Why Tracking Is Important for Building Relationships

When you are building a relationship face to face you have the ability to look the other person in the eyes to gauge how she is reacting to what you are saying. Being able to read her reactions provides you with the ability to know if she is engaged in what you are saying, if you should be changing the subject, or if you are making a connection. When it comes to email marketing, you don’t have the ability to look your recipient in the eyes, but through tracking you can tell if you are making a connection!


When you send an email marketing campaign through a service like Constant Contact, you get a wide variety of feedback on whether your campaign made it to the recipients, if they opened the campaign, and whether they clicked on one or more of the links contained within the message. This information provides you with the relationship pulse of your recipients. By reading this chapter, you will learn how to interpret whether the strength of your relationships are growing, declining, or remaining unchanged. You will also know whether you are building trust.
It’s important to note that your readers may not be aware of all of the great insight you have with regard to the relationship because of the feedback you receive. While this information helps you understand the state of your relationships, it’s important to not freak out your recipients by telling them all that you know. For example, calling a recipient and asking him why he just clicked on a link in your last campaign might not result in the building of trust.


Through tracking you are able to determine the rate at which your communications are being opened and to a certain extent determine what content was of interest to your readers and what content fell flat. By knowing this information you can then tailor your future content to focus on the areas of greatest interest while steering clear of those topics that just did not resonate with your audience.
If your communications contain more than one topic, you will be well served by including only the introductory paragraph of each topic within your email and then including a link to your web site or archive where the full content can be found. This will enable you to see how many people are clicking on the links to read the full content on each topic, providing you with great insight into which topics resonate the best.
When you use this information to eliminate unwanted content, you are not only able to focus on topics of interest, you can also shorten the amount of content you send!


The pinnacle of relationship building is the formation of trust. Trust exists when your customers are willing to put their reputation on the line for your business. One of the great tracking elements of email marketing is that you can see when someone forwards your message along to a friend by using the Forward to a Friend link within your campaign. While you can’t see who someone sends it to, you can see who forwarded your message and how many people he or she has sent it to. These are people that you need to find a way to thank. There are numerous ways that you can thank this audience. Again, you don’t need to let them know that you are monitoring their behavior. However, simply adding them to your VIP email list for inclusion in special offers or invitations to VIP events at your charity or organization can serve as a suitable reward.
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