


How to read this book

Part 1
A New Number Format: The Unum

Chapter 1 Overview

1.1 Fewer bits. Better answers

1.2 Why better arithmetic can save energy and power

Chapter 2 Building up to the unum format

2.1 A graphical view of bit strings: Value and closure plots

2.2 Negative numbers

2.3 Fixed point format

2.4 Floating point format, almost

2.5 What about infinity and NaN? Improving on IEEE rules

Chapter 3 The “original sin” of computer arithmetic

3.1 The acceptance of incorrect answers

3.2 “Almost infinite” and “beyond infinity”

3.3 No overflow, no underflow, and no rounding

3.4 Visualizing ubit-enabled numbers

Chapter 4 The complete unum format

4.1 Overcoming the tyranny of fixed storage size

4.2 The IEEE Standard float formats

4.3 Unum format: Flexible range and precision

4.4 How can appending extra bits save storage?

4.5 Ludicrous precision? The vast range of unums

4.6 Changing environment settings within a computing task

4.7 The reference prototype

4.8 Special values in a flexible precision environment

4.9 Converting exact unums to real numbers

4.10 A complete exact unum set for a small utag

4.11 Inexact unums

4.12 A visualizer for unum strings

Chapter 5 Hidden scratchpads and the three layers

5.1 The hidden scratchpad

5.1.1 The Cray-1 supercomputer

5.1.2 The original definition of the C language

5.1.3 Coprocessors also try to be helpful

5.1.4 IBM almost gets it right: The fused multiply-add

5.1.5 Kulisch gets it right: The exact dot product (EDP)

5.2 The unum layer

5.2.1 The ubound

5.2.2 Processor design for the u-layer

5.3 The math layer

5.3.1 The general bound, or “gbound”

5.3.2 Who uses NaN? Sun Microsystems gets a nasty surprise

5.3.3 An explosion of storage demand in the scratchpad?

5.3.4 Traditional interval arithmetic. Watch out.

5.3.5 Significance arithmetic

5.3.6 Why endpoints must be marked open or closed

5.4 The human layer

5.4.1 Numbers as people perceive them

5.4.2 Demands and concessions

5.5 Moving between layers

5.5.1 Defining the conversion function

5.5.2 Testing the conversion function

5.6 Summary of conversions between layers in the prototype

5.7 Are floats “good enough for government work”?

Chapter 6 Information per bit

6.1 Information as the reciprocal of uncertainty

6.2 “Unifying” a bound to a single unum

6.3 Unification in the prototype

6.3.1 The option of lossy compression

6.3.2 Intelligent unification

6.3.3 Much ado about almost nothing and almost infinite

6.4 Can ubounds save storage compared with traditional floats?

Chapter 7 Fixed-size unum storage

7.1 The Warlpiri unums

7.2 The Warlpiri ubounds

7.3 Hardware for unums: Faster than float hardware?

7.3.1 General comments about the cost of handling exceptions

7.3.2 Unpacked unum format and the “summary bits” idea

Chapter 8 Comparison operations

8.1 Less than, greater than

8.1.1 Conceptual definition of ordering for general intervals

8.1.2 Hardware design for “less than” and “greater than” tests

8.2 Equal, nowhere equal, and “not nowhere equal”

8.2.1 Conceptual definition of “equal” for general intervals

8.2.2 Hardware approach for equal and “not nowhere equal”

8.3 Intersection

Chapter 9 Add/subtract, and the unbiased rounding myth

9.1 Re-learning the addition table … for all real numbers

9.1.1 Examples and tests of data motion

9.1.2 Three-dimensional visualization of ubound addition

9.1.3 Hardware design for unum addition and subtraction

9.2 “Creeping crud” and the myth of unbiased rounding

9.3 Automatic accuracy control and a simple unum math test

Chapter 10 Multiplication and division

10.1 Multiplication requires examining each quadrant

10.2 Hardware for unum multiplication

10.2.1 Multiplies that fit the standard hardware approach

10.2.2 Extended precision and the “complete accumulator”

10.2.3 Really big multiplies

10.3 Division introduces asymmetry in the arguments

10.3.1 The “bad boy” of arithmetic

10.3.2 Hardware for unum division

Chapter 11 Powers

11.1 Square

11.2 Square root

11.3 Nested square roots and “ULP straddling”

11.4 Taxing the scratchpad: Integers to integer powers

11.5 A practice calculation of xy at low precision

11.6 Practical considerations and the actual working routine

11.6.1 Why the power function can be fast

11.6.2 The prototype power function

11.6.3 A challenge to the defenders of floats

11.7 Exp(x) and “The Table-Maker’s Dilemma”

11.7.1 Another dilemma caused by the dishonesty of rounding

11.7.2 The prototype exponential function

Chapter 12 Other important unary operations

12.1 Scope of the prototype

12.2 Absolute value

12.3 Natural logarithm, and a mention of log base 2

12.4 Trig functions: Ending the madness by degrees

Chapter 13 Fused operations (single-use expressions)

13.1 Standardizing a set of fused operations

13.2 Fused multiply-add and fused multiply-subtract

13.3 Solving the paradox of slow arithmetic for complex numbers

13.4 Unum hardware for the complete accumulator

13.4.1 Cost within the unpacked unum environment

13.4.2 Fused dot product and fused sums in the prototype

13.4.3 Consistent results for parallel computing

13.5 Other fused operations

13.5.1 Not every pairing of operations should be fused

13.5.2 Fused product

13.5.3 Fused add-multiply

13.5.4 Fused product ratio

13.5.5 Fused norm, fused root dot product, and fused mean

Chapter 14 Trial runs: Unums face challenge calculations

14.1 Floating point II: The wrath of Kahan

14.2 Rump’s royal pain

14.3 The quadratic formula

14.4 Bailey’s numerical nightmare

14.5 Fast Fourier Transforms using unums

Part 1 Summary

Part 2
A New Way to Solve: The Ubox

Chapter 15 The other kind of error

15.1 Sampling error

15.2 The deeply unsatisfying nature of classical error bounds

15.3 The ubox approach

15.4 Walking the line

15.5 A ubox connected-region example: Computing the unit circle area

15.6 A definition of answer quality and computing “speed”

15.7 Another Kahan booby trap: The “smooth surprise”

Chapter 16 Avoiding interval arithmetic pitfalls

16.1 Useless error bounds

16.2 The wrapping problem

16.3 The dependency problem

16.4 Intelligent standard library routines

16.5 Polynomial evaluation without the dependency problem

16.6 Other fused multiple-use expressions

Chapter 17 What does it mean to “solve” an equation?

17.1 Another break from traditional numerical methods

17.2 A linear equation in one unknown, solved by inversion

17.2.1 Inversion with unums and intervals

17.2.2 Ubounds as coefficients

17.3 “Try everything!” Exhaustive search of the number line

17.3.1 The quadratic formula revisited

17.3.2 To boldly split infinities: Try everything

17.3.3 Highly adjustable parallelism

17.4 The universal equation solver

17.4.1 Methods that USUALLY work

17.4.2 The general failure of the inversion method

17.4.3 Inequality testing; finding extrema

17.4.4 The “intractable” fallacy

17.5 Solvers in more than one dimension

17.6 Summary of the ubox solver approach

Chapter 18 Permission to guess

18.1 Algorithms that work for floats also work for unums

18.2 A fixed-point problem

18.3 Large systems of linear equations

18.4 The last resort

Chapter 19 Pendulums done correctly

19.1 The introductory physics approach

19.2 The usual numerical approach

19.3 Space stepping: A new source of massive parallelism

19.4 It’s not just for pendulums

Chapter 20 The two-body problem (and beyond)

20.1 A differential equation with multiple dimensions

20.1.1 Setting up a traditional simulation

20.1.2 Trying a traditional method out on a single orbit

20.1.3 What about interval arithmetic methods?

20.2 Ubox approach: The initial space step

20.2.1 Solving the chicken-and-egg puzzle

20.2.2 First, bound the position

20.3 The next starting point, and some state law enforcement

20.4 The general space step

20.5 The three-body problem

20.6 The n-body problem and the galaxy colliders

Chapter 21 Calculus considered evil: Discrete physics

21.1 Continuum versus discrete physics

21.2 The discrete version of a vibrating string

21.3 The single-atom gas

21.4 Structural analysis

Chapter 22 The end of error


Appendix A: Glossary of unum functions

A.1   Environment and bit-extraction functions

A.2   Constructors

A.3   Visualization functions

A.4   Conversion functions

A.5   Argument validity tests

A.6   Helper functions for functions defined above

A.7   Comparison operations

A.8   Arithmetic operations

A.9   Fused operations (single-use expressions)

A.10 Some defined data values

A.11 Auto-precision functions

Appendix B: Glossary of ubox functions

B.1 ULP-related manipulations

B.2 Neighbor-finding functions

B.3 Ubox creation by splitting

B.4 Coalescing ubox sets

B.5 Ubox bounds, width, volume

B.6 Test operations on sets

B.7 Fused polynomial evaluation and acceleration formula

B.8 The try-everything solver

B.9 The guessing function

Appendix C: Algorithm listings for Part 1

C.1   The set-the-environment function

C.2   Type-checking functions

C.3   The unum-to-float converter and supporting functions

C.4   The u-layer to general interval conversions

C.5   The real-to-unum or x" conversion function

C.6   Unification functions and supporting functions

C.7   The general interval to unum converter

C.8   Comparison tests and ubound intersection

C.9   Addition and subtraction functions

C.10 Multiplication functions

C.11 Division routines

C.12 Automatic precision adjustment functions

C.13 Fused operations (single-use expressions)

C.14 Square and square root

C.15 The power function xy and exp(x)

C.16 Absolute value, logarithm, and trigonometry functions

C.17 The unum Fast Fourier Transform

Appendix D: Algorithm listings for Part 2

D.1 ULP manipulation functions

D.2 Neighbor-finding functions

D.3 Ubox creation by splitting

D.4 Coalescing ubox sets

D.5 Ubox bounds, width, volumes

D.6 Test operations on sets

D.7 Fused polynomial evaluation and acceleration formula

D.8 The try-everything solver

D.9 The guess function

For Further Reading


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