System Manager

The System Manager is the root object exposed by the engine. This COM+ component is configured in the XLANG Scheduler COM+ application, which is the default host for XLANG schedules.

In Visual Basic, this root object is referred to as SYSMGRLib.SysMgr when you add a reference to skedsmgr.dll nominally located at Program FilesMicrosoft BizTalk ServerXLANG Schedulerskedmgr.dll. Note that this type library is called XLANG Scheduler – System Manager and is not listed among other BizTalk Server library references. Figure 11.7 shows the two type libraries of interest.

Figure 11.7. References for the XLANG Scheduler Engine.

The following code fragment shows how to get a reference to the System Manager:

Dim oMgr As SYSMGRLib.SysMgr 
Set oMgr = GetObject("sked://")

The properties and methods of the System Manager are described in this section. Table 11.1 summarizes the properties, and Table 11.2 summarizes the methods of the System Manager.

Table 11.1. Properties of System Manager
CountNumber of group managers in server
FullyQualifiedNameFull moniker for the System Manager, with DNS style name of the server
IsWorkflowHostTrue, if COM+ application is enabled for XLANG Scheduler Engine
ItemReference to collection of group managers
UseFileDSNType of DSN used for the persistence database

Table 11.2. Methods of System Manager
ShutdownAllControlled shutdown of all group managers
ShutdownAppControlled shutdown of the named group manager
StartUpAsynchronous rehydration of schedule instances
TestAdminStatusMethod to test access

Each property and method is described in the order listed in Tables 11.1 and 11.2. The property or method is identified with a bolded label; this is followed by a signature and description.

Property Count

Property Count As Long 

The Count property returns a Long that contains the number of group managers (that is, XLANG hosting COM+ applications) running on the server.

This is a read-only property.

Property FullyQualifiedName

Property FullyQualifiedName As String 

The FullyQualifiedName property returns a String that contains a moniker for the System Manager object. The moniker contains the fully articulated DNS style name, even though the local machine name is optional when you use the moniker to get a reference to the System Manager.

This is a read-only property.

Property IsWorkflowHost

Property IsWorkflowHost(varApplicationName As String) As Boolean 

The IsWorkflowHost property controls whether the named COM+ application is an XLANG Scheduler Engine host. The returned value of the property is a Boolean indicating whether the named application is a host.

This is a read/write property. However, you cannot set this property on COM+ applications that have been marked Disable changes, in the Advanced tab of the property pages of the COM+ application. Also, this property cannot be set on the default XLANG Scheduler application.

Property Item

Property Item(name As String) As Unknown 

The Item property is the default member of the System Manager object and returns a reference to a collection of running group managers. You also can get a reference to a specific group manager by using its name to index the collection. Code fragments that illustrate the usage are in the section “Group Manager” later in the chapter.

This is a read-only property.

Property UseFileDSN

Property UseFileDSN(varApplicationName As String) As Boolean 

The UseFileDSN property controls whether the named COM+ application uses a file DSN to access the persistence database.

This is a read/write property; however, the changes in this property do not take effect until the application (group manager) is restarted.

Method ShutdownAll

Sub ShutdownAll() 

This method performs a controlled shutdown of all XLANG hosting applications.

This is a synchronous call. When the call returns, all applications are shut down and the machine may be safely rebooted, for example.

Method ShutdownApp

Sub ShutdownApp(varApplicationName As String) 

This method performs a controlled shutdown of the named XLANG host application. If called on the default host, XLANG Scheduler, then it is equivalent to calling the ShutdownAll method, and all applications are shut down.

Method StartUp

Sub StartUp() 

This method starts up all configured XLANG host applications.

This is an asynchronous call. The rehydration process is initiated for schedules in each of the host applications; however, the call will return before the process is completed. See the “XLANG Event Monitor” section later in the chapter to see whether rehydration is complete.

Method TestAdminStatus

Sub TestAdminStatus() 

A process can use this method to check whether the identity it is running under complies with the role membership as configured for the XLANG Schedule Administrator security role. This method is used internally by XLANG hosting COM+ applications (that is, group managers) that you configure and is not of much use to other applications.

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