Increasing the Value of a List over Time

As time passes, your emails present an opportunity to ask for increasing amounts of information with more depth and meaning. It’s also necessary to keep up with changes in your email list and apply corrections when necessary.
The following sections offer suggestions for adding in-depth information to your subscriber information through surveys and polls, keeping your information current with subscription reminders, and protecting your data from problems with good list management practices.


Email communications are all about you speaking to your customers. However, in any relationship listening is equally important (some would argue more important) as speaking. The best way to listen to your customers is to set yourself up to get a constant flow of customer feedback. It’s called “drip intelligence,” and it gives you customer feedback on a regular basis. If you ask the right questions, the feedback you’ll get will be easily actionable, timely, and will give you a leg up against your competition.
It’s simple to do. Simply include one customer feedback question in every email newsletter you send. Here is how it might work.
If you’re publishing a quarterly email newsletter, insert a link to one of these questions in each newsletter. If your email newsletter goes out monthly, do the same thing, and then start the cycle over again the fifth month, repeating each of the four questions in sequence. Compare your results to the first communication and track your results over time.
• Month 1: Your customer’s perception of the products/services you provide.
• Month 2: Your customer’s perception of your approachability.
• Month 3: Your customer’s propensity to tell others about you (see Figure 6.4).
• Month 4: How you can provide even better service.
• Month 5: Start over again at Month 1.
Figure 6.4 Polls help you read trends in your customer base.
It’s important to thank respondents for their participation. Send a special email to all of the people who answered the survey, thanking them for taking the time to share their thoughts with you.
Share your survey results. Once you’ve made business adjustments based on what you learned from your survey question, report those changes back to your customers in your next communication. Let them know you’re not only listening but you’re acting based on what customers want and need. And let them know how other survey respondents who shared their concerns answered the question.
Write smarter, better newsletter content. It also goes back to something we coach our customers on every day: Writing really good content that speaks to their customers’ wants and needs. The more you know about your customers and their interests, the more you can tailor the content of your email marketing communications to hit on the topics of most importance to them at that point in time.
By getting feedback, you not only gain critical information to help you adapt quickly to changes in customers’ perceptions about your business, but you also can stay one step ahead of your competition.
The closer you are to your customers—the more you’re seeking their feedback and answering their questions—the more likely they are to turn to you when they need the products or services you offer. Customers will see you as someone they have a relationship with—someone who cares about their needs, appreciates their hardships, and wants to know what they think.


Permission is perishable, so it’s important to try and stay connected to your audience. One way to do this is to do a quarterly, semiannual, or annual permission reminder mailing to customers on your list who have not opened a communication for a long time.
This communication should be very short and should contain a subject line that informs the recipient that action is required to stay on your list. The communication should include a simple link that requests the subscriber click on the link if she would like to continue to receive communications from you. Then keep those who click on the link in your database while moving those that don’t click out of your list. If recipients have not opened your campaigns in a year and do not click on this link, then they don’t care about what you are sending and for all intents and purposes have unsubscribed.


It’s important to protect all of your critical business assets, and that goes for your email list as well. Protecting your list means not only keeping it within a secure database, but also limiting access to your account and never sharing your list with others.

Securing Your List

Have you ever received an email communication where the list of recipients is in the “To” or “CC” line of the email? When a sender uses his email client (like “Outlook”) to send email messages to a large number of recipients, he runs the risk of his list being obtained by others. Email Service Providers like Constant Contact send email messages to only one recipient at a time, eliminating this concern.
Another way to protect your list is to limit access to your email account. In the event that an employee leaves who had access to your account, then immediately change the password to your account. If you allow third parties to manage your account, be sure to have a legal agreement that prohibits them from doing anything other than your communications with your list.
As your lists grows in value to your business, it will also grow in value to others wanting to reach a similar audience. Never give, sell, or lend your list to another business. It’s OK for you to cross-market another business or organization within your communications. In fact, having another business promote you to its list and vice versa is a great way to mutually expand your spheres of influence. Remember that your customers have entrusted you with their email addresses. It’s your responsibility to protect that trust.
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