Post Deployment

After the deployment is complete, you might need to make some changes to all the ports that have machine-specific HTTP or HTTPS and to the receive functions that have usernames and passwords entered.

If you have any ports that have HTTP or HTTPS primary or backup transport addresses, and they need to point to the local server, you may need to change the server with a simple Visual Basic Script. The VB Script defined in Listing 23.1 can be used to update the Port Primary Transport Address for a deployed configuration to the local server.

Listing 23.1. Script to Change the Server Referenced in Port Transport Address (ChangePortServer.vbs)
Function GetEnvVariable(ItemName)
     'ItemName e.g.: USERNAME, COMPUTERNAME, etc.
     Dim shell, env
     set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
     set env = shell.Environment("Process")

     GetEnvVariable = env.Item(ItemName)

     set shell = Nothing
     set env = Nothing
End Function

dim strServer

strServer = GetEnvVariable("ComputerName")

Set BT = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig")
set port = BT.CreatePort

port.LoadByName "Port_To_Org_1"
port.PrimaryTransport.Address = "http://"&strServer& _

Set port = nothing
Set BT = nothing


ChangePortServer.vbs is available for download from the publisher's Web site.

If you have any receive functions that have usernames and passwords, you will need to open the receive function in the BizTalk Server Administration tool, uncheck Disable Receive Function, and enter the correct password. The reason for this is because receive function passwords are write-only, so the password cannot be replicated.

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