For More Information

For more information on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, visit the following Web sites:

For more information on the business background of healthcare insurance, see

  • Microsoft Encarta 2002, Article “Medical Insurance.”

  • The Health Insurance Primer. An Introduction To How Health Insurance Works, by The Health Insurance Association of America, 2000, Health Insurance Association of America, Washington, D.C.(ISBN 1-879143-51-8).

  • Health Insurance Nuts and Bolts. An Introduction to Health Insurance Operations, by The Health Insurance Association of America, 2001. Health Insurance Association of America, Washington, D.C. (ISBN 1-879143-49-6).

For more information on the HIPAA transaction sets, see the ANSI ASC X12N HIPAA Implementation Guides. These guides are available from Washington Publishing Company for free download after registration at See also

  • HIPAA Compliance Solutions, by Steve Bass, Lisa Miller, and Bryan Nylin, 2001. Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington (ISBN 0-7356-1496-2).

For additional expert training and consulting services regarding HIPAA and X12N EDI concepts, contact

  • Washington Publishing Company, (PMB 161, 5284 Randolph Road, Rockville, MD 20852-2116, 301-949-9740).

For the latest information on the Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for HIPAA solution, visit

To contact Microsoft Consulting Services or to locate a Microsoft Partner with experience in designing and deploying Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for HIPAA solutions, visit

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