BizTalk Messaging Configuration Interfaces

The BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model enables programmers and administrators to manipulate and manage the BizTalk Messaging system in a programmatic fashion. This section discusses the interfaces in the Configuration object model as well as provides example code that demonstrates interface usage.

The sample code in this section is designed for Visual Basic/Visual Basic Script. The Visual Basic language was chosen for the sake of clarity and brevity. If you want to see sample C++ code, refer to the DistributionList sample that ships with BizTalk Server 2002.

Configuration Object Model Overview

The functionality exposed by the BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model closely replicates the functionality available in BizTalk Messaging Manager. This is no accident because BizTalk Messaging Manager is built directly on top of the Configuration object model. We're going to use this to our advantage as we learn the BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model by relating the properties and methods of each object to concepts we've already learned in BizTalk Messaging.

Table 19.1 lists the interfaces and associated objects exposed by the BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model.

Table 19.1. BizTalk Messaging Configuration Interfaces and Objects
InterfaceImplemented By
IBizTalkBaseBizTalkChannel, BizTalkDocument, BizTalkEnvelope, BizTalkOrgnization, BizTalkPort, BizTalkPortGroup


The BizTalk Messaging Configuration interfaces and objects are implemented in BizTalkObjectModel.dll.

IBizTalkConfig Interface

Programmatic access to the BizTalk Messaging system begins with the IBizTalkConfig interface. Through its methods, IBizTalkConfig acts as an object factory for the main BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects. The IBizTalkConfig properties serve as a central source for information about existing BizTalk Messaging objects. Table 19.2 lists the properties and methods exposed by the IBizTalkConfig interface.

Table 19.2. IBizTalkConfig Properties and Methods
CertificatesPropertyADO recordset containing the list of certificates registered with BizTalk Server
ChannelsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging channels in the database
CreateChannelMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkChannel object
CreateDocumentMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkDocument object
CreateEnvelopeMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkEnvelope object
CreateOrganizationMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkOrganization object
CreatePortMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkPort object
CreatePortGroupMethodCreates and returns a new BizTalkPortGroup object
DocumentsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging document definitions in the database
EnvelopesPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging envelopes in the database
OrganizationsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging organizations in the database
PortGroupsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging distribution lists in the database
PortsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all BizTalk Messaging ports in the database

The following sections discuss these properties and methods in greater detail.

Creating New BizTalk Messaging Configuration Objects

IBizTalkConfig exposes six methods for creating new BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects. Listing 19.1 shows these methods and their syntax.

Listing 19.1. Sample Configuration Object Creation Code
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set org = BT.CreateOrganization
Set doc = BT.CreateDocument
Set env = BT.CreateEnvelope
Set port = BT.CreatePort
Set channel = BT.CreateChannel
Set group = BT.CreatePortGroup


The IBizTalkConfig Create methods (CreateChannel, CreateDocument, and so on) only create instances of Configuration objects. You'll learn how to create BizTalk Messaging objects in the database in the next section.

Inspecting Existing BizTalk Messaging Objects

IBizTalkConfig exposes six properties that return ADO recordsets containing information about the BizTalk Messaging objects currently configured in the database. Listing 19.2 shows these properties and their syntax.

Listing 19.2. IBizTalkConfig BizTalk Messaging Object ADO Recordset Properties
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set channel_rs = BT.Channels
Set doc_rs = BT.Documents
Set env_rs = BT.Envelopes
Set org_rs = BT.Organizations
Set group_rs = BT.PortGroups
Set port_rs = BT.Ports

Table 19.3 shows the fields returned by the ADO recordset properties.

Table 19.3. ADO Recordset Fields
idIndicates the internal handle for the object
nameIndicates the name of the object
datemodifiedIndicates the date and time of the last update
formatIndicates the envelope format (Envelopes property only)
defaultflagIndicates the default organization—0 for false, –1 for true (Organizations property only)


Certificates are used to authenticate and secure exchanges on nonsecured networks. Microsoft BizTalk Server relies heavily on the security provided by certificates. Public-key encryption is supported for all documents handled by BizTalk Server.

The IBizTalkConfig interface allows you to search the contents of a certificate store using the Certificates property. Table 19.4 shows the ADO recordset fields returned by the Certificates property.

Table 19.4. Certificates ADO Recordset Fields
nameSpecifies the certificate name
referenceSpecifies a reference to the certificate in the certificate store
storeSpecifies the certificate store
usageSpecifies the how the certificate can be used

Listing 19.3 demonstrates usage of the Certificates property.

Listing 19.3. Usage of the IBizTalkConfig Certificates Property
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")

Do While Not rs.EOF
    MsgBox "Name: " & rs("name") & vbCRLF & _
           "Reference: " & rs("reference") & vbCRLF & _
           "Store: " & rs("store") & vbCRLF & _
           "Usage: " & rs("usage")

Note that the Certificates property is not a traditional property in that it takes several parameters. Those parameters in order are a BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE enumeration value, a BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE enumeration value, and a prefix filter string to further refine your search.

Tables 19.5 and 19.6 show the possible values for the BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE and BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE enumerations.

Table 19.5. BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE_MYStore for certificates authorized only by your organization
BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE_BIZTALKDedicated BizTalk Server store

Table 19.6. BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_ENCRYPTIONCertificate is used for encryption.
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_SIGNATURECertificate is used for signature.
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_BOTHCertificate is used for encryption and signature.

IBizTalkBase Interface

The IBizTalkBase interface, as its name suggests, exposes common properties and methods of the six primary BizTalk Messaging Configuration objects:

  • BizTalkChannel

  • BizTalkDocument

  • BizTalkEnvelope

  • BizTalkOrganization

  • BizTalkPort

  • BizTalkPortGroup

Table 19.7 lists the properties and methods of the IBizTalkBase interface.

Table 19.7. IBizTalkBase Properties and Methods
ClearMethodClears the object in memory
CreateMethodCreates a new BizTalk Messaging object in the database
DateModifiedPropertyDate and time the object was created or saved
HandlePropertyBizTalk Messaging object handle
LoadMethodLoads an object from the database by its handle
LoadByNameMethodLoads an object from the database by its name
NamePropertyName of the object
RemoveMethodRemoves the object from the database
SaveMethodSaves the object to the database

Figure 19.3 shows the hierarchical relationship between IBizTalkBase and the six primary Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.3. IBizTalkBase interface UML diagram.

Creating New BizTalk Messaging Objects

BizTalk Messaging objects are created in the database by calling the Create method. Before calling Create, you must name the object:

Org.Name = "BizTalk Unleashed Organization" 


Some Configuration objects such as BizTalkPort and BizTalkChannel have additional rerequisites before calling the Create method.

BizTalk Server places two restrictions on object names:

  • The name must be at least one character and can be no more than 64 characters.

  • The name, which is not case sensitive, must be unique across the database for the object type.

In addition, BizTalk Server reserved several names for BizTalk Messaging objects. Table 19.8 shows the names reserved by BizTalk Server 2002 and their associated object type.

Table 19.8. Reserved Object Names in BizTalk Server 2002
Reserved NameObject Type
Reliable Message Acknowledgement PortPort
Reliable Message Acknowledgement ChannelChannel
BizTalk Canonical ReceiptDocument definition
Reliable Messaging AcknowledgementDocument definition
Reliable Messaging Acknowledgement SMTP from AddressOrganization identifier
Home OrganizationOrganization

When new objects are created in the database, BizTalk Server generates and assigns a unique internal handle value to the object. This value is static for the life of the object on this server. After calling Create, the Handle and DateModified properties are updated to

reflect the new object information.


The DateModified property returns a string with the coordinate universal time (UTC) in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.


The BizTalk Server 2002 documentation warns that when creating or saving an object that refers to an XML document specification outside your local domain, you may receive an error. If an error occurs, you will need to download and configure the WinHTTP proxy utility from the Microsoft MSDN Web site.

Modifying BizTalk Messaging Objects

To change any of the settings for an existing BizTalk Messaging object, you must first load the object into memory. IBizTalkBase provides two methods for doing just that, Load and LoadByName. The following sample code demonstrates how to use these methods:

Org.Load hOrg   ' where hOrg is the handle to an organization 
Org.LoadByName "BizTalk Unleashed Organization"

After loading the object, you can make the necessary changes through the properties and methods of the Configuration object. Call the Save method to store your changes back to the database. The following code sample demonstrates an update to an organization in the database:

Org.LoadByName "BizTalk Unleashed Organization" 
Org.Name = "New BizTalk Unleashed Organization"
Org.CreateAlias "My Alias", False, "Qualifier", "Value"

After you call Save, the DateModified property is updated to reflect the new date and time.


Changing the name of an existing BizTalk Messaging object could adversely affect scripts and schedules that refer to the object by name.

Removing BizTalk Messaging Objects

To remove an object from the BizTalk Messaging database, first load the object into memory and then call Remove to delete the object from the database. For example:

Org.LoadByName "New BizTalk Unleashed Organization" 


The Remove method will fail when called for a BizTalk Messaging object that is referred to by another BizTalk Messaging object or a running XLANG schedule. This is known as referential integrity. BizTalk Server enforces referential integrity in the BizTalk Messaging database.

IBizTalkBase Example

Listing 19.4 shows a simple example illustrating the use of the IBizTalkBase properties and methods. Because a BizTalkBase object cannot be instantiated directly, a surrogate BizTalkOrganization object is used.


You can see the effects of this code in real-time through BizTalk Messaging Manager. Make sure that you refresh the search after each step.

Listing 19.4. Visual Basic Code Illustrating the BizTalkBase Properties and Methods
' Step 1 - Create an organization configuration object
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set org = BT.CreateOrganization()

' Step 2 - Name the organization and create it in the database
org.Name = "BizTalk Unleashed Organization"
hOrg = org.Create()
MsgBox "New object created, Handle = " & org.Handle & ", DateModified = " & org
.DateModified & "."

' Step 3 - Load our Organization by handle
org.Load hOrg
MsgBox org.Name & " loaded."

' Step 4 - Change the organization's name and save it back to the database
org.Name = "BizTalk Unleashed Sample Organization"
MsgBox org.Name & " saved."

' Step 5 - Clear the config object and load our organization by name
org.LoadByName "BizTalk Unleashed Sample Organization"
MsgBox org.Name & " loaded."

' Step 6 - Remove our new organization from the database
MsgBox org.Name & " removed."


The code (19newListing04.vbs) in Listing 19.4 is also available for download at the Sams Publishing Web site.

IBizTalkOrganization Interface

The IBizTalkOrganization interface exposes properties and methods that manage BizTalk Messaging organizations. Organizations represent trading partners with which you exchange documents. The Home Organization represents your business and may contain specific applications where inbound documents are routed. Table 19.9 shows the properties and methods of the IBizTalkOrganization interface.

Table 19.9. IBizTalkOrganization Properties and Methods
AliasesPropertyADO recordset containing information about all aliases for the organization
ApplicationsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all applications in the organization
CommentsPropertyUser comments about the organization
CreateAliasMethodCreates an alias
CreateApplicationMethodCreates an application
GetDefaultAliasMethodReturns the handle to the default alias
IsDefaultPropertyFlag indicating whether the organization is default/
LoadAliasMethodLoads an alias into memory
LoadApplicationMethodLoads an application into memory
RemoveAliasMethodRemoves an alias
RemoveApplicationMethodRemoves an application
SaveAliasMethodSaves an alias
SaveApplicationMethodSaves an application

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.9, BizTalkOrganization objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase shown in Table 19.7.


BizTalk Messaging Manager refers to the default organization as the Home Organization. The home organization cannot be deleted from the BizTalk Messaging database.

Figure 19.4 shows a UML-style diagram illustrating the relationship between IBizTalkOrganization and IBizTalkBase.

Figure 19.4. IBizTalk Organization interface UML diagram.

The following sections discuss the properties and methods of the IBizTalkOrganization interface.


Aliases are otherwise known as identifiers in BizTalk Messaging Manager. They specify qualifier-value pairs that uniquely identify an organization and consist of four properties:

  • A handle that uniquely identifies the alias across the BizTalk Messaging database. Alias handles are assigned by BizTalk Server when the alias is created.

  • A name unique across the organization object.

  • An qualifier-value pair unique across the BizTalk Messaging database.

  • A Boolean flag to indicate whether the alias is default.

Multiple aliases can be specified for a single organization; however, each alias name must be unique for the given organization. Alias qualifier-value pairs must be unique across all organizations in the database.

When new organizations are created, BizTalk Server automatically generates an alias with the name “Organization” and the qualifier-value pair, "OrganizationName"-<name of organization>. When an organization name is changed, BizTalk Server automatically updates the value in this qualifier-value pair to reflect the new organization name. Use the CreateAlias, LoadAlias, SaveAlias, and RemoveAlias methods to manipulate the current list of aliases for an organization. Listing 19.5 shows sample code that uses these methods. The handle value (100034) is made up for illustration purposes.

Listing 19.5. Sample Code for Manipulating Organization Aliases
org.CreateAlias "My Alias Name", False, "Alias Qualifier", "Alias Value"

Dim name, def, qual, val
org.LoadAlias 100034, name, def, qual, val

val = "New Alias Value"
org.SaveAlias 100034, name, def, qual, val

org.RemoveAlias 100034

You cannot remove auto-generated aliases, default aliases, or aliases referred to by BizTalk Messaging channels and/or ports.


After creating, saving, or removing an alias from a BizTalkOrganization object, you must call the Create or Save method to persist the new alias settings in the database.

The Aliases property returns an ADO recordset containing the current list of aliases in the organization. Table 19.10 shows the fields returned for each record.

Table 19.10. Aliases Property ADO Recordest Fields
idSpecifies the alias handle
nameSpecifies the alias name
defaultflagSpecifies whether the alias is default (0 for false, –1 for true)
qualifierSpecifies the identifier in the alias identifier-value pair
valueSpecifies the value in the alias identifier-value pair

Listing 19.6 shows example usage of the Aliases property.

Listing 19.6. Sample Code Illustrating the IBizTalkOrganization Aliases Property
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set org = BT.CreateOrganization
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Aliases

Do While Not rs.EOF
    MsgBox "ID: " & rs("id") & vbCRLF & _
           "Name: " & rs("name") & vbCrLf & _
           "Default: " & rs("defaultflag") & vbCRLF & _
           "Qualifier: " & rs("qualifier") & vbCrLf &_
           "Value: " & rs("value")


Applications in the Home Organization identify actual internal applications within your business. They do not, however, enable the flow of documents through BizTalk Messaging to the internal applications. Instead, they serve as placeholders to indicate a document destination. The actual configuration that enables the flow of documents to an application is specified by the transport properties of a messaging port.

BizTalk Messaging Manager only allows applications to be created in the Home Organization. The Configuration object model, however, does not enforce this rule. Therefore, any applications created in nondefault organizations cannot be manipulated in BizTalk Messaging Manager. Although creating applications outside the Home Organization is generally not recommended, it is possible to access and manipulate them through the Configuration object model.


An application name must be unique within its organization.

Use the CreateApplication, LoadApplication, SaveApplication, and RemoveApplication methods to manipulate the current list of applications for an organization. Listing 19.7 shows sample code that uses these methods. Once again the handle value (100034) is made up for illustration purposes.

Listing 19.7. Sample Code for Manipulating Applications
org.CreateApplication "My Application Name"

Dim name
org.LoadApplication 100034, name

name = "New Application Name"
org.SaveApplication 100034, name

org.RemoveApplication 100034

An application cannot be removed if a BizTalk Messaging port or channel refers to it.


After creating, saving, or removing an application from the Home Organization, you must call the Create or Save method on the associated BizTalkOrganization object to persist the new application settings in the database.

The Applications property returns an ADO recordset containing the current list of applications in the organization. Table 19.11 shows the fields returned for each record.

Table 19.11. Applications Property ADO Recordset Fields
idThe application handle
nameThe application name

IBizTalkOrganization Example

Listing 19.8 demonstrates the creation of a new partner organization named Joe's Crab Shack.

Listing 19.8. Sample Script Demonstrating the Creation of a New Organization
' Create a new organization
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set org = BT.CreateOrganization
org.Name = "Joe's Crab Shack"

' Create an alias for the organization
org.CreateAlias "Best Crabcakes in Maryland", False, "Awards", "Best Crabcakes"

' Add a new application to the home organization
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
org.CreateApplication "Restaurant Reviews"
org.CreateApplication "My Application"

IBizTalkDocument Interface

The IBizTalkDocument interface provides properties and methods for managing BizTalk Messaging document definitions. Document definitions represent specific types of documents handled by BizTalk Server. They consist of a BizTalk Server-specific XML document specification schema, which describes the content and format of the document. Table 19.12 shows the properties and methods of the IBizTalkDocument interface.

Table 19.12. IBizTalkDocument Properties and Methods
ContentPropertyContent of the document definition specified by Reference
LoadByPropertySetMethodLoads the document definition based on the specified PropertySet Dictionary object
NameSpacePropertyString that resolves naming conflicts in the document
PropertySetPropertyDictionary object containing the selection criteria for extracting information from an EDI document
ReferencePropertyWebDAV URL specifying the document specification file
TrackFieldsPropertyDictionary object containing the custom fields that Tracking uses to track documents based on this specification
TypePropertyDocument specification type
VersionPropertyVersion of the document standard

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.12, BizTalkDocument objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase, shown in Table 19.7.

Figure 19.5 shows a UML-style diagram illustrating the relationships between IBizTalkDocument and various Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.5. IBizTalkDocument interface UML diagram.

Document Specification

The document specification for a BizTalkDocument object is set by specifying the full WedDAV URL for the document specification file in the Reference property. For example:

doc.Reference = "http://machine/BizTalkServerRepository/DocSpecs/Microsoft/CommonPO.xml" 

When a document definition is created or saved using the Create or Save methods, the Content, NameSpace, Type, and Version properties are updated to reflect the new document specification. When Reference is empty, these properties are cleared.

Global Tracking

Document tracking data designates fields within the document specification that you want to log to the Tracking database. The TrackFields property is used to specify tracking data for a BizTalkDocument object. TrackFields returns a Dictionary object containing the custom fields that Tracking uses to track documents based on this specification. Tracking fields apply only to inbound documents in a channel. Any tracking data specified for an outbound document is ignored by BizTalk Server.


A valid document definition must be specified in the Reference property before setting any tracking data.

Table 19.13 shows the predefined Dictionary fields used by Tracking.

Table 19.13. Predefined Tracking Fields
Field NameField Type
i_value1Integer value
i_value2Integer value
r_value1Real value
r_value2Real value
d_value1Date value
d_value2Date value
s_value1String value
s_value2String value
x_custom_searchList of additional tracking fields

The fields in the dictionary must contain valid XPath values that identify the fields to be tracked. Listing 19.9 shows some example XPath expressions. The XPath expressions were derived from the CommonPO.xml document specification that ships with BizTalk Server.

Listing 19.9. Sample XPath Tracking Fields
doc.TrackFields.r_value1 = "/CommonPO/SpecialCharge/@Amount"
doc.TrackFields.r_value2 = "/CommonPO/Currency/@ExchangeRate"

doc.TrackFields.s_value1 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@PaymentMethod"
doc.TrackFields.s_value2 = "/CommonPO/CarrierDetail/@Routing"

doc.TrackFields.i_value1 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@NetDays"
doc.TrackFields.i_value2 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@DiscountDaysDue"

doc.TrackFields.d_value1 = "/CommonPO/Item/DateReference/@Date"
doc.TrackFields.d_value2 = /CommonPO/POHeader/@CreationDate

If additional fields are required, the x_custom_search field can be used. x_custom_search returns a SimpleList to which fields can be added or removed using the ISimpleList.Add and ISimpleList.Remove methods. Listing 19.10 shows sample code for the x_custom_search Dictionary field.

Listing 19.10. Sample Code for Custom Tracking Fields
doc.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add "/CommonPO/Total/@LineItemTotal"
doc.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add "/CommonPO/Total/@QuantityTotal"
doc.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add "/CommonPO/Total/@POTotal"

doc.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Remove "/CommonPO/POHeader/@Purpose"
doc.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Remove /CommonPO/POHeader/@Type

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria are a set of unique name-value pairs used to process EDI documents. The PropertySet property is used to specify selection criteria for a BizTalkDocument object. PropertySet returns a Dictionary object with the EDI selection criteria for the document specification. Selection criteria is required for X12 and EDIFACT type document definitions.


A valid document definition must be specified by the Reference property before setting any selection criteria.

Tables 19.14 and 19.15 show the required and optional header elements that must be specified for EDI document specifications.

Table 19.14. Required X12 Header Elements
Field NameRequiredGS Element

Table 19.15. EDIFACT Header Elements
Field NameRequiredUNH ElementUNG Element
functional_identifierYesS009, 00650038
application_sender_codeNonot usedS006, 0040
application_receiver_codeNonot usedS007, 0044
standards_version_typeYesS009, 0052S008, 0052
standards_version_valueYesS009, 0054S008, 0054

IBizTalkDocument Example

Listing 19.11 shows sample code that creates a new document definition named Restaurant Reviewer based on the CommonPartnerProfile.xml document specification that ships with BizTalk Server. Before running this code on your machine, you need to change machine in the Reference WebDAV URL to the network name of the machine where your BizTalk Server is installed.

Listing 19.11. Sample Code to Create a New Document
' Create a new document specification
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set doc = BT.CreateDocument
doc.Name = "Restaurant Reviewer"
doc.Reference = "http://machine/BizTalkServerRepository/DocSpecs/Microsoft

' Add tracking fields
doc.TrackFields.s_value1 = "/CommonPartnerProfile/Name/@Text"
doc.TrackFields.s_value2 = "/CommonPartnerProfile/Location/@AgencyCode"


After running this script, you can review the changes in BizTalk Messaging Manager.

IBizTalkEnvelope Interface

The IBizTalkEnvelope interface provides properties and methods for managing BizTalk Messaging envelopes. An envelope encapsulates electronic business data for transport into and out of BizTalk Server. Conceptually, it consists of a header and sometimes a footer and provides BizTalk Server with the necessary information to open inbound interchanges and create outbound documents.

The BizTalk Messaging envelope itself consists of a format type, which in turn may require an envelope specification. Table 19.16 shows the properties of the IBizTalkEnvelope interface.

Table 19.16. IBizTalkEnvelope Properties
ContentPropertyContent of the envelope specification indicated by Reference
FormatPropertySpecifies the envelope format
NameSpacePropertyString that resolves naming conflicts in the document
ReferencePropertyWebDAV URL specifying the envelope specification file
VersionPropertyVersion of the envelope format specification

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.16, BizTalkEnvelope objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase, shown in Table 19.7.

Figure 19.6 shows a UML-style diagram illustrating the relationships between IBizTalkEnvelope and various Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.6. IBizTalkEnvelope interface UML diagram.

Envelope Format

An envelope format is specified through the Format property. Format takes one of the following strings:

  • x12

  • edifact

  • custom xml

  • flatfile

  • custom

  • reliable

Specifying anything other than one of these strings results in a runtime error when Save or Create is called. If this occurs, the previously specified format is not changed. The following code sample shows correct and incorrect format specification strings:

env.Format = "edifact"    ' OK 
env.Format = "EDIFACT"    ' OK
env.Format = "flatfile"   ' OK
env.Format = "flat file"  ' Error

Notice that the format string is not case sensitive.


Custom formats require that a custom parser and/or serializer be registered with BizTalk Server. Refer to Chapter 18, “Creating Custom Seriliazers, Parsers, and Functoids,” for more information about creating custom parsers andserializers.

Envelope Specification

The conditionally required envelope specification is specified through the Reference property. Reference takes a string containing the full WebDAV URL for the envelope specification file. X12, EDIFACT, and reliable are well-known formats to BizTalk Server and as such do not need a specification file. The system goes so far as to throw a runtime error when Reference is set for one of these formats. Listing 19.12 shows correct and incorrect usage of the Reference property for an EDI envelope.

Listing 19.12. Correct and Incorrect Usage of the Reference Property for EDI Envelopes
' Incorrect:
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set env = BT.CreateEnvelope
env.Name = "BizTalk Unleashed Envelope"
env.Format = "x12"
env.Reference = "http://machine/BizTalkServerRepository/DocSpecs/Envelope.xml"
env.Create ' Runtime error!

' Correct:
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set env = BT.CreateEnvelope
env.Name = "BizTalk Unleashed Envelope"
env.Format = "x12"

When an envelope is created or saved using the Create or Save methods, the Content, NameSpace, and Version properties are updated to reflect the new envelope specification. If Reference is empty, these properties are cleared to their default values.

IBizTalkEnvelope Example

Listing 19.13 shows an example that creates an envelope based on the Simple SOAP Envelope document specification that ships with BizTalk Server 2002.

Listing 19.13. Sample Code to Create a New Envelope
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
Set env = BT.CreateEnvelope
env.Name = "Simple Soap Envelope"
env.Format = "custom xml"
env.Reference = "http://machine/BizTalkServerRepository/DocSpecs/Microsoft/ Simple SOAP

IBizTalkPort Interface

The IBizTalkPort interface provides properties and methods for managing BizTalk Messaging ports. A BizTalk Messaging port defines the one-way transfer of a document between organizations and applications. Table 19.17 shows the properties and methods of the IBizTalkPort interface.

Table 19.17. IBizTalkPort Properties and Methods
ChannelsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all channels that refer to this port
CommentsPropertyUser comments about the port
ControlNumberValuePropertyInterchange control number
DelimitersPropertyDictionary object containing all delimiters used in the document specification
DestinationEndPointPropertyBizTalkEndPoint object containing information about the destination
EncodingTypePropertyBIZTALK_ENCODING_TYPE enumeration value that indicates the document encoding type
EncryptionCertificateInfoPropertyBizTalkCertificateInfo object containing information about the certificate that encrypts the document
EncryptionTypePropertyBIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE enumeration value that indicates the document encryption type
EnvelopePropertyHandle to the associated envelope
PrimaryTransportPropertyBizTalkTransportInfo object containing information about the primary transport
SecondaryTransportPropertyBizTalkTransportInfo object containing information about the secondary transport
ServiceWindowTransportPropertyBizTalkServiceWindowInfo object containing information about the service window
SignatureTypePropertyBIZTALK_SIGNATURE_TYPE enumeration value that indicates the type of digital signing and verification

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.17, BizTalkPort objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase shown in Table 19.7.

Figure 19.7 shows a UML-style diagram illustrating the relationships between IBizTalkPort and various Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.7. IBizTalkPort interface UML diagram.


Messaging port destinations specify where the messaging port delivers documents. Destinations can be organizations, XLANG schedules, or applications in the Home Organization. A messaging port destination is specified through the DestinationEndPoint property of the IBizTalkPort interface. DestinationEndPoint returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkEndPoint interface. Table 19.18 shows the properties of the IBizTalkEndPoint interface.

Table 19.18. IBizTalkEndPoint Properties
AliasPropertyHandle to the organization alias for the destination organization
ApplicationPropertyHandle to the associated application in the destination organization
OpennessPropertyBIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX enumeration value that indicates the openness of the destination
OrganizationPropertyHandle to the destination organization

Table 19.19 shows the possible enumeration values for the Openness property of the IBizTalkEndPoint interface.

Table 19.19. BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_SOURCESource organization is open.
BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_DESTINATIONDestination organization is open.
BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_FROMWORKFLOWDocument is received from an XLANG schedule.

The Alias and Organization properties can both be used for specifying a destination organization. It is not necessary to specify an alias and an organization, though; one or the other will suffice.


The Openness property cannot be changed after a messaging port is created.

The following “Destination:” sections discuss the various messaging port destination types and the implications of using each type.

Destination: Organization

For destinations to organizations, the messaging port may specify a specific partner organization or leave the destination open, creating an open messaging port. Open messaging ports expect the destination information to be supplied at runtime through fields in the document or parameters passed during submission.

Before configuring a messaging port to an organization, the organization must be added to the BizTalk Messaging database. Listing 19.14 demonstrates the required settings for the DestinationEndPoint property to configure a messaging port to a specific partner organization.

Listing 19.14. DestinationEndPoint Settings for a Partner Organization
org.LoadByName "Joe's Crab Shack"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN

Listing 19.15 demonstrates the required settings for the DestinationEndPoint property to configure an open messaging port.

Listing 19.15. DestinationEndPoint Settings for an Open Messaging Port
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_DESTINATION

When creating open messaging ports, you must abide by the following constraints:

  • PrimaryTransport.Type must be set to BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_OPENDESTINATION.

  • EncryptionType cannot be set.

  • The messaging port cannot be included in a distribution group.

Destination: XLANG Schedule

Messaging ports to XLANG schedules can be configured to activate a new XLANG schedule or deliver documents to a running XLANG schedule. Listing 19.16 demonstrates the required settings for the DestinationEndPoint property to configure a messaging port to activate an XLANG schedule.

Listing 19.16. DestinationEndPoint Settings for a Messaging Port to a New XLANG Schedule
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_TOWORKFLOW

Listing 19.17 demonstrates the required settings for the DestinationEndPoint property to configure a messaging port to a running XLANG schedule.

Listing 19.17. DestinationEndPoint Settings for a Messaging Port to a Running XLANG Schedule
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_TOWORKFLOW

Notice that a destination to a running XLANG schedule does not require that an organization be specified. Information that identifies running XLANG schedules is passed in document fields as parameters during document submission.

Destination: Application

Before configuring a messaging port destination to an application, the application must be added to the Home Organization. Listing 19.18 demonstrates the required settings for the DestinationEndPoint property to configure a messaging port to an application.

Listing 19.18. DestinationEndPoint Settings for a Messaging Port to an Application
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Applications
AppHandle = 0

Do While Not rs.EOF
    If (rs("name") = "My Application") Then
        AppHandle = rs("id")
        Exit Do
    End If

port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Application = AppHandle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN


Messaging port transports specify the transport service that will be used to transport documents as well as the specific address to which documents are sent. Messaging port transports are specified through the PrimaryTransport and SecondaryTransport properties of the IBizTalkPort interface. Both properties return an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkTransportInfo interface. Table 19.20 shows the properties of the IBizTalkTransportInfo interface.

Table 19.20. IBizTalkTransportInfo Properties
AddressPropertyDestination address
ParameterPropertySpecifies additional information as required by Type and Address
TypePropertyBIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE enumeration value that indicates the type of transport component to use

Transport Type

The transport type is specified through the Type property of the IBizTalkTransportInfo interface. Table 19.21 shows the transport type enumeration values.

Table 19.21. BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_ LOOPBACKSpecifies that the submitted document is processed and returned as the response document
BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_ ORCHESTRATIONACTIVATIONSpecifies that the document activates a new XLANG schedule instance

Transport type is closely tied to—and even constrained by—the destination type of the associated messaging port. For example, open messaging ports must specify BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_OPENDESTINATION as their primary transport type.

Messaging ports that activate new XLANG schedules must set their primary transport type to BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_ORCHESTRATIONACTIVATION.

Transport Address

The transport address indicates the destination of the document and is specified through the Address property of the IBizTalkEndPoint interface. Table 19.22 shows the transport types that require an associated address as well as the address prefix required by the type.

Table 19.22. Transport Types That Require an Address Parameter
Transport TypesPrefix (if any)

Listing 19.19 shows example usage of the Type and Address properties for each available transport type in BizTalk Server.

Listing 19.19. Sample Transport Types and Addresses
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}"

port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_FILE
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "file://C:BizTalk UnleashedTest.xml"

port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = ""

port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTPS
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = " "

' Does not require Address

port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_MSMQ
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "DIRECT=OS:.private$myqueue"

' Does not require Address
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_NONE

' Does not require Address

port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "C:BizTalk Unleashed	est.skx"

port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SMTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = mailto:[email protected]

For the most part, there are no surprises in the sample addresses listed here. One exception may be the address for BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_APPINTEGRATION. The APPINTEGRATION address specifies the CLSID of a registered COM+ AIC component.

Additional Transport Data

Some transport types require additional information beyond the transport address. Additional data is specified through the Parameter property of the IBizTalkTransportInfo interface. Table 19.23 shows which transport types require more information and what that information is.

Table 19.23. Additional Transport Information
SMTPReturn e-mail address of the associated source
Schedule ActivationBizTalk Orchestration port in the schedule to be activated

Service Window

A service window indicates the valid time range as hours in the day for transmitting documents. A service window is specified through the ServiceWindowTransport property of the IBizTalkPort interface. ServiceWindowTransport returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkServiceWindowInfo interface. Table 19.24 shows the properties of the IBizTalkServiceWindowInfo interface.

Table 19.24. IBizTalkServiceWindowInfo Properties and Methods
FromTimePropertySpecifies the earliest hour of any day that the interchange can be transmitted
IsEnabledPropertySpecifies whether the service window is enabled
ToTimePropertySpecifies the latest hour of any day that the interchange can be transmitted

When setting a service window, you must specify a valid time range using the FromTime and ToTime properties of BizTalkServiceWindowInfo. Service window times must contain a value between 0 and 23 indicating the hour of the day. BizTalk Server does not provide support for fractional hours or minutes. Listing 19.20 shows sample code that uses the ServiceWindowTransport property.

Listing 19.20. ServiceWindowTransport Property Sample Code
' 7am to 7pm
port.ServiceWindowTransport.FromTime  = 7
port.ServiceWindowTransport.ToTime    = 19
port.ServiceWindowTransport.IsEnabled = True

The following sections will build on the samples started in the “Destination” section to include transport information.

Destination: Organization (ver HTTPS/HTTP)

Listing 19.21 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to an organization over HTTPS (primary) and HTTP (secondary).

Listing 19.21. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to an Organization over HTTP and HTTPS
org.LoadByName "Joe's Crab Shack"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTPS
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = ""
port.SecondaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTP
port.SecondaryTransport.Address =

Destination: Organization (over SMTP)

Listing 19.22 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to an organization over SMTP.

Listing 19.22. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to an Organization over SMTP
org.LoadByName "Joe's Crab Shack"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SMTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "mailto:[email protected]"
port.PrimaryTransport.Parameter = mailto:[email protected]

Destination: Open Destination

Listing 19.23 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure an open messaging port.

Listing 19.23. Transport Settings for an Open Messaging Port
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_DESTINATION

Destination: New XLANG Schedule

Listing 19.24 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to activate a new XLANG schedule.

Listing 19.24. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to Activate a New XLANG Schedule
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_TOWORKFLOW
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "C:BizTalkSchedulesMySchedule.skd"
port.PrimaryTransport.Parameter = "start_port"

Destination: Running XLANG Schedule

Listing 19.25 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to a running XLANG schedule.

Listing 19.25. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to a Running XLANG Schedule
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_TOWORKFLOW

Destination: Application (AIC)

Listing 19.26 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to an Application Integration Component (AIC).

Listing 19.26. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to an AIC
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Applications
AppHandle = 0

Do While Not rs.EOF
    If (rs("name") = "My Application") Then
        AppHandle = rs("id")
        Exit Do
    End If

port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Application = AppHandle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "{23A4973A-EF2F-11D2-BF2C-00C04F682DE1}"

Destination: Application (ASP)

Listing 19.27 demonstrates the required destination and transport settings to configure a messaging port to an ASP page.

Listing 19.27. Transport Settings for a Messaging Port to an ASP Page
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Applications
AppHandle = 0

Do While Not rs.EOF
    If (rs("name") = "My Application") Then
        AppHandle = rs("id")
        Exit Do
    End If

port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Application = AppHandle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address =


An envelope consists of a header and sometimes a footer and provides BizTalk Server with the necessary information to open inbound documents and interchanges and to create outbound documents. When BizTalk Server processes an outbound document, the properties of the messaging port envelope are used to create an interchange by encapsulating the document. Envelopes are associated with messaging ports through the Envelope property of the IBizTalkPort interface.

env.LoadFromHandle "Simple SOAP Envelope" 
port.Envelope = env.Handle

Associating an envelope to a port is optional. If you do choose to use an envelope, the format of the envelope must agree with the format of the document that it contains. The document format is determined by the outbound document specification of the associated channel.

Control Number

An interchange control number is used to identify and track documents processed by the messaging port. You must specify an interchange control number when the associated envelope uses an X12 or EDIFACT format. The interchange control number is specified through the ControlNumberValue property of the IBizTalkPort interface. The value must be between 1 and 999999999.

port.ControlNumberValue = 42 


Delimiters specify which characters are used to separate data within the envelope and documents of an interchange. You must specify a delimiter when the associated envelope uses an X12 or EDIFACT format. Delimiter lists are set through the Delimiters property of the IBizTalkPort interface. A delimiter returns a Dictionary object. Table 19.25 shows the required delimiter identifiers for X12 and EDIFACT envelopes.

Table 19.25. Required Delimiter Identifiers for X12 and EDIFACT Envelopes


Envelopes using a custom format may also require a delimiter list.


The security settings in a messaging port apply to the messaging port as well as all associated channels. If different channels need different security arrangements, you must create separate messaging ports for each channel.


The messaging port encoding type is specified through the EncodingType property of the IBizTalkPort interface. EncodingType takes one of the BIZTALK_ENCODING_TYPE enumeration values shown in Table 19.26.


Table 19.26. BIZTALK_ENCODING_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_ENCODING_TYPE_MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

Specifying a custom encoding type implies that a custom encoding component is specified in the associated BizTalk Messaging channel.


The messaging encryption type is specified through the EncryptionType property of the IBizTalkPort interface. EncryptionType takes one of the BIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE enumeration values shown in Table 19.27.


Table 19.27. BIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_SMIMESecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encryption


Open messaging ports cannot use encryption. For open messaging ports, set the encryption type to BIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NONE.

Specifying a custom encryption type implies that a custom encryption component is specified in the associated BizTalk Messaging channel.

Encryption Certificate

The EncryptionCertificateInfo property returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkCertificateInfo interface. The BizTalkCertificateInfo object contains information about the certificate that encrypts the document. Table 19.28 shows the properties of the IBizTalkCertificateInfo interface.

Table 19.28. IBizTalkCertificateInfo Properties
NamePropertyCertificate name
ReferencePropertyReference to the certificate in the certificate store
StorePropertyBIZTALK_STORE_TYPE enumeration indicating which store holds the certificate
UsagePropertyBIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE enumeration indicating the type of use for the certificate


The EncryptionCertificateInfo property is required when EncryptionType is set to BIZTALK_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_SMIME.

The Reference and Store properties of the IBizTalkCertificateInfo interface together specify a unique certificate from the certificate store. The certificate reference can be obtained from the Certificates property of the IBizTalkConfig interface. The Store property takes one of the BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE enumeration values listed in Table 19.29.

Table 19.29. BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE_MYSpecifies the store that contains certificates authorized by your organization only
BIZTALK_STORE_TYPE_BIZTALKSpecifies the dedicated BizTalk Server 2002 store

The read-only Name and Usage properties of IBizTalkCertificateInfo reflect the certificate specified by the Reference and Store properties. Name contains the string name of the certificate, whereas Usage contains one of the BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE enumeration values shown in Table 19.30.

Table 19.30. BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_ENCRYPTIONSpecifies an encryption certificate
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_SIGNATURESpecifies a signature certificate
BIZTALK_USAGE_TYPE_BOTHSpecifies an encryption and signature certificate

For more information about certificates, refer to the “IBizTalkConfig Interface” section earlier in this chapter.

Signature Type

The SignatureType property specifies the type of digital signing and verification and accepts one of the BIZTALK_SIGNATURE_TYPE enumeration values shown in Table 19.31.


Table 19.31. BIZTALK_SIGNATURE_TYPE Enumeration Values


Custom encoding, encryption, and signatures are only available through the BizTalk Messaging Configuration object model.

IBizTalkPort Example

Listing 19.28 shows example code that creates two types of messaging ports.

Listing 19.28. Sample Code for Messaging Port Creation
' Create the config objects
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
set org = BT.CreateOrganization
Set port = BT.CreatePort

' Find the Review application handle
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Applications
AppHandle = 0

Do While Not rs.EOF
    If (rs("name") = "Restaurant Reviews") Then
        AppHandle = rs("id")
        Exit Do
    End If

' Create a messaging port to the review request ASP page
port.Name = "Restaurant Review Requests"
port.Comments = "Messaging port for receiving requests to review a restaurant"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Application = AppHandle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = 'BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = 'BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_HTTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = ""

' Reset the objects

' Load Joe's orgnaization
org.LoadByName "Joe's Crab Shack"

' Create a messaging port to send reviews to Joe's
port.Name = "Joe's Review Results"
port.Comments = "Messaging port to send a review back to Joe"
port.DestinationEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
port.DestinationEndPoint.Openness = 'BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN
port.PrimaryTransport.Type =' BIZTALK_TRANSPORT_TYPE_SMTP
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "mailto:[email protected]"
port.PrimaryTransport.Parameter = "mailto:[email protected]"


The code (19newListing28.vbs) in Listing 19.28 is also available for download at the Sams Publishing Web site.

IBizTalkChannel Interface

The IBizTalkChannel interface provides properties and methods for managing BizTalk Messaging channels. A BizTalk Messaging channel configures BizTalk Messaging Services to process the documents that it receives. Table 19.32 shows the properties and methods of the IBizTalkChannel interface.

Table 19.32. IBizTalkChannel Properties and Methods
CommentsPropertyUser comments about the channel
ControlNumberValuePropertyInterchange control number
DecryptionCertificateInfo PropertyBizTalkCertificateInfo object containing information about the certificate tat decrypts the input document
ExpectReceiptTimeoutPropertyTime, in minutes, in which to expect a receipt before treating the document as expired
ExpressionPropertyEquations for filtering the documents
GetConfigComponentMethodGets the CLSID of the component associated with the messaging port
GetConfigDataMethodGets the configuration associated with the specified messaging port
InputDocumentPropertyHandle to the input document definition
IsReceiptChannelPropertyFlag to indicate whether channel is a receipt channel
LoggingInfoPropertyBizTalkLoggingInfo object containing information about logging
MapContentPropertyContents of the map specified by MapReference
MapReferencePropertyWebDAV URL specifying a document map
OutputDocumentPropertyHandle to the output document definition
PortPropertyHandle to the associated messaging port
PortGroupPropertyHandle to the associated distribution group
ReceiptChannelPropertyHandle to the receipt channel for this channel
RetryCountPropertyNumber of times to retry a document submission when there is an error
RetryIntervalPropertyInterval, in minutes, between resubmission attempts
SetConfigComponentMethodSets the CLSID of the component associated with the messaging port
SetConfigDataMethodSets the configuration associated with the specified messaging port
SignatureCertificateInfo PropertyBizTalkCertificateInfo object containing information about the certificate that signs the output document
SourceEndPointPropertyBizTalkEndPoint object containing information about the document source
TrackFieldsPropertyDictionary object that stores additional tracking fields
VerifySignatureCertificateInfoPropertyBizTalkCertificateInfo object containing information about the certificate that verifies the signature of the input document

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.32, BizTalkChannel objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase shown in Table 19.7.

Figure 19.8 shows a UML diagram illustrating the relationships between IBizTalkChannel and various Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.8. IBizTalkChannel interface UML diagram.

Source and Destination

A channel source specifies where source documents come from. Just like messaging port destinations, channel sources can be organizations, XLANG schedules, or applications in the Home Organization. The channel source is specified through the SourceEndPoint property of the IBizTalkChannel interface. SourceEndPoint returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkEndPoint interface. Refer to Table 19.18 for a list of IBizTalkEndPoint properties.

Source: Organization

For source organizations, the channel may specify a partner organization or leave the source open, creating an open channel. Before configuring a channel from an organization, the organization must be added to the BizTalk Messaging database. Listing 19.29 demonstrates how to configure the SourceEndPoint property for a channel from a specific partner organization.

Listing 19.29. SourceEndPoint Settings for a Channel from an Organization
org.LoadByName "Joe's Crab Shack"
channel.SourceEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
channel.SourceEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN

Listing 19.30 demonstrates how to configure the SourceEndPoint property to create an open channel from an organization.

Listing 19.30. SourceEndPoint Settings for an Open Channel from an Organization
channel.SourceEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_SOURCE

Source: XLANG Schedule

Channels from XLANG schedules are by definition open. Listing 19.31 demonstrates how to configure the SourceEndPoint property for an open channel from an internal XLANG schedule.

Listing 19.31. SourceEndPoint Settings for a Channel from an XLANG Schedule
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
channel.SourceEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle

Source: Application

Before configuring a channel source from an application, the application must be added to the Home Organization. Listing 19.32 demonstrates how to configure the SourceEndPoint property for a channel from an internal application.

Listing 19.32. SourceEndPoint Settings for a Channel from an Application
org.LoadByName "Home Organization"
Set rs = org.Applications
AppHandle = 0

Do While Not rs.EOF
    If (rs("name") = "My Application") Then
        AppHandle = rs("id")
        Exit Do
    End If

channel.SourceEndPoint.Organization = org.Handle
channel.SourceEndPoint.Application = AppHandle
channel.SourceEndPoint.Openness = BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN


Channels are always associated with a specific messaging port or distribution list. The messaging port or ports within the distribution list specify the document destination. To associate a messaging port or distribution list with a channel, use the Port or PortGroup properties of the IBizTalkChannel interface. The following code demonstrates these properties:

port.LoadByName "Restaurant Review Requests" 
channel.Port = port.Handle


portgroup.LoadByName "My Port Group" 
channel.PortGroup = portgroup.Handle

One of these properties must be set when creating a new channel. In addition, the properties are mutually exclusive. After a BizTalk Messaging channel is created in the database, the port or distribution list association cannot be changed.

Valid Source-Destination Combinations

BizTalk Server 2002 supports a limited number of channel (source) and messaging port (destination) combinations. In the following list of valid combinations, internal application refers to an application listed in the Home Organization or an XLANG schedule:

  • Trading partner to an internal application

  • Internal application to a trading partner

  • Internal application to internal application

  • Internal application to distribution list

  • Internal application to open destination

  • Open source to internal application

  • Trading partner to trading partner (where your BizTalk Server serves as an intermediary)


BizTalk Server 2002 does not support an open-source channel to an open destination port combination.

Inbound and Outbound Document Definitions

Document definitions enable a channel to translate documents between their native formats and an intermediate XML format. With the inbound document in the intermediate format, the channel can map, filter, and log document fields. Input and output document specifications are specified through the InputDocument and OutputDocument properties of the IBizTalkChannel interface. For example:

doc.LoadByName "Restaurant Reviewer" 
channel.InputDocument = doc.Handle
channel.OutputDocument = doc.Handle

Both properties are required when creating a new BizTalk Messaging channel, and neither can be changed after the channel is created. In the preceding sample, the inbound and outbound document definitions are the same. The implication is that a document map is not needed.


If the channel is an open channel—that is SourceEndPoint.Type is set to BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_SOURCE or BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_FROMWORKFLOW—then the OutputDocument property cannot specify an X12 or EDIFACT specification.

Control Number

If the envelope format of the associated messaging port is X12 or EDIFACT, then an interchange control number must be specified. Custom envelope formats sometimes require an interchange control number as well. Use the ControlNumberValue property of the IBizTalkChannel interface to specify a control number. Interchange control values are between 1 and 999999999.

Decrypting and Verifying Inbound Documents

Inbound document decryption certificates and digital signature verification certificates are specified through the DecryptionCertificateInfo and VerifySignatureCertificateInfo properties of the IBizTalkChannel interface, respectively. Both properties return an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkCertificateInfo interface.

Refer to Table 19.28 for a list of IBizTalkCertificateInfo properties.

Signing Outbound Documents

Outbound documents can be signed by BizTalk Server using a digital signature certificate. To specify a signature certificate, use the SignatureCertificateInfo property of the IBizTalkChannel interface. This property returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkCertificateInfo interface.

Refer to Table 19.28 for a list of IBizTalkCertificateInfo properties.


Sometimes the format of the inbound document specification does not match the format of the outbound document specification. When this occurs, a map is needed to translate the inbound document into the format of the outbound document. Maps are created using BizTalk Mapper and are specified in the IBizTalkChannel interface through the MapReference property. MapReference takes a string containing the full WebDAV URL of the associated map file. For example:

channel.MapReference = http://somemachine/BizTalkServerRepository/Maps/map.xml 


Document definitions can specify fields within the document that are logged to the Tracking database. Channels can override the fields specified by the document definition with a set of channel-specific tracking fields. When this occurs, the channel-specified fields are logged in lieu of the global tracking fields defined by the document specification.


Tracking applies only to inbound documents.

To specify tracking fields in a channel, use the TrackFields property of the IBizTalkChannel interface. TrackFields returns an instance of the Dictionary object. Listing 19.33 shows sample code with XLANG tracking fields.

Refer to the “IBizTalkDocument Interface” section earlier in this chapter for more information about tracking fields.

Listing 19.33. Sample XPath Tracking Fields
channel.TrackFields.r_value1 = "/CommonPO/SpecialCharge/@Amount"
channel.TrackFields.r_value2 = "/CommonPO/Currency/@ExchangeRate"

channel.TrackFields.s_value1 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@PaymentMethod"
channel.TrackFields.s_value2 = "/CommonPO/CarrierDetail/@Routing"

channel.TrackFields.i_value1 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@NetDays"
channel.TrackFields.i_value2 = "/CommonPO/TermsOfSale/@DiscountDaysDue"

channel.TrackFields.d_value1 = "/CommonPO/Item/DateReference/@Date"
channel.TrackFields.d_value2 = "/CommonPO/POHeader/@CreationDate"

channel.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add "/CommonPO/Total/@LineItemTotal"
channel.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add "/CommonPO/Total/@QuantityTotal"
channel.TrackFields.x_custom_search.Add /CommonPO/Total/@POTotal


A channel filter provides a mechanism for determining when a channel should be invoked. When BizTalk Server receives a document, the filtering expression is evaluated against the values of the specified fields in that document. If the expression evaluates to true, the channel is invoked. If the expression evaluates to false, the channel is not invoked.

Use the Expression property of the IBizTalkChannel interface to specify a filtering expression.


BizTalk Server allows channels to specify whether and how inbound and outbound documents are logged. To configure logging options, use the LoggingInfo property of the IBizTalkChannel interface. LoggingInfo returns an instance of an object that implements the IBizTalkLoggingInfo interface. Table 19.33 shows the properties on the IBizTalkLoggingInfo interface.

Table 19.33. IBizTalkLoggingInfo Properties
LogNativeInputDocumentPropertyFlag to indicate whether the input document is logged in its native format
LogNativeOutputDocumentPropertyFlag to indicate whether the output document is logged in its native format
LogXMLInputDocumentPropertyFlag to indicate whether the XML input document is logged
LogXMLOutputDocumentPropertyFlag to indicate whether the XML output document is logged

Overriding Messaging Port Defaults

BizTalk Server allows channels to override certain messaging port properties associated with the transport; the document serializer; and custom encoding, encryption, and signature verification. This functionality is exposed in the Configuration object model through the following IBizTalkChannel methods:

  • GetConfigComponent

  • GetConfigData

  • SetConfigComponent

  • SetConfigData

Each of these methods takes as a parameter a BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE enumeration value. The value indicates the messaging data being requested or changed. Table 19.34 shows the BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE enumeration values.

Table 19.34. BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE Enumeration Values
BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE_ENCRYPTIONConfigure the encryption certificate
BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE_SIGNATUREConfigure the signature verification

The GetConfigComponent method returns the CLSID of the associated component for the specified BIZTALK_CONFIGDATA_TYPE enumeration value.

The SetConfigComponent method sets the CLSID of the component associated with the messaging port. This method is used to specify components that implement custom encryption, encoding, or signature verification. SetConfigComponent is also used to specify a custom serializer when the messaging port envelope is set to the custom format. You cannot change the transport components associated with the messaging port.

The GetConfigData method returns a Dictionary object containing values specific to the configuration component returned by GetConfigComponent(). It is not necessary to get the CLSID of the configuration component before calling GetConfigData().


Changes made through the SetConfigData method apply only to the channel where those changes were made.

Transport Properties

Transport components are associated with messaging ports based on the transport type of the associated primary or secondary transport. The GetDataComponent method returns the CLSID of the associated transport component. Table 19.35 shows the transport components that ship with BizTalk Server 2002.

Table 19.35. BizTalk Server 2002 Transport Components
Transport TypeProgID for Transport Component
Orchestration activationBizTalk.BPOActivation

The transport component for AIC transports is the Application Integration Component itself.

A channel cannot override which transport component is associated by the messaging port. What can be changed are specific properties of the transport component. The following sections discuss the transport types that can be customized through the GetConfigData and SetConfigData methods.


The settings associated with an HTTP/HTTPS transport on a messaging port only specify the destination URL. When the destination URL requires login information or BizTalk Server requires a proxy server (because the server itself sits behind a firewall), the configuration data in the associated channel must be used. Table 19.36 shows the dictionary fields used by the HTTP/HTTPS transport component.

Table 19.36. Dictionary Fields for HTTP/HTTPS Transport Customization
Field NameDescription
ClientCertReference to the certificate used for HTTPS transports
ContentTypeContent-Type HTTP/HTTPS header value
MaxRedirectsMaximum number of redirects allowed
PasswordPassword for the specified destination URL
ProxyNameURL of the proxy server
ProxyPasswordProxy server password
ProxyPortPort to use on the proxy server
ProxyUserNameProxy server login name
RequestTimeoutRequest timeout value in seconds
URLDestination URL, indicates the address of the transport specified in the messaging port (cannot be changed)
UseProxySpecifies whether to use a proxy server (-1 for True, 0 for False)
UserNameLogin name for the specified destination URL


The settings associated with an SMTP transport on a messaging port specify only the destination and return e-mail addresses. The SetConfigData method allows a channel to specify SMTP server information, additional e-mail header values, and character sets. Table 19.37 shows the dictionary fields used by the SMTP transport component.

Table 19.37. Dictionary Fields for SMTP Transport Customization
Field NameDescription
CCAdditional e-mail addresses to forward the document to
CharSetCharacter set
FromReturn e-mail address, must be prefixed with mailto:
SMTPAuthenticateType of authentication to use (0 for no authentication, 1 for basic authentication, 2 for NTLM authentication)
SMTPHostSMTP server
SMTPSendPasswordSMTP server password
SMTPSendUserNameSMTP server login name
SubjectE-mail subject line
ToDestination e-mail address, indicates the address of the transport specified in the messaging port (cannot be changed)


The settings associated with a File transport on a messaging port specify only the destination file. The SetConfigData method allows a channel to specify how the file should be written and to specify a Windows username and password. Table 19.38 shows the dictionary fields used by the File transport component.

Table 19.38. Dictionary Fields for File Transport Customization
Field NameDescription
CopyModeIndicates how the file should be written (0 to overwrite an existing file, 1 to append to an existing file, 2 to create a new file)
FileNameDestination filename, indicates the address of the transport specified in the messaging port (cannot be changed)
PasswordWindows login password
UsernameWindows login username


The settings associated with an MSMQ transport on a messaging port specify only the destination queue. The SetConfigData method allows a channel to specify specific MSMQ properties. Table 19.39 shows the dictionary fields used by the MSMQ transport component.

Table 19.39. Dictionary Fields for MSMQ Transport Customization
Field NameDescription
AuthLevelIndicates whether the message needs to be authenticated (0 for no authentication, 1 to always authenticate, 2 for MSMQ 1.0 signature, 3 for MSMQ 2.0 signature)
DeliveryDelivery method (0 to indicate message resides in memory only, 1 to back up message until it is delivered)
JournalJournal (0 for none, 1 for the Dead Letter queue)
MessageLabelMessage label
PasswordWindows login password
PriorityMessage priority (integer from 0 to 7, where higher values indicate higher priority)
QueueNameDestination queue, indicates the address of the transport specified in the messaging port (cannot be changed)
TransactionalIndicates whether message is transactional (0 for non-transactional, 1 for COM+ transactions, 2 for Single Message transactions)
UsernameWindows login username

Orchestration Activation

Table 19.40 shows the dictionary fields used by the orchestration activation transport component.

Table 19.40. Dictionary Fields for MSMQ Transport Customization
Field NameDescription
PortDestination orchestration port within the specified schedule
SkedFileDestination schedule, indicates the address of the transport specified in the messaging port (cannot be changed)

Application Integration Components

AIC components can specify their own dictionary fields as needed. There are no standard fields for AIC components. Refer to the AIC documentation for a list of appropriate dictionary fields.

Serializer Properties

Serializers are associated with messaging ports based on the format of an associated envelope. Use the SetDataComponent method to specify a custom serializer. Table 19.41 shows the serializers that ship with BizTalk Server 2002.

Table 19.41. BizTalk Server 2002 Serializers
Envelope FormatProgID for Serializer
custom xmlBizTalk.SerializerXML

The EDIFACT and X12 document serializers expose Dictionary objects for customizing the serialization process via the GetConfigData method. Tables 19.42 and 19.43 show the dictionary fields for the built-in EDI serializers.

Table 19.42. Dictionary Fields for EDIFACT Serializer Customization
Field NameDescription
SerializerEdifact_AckRequestAcknowledge ment request
SerializerEdifact_AgreementIDInterchange agreement identifier
SerializerEdifact_ApplicationRefApplication reference
SerializerEdifact_ProcPriCodeProcessing priority code
SerializerEdifact_RecipientIntIDInterchange Recipient internal identification
SerializerEdifact_RecipientIntSubIDInterchange recipient internal subidentification
SerializerEdifact_RecipentRefPwdRecipent reference and password
SerializerEdifact_RecipientRefPwdQualRecipient reference and password qualifier
SerializerEdifact_SenderIntIDInterchange sender internal identification
SerializerEdifact_SenderIntSubIDInterchange sender internal subidentification
SerializerEdifact_SyntaxIDSyntax identifier, can be one of the following strings: UNOA, UNOB, UNOC, UNOD, UNOE, UNOF, UNOG, UNOH, UNOI, UNOJ, UNOK
SerializerEdifact_TestIndTest indicator
SerializerEdifact_UNACtrlUNA Control, 0 to indicate “Send UNA only when required” and 1 to indicate “Send UNA always”

Table 19.43. Dictionary Fields for EDIFACT Serializer Customization
Field NameDescription
SerializerX12_AckRequiredAcknowledgement required (0 for no, 1 for yes)
SerializerX12_AuthInfoAuthorization information
SerializerX12_AuthInfoQualAuthorization information qualifier
SerializerX12_CtrlStdIDInterchange control standards identifier
SerializerX12_CtrlVerNumInterchange control number version
SerializerX12_SecInfoSecurity information
SerializerX12_SecInfoQualSecurity Information qualifier
SerializerX12_UseIndUsage indicator

Encryption, Encoding, and Signature

Custom encryption, encoding, and signature verification requires that components that implement the custom functionality be specified through the SetConfigComponent method of the IBizTalkChannel interface. In addition, these custom components may expose customization options via a Dictionary object returned from GetConfigData.

IBizTalkPortGroup Interface

The IBizTalkPortGroup interface provides properties and methods for managing BizTalk Messaging distribution lists. A BizTalk Messaging distribution list is a group of BizTalk Messaging ports that enable BizTalk Server to deliver a single document to multiple destinations with a one-document submission. Table 19.44 shows the properties and methods of the IBizTalkPortGroup interface.

Table 19.44. IBizTalkPortGroup Properties and Methods
AddPortMethodAdds a port to the distribution list
ChannelsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all associated channels
PortsPropertyADO recordset containing information about all ports in the port group
RemovePortMethodRemoves a port from the distribution list

In addition to the properties and methods shown in Table 19.44, BizTalkPortGroup objects also implement the properties and methods of IBizTalkBase shown in Table 19.7.

Figure 19.9 shows a UML-style diagram illustrating the relationships between IBizTalkPortGroup and various Configuration interfaces.

Figure 19.9. IBizTalkPortGroup interface UML diagram.

Adding Ports

BizTalk Server enforces two rules when adding ports to a distribution list:

  • The messaging port Openness property must be set to BIZTALK_OPENNESS_TYPE_EX_NOTOPEN.

  • Duplicate ports cannot be added to the same distribution list.

Use the AddPort method of the IBizTalkPortGroup interface to add a port to the distribution list. The following sample code demonstrates how to add a port to a distribution list:

port.LoadByName "Restaurant Review Requests" 
group.AddPort = port.Handle


After adding or removing ports from a BizTalkPortGroup object, you must call Save or Create to persist the new port list to the database.

Removing Ports

Use the RemovePort method of the IBizTalkPortGroup interface to remove a messaging port from a distribution list. The following sample code demonstrates how to remove a port from a distribution list:

port.LoadByName "Restaurant Review Requests" 
group.RemovePort = port.Handle


Distribution lists are required by BizTalk Server to contain at least one associated messaging port. As such, the last port in a distribution list cannot be removed. Instead, you must remove the entire distribution list.

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