Sample Configuration to Deploy with Application Center 2000

The code in Listing 23.3 creates a BizTalk server configuration with a custom counter, two ports, two receive functions, and a virtual directory, which is used by one of the ports and the receive functions. To deploy the configuration, use the command file in Listing 23.2.

Listing 23.3. Sample BizTalk Configuration
Const HTTPTType_File = 1

Const HTTP = 3

Const RECVSVC_NAMESPACE = "MicrosoftBizTalkServer_ReceiveFunction"
Const SERVER_NAMESPACE = "MicrosoftBizTalkServer_SERVER"

Const wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly = 2

Dim strServerName, strGroupName
Dim g_objService, l_bAdminUtilInitialized
Dim sPath, BT
Dim org, doc, env, port, chan, dl

Function GetEnvVar(strName)

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim wshShell, wshSysEnv

    Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
    Set wshSysEnv = wshShell.Environment("PROCESS")

    GetEnvVar = wshSysEnv(strName)

End Function

Function InitAdminUtil()
    If (l_bAdminUtilInitialized = 1) Then  Exit Function

    Set g_objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set g_objService = g_objLocator.ConnectServer(".", _
    l_bAdminUtilInitialized = 1
End Function

Function CleanupAdminUtil()
    If (l_bAdminUtilInitialized = 0) Then  Exit Function

    Set g_objService = Nothing
    Set g_objLocator = Nothing

    l_bAdminUtilInitialized = 0	
End Function

Function GetServerByName(inServerName)
    Set GetServerByName = Nothing
    Set GetServerByName = g_objService.Get(SERVER_NAMESPACE & ".NAME=""" & _
        inServerName & """")
End Function

Function GetBTSGroupName(strServer)
    Dim objServer, bOnTheFly

    If (l_bAdminUtilInitialized = 0) Then
        bOnTheFly = True
    End If

    Set objServer = GetServerByName(strServer)
    GetBTSGroupName = objServer.GroupName

    Set objServer = Nothing

    If (bOnTheFly) Then
    End If
End Function

Sub CreateVirtualDirectory(directoryName, _
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim webObj
    Dim root
    Dim virtualDir

    Set webObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1")
    Set root = webObj.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")

    'If virtual directory exist, then delete it.

    Call root.Delete("IIsWebVirtualDir", directoryName)


    Set virtualDir = root.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", _
    virtualDir.AccessRead = True
    virtualDir.AccessWrite = True
    virtualDir.AccessExecute = True
    virtualDir.AccessScript = True
    virtualDir.Path = directoryPath
    virtualDir.AppIsolated = 0
    virtualDir.EnableDirBrowsing = True
    Set webObj = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CreateWebApplication(directoryName)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim webObj
    Dim INPROC

    Const POOLED = 2

    INPROC = True
    OUTPROC = False

    Set webObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1/ROOT/" & directoryName)
    'Create an application out-of-process.
    webObj.AppCreate OUTPROC
    Set webObj = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub SetIsolation(directoryName)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim webObj
    Dim virtualDir

    Set webObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/1/Root/" & directoryName)
    webObj.AppIsolated = 0
    Set webObj = Nothing
End Sub

Function CreateReceiveFunction(strRecvSvcName, _
            strGroupName, _
            strProcessingServer, _
            strFileMask, _
            fProtocolType, _
            strPollingLoc, _
            strPassword, _
            strUsername, _
            strDocumentName, _
            strSourceID, _
            strSourceQualifier, _
            strDestinationID, _
            strDestinationQualifier, _
            lOpenness, _
            lPassthrough, _
            strChannelName, _
            fDisabled, _
            strEnvelopeName, _
            strPreProcessor, _
            fHttpTransportType, _
            strTransportURL, _
            bReturnToken, _

    Dim objBTSRecvSvc 'As SWbemObject
    Dim objBTSRecvSvcInstance 'As SWbemObject

    On Error Resume Next
    CreateReceiveFunction = True
    Set g_objLocator = CreateObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set g_objService = g_objLocator.ConnectServer(".", _
    Set objBTSRecvSvc = g_objService.Get(RECVSVC_NAMESPACE)
    Set objBTSRecvSvcInstance = objBTSRecvSvc.SpawnInstance_
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.Name = strRecvSvcName
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.groupName = strGroupName
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.FilenameMask = strFileMask
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.ProcessingServer = strProcessingServer
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.ProtocolType = fProtocolType
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.PollingLocation = strPollingLoc
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.password = strPassword
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.UserName = strUsername
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.DocumentName = strDocumentName
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.SourceID = strSourceID
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.SourceQualifier = strSourceQualifier
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.DestinationID = strDestinationID
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.DestinationQualifier = strDestinationQualifier
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.envelopeName = strEnvelopeName
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.DisableReceiveFunction = fDisabled
    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.PreProcessor = strPreProcessor
    If fProtocolType = http Then
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.HttpReturnCorrelationToken = bReturnToken
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.HttpReturnContentType = strReturnContentType
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.HttpTransportType = fHttpTransportType
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.TransportURL = strTransportURL
    End If
    If lOpenness <> 0 Then
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.OpennessFlag = lOpenness
    End If

    If lPassthrough <> 0 Then
        objBTSRecvSvcInstance.IsPassThrough = lPassthrough
    End If

    If strChannelName <> "" Then
       objBTSRecvSvcInstance.channelName = strChannelName
    End If

    objBTSRecvSvcInstance.Put_ (wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly)
    If err <> 0 Then
        CreateReceiveFunction = False
    End If
End Function

Function CreateCustomCounter(strName, _
            strDescription, _
            strCaption, _            strSrcOrgName, _
            strSrcOrgQualifier, _
            strSrcOrgQualifierValue, _
            strDestOrgName, _
            strDestOrgQualifier, _
            strDestOrgQualifierValue, _
            strDocType, _
            intInterval, _
            inGroupName, _

    Set CCFact = GetObject("Winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}"& _
    Set CustCountSetting = CCFact.SpawnInstance_

    CreateCustomCounter = True

    CustCountSetting.Name = strName
    CustCountSetting.Description = strDescription
    CustCountSetting.Caption = strCaption
    CustCountSetting.SrcOrgName = strSrcOrgName
    CustCountSetting.DestOrgName = strDestOrgName
    CustCountSetting.DocType = strDocType
    CustCountSetting.TimeInterval = intInterval ' In seconds
    CustCountSetting.GroupName = inGroupName
    CustCountSetting.SettingID = strSettingID

    If ("" = CustCountSetting.GroupName) Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    Set objObjectPath = CustCountSetting.Put_(wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly)

    If (IsEmpty(objObjectPath)) Then
        CreateCustomCounter = False
    End If
End Function
Function GetAliasID(ByVal strOrgName, _
            ByVal strAliasName, _
            ByVal strAliasQual, _

Dim config, Organization, RS

    On Error Resume Next

    Set config = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
    Set Organization = config.CreateOrganization

    Call Organization.LoadByName(strOrgName)

    Set RS = Organization.Aliases

    While Not RS.EOF
        If RS("Name") = strAliasName And RS("qualifier") = strAliasQual And _
            RS("value") = strAliasValue Then
            GetAliasID = RS("id")
        End If

    Set Organization = Nothing
    Set config = Nothing

End Function

Sub CreateBizTalkConfig()

'Create BizTalk Configuration
Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")

' Create Orgs

Set org = BT.CreateOrganization

org.clear = "Dest_Org"
Org110001 = org.Create
Alias120001 = GetAliasID ("Dest_Org", "Organization", "OrganizationName", _

org.clear = "Source_Org"
Org110002 = org.Create
Alias120002 = GetAliasID ("Source_Org", "Organization", "OrganizationName", _

Set org = nothing

' Create Docs

set doc = BT.CreateDocument

doc.clear = "Common_PO"
Set doc.PropertySet = CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
doc.reference = "http://"&strServerName& _
Doc140001 = doc.create

doc.clear = "Common_Invoice"
Set doc.PropertySet = CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
doc.reference = "http://"&strServerName& _
Doc140002 = doc.create

Set doc = nothing

' Create Ports

set port = BT.CreatePort

port.clear = "Port_To_Org_1"
port.DestinationEndpoint.Alias = Alias120001
port.DestinationEndpoint.Application = App0
port.DestinationEndpoint.Openness = 1
port.DestinationEndpoint.Organization = Org110001
port.EncodingType = 1
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "file://C:Port_To_Org_1-%tracking_id%.xml"
port.PrimaryTransport.Parameter = ""
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = 256
port.SecondaryTransport.Address = ""
port.SecondaryTransport.Parameter = ""
port.SecondaryTransport.Type = 1
Port160001 = port.create

port.clear = "Port_To_Org_2"
port.DestinationEndpoint.Alias = Alias120002
port.DestinationEndpoint.Application = App0
port.DestinationEndpoint.Openness = 1
port.DestinationEndpoint.Organization = Org110002
port.EncodingType = 1
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "file://C:Port_To_Org_2-%tracking_id%.edi"
port.PrimaryTransport.Parameter = ""
port.PrimaryTransport.Type = 256
port.SecondaryTransport.Address = ""
port.SecondaryTransport.Parameter = ""
port.SecondaryTransport.Type = 1
Port160002 = port.create

set port = nothing

' Create Channels

set chan = BT.CreateChannel

chan.Name = "Channel_From_Org_1"
chan.InputDocument = Doc140001
chan.IsReceiptChannel = False
chan.LoggingInfo.LogNativeInputDocument = True
chan.LoggingInfo.LogNativeOutputDocument = False
chan.LoggingInfo.LogXMLInputDocument = True
chan.LoggingInfo.LogXMLOutputDocument = False
chan.OutputDocument = Doc140001
chan.port = Port160001
chan.ReceiptChannel = Chan0
chan.RetryCount = 3
chan.RetryInterval = 5
chan.SourceEndpoint.Alias = Alias120001
chan.SourceEndpoint.Openness = 1
chan.SourceEndpoint.Organization = Org110001
Chan180001 = chan.Create

chan.Name = "Channel_From_Org_2"
chan.InputDocument = Doc140002
chan.IsReceiptChannel = False
chan.LoggingInfo.LogNativeInputDocument = True
chan.LoggingInfo.LogNativeOutputDocument = False
chan.LoggingInfo.LogXMLInputDocument = False
chan.LoggingInfo.LogXMLOutputDocument = False
chan.OutputDocument = Doc140002
chan.port = Port160002
chan.ReceiptChannel = Chan0
chan.RetryCount = 3
chan.RetryInterval = 5
chan.SourceEndpoint.Alias = Alias120002
chan.SourceEndpoint.Openness = 1
chan.SourceEndpoint.Organization = Org110002
Chan180002 = chan.Create

set chan = nothing

Set BT = nothing

End Sub

'Get variable values
strServerName = GetEnvVar("COMPUTERNAME")
strGroupName = GetBTSGroupName(strServerName)
sPath = GetEnvVar("ProgramFiles")  & "Microsoft BizTalk ServerHTTP Receive"

'Create Virtual Directory
Call CreateVirtualDirectory("BizTalk_Virtual_Directory", sPath)
Call CreateWebApplication("BizTalk_Virtual_Directory")
Call SetIsolation("BizTalk_Virtual_Directory")

'Create Receive Functions
Call CreateReceiveFunction("Receive_Function_1", strGroupName, strServerName, _
     "*.edi", ADMIN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_FILE, "C:", "", "",  "",  "", "", "", "", _
     0, 0, "Channel_From_Org_1", false, "", "", "", "", "", "")
Call CreateReceiveFunction("Receive_Function_2", strGroupName, strServerName, _
     "*.x12", ADMIN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_FILE, "C:", "", "", "",  "", "", "", "", 0, _
     0, "Channel_From_Org_2", false, "", "", "", "", "", "")
Call CreateReceiveFunction("HTTP_Receive_File", strGroupName, strServerName, _
     "*.*", HTTP, "/BizTalk_Virtual_Directory/BizTalkHTTPReceive.dll?file1", _
     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", false, "", "", HTTPTType_File, _
     "\Sample\%guid%.xml", True, "")

'Create Custom Counter
Call CreateCustomCounter("Custom_Counter", "Description", "Caption", _
     "Source Org", "", "", "Dest Org", "", "", "Testing", 10000, strGroupName, _

Set g_objService = nothing

'Create BizTalk Configuration
Call CreateBizTalkConfig

MsgBox "Done"


This is not a working configuration. It is only intended to demonstrate how to deploy a BizTalk configuration.

Sample_Config.vbs is available for download from the publisher's Web site.

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