149-150

substitution program, 150-151

Green Savings, 152

Lean Savings, 151-152

accounting controls, benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 130-131

adaptive forecasting, 347

Advance Ship Notice (ASN), 15, 19

EDI savings, 20-22

TMS (Transportation Management System), 90

advanced order fulfillment system technologies, batch order summary sheets, 219-222

advanced planning, forecast programs, 348

affinity analysis, staff training, 5

Algebraic Model, 276-278

American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), 199

Analysis activity, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 207-210

analytics features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 124-125

Analyze phase, Six Sigma, 390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 398-400

animal industry, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 54

APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society), 199

apparel industry, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 52-54

Apple, 4

iMac, 4

ASN. See Advance Ship Notice (ASN)

AS/RS (Automatic Storage and Retrieval Equipment), 215

Asset Life Cycle Management, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 57

ATP (available to promise), 122-124

auto industry, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 55

automated forecast system, TMS (Transportation Management System), 83-90

automatic re-initialization, forecast programs, 347

automation, distribution portal, 107

automation savings, EDI (VMI), 19-20

Autonomic Supply Chain Management, 59

available to promise (ATP), 122-124

Average Inventory, 162-163


B2B (business-to-business), 97

customer portals, 101

competition’s sales choices, 102-103

lift by category, 101-102

lift by item, 102

lift by month, 102

Merchandising Optimizer, 103

operational savings, 106-107

price optimizer, 102

productivity enhancements, 103-104

savings, 104-105

variable pricing, 102

distribution portal, 107

automation, 107

iPad used in distribution setting, 107-108

IT green savings, 109

savings of new items using new item portals, 108

green IT

energy efficiency, 110-115

energy usage, 109-110

greenhouse gas emissions, 110

vendor portals

automation of Show Market Bulletins, 98-99

closeout and discontinued items, 100-101

new items portal, 100

new items portal, savings, 100

special events, 101

special prices, 101

back order time to completion, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33

back-haul, visual supply chain, 240

batch order picking, 217

batch order summary sheets, 217-218

advanced order fulfillment system technologies, 219-222

mechanized takeaways, 218-219

order fulfillment systems, 222-224

BD&L (broken, damaged, and lost inventory), 64

Behavioral Health Hospital

Six Sigma, 390-391

Analyze phase, 398-400

Control phase, 405

Define phase, 391-395

Improve phase, 401-404

Measure phase, 395-397

benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs)

improved accounting controls, 130-131

improved customer service, 130

inventory reduction, 129

labor cost reductions, 130

BI (Business Intelligence). See Business Intelligence

blade servers, 114

Borders, 109

broken, damaged, and lost inventory (BD&L), 64

building flushing, Sweetwater, 387

building site, 383

bullwhip effect, 12, 57

Business Intelligence, 7

SharePoint, 115

business processes, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 124-125

business-to-business. See B2B (business-to-business)


calculated vendor lead time, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33


carbon dioxide emission, 116

enterprise dollar cost of electrical utilities, 118

grams of carbon dioxide used, 119

number of kilowatt-hours used, 118

pounds of carbon dioxide emitted per year, 116-117

cannibalization of gross margins, 160

carbon dioxide emission, 81, 90, 369-373

calculating, 116

calculating pounds emitted per year, 116-117

carbon dioxide emissions, calculating grams used, 119

central stocking, ABCDE classification of inventory, 152-157

Green Savings, 157

Lean Savings, 157

certification programs, 12, 24-26

savings, 26

certified wood, Sweetwater, 386-387

chain of custody, pharmaceutical industry, 56

Change Management, 6

characteristics of forecast programs, 345-351

check digits, 252

closeout items, vendor portals, 100-101

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment. See CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment)

Collaborative Transportation Management, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 212-213

commissioning of mechanical systems, Sweetwater, 387

Commodities Catalog Savings, customer portals, 105

communities for portals, SharePoint, 115

competition’s sales choices, customer portals, 102-103

components of RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 50

composites for business processes, SharePoint, 115

computing cost of electricity, 116

consigning, inventory, 11

consolidation-points network, visual supply chain, 240

construction-waste management, Sweetwater, 386

Container Delivery Management, 166

contentment for content management, SharePoint, 115

Control phase, Six Sigma, 390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 405

Corporate Construction, 384

correlation analysis, forecast programs, 348

cost of electricity, computing, 116

cost of implementing RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 49-50

cost of RFID implementation, distribution industry case study, 69-71

cost of utilities, calculating pounds of carbon dioxide emitted per year, 116-117

CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 123, 199-202

Analysis activity, 207-210

CTM (Collaborative Transportation Management), 212-213

Demand and Supply Management activity, 203-206

Execution activity, 206-207

Green Savings, 211-212

Lean Savings, 210-211

Strategic Planning activity, 202-203

CRM features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 125-126

cross docking, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 30

CTM (Collaborative Transportation Management), CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 212-213

customer portals, 101

Commodities Catalog Savings, 105

competition’s sales choices, 102-103

lift by category, 101-102

lift by item, 102

lift by month, 102

Merchandising Optimizer, 103

New Product Merchandising Portal, 105

operational savings, 106-107

price optimizer, 102

productivity enhancements, 103-104

savings, 104-105

variable pricing, 102

customer service, benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 130


Daily Sales Product Activity Data 852, 17

DAM (Digital Asset Management), 256

Darwin, Charles, 4

data mining, 216

data pools, item synchronization, 247

data synchronization, item synchronization, 248-249

data warehouse, 98

daylight, Sweetwater, 385

DBLV (distribution by line value), 149

dead run, visual supply chain, 240

Define phase, Six Sigma, 390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 391-395

Demand and Supply Management activity, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 203-206

Demand Filter (DF), 298

demand patterns, 348

demographic information, 161

designing paperless environments with software, internal supply chains, 255-258

DF (Demand Filter), 298, 344

Digital Asset Management (DAM), 256

Digital Manufacturing, 245

directed putaway, RF (Radio Frequency), WMS (Warehouse Management System), 45

discontinued items, 206

vendor portals, 100-101

dispersion measurement, gamma smoothing, TI, 314-316

dispersion of demand, 297-300

distribution industry case study, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 63-70

cost structure of RFID implementation, 69-71

future recommendations, 74-75

implementing RFID, 68-70

ROI (return on investment), 70

savings, 73-74

distribution portal, 107

automation, 107

iPad used in distribution setting, 107-108

IT green savings, 109

new items portal, 108

savings of new items using new item portals, 108

distribution requirements planning. See DRP (distribution requirements planning)

Distribution Resource Management (DRM), 165-168

DM (Document Management), 256

Do it Best Corp, 12

certification programs, 25

savings, 22

SharePoint, 97

Document Management (DM), 256

documents, VMI partner document, 12

dollar fill rate, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 32

DRM (Distribution Resource Management), 165-168

DRP (distribution requirements planning), 166, 168

freight forwarder program, savings, 172

Green Savings, 169, 171

landfill savings, 170

service-level savings, 170

utility costs, 170

Lean Savings, 168-169, 171-172

dynamic routing, visual supply chain, 240


EAN.UCC, 250

ECM (Enterprise Content Management), 256

economic order formula

new, 361-364

old, 354-360

Economic Order Quantity. See EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)

economical routing, TMS (Transportation Management System), 80

ECR (Efficient Consumer Response), 246

EDI (electronic data interchange)

automation savings (VMI), 19-20

savings, 14-17

Advance Ship Notice, 20-22

invoices, 20-22

PO (purchase order), 20-22

transaction sets, 14-17

summary, 18

Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), 246

efficient servers, 111

electricity, average amount of grams of electricity generated in U.S. for one kWh, 117

electronic data interchange. See EDI (electronic data interchange)

Electronic Product Code (EPC), 51

Ellis, Liz, 384

Embry Riddle, Oracle Content Management, 264-265

Emerson Process, Oracle Content Management, 267

employee retention, 5

employees, incentives, 6

energy efficiency, 383

green IT, 110-115

energy usage, green IT, 109-110

Enterprise Content Management (ECM), 256

enterprise dollar, calculating cost of electrical utilities, 118

enterprise portals, 123

Enterprise Resource Programs. See ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs)

environmental facts, internal supply chains, 255

Environmental Paper Network, 255

EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), 1, 353-354

determining economical quantity to order, 359

forecast programs, 347

formulas, 355-356

Green effect, 366

transportation costs, 360

EPC (Electronic Product Code), 51, 246

ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 121-122

benefits of

improved accounting controls, 130-131

improved customer service, 130

inventory reduction, 129

labor cost reductions, 130

business processes and analytics features that can be added, 124-125

CRM features, 125-126

financials features, 126

human resource management features, 127

manufacturing features, 127

Procter & Gamble KPIs Excel spreadsheet, 135

recycle, disposal, and hazardous metrics of green, 134

SCM (Supply Chain Management) features, 128-129

sustainable drive to green, 131-133

transportation metrics of green, 134

utilities metrics of green, 134

ERP environment, 7

ERP II (Enterprise Resource Management), 9

error measurements, 342-344

VI (Volatility Index), 342-343

ESO (Expected Stock Outs), 174

event driven, 55

execution, 7

technology, 7-8

Execution activity, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 206-207

expediting systems, 349

exponential smoothing, 284-287

versus gamma smoothing, 308-310

Horizontal Model, 287-288

inventory control metrics, VI (Volatility Index) = .08187, 320-321

MAD (mean absolute deviation), 294-297

Seasonal Model, 289-293

Trend Model, 288-290

Trend Seasonal Model, 294

VI (Volatility Index) = 1.0, 329-330

VI (Volatility Index) = .20, inventory control metrics, 323-324

VI (Volatility Index) = .50, 326-327

Exponential Smoothing Models, 280-281

benchmarks, 322

exponential smoothing order quantity, graphs, 338-340


fans, variable-speed fans, 111-112

fill rate, 148

financials features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 126

finding forecast models, 300

fixed order quantities, 349

Fixed Period Model. See FP (Fixed Period Model)

Fixed Quantity Model, 179, 185-190

forecast models, finding, 300

Forecast Planning Schedule 830, 17

forecast programs

adaptive forecasting, 347

advanced planning, 348

automatic reinitialization, 347

characteristics of, 345-351

correlation analysis, 348

EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), 347

intervals, 348

joint order system process, 351

management information systems, 351

open-to-buy system, 349

regression analysis, 347

seasonal indexing, 350-351

seasonal profiles, 350

service-level metrics, 345-346

Forecasting and Ordering Using Regression Time Series and Econometrics, 8

forecasting procedures, 1

forecasting systems

Algebraic Model, 276-278

dispersion of demand, 297-300

exponential smoothing, 284-287

Horizontal Model, 287-288

Seasonal Model, 289-293

Trend Model, 288-290

Trend Seasonal Model, 294

gamma smoothing, 305

Horizontal Exponential Smoothing Model, 301

Logarithmic Models, 282-285

Logistics Model, 281

Regression Models, 278-280

Seasonal Exponential Smoothing Model, 303

seasonal profile forecasting, 346

Trend Exponential Smoothing Model, 302-303

Trigonometric Models, 280-281

forecasting VMI (vendor-managed inventory), 9-12


EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), 355-356

gamma smoothing, 305-308

FOURTE (Forecasting and Ordering Using Regression Time Series and Econometrics), 8

FP (Fixed Period Model), 179-185

ordering strategy, 181

variable demand, 183

FQ (Fixed Quantity Model), 179, 185-190

freight, scheduling, 346

freight forwarder program, DRP (distribution requirements planning), savings, 172

funnel program, 26


gaming industry, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 58

gamma smoothing, 285, 305

examples, 311-312

versus exponential smoothing, 308-310

inventory control metrics, VI (Volatility Index) = .08187, 321-322

theory and formulas, 305-308

TI, 312-313

dispersion measurement, 314-316

effects of increasing VI, 316-318

inventory control metrics, 319-320

VI (Volatility Index) = 1.0, 330-333

VI (Volatility Index) = .20, 324-326

VI (Volatility Index) = .50, 327-329

Gamma Smoothing Model, benchmarks, 322

GDS (Global Data Synchronization), 246

glass, Sweetwater, 384

Global Data Synchronization, 246

global temperatures, 373

GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Investment), 2

Go Green with Oracle Content Management, 261-272

gravity flow roller system, 67-68


recycle, disposal, and hazardous metrics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 134

transportation metrics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 134

utilities metrics, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 134

Green effect, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), 366

green IT

energy efficiency, 110-115

energy usage, 109-110

greenhouse gas emissions, 110

Green savings

3PL (third-party logistics), 144-145

ABCDE classification of inventory, 150

central stocking, 157

CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 211-212

customer portals, 105

distribution portal, 109

DRP (distribution requirements planning), 169, 171

landfill savings, 170

service-level savings, 170

utility costs, 170

EDI (Advance Ship Notice, POs and invoices), 20-22

ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), accounting controls, 131

Joint Order Allocation, 177

paper, 260

RF (Radio Frequency), WMS (Warehouse Management System), 47

substitution program, 152

TMS (Transportation Management System), 80-83

VMI Reduction of Inventory, 23-24

VPQ (Variable Period and Quantity Model), 198

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 38

green supply chain management, 376-378

Green Supply Chains, 376

Green value, TMS (Transportation Management System), 78-79

Green variable, supply chains, 10

greenhouse gas emissions, green IT, 110

Gross Margin Return on Investment, 2

GS1 (Global Standard 1), 247

GTIN numbers

data structures, 252-253

master data alignment, 250-251


hardware location, 113-114

Henry, Tom, 384

Horizontal Exponential Smoothing Model, 301

Horizontal Model, exponential smoothing, 287-288

hub-and-spoke arrangement, visual supply chain, 239

human resource management features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 127

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), 11


ice storage, Sweetwater, 387

ICT (information and communication technologies), 110

iMac, 4

implementing RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), distribution industry case study, 68-70

Improve phase, Six Sigma, 390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 401-404

Improved Warehouse Worker Productivity, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 34-35


Inventory Management, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 34

Transportation Performance, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 35-37

inbound freight, scheduling, 346

incentives, employees, 6

indirect cost savings, distribution industry case study, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 74

individual item lead time, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33

Industrial Revolution, consequences of, 369-373

information and communication technologies (ICT), 110

initialization, 300

Innovation Management, 4-5

installing RF systems, 224-225

insulation, Sweetwater, 385

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 116

internal supply chains

designing paperless environments with software, 255-258

environmental facts, 255

Mobius software, 258-259

saving paper, 259

Green Savings, 260

Lean Savings, 259-260

intervals, forecast programs, 348


Average Inventory, 162-163

consigning, 11

visual supply chain, 242

inventory control metrics

gamma smoothing, TI, 319-320

VI (Volatility Index) = .08187

exponential smoothing, 320-321

gamma smoothing, 321-322

VI (Volatility Index) = 1.0

exponential smoothing, 329-330

gamma smoothing, 330-333

VI (Volatility Index) = .20

exponential smoothing, 323-324

gamma smoothing, 324-326

VI (Volatility Index) = .50

exponential smoothing, 326-327

gamma smoothing, 327-329

inventory knowledge, 64

inventory management, 147

improving, 34

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

inventory reduction, benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 129

invoices, 15

EDI savings, 20-22

iPad, distribution portal, 107-108

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 116

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 133

IT Green Initiative, 110-115

IT green savings, distribution portal, 109

IT resources, sharing, 112

IT system redundancies, 112

item data accuracy, master data alignment, 245-246

Item Maintenance Transaction Set 888, 17

item synchronization, 247, 252-253

data pools, 247

data synchronization, 248-249

Items Price/Sales Catalog 832, 17


JIT (just-in-time), 10, 245, 354

Jobs, Steve, 4, 7

Joint Order Allocation, 173-176

Green Savings, 177

Lean Savings, 177

joint order system process, forecast programs, 351

just-in-time (JIT), 10, 245, 354


k factor, priority, 343

Keeling, C. David, 372

kilowatt-hours used, calculating, 118

knowledge management, 6-7


labor cost reductions, benefits of ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 130

landfill savings, DRP (distribution requirements planning), 170

lead times, 349

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. See LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Certification, Sweetwater, 384

Lean Green Supply Chain, 1

Lean Savings

3PL (third-party logistics), 143-144

ABCDE classification of inventory, 149-150

central stocking, 157

CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 210-211

customer portals, 104-105

DRP (distribution requirements planning), 168-169, 171-172

EDI (Advance Ship Notice, POs, and invoices), 20-22

ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), accounting controls, 131

Joint Order Allocation, 177

paper, 259-260

promotional forecast system, 163-164

RF (Radio Frequency), WMS (Warehouse Management System), 46

substitution program, 151-152

TMS (Transportation Management System), 93

VMI Reduction of Inventory, 22

VPQ (Variable Period and Quantity Model), 197-198

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 37-38

Lean Six Sigma, 389

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), 375-376, 378-379

development, 379

LEED Certification, 380-381

LEED Green Building Rating System, 380

licensing software, TMS (Transportation Management System), 77-78

lift by category, customer portals, 101-102

lift by item, customer portals, 102

lift by month, customer portals, 102

light sensors, Sweetwater, 385

line accuracy, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 32

line fill rate, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

Logarithmic Models, 282-285

logistics industry, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 56

Logistics Model, 281

low-emitting materials, Sweetwater, 387

Lowes, 11

LT (lead time), 180

FQ (Fixed Quantity Model), 186


MAD (mean absolute deviation), 280-281

exponential smoothing, 294-297

tracking signal, 298

manage stock, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 30

manage storage facilities, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 30

management information systems, forecast programs, 351

Managing by Walking Around, 6, 35

manual orders, TMS (Transportation Management System), 83

manufacturing, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 58

manufacturing features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 127

master data alignment, 245

GTIN numbers, 250-251

item data accuracy, 245-246

material efficiency, 383

material handling, 215

material management, 122

Material Requirement Programs, 161-162

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 16

Mauna Loa CO2, 371-372

mean absolute deviation (MAD), 280-281

Measure phase, Six Sigma, 390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 395-397

mechanized takeaways, batch order summary sheets, 218-219

medical environment case studies, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 60-62

ROI, 62-63

savings estimates, 62

Merchandising Optimizer, customer portals, 103

metrics, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31-33

Microsoft SharePoint, 97, 114-115

platform of services, 115

minimizing out-of-stocks, 150-151

Min/Max strategy, 350

Missouri Division of Processional Registration, Oracle Content Management, 268

Mobile Supply Chain, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 124

Mobius software, 258-259

saving paper, 259-260

MRP II (networked closed-loop manufacturing requirement planning), 9

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), 16

MSKTD Associates, 384

Mulally, Allen, 7


ND (neighborhood development), 381

network optimization, third-party providers, 139-142

new items portal, 100

distribution portal, 108

savings, 100

New Product Merchandising Portal, customer portals, 105

number of back orders, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33


occupant health and safety, 383

OI (Outliner Indicator), 343-344

On Device, 8

On Order Report, 106

on-demand, 7

on-device computing, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 124

on-off power cycler devices, 112

on-order (OO), 181

onsite supplier (OSS), 10

onsite suppliers (OSS), third-party providers, 138-139

on-time delivery, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33

open-to-buy system, forecast programs, 349

operational savings, customer portals, 106-107

Opportunity Management, 55

OQ, 181

Oracle Content Management, 217

“Go Green with Oracle Content Management,” 261-272

order accuracy, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 32

order fill rate, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

order filling, RF (Radio Frequency), WMS (Warehouse Management System), 45-46

order fulfillment systems, batch order summary sheets, 222-224

order fulfillment technologies, 219-222

Order Fulfillment, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

order picking, 216

batch order picking, 217

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 36

order processing, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

order stocking, RF (WMS), 45

ordering strategy, FP (Fixed Period Model), 181

orders cycle time, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 32

order-to-cash cycle, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 206-207

Organizational Structure 210, 17

Organizational Structure 816, 16

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 16

OSS (onsite supplier), 10, 138-139

outdoor air delivery monitoring, Sweetwater, 388

out-of-stocks, minimizing, 150-151


packaging levels, UCC-12, 251

paper, 255

saving, 259

Green Savings, 260

Lean Savings, 259-260

Pareto charts, 397-394

Payment Order/Remittance Advice, 16

peddle run, visual supply chain, 240

pedigree tracking, pharmaceutical industry, 55

Pick to Light, 227-229

mechanics of, 229

plan-o-grams, 107

platform of services, SharePoint, 115

PLM (Product Life Cycle Management), 245

PMA (predetermined maximum available), 181

PO (purchase order), 14, 19-20

EDI savings, 20-22

Point of Sale Data Report, 106

postponement, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

power supplies, 113

Price Information 879, 16-17

price optimizer, customer portals, 102

Price/Sales Catalog, 16

priority, k factor, 343

Procter & Gamble KPIs Excel spreadsheet, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 135

Product Life Cycle Management (PLM), 245

productivity enhancements, customer portals, 103-104

productivity metrics, Voice Pick, 233-237

profit-sharing program, Talent Management, 5

Promotion to Regular Usage (PRU), 160

Promotion to Stock Demand (PSD), 160

promotional forecast system, 159-163

Lean Savings, 163-164

promotional lift, 159

promotional use file, 161

provide connectivity to the enterprise, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 30

PRU (Promotion to Regular Usage), 160

PSD (Promotion to Stock Demand), 160

PUE (power usage effectiveness), 110

purchase orders. See PO (purchase order)


rack servers, 111

Radio Frequency. See RF (Radio Frequency)

Radio Frequency Identity Tags. See RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags)

Real Time Location Systems, 52

receive stock and returns/reverse logistics, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 30

Receiving Advice 861, 17

receiving processes, 225-226

Pick to Light, 227-229

RF picking system metrics, 227

RF productivity, 226

Voice Pick, 230-233

recycle, disposal, and hazardous metrics of green (ERP), 134

recycled content of materials, Sweetwater, 386

recycling, Sweetwater, 385

regional materials, Sweetwater, 386

regression analysis, forecast programs, 347

Regression Models, 278-280

renewable materials, Sweetwater, 384

replenishment policies, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 57

resource management, creating world-class companies, 3-9

retaining employees, 5

RF (Radio Frequency), WMS (Warehouse Management System), 38-40

applied analysis, 43-46

directed putaway, 45

Green Savings, 47

improvements, 46

Lean Savings, 46

order filling, 45-46

order stocking, 45

RF picking system metrics, receiving processes, 227

RF productivity

receiving processes, 226

stocking processes, 226

RF systems, installing, 224-225

RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 49

advantages of, 51

animal industry, 54

apparel industry, 52-54

Asset Life Cycle Management, 57

auto industry, 55

Autonomic Supply Chain Management, 59

bullwhip effect, 57

categories of real-time information, 51

components of, 50

cost of implementing, 49-50

distribution industry case study, 63-70

cost structure of RFID implementation, 69-71

future recommendations, 74-75

implementing RFID, 68-70

ROI (return on investment), 70

savings, 73-74

gaming industry, 58

growth of, 52

healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, 55-56

how it works, 50

implementing, distribution industry case study, 68-70

Jewelry Management Industry, 58

logistics industry, 56

manufacturing, 58

medical environment case studies, 60-62

ROI, 62-63

savings estimates, 62

replenishment policies, 57

Supply Chain Management (SCM), 57

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 56

RFID antennas and cabling, 50

RFID middleware, 50

RFID printer, 50

RFID reader, 50

RFID tags, 50

ROI (return on investment)

distribution industry case study, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 70

medical environment case studies, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 62-63

roof membrane, Sweetwater, 385

RTLS (Real Time Location Systems), 52


SAAS (Software as a Service), 7

safety stock (SS), 181

SAP, 133


certification programs, 26

customer portals, 104-105

distribution industry case study, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 73-74

EDI, 14-17

Advance Ship Notice, 20-22

invoices, 20-22

PO (purchase order), 20-22

freight forwarder program, 172

medical environment case studies, RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 62

new items portal, 100

TMS (Transportation Management System), 94-95

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 37-38

scalability and configurability, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

scan based trading programs, 16-17

SCE (Supply Chain Execution), 27

scheduling inbound freight, 346

SCM (Supply Chain Management), 27, 215

SCM (Supply Chain Management) features, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 128-129

scorecarding, 24

SCP (Supply Chain Planning), 27

search for more productivity, SharePoint, 115

Seasonal Exponential Smoothing Model, 303, 333-338

Seasonal Gamma Smoothing, 333-338, 340-342

seasonal indexing, forecast programs, 350-351

Seasonal Model, exponential smoothing, 289-293

seasonal profile forecasting, 346

seasonal profiles, forecast programs, 350


blade servers, 114

efficient servers, 111

rack servers, 111

service-level factor, 357

service-level metrics, 345-346

service-level savings, DRP (distribution requirements planning), 170

SharePoint, 97, 114-115

platform of services, 115

sharing IT resources, 112

Shaw Industries, 378

shelf life, 348

shelf life monitoring, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

Show Market Bulletins, automation, from vendor portals, 98-99

SIMS, 60

sites for collaboration, SharePoint, 115

Six Sigma, 389-390

Behavioral Health Hospital, 390-391

Analyze phase, 398-400

Control phase, 405

Define phase, 391-395

Improve phase, 401-404

Measure phase, 395-397

SKU, 154

software, licensing, TMS (Transportation Management System), 77-78

SOP (standard operating procedures), 12

sourcing visual supply chain, 242

special events, vendor portals, 101

special prices, vendor portals, 101

SSO (Specified Service Overall), 174

staff training, affinity analysis, 5

Standard Forwarding Company, Oracle Content Management, 266-267

standard operating procedures (SOP), 12

stock status, 180

stocking processes, 225-226

Pick to Light, 227-229

RF picking system metrics, 227

RF productivity, 226

Voice Pick, 230-233

storage devices, 112-113

Strategic Planning activity, CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment), 202-203

substitution program, ABCDE classification of inventory, 150-151

Green Savings, 152

Supply Chain Execution (SCE), 27

Supply Chain Management (SCM), 27

RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 57

Supply Chain Planning (SCP), 27

supply chains, 2-14

Green variable, 10

Surack, Chuck, 384

sustainability, 3

sustainable drive to green, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 131-133

Swedish Medical, Oracle Content Management, 265-266

Sweetwater, 383-384

building flushing, 387

certified wood, 386-387

commissioning of mechanical systems, 387

construction-waste management, 386

daylight, 385

glass, 384

ice storage, 387

insulation, 385

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Certification, 384

light sensors, 385

low-emitting materials, 387

outdoor air delivery monitoring, 388

recycled content of materials, 386

recycling, 385

regional materials, 386

renewable materials, 384

roof membrane, 385

tobacco smoke control, 388

water use reduction, 386

system integration, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 28


Talent Management, 5

profit-sharing program, 5

technological advancements, 6-7

technology, execution, 7-8

theories, gamma smoothing, 305-308

third-party providers, 137

multimodal, 138

network optimization, 139-142

onsite suppliers (OSS), 138-139

TI, gamma smoothing, 312-313

dispersion measurement, 314-316

effects of increasing VI, 316-318

inventory control metrics, 319-320

TMS (Transportation Management System), 28, 77

ASN (Advance Ship Notice), 90

automated forecast system, 83-90

benefits of, 79-80

economical routing, 80

Green Savings, 80-83, 94

Green value, 78-79

Lean Savings, 93

licensing software, 77-78

manual orders, 83

savings, 94-95

vendors, 78

visibility, 79

tobacco smoke control, Sweetwater, 388

trace and track, pharmaceutical industry, 56

Track and Trace, 166

tracking material flow, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

tracking signal, MAD (mean absolute deviation), 298

transaction sets, EDI, 14-17

summary, 18

Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message, 15

transportation costs, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), 360

Transportation Management System. See TMS (Transportation Management System)

transportation metrics of green, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 134

transportation performance, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

improving, 35-37

transportation policies, visual supply chain, 242

Trend Exponential Smoothing Model, 302-303

Trend Model, exponential smoothing, 288-290

Trend Seasonal Model, exponential smoothing, 294

Trigonometric Models, 280-281

TS (tracking signal indicator), 344


UCC-12, packaging levels, 251

UCCnet, 247

utilities, calculating enterprise dollar cost of, 118

utilities metrics of green, ERP (Enterprise Resource Programs), 134

utility costs, DRP (distribution requirements planning), 170


Value Stream Mapping, 36

variable demand, FP (Fixed Period Model), 183

Variable Period and Quantity Model. See VPQ (Variable Period and Quantity Model)

variable pricing, customer portals, 102

variable-speed fans, 111-112

vendor lead time, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 33

vendor minimum, 174

vendor portals, B2B (business-to-business)

automation of Show Market Bulletins, 98-99

closeout and discontinued items, 100-101

new items portal, 100

new items portal, savings, 100

special events, 101

special prices, 101

vendor-management inventory, 9-12

vendors, TMS (Transportation Management System), 78

VI (Volatility Index), 153, 312

effects of increasing VI, gamma smoothing, 316-318

error measurements, 342-343

VI (Volatility Index) = .08187, inventory control metrics

exponential smoothing, 320-321

gamma smoothing, 321-322

VI (Volatility Index) = 1.0, inventory control metrics

exponential smoothing, 329-330

gamma smoothing, 330-333

VI (Volatility Index) = .20, inventory control metrics

exponential smoothing, 323-324

gamma smoothing, 324-326

VI (Volatility Index) = .50, inventory control metrics

exponential smoothing, 326-327

gamma smoothing, 327-329

VICS (Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions Association), 42-43, 199

virtualization, 114

visibility, TMS (Transportation Management System), 79

visible supply chain, 239, 242-244

visual supply chain, 239-242

back-haul, 240

consolidation-points network, 240

dead run, 240

dynamic routing, 240

hub-and-spoke arrangement, 239

inventory, 242

peddle run, 240

sourcing, 242

transportation policies, 242

VMI (vendor-managed inventory), 9-12

VMI, EDI automation savings, 19-20

VMI partner document, 12

VMI productivity increase, 18

VMI reduction of inventory

Green Savings, 23-24

Leans Savings, 22

Voice Pick, 230-233

productivity metrics, 233-237

Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions Association, 42-43, 199

VPQ (Variable Period and Quantity Model), 179, 190-197

Green Savings, 198

Lean Savings, 197-198

VSM (Value Stream Mapping), 36


Warehouse Management System. See WMS (Warehouse Management System)

Warehouse Productivity, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

water efficiency, 383

water use reduction, Sweetwater, 386

web-based platform, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 29

WebEDI (web-based EDI), 14-17

WMS (Warehouse Management System), 27-28

cross docking, 30

functionality of, 28-31

Green Savings, 38

improved warehouse worker productivity, 34-35

inventory management, improving, 34

Lean Savings, 37-38

Managing by Walking Around, 35

metrics, 31-33

order picking, 36

order processing, 31

postponement, 31

RF (Radio Frequency), 38-40

applied analysis, 43-46

directed putaway, 45

Green Savings, 47

improvements, 46

Lean Savings, 46

order filling, 45-46

order stocking, 45

RFID (Radio Frequency Identity Tags), 56

savings, 37-38

system integration, 28

tracking material flow, 31

Transportation Performance, improving, 35-37

work planning, 31

work planning, WMS (Warehouse Management System), 31

world-class companies, creating

EDI, savings, 14-17

forecasting. See forecasting systems

resource management, 3-9


Z transform, 357

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