Chapter 12. Advanced BizTalk Messaging

By Susie Adams and Larry Wall

In This Chapter

BizTalk Server messaging operations consist of receiving, processing, and delivering messages. In Chapter 6, “Introduction to BizTalk Messaging,” you learned how to configure these operations by using the BizTalk Messaging Manager application. The techniques illustrated in Chapter 6 required some fundamental assumptions about message configurations. For example, it was assumed that the source organization, document formats, and destination organization were all fixed at design time. This assumption simplifies the configuration of channels, ports, document definitions, and envelopes. When the BizTalk Messaging system is configured with static information, it makes the task of routing documents simple. Unfortunately, static configurations also produce rigid operations that can only handle a specific set of inputs.

This chapter builds upon the lessons of Chapter 6 by covering more advanced topics in BizTalk Messaging. A major point of focus in this chapter is how to design messaging operations so that the routing of messages is determined at runtime. This type of design can produce more robust and reusable messaging configurations. Throughout this chapter we refer to the runtime determination of messaging operations as dynamic routing. Several different messaging elements can be configured to achieve dynamic routing, including the creation of self-routing documents.

Another assumption made during Chapter 6 is that messages are always delivered to a single location. In reality, you will often need to send messages to several destinations, with each destination playing a role in the overall business process. BizTalk Server facilitates the delivery of a message to multiple locations through a concept known as a distribution list. This chapter will demonstrate how distribution lists can be used to produce a richer set of interchanges.

The topics discussed in this chapter are reinforced with tangible examples that demonstrate each lesson. Prior to reading this chapter, we recommend that you install the RouteTest application that is downloadable from the publisher's Web site. We will open the chapter with a brief introduction to this application and walk through the steps necessary to install it. The scenarios implemented in the RouteTest application are referenced throughout this chapter.

In summary, the following topics are discussed in this chapter:

  • Using the IInterchange interface to submit documents to BizTalk Server

  • The RouteTest sample application

  • Routing (with emphasis on dynamic routing)

  • Distribution lists

Some topics in this chapter assume that you are familiar with the IInterchange interface exposed by BizTalk Server. The technique of call-based routing, for example, involves submitting documents via the IInterchange interface. In preparation for these advanced topics, we will discuss how to write COM+ applications that use the IInterchange interface to submit documents for either synchronous or asynchronous processing. The next section takes an in-depth look at the IInterchange:Submit interface and its parameters.

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