
Do you hold online and offline events? For example, do you host web-based seminars or training classes? If you hold events that your LinkedIn network might be interested in, then you can spread the word—and even find events that you want to attend—using the LinkedIn Events app.

When you add your events to the Events app, they are listed in the app directory and in a special Events section in your LinkedIn profile as shown in Figure 10.2.

Figure 10.2: Your past and future events are displayed in your LinkedIn profile.

To add the Events app to your LinkedIn profile, click the More link from the top navigation bar when you’re logged in to your LinkedIn account, and then select the Get More Applications link from the drop-down menu. The Application Directory opens, which you can scroll through to find the Events app listing. Click the Events link to open the app page, and then click the Add Application button. The app is immediately added to your profile, and you can start listing your events and browsing events listed by other LinkedIn members.

If the Events app isn’t included on the Applications Directory page, click the Browse More Applications link in the upper-right corner of the page.

Once you’ve added the Events app, you can visit the Events Home page at any time by selecting the Events link from the More drop-down menu in the top navigation bar. This page is shown in Figure 10.3.

Figure 10.3: On the Events Home page, you can find and add events.

From the Events Home page, you can find events that your LinkedIn network is attending or hosting, find events recommended to you by LinkedIn based on your industry and job function, add your own events, see who is attending events, identify events that you’re attending, and publish comments on event listings. Get started by scrolling through the events listed under the Browse Events heading shown in Figure 10.3. There are two tabs available, which enable you to browse events that your connections are hosting or attending (the My Connections tab) and browse the most popular events (the Most Popular tab).

Click the Find Events tab or click the Advanced Search link on the right side of the Events Home page to open the Find Events page shown in Figure 10.4.

To perform a quick search from the Events Home page, enter keywords in the Find an Event search box on the right side of the Events Home page and click the Search button.

Figure 10.4: Enter search criteria to find events that you might want to attend.

Click the My Events tab to view your upcoming and past events, and click the Add an Event tab to open the Add an Event form shown in Figure 10.5.

Figure 10.5: Complete the form to add an event to the Event directory.

Simply enter the requested information into the form (use keywords to boost the chances of people finding your event in searches) and click the Publish Event button to add your event to the Event directory and display it on your LinkedIn profile. The action also appears as an update in your network activity feed.

Once you’ve published an event, you can share it with your connections, mention it in groups, invite people to attend, publish questions to strike up conversations using the comment feature, and collect information about people who indicate they are attending, or are interested in, the event.

This is a great way to spread the word about any kind of event, but don’t spam the Event directory. Only add events that are relevant to your LinkedIn audience.

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