Chapter 14
Report Your Project State

For any project, people outside the project—often managers—want to know when we think it might be done. They might want to know how much it will cost so they can manage expenses. Sometimes managers want to know other things, such as several measures around the project pyramid, as illustrated earlier,​here​.

In this chapter, we’ll work up from the team measures in the previous chapter. I’ll explain what you can and might show your managers as project status as opposed to team measurements.

Your team has many ways to show its progress. Here are some possibilities:

  • Show working product.

  • Provide feature charts to show what’s done, what’s added, and what remains.

  • Show the number of requests the team has received (and maybe what they are) in addition to work on its board.

  • Show what’s working but not yet released to customers.

  • Show different project measures that relate to the project’s progress.

Let’s start with showing working product.

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