

absolute links, 218

absolute position, 165

Accessibility category (Preferences dialog), 233

accessibility checks, 508

accordion widget, 384–385

Action pop-up menu, 125, 126

Administer Website dialog, 445

administering Web sites in Contribute, 445

Administrator Password dialog, 445

Adobe Bridge, 434–436

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 with ASP, ColdFusion, and PHP (Bardzell and Flynn), 519

Adobe Dreamweaver Documentation site, 514

Adobe Exchange site, 2, 4, 514, 526–527

Adobe Extension Manager, 526, 527–528

Adobe software. See Contribute; Dreamweaver; Fireworks; Photoshop

Advanced mode (Site Definition dialog), 32, 33, 42, 221

Advanced Selector (New CSS Rule dialog), 145–146

Advanced tab (Set Nav Bar Image dialog), 359

advanced text searches, 121–123

Ajax, 375


cells, 288–289

images, 239

tables, 287

text, 106

All mode (CSS Styles panel), 147–149

All Rules pane (CSS Styles panel), 137


creating link’s, 225–226

linking to, 227

animated buttons, 260–261

animation placeholders, 254

AP Elements, 191–198

about, 191–192

cautions about using, 191

converting AP divs to tables, 193–195

illustrated, 191

AP Elements tab (CSS panel), 193

Appear/Fade effect, 391

Appearance category (Page Properties dialog), 77, 78–79

Assets panel

accessing templates and Library items from, 395

inserting images from, 236

Library category of, 408

Attach External Style Sheet dialog, 210, 211

attaching style sheets, 210–211



background images, 247–248, 274

color for table, 274

CSS properties for, 530

options for background color, 78

setting cell, 289

Bardzell, Jeffrey, 519

Basic mode (Site Definition dialog), 32

Basic tab (Set Nav Bar Image dialog), 358

BBEdit, 480, 481, 522


adding, 347–348, 349

changing order of, 348

Check Plugin, 363–364

defined, 345

deleting, 349

editing, 348

inserting Fireworks pop-up menu, 370–371

jump menus, 365–367

locating Spry effects with, 377

navigation bars, 354–359

opening new browser window, 360–362

primary Dreamweaver, 346

rollovers, 352–353

validating forms, 368–369

Behaviors panel

adding behaviors, 347–348

changing order of behaviors, 348

deleting behaviors, 349

editing behaviors, 348

illustrated, 348

selecting behaviors to edit from, 358

using Check Plugin behavior, 363–364

Blind effect, 391

block quotes, 104–105

blur, 390

book’s Web site, 513


box model, 164

color of, 274

frame and frameset, 334

indicating selected frame, 329

setting color of cell, 289

thickness of table, 274

box model

CSS box properties, 533

elements of, 164

floating boxes, 166

positioning boxes, 165

Bridge, 434–436

brightness adjustments for images, 245

broken links, 504

Browse for File icon, 217

Browse pop-up menu, 44


checking compatibility of, 28, 506–508

copying URLs to Link field from, 68

designating primary and secondary, 76

displaying checked radio buttons, 313

effect on display table elements, 284

event choices for opening determined by target, 362

font combinations and, 96

form styling solutions for, 317

noframes content not displayed by, 344

opening new window, 360–362

plug-in detection by, 363, 364

preventing frame resizing, 334

selecting events for types of, 350

setting table width as percentage of page width, 272

testing frame content in, 334

viewing keyboard command cheat sheet in, 525

Web page previews in, 74–77

building Web pages, 57–84

adding images, 69–70

creating page from Welcome screen, 58–59

customizing from sample pages, 62–64

defining heading options, 80

defining meta tags, 83–84

doctype declarations, 62

including link on page, 67–68

inserting text, 66

naming and saving pages, 71–72

opening pages, 73

option settings for links, 79–80

options in Title/Encoding category, 81

page preview in browser, 74–77

setting page properties, 77–82

titling pages, 65

tracing image, 82

using New Document dialog, 60–61

bulleted lists. See also lists

illustrated, 107

nesting inside numbered lists, 110


adding to forms, 318–319

animated, 260–261

deleting radio, 312

displaying checked radio, 313

Expanded, 277

Flash, 260–261

form, 318–319

form order for Submit and Reset, 320

Hide Panel, 6

Image, 232

image field, 319

Indent, 103

Jump Menu, 301

Jump Menu Go, 367

Named Anchor, 225

Outdent and Indent, 104

panel options, 18

Preformatted Text, 102

Restore Down, 7

Spry validation text field, 301

Validate Markup, 476

View Options, 453

workspace mode, 10


cascade, 153

cascading style sheets. See CSS

category view of panel tab, 17, 18


defined, 271

merging and splitting, 282

moving layout, 299

padding for, 272, 274

resizing and modifying layout, 299

selecting table, 276

setting background or border color, 289

spacing for, 274


grid settings, 183

keyboard shortcut sets, 523

between keyboard shortcuts, 523


avoiding special characters in snippet names, 417

code hints for lists of special, 470

formatting text, 95

inserting special, 111

operators for regular expressions, 127–128, 130

unacceptable for region names, 400

used for file and folder names, 487

in Web page names, 72

charts imported from Excel, 441–442

check boxes

in forms, 309

validating, 389

Check In/Check Out feature, 494–496

Check Page pop-up menu, 506

Check Plugin behavior, 363–364

checking spelling, 131

Clarke, Andy, 520


applying style to, 152–153

creating with Property Inspector, 158

custom, 143

ids vs., 144

pseudo-classes, 147

removing styles from, 154

renaming style for, 200–201

cleaning up Word HTML documents, 437–438

cloaking site folders, 56

“Close Window” script for HTML pages, 362

Code Format Settings options (Preferences dialog), 459

code hints, 469–470

Code Reference tab, 474–475

Code Rewriting category (Preferences dialog), 484

Code view

about, 449

avoiding when formatting lists, 108

illustrated, 12, 450

using Coding toolbar in, 450–453

Coder layout, 454–455

Coding toolbar, 450–453

collapsible panel widgets, 386–387

collapsing source code

Coding toolbar options for, 451

expanding, 451, 468

steps for, 465–467

working with, 468


border and background, 274

CSS properties for, 530

frame border, 334

setting cell border, 289

text, 78, 99

using syntax coloring, 453, 458

color well (Property Inspector), 99


adjusting frameset, 331–332

clearing and converting values for, 285

deleting, 286

inserting in tables, 280–281

resizing, 284

selecting table, 276

Commands pop-up menu, 524

comments in source code, 452

Community MX Web site, 516

compatibility check for browsers, 28


div vs. span, 139

container tags, 86

content. See also positioning page content; styling page content

noframes, 324, 343–344

presentation vs., 134–135, 268

testing in browsers, 334

contextual selectors, 147

contrast adjustments for images, 245

Contribute, 443–446

about, 443

administering sites in, 445

Design Notes in, 500

rollbacks and Contribute Publishing Server, 446

setting site to use, 444

using with Dreamweaver templates, 396, 443

Contribute Publishing Server (CPS), 446

Convert AP Divs to Table dialog, 193

Convert Inline CSS dialog, 203, 204

Convert Tables to AP Divs dialog, 196

Copy Dependent Files dialog, 379

Copy File As dialog, 435


images from Bridge to Dreamweaver, 434–436

keyboard shortcuts for, 87

and pasting navigation bars to other pages, 356

URLs from browser to Link field, 68

cropping images, 244

.css files, 153

CSS Advisor, 214

CSS (cascading style sheets), 133–161. See also CSS Styles panel; design-time style sheets; external styles; managing styles

about, 134

adding styles in Property Inspector, 156–157

Advanced Selector for, 145–146

All mode in CSS Styles panel, 147–149

applying styles to ids, 155

attaching, 210–211

automatically attached to documents, 208

basing on sample file, 205–206

changing body styles, 169

creating based on sample file, 205–206

creating classes with Property Inspector, 158

customizing classes, 143

design-time, 178–181

developing style sheet from scratch, 207–208

Dreamweaver categories for, 140–142

editing font groups, 160–161

effect of rules on Library items, 409

elements of box model, 164

external, internal, and inline styles, 153

frame compatibility with, 342

importing, 211

layout in frames vs., 324

linking, 211

managing, 28

preferences for, 136

reference for properties, 529–536

sample style sheets, 62

selecting from New Document dialog, 206

setting style rules for tag, 138–139

styling classes, 152–153

styling imported Excel worksheet data, 440

table styles, 292

using CSS Styles panel, 137, 150–151

using CSS-based layouts, 167

ways to modify styles, 159

working with tags, 135

CSS Layout Backgrounds, 176–177

CSS layout blocks, 178, 181

CSS Layout Box Model, 177

CSS Layout Outlines, 177

CSS Rule definition dialog

categories for, 140–142

illustrated, 138

modifying styles with, 159

CSS Styles panel

All mode, 147–149

creating rules from inline styles, 203–204

Current mode, 150–151

features of, 137

identifying classes and ids on, 144

modifying styles with, 159

renaming class styles, 201

unavailable when editing Library items, 412

Current mode button (CSS Styles panel), 137

Current mode (CSS Styles panel), 150–151


about, 521

classes, 143

framesets, 326–327

keyboard shortcuts, 522–525

cutting, copying, and pasting text, 87–88


dates in text, 113

Default layout (Mac), 20

definition lists, 107. See also lists


behaviors, 349

frames from framesets, 327

images, 235

Library items, 409

radio buttons from group, 312

sites from Dreamweaver, 509

snippets, 417

styles, 202

tables, rows, and columns, 286

widgets, 381

delimited text files, 293, 295

dependent files, 50

Dependent Files dialog, 497

descendant selectors, 147

Description dialog, 478

Design Notes, 499–501

Design Time Style Sheets dialog, 179

Design view

illustrated, 450

new page in, 59

using Quick Tag Editor in, 460–461

Web page display in, 11

Designer layout (Windows), 5, 20

designing Web pages. See also CSS; templates

books on, 520

building page from template, 402

creating templates from existing pages, 397–398

designing new templates, 398

frames for, 324

layout tables for, 268–270, 296–299

for mobile devices, 448

sample pages for, 3

using CSS-based layouts, 167

Designing with Web Standards (Zeldman), 520

design-time style sheets, 178–181

defined, 179

hiding, 181

removing, 181

showing, 179–180

detaching Library items, 413

Device Central

about, 28, 447

previewing page in, 448


converting AP divs to tables, 193–195

hovering over, 175, 192

spans vs., 139

table conversion to AP, 196–197

doctype declarations, 61

document relative links, 218–219

Document toolbar

selecting Split view from, 456

showing/hiding, 14

Validate Markup button, 476

Windows and Mac, 10

Document window

about, 6–7

choosing dimensions of, 15

illustrated, 6

Insert Bar, 6, 8–9

Menu bar, 6, 8

panels, 6, 17–18

Property Inspector, 6, 16

Status bar, 6, 15


attaching style sheets, 210–211

changing page defaults for new, 61

cleaning up Word HTML, 437–438

Design view for, 11

FlashPaper, 253, 255

frameset, 323

importing Word or Excel, 438

inserting Fireworks pop-up menus in, 370–371

managing in windows, 23–26

modifying template attached to, 406

moving styles between, 213

moving styles inside, 212

saving manually when Library item updates, 412

style sheets automatically attached to, 208

switching between, 7

updating Library item in current, 411

Don’t show again option (Welcome screen), 2, 4

double-headed arrow cursor, 327

Down image state, 353

dragging and dropping text, 89


AP Elements in, 191–197

behaviors in, 346

books about, 519–520

copying images from Bridge to, 434–436

deleting sites from, 509

event handlers in, 351

exporting Fireworks HTML files to, 425

future Spry versions, 393

installing extensions, 526–528

layers in previous versions, 191

list of site reports, 502

new features in CS3, 27–28

newsgroup for, 517

online resources for, 517–518

resource Web sites for, 513–516

Templates folders, 403

using Contribute with templates for, 396

weblogs, 515

Welcome screen, 2–4

working with Photoshop, 429–433

Dreamweaver CS3 Bible (Lowery), 519

Dreamweaver Developer Center, 2, 4, 515

Dreamweaver Exchange Web site, 2, 4, 514, 526–527

Dual Screen layout, 5, 20

Duplicate Set dialog, 523

duplicating text, 89

.dwt files, 398

dynamic Web sites, 31


Edit Font List dialog, 98, 160

editable optional regions, 401

editable regions

about, 397

adding, 399–400

inconsistent names for, 403

naming, 400

removing, 401

editing. See also external editors; source code

behaviors, 348

changing keyboard shortcuts, 524–525

checking out files for, 497

Design Notes, 501

files and folders, 49

Flash buttons, 261

Flash text, 259

Flash video files, 262–263

font list, 98

guides, 185–186

jump menus, 366

Library items, 410–411

menu bar widgets, 380–381

named anchors, 226

navigation bars, 357–359

plug-in file’s properties, 265

preset window sizes, 189–190

site definitions, 42, 221

snippets, 417

editing images

in Dreamweaver, 243–246

with Fireworks, 423–424

modifying Fireworks images in Dreamweaver, 423–424

with Photoshop, 433

tools for, 240, 243


adding Spry, 391–393

Appear/Fade, 391

Blind, 391

defined, 374

Grow/Shrink, 391

Highlight, 392

locating Spry, 377

Shake, 392

Slide, 392

Squish, 393

Email Link dialog, 229

email links, 229

enclosure type for field, 303

encoding, page, 77

errors in browser compatibility, 28, 507

event handlers in Dreamweaver, 351

events. See also behaviors

choices determined by target browsers, 362

selecting for types of browsers, 350

selecting in Behaviors panel, 348


charts imported from, 441–442

importing worksheet data, 439–440

exiting Expanded Tables mode, 278

Expanded button, 277

Expanded Tables mode, 277–278


collapsed source code, 451, 468

Files panel, 51

Export dialog, 425

Export Table dialog, 295


Fireworks HTML files to Dreamweaver, 425

keyboard command cheat sheet, 525

site definitions, 510, 511, 512

table data, 293, 295

Exporting Site dialog, 511

extending Dreamweaver. See also extensions

about, 2, 3–4, 521

adding more behaviors, 349

“Close Window” script for HTML pages, 362

getting new versions of Spry, 393


defined, 521

Dreamweaver Exchange, 2, 4, 514, 526–527

finding and installing, 526–528

Project Seven site for, 515

external editors

assigning, 420–422

for source code, 480–483

external links, 505

external styles

about, 153

changing internal to, 209

creating style sheet based on sample file, 205–206

defined, 139

developing style sheet from scratch, 207–208


F12 key, 75

favicons, 251–252

fields. See also forms

about, 301

adding text, 304–305

file, 303

labeling, 306–307

Spry validation for text, 388

textarea validation for, 390

validating behavior in form, 369

Fieldset dialog, 310

fieldsets, 310

file fields, 303

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP

File Types/Editors category (Preferences dialog), 420


checking in/out, 497–498

cloaking, 56

creating, 48

.css, 153

delimited text, 293, 295

.dwt, 398

editing, 49

editing properties of plug-in, 265

exporting Fireworks HTML, 425

finding orphaned, 505

.fla, 253

GIF, 234, 427, 431

graphic formats for, 234

JPEG, 234, 427, 431

.lbi, 408

linking new file to existing page, 493

modifying template, 404–406

moving, 48

naming, 487

PNG, 234, 424, 427, 431

previewing media, 265

putting or getting, 50

renaming, 49, 492

selecting location for local site, 34

setting up Check In/ Check Out process, 494–496

.ste, 510

switching between pages titles and file names on Site Map, 490

.swl, 253

synchronizing local and remote, 52–55

types of links for, 218–219

Files panel

expanding, 51

illustrated, 43

showing/hiding Site Map on, 489

Find and Replace dialog, 116–117, 120, 121–123

Find Source dialog, 424


lost panels, 18

and replacing text, 116–117

text with simple search, 118–120

Fireworks, 423–427

displaying objects in Property Inspector, 426

editing images with, 423–424

exporting HTML files to Dreamweaver, 425

inserting pop-up menus for, 370–371

integrating Dreamweaver with, 27

optimizing image in, 428

replacing image placeholders with graphic from, 238

using copy-and-paste image integration in, 432

fixed position, 165

.fla files, 253


adding buttons, 260–261

animation using, 253, 254

editing text in, 259

inserting text from, 256–259

using video files from, 262–263

Flash Accessibility Attributes dialog, 258

FlashPaper documents, 253, 255

floating boxes, 166

Flynn, Bob, 519


cloaking site, 56

creating, 48

editing, 49

Library, 408

local root, 30, 31

moving, 48

naming, 487

_notes, 499

putting or getting, 50

renaming, 39

special characters used for names, 487

Templates, 403

font combinations, 96

Font Size pop-up menu, 96, 97


applying text styles, 100–101

changing color of, 99

changing text size and, 96–97

CSS properties for, 531

editing list of, 98

Flash compatibility with, 256

modifying font groups, 160–161

setting options for page, 78

footers, 174–175


aligning text, 106, 239

applying text styles, 100–101

block quotes, 104–105

changing text color, 99

changing text size and fonts, 96–97

links, 222–223

lists, 108

Paste Special options to maintain, 90–91, 438

removing heading, 94

source code, 452, 459

tables, 292

text characters, 95

text with Text tab, 66

using preformatted text, 102


about fields and, 301

adding text area, 308

buttons on, 318–319

check boxes in, 309

debate over browser styling solutions for, 317

including fieldsets on, 310

labeling fields, 306–307

order of Submit and Reset buttons on, 320

pop-up menus within, 314–315

radio button groups for, 311–313

scrolling option lists on, 315, 316

Spry validation for, 376, 388–390

text fields on, 304–305

using on Web page, 302–303

validating, 368–369

Forms tab (Insert Bar), 301

Frame Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 325

frame titles, 328, 340

frames. See also framesets

about, 321–323

adding noframes content, 343–344

compatibility with CSS, 342

creating pages in, 337

deleting from frameset, 327

iframes, 343

illustrated, 322

inserting prepared pages into, 335–336

names of, 328, 333

naming home page for framed Web sites, 336

placing insertion point in, 332

property adjustments in Property Inspector, 333–334

reasons for using, 324

resizing, 334

saving, 340

selecting from Frames panel, 329–330

testing content in browsers, 334

titles of, 328, 340

Frames panel, 329–334

adjusting frameset rows or columns, 331–332

property adjustments for frames, 333–334

selecting frames and framesets from, 329–330


adjusting rows or columns of, 331–332

custom, 326–327

deleting frames from, 327

frameset tags and documents, 323

sample frameset pages, 62

saving, 338–339, 340

selecting from Frames panel, 329–330

target links for, 341–342

using predefined, 325–326

frameworks. See also Spry

about, 374

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

defined, 39

defining remote sites with, 37–39

remote connections with, 36

further learning

about, 513

books on Dreamweaver for, 519–520

online resources for, 517–518

Web site resources for, 514–516


getting files and folders, 50

Getting Started quick tour, 2, 4

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) files, 234, 427, 431

Go button for jump menus, 367

Go To URL dialog, 347

graphic formats, 234

graphic links, 228

grayed items on drop-down menus, 347


changing settings, 183

snapping elements to, 183

turning on/off, 182–183

Grid Settings dialog, 183

group selectors, 147

Grow/Shrink effect, 391


adding to page, 184

editing, 185–186

snapping elements to, 186

turning on/off, 184

using, 185–186

Guides dialog, 185


Hand tool, 15

hard disk navigation, 44

headers for table, 274


applying, 92–93

options for Web pages, 80

removing formatting for, 94


frameset row, 332

table, 272, 273, 283–285

hidden fields, 305

Hide Panel buttons, 6, 21

hiding. See showing/hiding

Highlight effect, 392

Holzschlag, Molly E., 520

HomeSite, 455, 522

horizontal rules in text, 114–115

hotspots for image maps, 249–250

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

cleaning up Word HTML documents, 437–438

copying into Dreamweaver, 88

Dreamweaver bold and italic tags in, 101

heading sizes in, 92

inserting non-breaking spaces with, 112

using font tag, 95

hybrid layout, 168

Hyperlink dialog, 217

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML


icons. See also Property Inspector

adding favicons, 251–252

Browse for File, 217

Point to File, 67, 216, 492


applying styles to, 155

classes vs., 144

iframes, 343

Image button, 232

Image Description (Alt Text) dialog, 431

image editing tools, 240, 243

image field buttons, 319

image maps

creating, 249–250

tools for, 240

Image Placeholder dialog, 237

Image Preview dialog (Dreamweaver), 430, 441

Image Preview dialog (Fireworks), 428

image state

about, 353

designating radio button’s initial, 313

saving image variations with names relating to, 354

Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 70, 233, 435

images, 231–252. See also editing images; image state

adding to Web page, 69–70, 232–233

adjusting brightness and contrast, 245

aligning, 239

alternate text for, 235

animation, 253–255

copying from Bridge to Dreamweaver, 434–436

creating image maps, 249–250

cropping, 244

deleting, 235

editing, 243–246, 423–424, 426–427, 433

favicons for Web pages, 251–252

graphic formats for, 234

inserting from Assets panel, 236

modifying on navigation bars, 358–359

moving into Dreamweaver from Photoshop, 429–432

optimizing in Fireworks, 428

options for background, 78

options for tracing onto page, 82

placeholders for, 237–238

resizing and resampling, 244–245

setting properties of, 240–242

sharpening, 246

tracing, 82

using as graphic links, 228

using background, 247–248, 274

Import Tabular Data dialog, 294


charts from Excel, 441–442

Excel worksheet data, 439–440

site definitions, 512

style sheets, 211

table data, 293, 294–295

Word or Excel documents into Dreamweaver, 438

Inconsistent Region Names dialog, 403

Indent button, 103


source code, 458

text, 104–105

index page, 30, 58

inherit position, 165

inheritance of style rules, 151

inline images, 239

inline styles

about, 153

creating rules from, 203–204

Input Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 306, 307

Insert Bar

finding predefined framesets from, 326

formatting text with Text tab, 66, 93

Forms tab of, 301

illustrated, 6

Image button on, 232

Layout tab of, 271, 277, 279

layout tools on, 297

Spry tab of, 376

tabs on, 9

versions of Mac and Windows, 8

Insert Date dialog, 113

Insert Div Tag dialog

adding div tag in, 146

opening New CSS Rule dialog from, 173, 207

Insert Fireworks HTML dialog, 370

Insert Flash Buttons dialog, 260

Insert Flash Text dialog, 257

Insert Flash Video dialog, 262

Insert FlashPaper dialog, 254, 255

Insert Jump Menu dialog, 365

Insert Menu, 377

Insert Navigation Bar dialog, 354

Insert Other Character dialog, 111

Insert Rollover Image dialog, 352

Insert Rows or Columns dialog, 281


jump menus, 365–366

Library items, 409

insertion point, 332

installing extensions, 526–528

internal styles

about, 153

changing to external styles, 209

defined, 139


JavaScript & Ajax for the Web (Negrino and Smith), 520

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) files, 234, 427, 431

Jump menu button, 301

Jump Menu dialog, 366

Jump Menu Go dialog, 367

jump menus, 365–367

about, 365

Go button for, 367

inserting, 365–366


keyboard shortcuts

adding or changing, 524–525

changing between sets, 523

customizing, 522–525

cutting, copying, and pasting, 87, 88

exporting keyboard command cheat sheet, 525

personalizing, 523

selecting text, 87

text alignment shortcut keys, 106

Undo and Redo, 88

Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, 522

Keywords dialog, 84


labeling fields, 306–307

layer tag, 191

layers. See also AP Elements

defined, 191

saving Photoshop image, 432

laying out pages, 168–175

adding new rules for navigation, 172

changing body styles, 169

footers, 174–175

navigation sidebars, 171–172

page headers, 170–171

working with main content area, 173–174

Layout tab (Insert Bar), 271, 277, 279

layout tables

creating, 270, 296–299

problems using, 268–270

layout tools on Insert Bar, 297

.lbi files, 408

libraries. See Library items; Spry

Library folder, 408

Library items, 407–414

color highlighting, 408

creating, 407–408

CSS panel unavailable when editing, 412

defined, 396, 407

detaching, 413

editing, 410–411

effect of CSS rules on, 409

inserting and deleting, 409

re-creating missing or deleted, 414

renaming, 412

reusable navigation bars, 356

templates vs., 407

updating, 411

line breaks in text, 103

line numbering, 451, 458

Link dialog, 251

Link Relative To options (Site Definition dialog), 220–221

Link to New File dialog, 493

linking style sheets, 211

links, 215–229

adding page, 67–68

anchors for, 225–227

changing Link Relative To for, 220–221

checking for broken, 504

creating or changing in Site Map, 492

email, 229

finding external, 505

formatting, 222–223

frameset target, 341–342

graphics, 228

linking new file to existing page, 493

options for, 79–80

styling, 223

targeting, 224

text, 216–217

types of, 218–219

List Apart, A, 516

List Properties dialog, 109

List type pop-up menu (List Properties dialog), 109

List Values dialog, 314, 315

list view of panel tab, 17, 18

list/menu element, 314–316


creating, 108

CSS properties for, 534

formatting with Text tab, 108

nesting, 110

setting properties for, 109

turning off, 108

types of, 107

LiveDocs, 514

local root folder, 30, 31

local sites

about, 30–31

creating, 32–34

displaying files for remote and, 51

synchronizing files with remote sites, 52–55

Local view

refreshing, 46

switching to Remote view, 45

locked regions, 397

logos, 171

Lowery, Joseph, 519 online training library, 518


Mac platform

copying Excel charts on, 442

Default layout for, 5, 20

Document toolbar, 10

external editors for, 422, 480–483

finding and selecting extension files in, 528

font groups for, 161

Insert Bar as displayed on, 8

managing windows, 25–26

previewing Web pages on laptops, 75

Property Inspector for, 16

magnification for zoom, 187

main content area, 173–174

main frame, 322

Manage Sites dialog, 37, 444, 496, 509, 511

Manage Workspace Layouts dialog, 22

managing styles, 199–214. See also external styles; internal styles

attaching style sheets, 210–211

changing internal to external styles, 209

creating external style sheet, 205–208

creating rules from inline styles, 203–204

deleting styles, 202

moving styles inside document, 212

renaming styles for class, 200–201

managing Web sites, 485–512

about, 485

adding and modifying Design Notes, 499–501

broken links, 504

browser compatibility checking, 506–508

checking files in/out, 497–498

creating or changing links in Site Map, 492

deleting sites from Dreamweaver, 509

exporting and importing site definitions, 510–512

finding external links and orphaned files, 505

generating site reports, 502–503

linking new files to existing page in Site Map, 493

planning for site expansion, 486–487

renaming files in Site Map, 492

setting up file Check In/ Check Out, 494–496

viewing Site Map, 488–492


box model, 164

setting page, 79

media, 231, 253–265

adding Flash buttons, 260–261

editing plug-in file’s properties, 265

Flash video files on Web pages, 262–263

inserting Flash text, 256–259

previewing files for, 265

using plug-in media files, 264

working with animations, 253–255

Menu bar, 6, 8

menu bar widgets

adding, 378–379

editing, 380–381

menus. See also pop-up menus

grayed items unavailable on drop-down, 347

Insert, 377

Jump, 301

merging cells, 282


browser compatibility, 28, 507

validation report, 477–478, 479

meta tags

adding, 84

categories of, 83

method for retrieving forms, 303

Microsoft Excel. See Excel

Microsoft Word documents, 437–438

missing Library items, 414

mobile devices

Device Central for, 28, 447

previewing pages for, 448

Modify Navigation Bar dialog, 357


font groups, 160–161

template files, 404–406

workspace layouts, 21

Move Guide dialog, 186

Move To External Style Sheet dialog, 209


files and folders, 48

guides, 185

internal to external styles, 209

layout cells, 299

Photoshop images into Dreamweaver, 429–432

styles between documents, 213

styles inside document, 212

MP3 audio files, 264


Named Anchor dialog, 225


changing class styles, 200–201

class, 143

file and folder, 487

frame, 328, 333

home page for framed sites, 336

region, 400

setting form, 302

snippet, 417

Web page, 71–72


adding rules for, 172

disks and sites, 44

planning for site expansion, 486–487

site structure and, 35

styling links, 223

navigation bars, 354–359

adding, 354–356

copying and pasting to other pages, 356

Fireworks, 427

modifying, 171, 357–359

rules for, 172

Negrino, Tom, 520

nested framesets, 323, 329

nesting lists, 110

nesting tables, 273

Netscape browsers, 364

New CSS Rule dialog

adding style rules from, 173

opening, 207

setting tag style rules, 138

using Advanced Selector, 145–146

using Class Selector type, 143

New Document dialog

building Web page from, 60–61

creating new file, 205

illustrated, 3

predefined framesets in, 325

selecting CSS design from, 206

starting Web page from template, 402

using CSS-based layouts, 167

New Editable Region dialog, 399

New Features option (Welcome screen), 2, 4

newsgroup for Dreamweaver, 517

noframes content

adding, 343–344

using with frames, 324

noframes section, 323

non-breaking spaces, 112

_notes folders, 499

numbered lists. See also lists

bulleted lists nested inside, 110

illustrated, 107


options for list, 109

source code line, 451, 458


Object Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog, 254

online resources for Dreamweaver, 517–518

Open Browser Window dialog, 361

Open dialog, 73


new browser window, 360–362

New CSS Rule dialog, 207

recent items, 2, 3

Web pages, 73

operating systems. See also Mac platform; Windows platform

Contribute Publishing Server compatibility with, 446

font groups for different, 161

operators for regular expressions, 127–128, 130

optimizing images in Fireworks, 428

optional regions, 401

organizing snippets, 417

orphaned files, 505

Outdent button, 104

Over image state, 353

Overlapping AP Elements Detected dialog, 194

OverWhileDown image state, 353



box model, 164

cell, 272, 274

page content. See content; positioning page content; styling page content

page headers, 170–171

Page Properties dialog, 77–82

Appearance category of, 78–79

creating styles from, 156–157

Headings category, 80

Links category for, 79–80

options in Title/Encoding category, 81

setting, 77

Title/Encoding category of, 81

tracing images, 82

unavailable when editing Library items, 412

using background images, 247–248

panel grip, 17

panel group bar, 17

panel groups, 6

panel options button, 18

panel tab, 17

panels. See also specific panel by name

about, 17–18

CSS Styles, 137

illustrated, 6

working with Files, 43


changing text into, 94

Property Inspector alignment feature for, 239

tags added automatically for, 86

password fields, 305

Paste Special dialog, 438, 439

Paste Special options, 90–91

pasting text, 88

percentages for positioning guides, 185

performance of layout tables, 269

personal dictionaries, 131

personalizing keyboard shortcuts, 523

Photoshop, 429–433

editing images with, 433

integrating Dreamweaver with, 27

moving images into Dreamweaver from, 429–432

saving image layers, 432

using as external image editor, 442

pixels for table width settings, 272, 273


inserting image, 237

playing animation, 254

plug-in media, 264

replacing with image, 238

planning site expansion, 486–487

plug-in detection by browsers, 363, 364

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files, 234, 424, 427, 431

Point to File icon, 67, 216, 492

pop-up menus

Action, 125, 126

Browse, 44

Check Page, 506

Commands, 524

converting to scrolling option lists, 315

Font Size, 96, 97

inserting Fireworks, 370–371

jump menus, 365–367

Relative to, 220

Style, 152, 158, 200

within forms, 314–315

positioning page content, 163–197

box model elements, 164

design-time style sheets, 178–181

floating boxes, 166

guides, 184–186

laying out pages, 168–175

positioning boxes, 165

setting page dimensions, 189–190

turning grid on/off, 182–183

using included layouts, 167

visual aids, 176–177

zooming in/out on page, 187–188

positioning properties, 534

predefined framesets, 325–326

Preferences dialog

Accessibility category for, 233

changing new document page defaults in, 61

Code Format Settings options in, 459

Code Rewriting category for, 484

File Types/Editors category of, 420

selecting primary and secondary browsers, 76

setting CSS preferences, 136

preformatted text, 102

preset window sizes, 189


imported Excel charts, 441

media files, 265

pages in browsers, 74–77

Web pages in Device Central, 448

primary and secondary browsers, 76


framed pages, 334

keyboard command cheat sheet, 525

Project Seven Web site, 515

properties. See also Page Properties dialog; Property Inspector

background, 530

box, 533

color, 530

CSS, 530–536

editing plug-in file’s, 265

fonts, 531

images, 240–242

lists, 109, 534

page, 77–82, 535

positioning, 534

pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, 530

text, 532

unit, 536

Properties pane (CSS Styles panel), 137, 148, 149

Property Inspector

about, 16

adding alternate text to image in, 235

adjusting media plug-in settings in, 265

alignment feature for images and paragraphs, 239

applying id styles with, 155

assigning radio button properties, 313

changing table elements numerically, 283–284

classes created with, 158

clearing and converting table values in, 285

color well, 99

configuring cell properties, 288–289

configuring menu bar properties, 378

designating initial state for radio buttons, 313

designating link’s target in, 224

detaching Library items in, 413

displaying Fireworks objects in, 426

editing horizontal rules in, 115

form name, action, and method settings with, 302–303

frame property adjustments in, 333–334

frameset rows or columns adjustments in, 331–332

illustrated, 6

image editing tools, 240, 243

image map tools, 240

image property settings in, 240–242

Link and Target fields on, 228

making target link for individual page, 342

modifying named anchors in, 226

modifying text areas for forms, 308

optimizing Fireworks images from, 428

properties for pop-up menus and scrolling option lists, 315

re-creating missing or deleted Library items, 414

renaming class styles, 200

selecting font combinations from, 96

setting up check box properties in, 309

settings for Flash video file, 263

Style pop-up menu on, 152

styles created with, 156–157

text links created from, 216–217

pseudo-classes, 147

pseudo-element properties, 530

putting files and folders, 50


Quick Tag Editor, 460–461

QuickTime plug-ins, 264


radio buttons

adding groups of, 311–313

check boxes vs., 309

designating initial state of, 313

Radio Group dialog, 311

RDS connections, 36

RealAudio/RealVideo plug-ins, 264

rearranging order of radio buttons, 312

Recently Modified dialog, 503

re-creating missing or deleted Library items, 414

Redo command, 88

regular expressions, 127–130

Relative to pop-up menu, 220

remote sites, 36–41

about, 30–31

defined, 36

defining with FTP or SFTP, 37–39

displaying files for local and, 51

synchronizing files with local sites, 52–55

WebDAV definitions for, 40

Remote view

refreshing, 46

switching to Local view, 45


design-time style sheets, 181

editable regions, 401

guides, 185

heading formatting, 94

styles from class, 154

Rename Class dialog, 201

Rename Style dialog, 200


class styles, 200–201

files and folders, 49

files in Site Map, 492

Library items, 412

reordering behaviors, 348

repeating regions and tables, 401


image placeholders with Fireworks graphic, 238

simple text, 116, 117, 120

source code, 124

specific tags, 125–126

text within tags, 121–123

Reports dialog, 503

resampling images, 244–245

Reset button, 320


Document window dimensions, 15

Flash text, 259

frames, 334

handles in newly opened browser window, 362

images, 244–245

layout cells, 299

preset window sizes, 189, 190

table elements, 283–284

resolving style conflicts, 153

Restore Down button, 7

Results panel

Validation tab, 477

viewing site reports in, 503

rollbacks, 446

rollovers, 352–353

Roundtrip HTML, 484


adjusting frameset, 331–332

clearing and converting values for, 285

deleting, 286

inserting in tables, 279–280, 281

resizing, 284

selecting table, 275

Rule with Same Name Exists defined, 209

rules. See also CSS

adding navigation, 172

creating from inline styles, 203–204

effect on Library items, 409

inheritance of style, 151

setting tag style, 138–139

Rules pane (CSS Styles panel), 137


sample pages, 62–64

Save As dialog, 71

Save As Template dialog, 398

Save Style Sheet File As dialog, 207

Save Web Image dialog, 431

Save Workspace Layout dialog, 22


custom layouts, 22

documents manually when Library item updates, 412

files before checking in to remote server, 498

framesets and frames, 338–340

Photoshop image layers, 432

snippets, 416

Web pages first time, 71–72


adding in newly opened browser window, 361

illustrated in frame, 322

options for frames, 334

scrolling option lists, 315, 316


advanced text, 121–123

simple text, 118–120

source code, 124

specific tag, 125–126

text, 116–123

using regular expressions, 127–130

Secure File Transfer Protocol. See SFTP

Select File dialog

illustrated, 68

Relative to pop-up menu, 220

selecting design-time style sheets in, 180

selecting link files from, 217

Select Image Source dialog, 69, 232

Select Style Sheet File dialog, 210

Select tool, 15


browser events, 350

elements in Expanded Tables mode, 277–278

events in Behaviors panel, 348

font combinations from Property Inspector, 96

frames and framesets, 329–330

primary and secondary browsers, 76

Split view from Document toolbar, 456

table elements, 275–276

text, 87

Set Nav Bar Image dialog, 358

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)

about, 36

defined, 39

defining remote sites with, 37–39

Shake effect, 392

sharpening images, 246

Shockwave animation, 253, 254


design-time style sheets, 179–181

Insert Bar and Document toolbar, 14

Site Map, 489

Welcome screen, 2, 4

side frame, 322

sidebars, 171–172. See also navigation bars

Site Definition dialog

Advanced mode, 32, 33, 42, 221

Basic mode, 32

defining remote site with WebDAV, 40

editing site definitions, 42, 221

enabling Check In/Check Out from, 496

remote site definition with FTP or SFTP, 37

setting up sites to use Contribute, 444

Site Map Layout pane, 491

site definitions

editing, 42, 221

exporting, 510, 511, 512

importing, 510, 512

Site Map

creating or changing links in, 492

linking new files to existing page in, 493

renaming files in, 492

setting preferences for, 491

switching between file names and titles on, 490

viewing, 488–492

Site Map Layout pane (Site Definition dialog), 491

site reports

listing of, 502

viewing, 503

site root relative links, 219

Slide effect, 392

Smith, Dori, 520

snap to grid, 182, 183

Snippet dialog, 416

snippet preview pane, 417


about, 415

defined, 395–396, 415

deleting, 417

editing, 417

naming, 417

organizing, 417

saving, 416

using, 417

Snippets panel, 415, 417

Sort Table dialog, 291

sorting tables, 290–291

source code

advantages of code hints, 469–470

Coder layout for Windows platform,, 454–455

collapsing, 465–468

cutting and pasting, 88

editing code from Tag Inspector, 471–473

external editors for, 480–483

features of Tag Editor, 462

finding and replacing, 124

finding resources on Code Reference tab, 474–475

formatting, 452, 459

indenting, 458

listing special characters for, 470

numbering lines of, 451, 458

Quick Tag Editor, 460–461

Roundtrip HTML, 484

searching using regular expressions, 127–130

Split views of, 456–457

syntax coloring in, 453, 458

Tag Chooser, 463–464

text editing tips for, 458–459

using Coding toolbar for, 450–453

validating, 476–479

viewing in Code view, 12

working with Split view for, 456–457

SourceSafe connections, 36

spaces disallowed in URLs, 72

spam protection for email links, 229

spans, 139

special characters

avoiding in snippet names, 417

code hints for lists of, 470

inserting, 111

operators for regular expressions, 127–128, 130

unacceptable for region names, 400

used for file and folder names, 487

in Web page names, 72

spelling checks, 131

Split Cell dialog, 282

Split view

illustrated, 13

viewing source code in, 456–457

splitting cells, 282

Spry, 373–393

about, 373–374

accordion widget, 384–385

adding effects, 391–393

adding elements, 376–377

collapsible panel widget, 386–387

components of, 374

finding effects location, 377

future versions of, 393

menu bar widgets, 378–382

new features for, 27

tabbed panels widget, 382–383

validating forms with, 388–390

Spry Menu Bar dialog, 378

Spry tab (Insert Bar), 376

Spry validation text field button, 301

Squish effect, 393

staging server, 31

standard toolbar, 14

Starter Page (Basic) option, 64

Starter Page (Theme) option, 63

starting Web sites, 29–56

about local and remote sites, 30–31

building pages within local root folder, 31

considering structure and design of site, 35

creating local sites, 32–34

defining remote sites, 36–41

editing site definitions, 42, 221

navigating disks and sites, 44

refreshing views, 46

switching between local and remote views, 45

from Welcome screen, 2, 3

working with files and folders, 47–49

static position, 165

static Web sites, 31

Status bar

about, 15

illustrated, 6, 15

.ste files, 510

structure and presentation of text, 85

Style pop-up menu, 152, 158, 200

style rendering toolbar, 14

style rules. See rules

style sheets. See CSS; external styles

Stylin’ with CSS (Wyke-Smith), 520

styling links, 223

styling page content, 133–161. See also CSS; managing styles

about CSS, 134

Advanced Selector for, 145–146

All mode in CSS Styles panel, 147–149

applying class styles, 152–153

content vs. presentation, 134–135

creating classes, 143, 158

creating styles, 156–157

CSS Styles panel for, 137, 150–151

Dreamweaver CSS categories for, 140–142

external, internal, and inline styles, 153

font group modifications, 160–161

modifying styles, 159

setting CSS Styles preferences, 136

style rules for tags, 138–139

using id styles, 155

working with tags, 135

Submit button, 318, 320

Summary pane (CSS Styles panel), 137

Swap Image behavior, 353

Swap Image Restore behavior, 353

switching between

documents, 7

Local and Remote views, 45

pages titles and file names on Site Map, 490

.swl files, 253

Synchronize dialog, 54

Synchronize Files dialog, 52

synchronizing files local and remote sites, 52–55

syntax coloring, 453, 458


tabbed layout

getting rid of tabs, 7

managing windows in, 23–26

tabbed panels widget, 382–383

Table dialog, 272

table headers, 274

Table Layout mode, 270, 296–299

tables, 267–299

adding rows and columns, 279–281

aligning cells, 288–289

attributes affecting look of, 274

clearing and converting values for, 285

converting to AP divs, 196–197

creating, 271–273

CSS styles with, 270

deleting, 286

editing Fireworks, 426–427

formatting, 292

importing and exporting data for, 293–295

layout tables, 270, 296–299

making selections in Expanded Tables mode, 277–278

merging and splitting cells, 282

nesting, 273

problems using layout tables, 268–270

repeating, 401

resizing elements of, 283–284

selecting elements of, 275–276

setting cell background or border color, 289

sorting, 290–291

specifying alignment of, 287

turning AP divs into, 193–195

Tag Chooser, 463–464

Tag Editor, 462

Tag Inspector, 471–473

Tag panel, 471

tag selector, 6, 15, 330


advanced searches within, 121–123

bold and italic HTML, 101

container, 86

editing features of Tag Editor, 462

finding and replacing specific, 125–126

frameset, 323

HTML font, 95

layer, 191

meta, 83–84

Quick Tag Editor with, 460–461

setting style rules for, 138–139

using Tag Chooser, 463–464

working with style, 135

Target Browsers dialog, 506

target links, 224, 341–342

templates, 397–406

adding editable regions, 399–400

applying to existing page, 403

building new page based on, 402

Community MX, 516

creating from existing page, 397–398

defined, 396

designing new, 398

Library items vs., 407

modifying files for, 404–406

Project Seven site for, 515

removing editable regions, 401

updating pages attached to, 397

using Contribute with Dreamweaver, 396

Templates folder, 403

testing frame content in browsers, 334

testing server, 31

text, 85–31. See also fonts; lists; searches; special characters

adding and formatting page, 66

advanced searches for, 121–123

aligning, 106, 239

alternate image, 235

applying styles to, 100–101

changing fonts and sizes, 96–97

character formatting for, 95

checking spelling of, 131

color of, 78, 99

creating links to, 216–217

CSS properties for, 532

current date in, 113

cutting, copying, and pasting, 87–88

dragging and dropping, 89

editing font list, 98

headings, 92–94

horizontal rules in, 114–115

indenting, 104–105

inserting, 86

inserting Flash, 256–259

line breaks in, 103

lists, 107–110

non-breaking spaces in, 112

Paste Special options for, 90–91

preformatted, 102

searching and replacing, 116–123

selecting, 87

setting font and color options for, 78

special characters, 111

Spry validation for text fields, 388

structure and presentation of, 85

styling links, 223

turning off wrapping within cells, 284

text areas

adding, 308

validating, 390

text fields, 304–305

text styles, 100–101

Text tab (Insert Bar)

formatting text with, 66

illustrated, 93

list formatting with, 108


frame vs. page, 340

Web page, 65


Coding, 450–453

Document, 10, 14

illustrated, 6

standard and style rendering, 14

top frame, 322

tracing images, 82

Transcending CSS (Clarke and Holzschlag), 520

transparency and GIF format, 234

Transparency slider (Page Properties dialog), 82

turning on/off

grids, 182–183

guides, 184

list function, 108

text wrapping within cells, 284


underline style definition, 80

Undo command, 88

Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs

unit properties in CSS, 536

Up image state, 353

Update Files dialog, 48, 412

Update Library Items dialog, 411

Update Pages dialog, 405, 411

Update Template Files dialog, 404

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)

characters disallowed in, 72

copying from browser to Link field, 68

setting for frame, 333

user interface, 2–18. See also Insert Bar

CSS properties for, 535

Document toolbar, 10

Document window, 6–7

Insert Bar, 6, 8–9

managing windows, 23–26

Menu bar, 6, 8

Welcome screen, 2–4

workspace layouts for, 20

user roles for Web contributors, 396


Validate Form dialog, 368

Validate Markup button, 476


check boxes, 389

forms, 368–369, 388–390

selected fields, 389

source code, 476–479

text area fields, 390

text fields using Spry, 388

user data with server-side scripts, 369

Validation tab (Results panel), 477

View Options button (Document toolbar), 453


all open panels, 18

keyboard command cheat sheet in browsers, 525

Site Map, 488–492

site reports in Results panel, 503

source code in Code view, 12

source code in Split view, 456–457


Code, 12, 108, 449, 450–453

CSS Styles panel, 137

Design, 11, 59, 450, 460–461

Local and Remote, 45, 46

panel tab, 17, 18

Split, 13, 456–457

switching between Local and Remote, 45

visual aids, 176–177


warnings about browser compatibility, 28, 507

Web pages. See also building Web pages; designing Web pages; Web sites

about frames, 321–323

adding forms to, 302–303

background images for, 247–248, 274

building from template, 402

creating in frame, 337

CSS properties for, 535

customizing from sample page, 62–64

developing templates from existing, 397–398

Device Central previews of, 448

images added to, 69–70, 232–233

inserting Flash video files on, 262–263

inserting prepared pages into frame, 335–336

links added to, 67–68

modifying individual template-based, 406

naming and saving, 71–72

opening, 73

previewing, 74–77

size of layout tables, 269

tables on, 271–273

titling, 65

updating pages attached to templates, 397

using image placeholders, 237–238

Web sites. See also managing Web sites; starting Web sites; Web pages

administering in Contribute, 445

book’s companion, 513

building within local root folder, 31

CSS Advisor, 214

defining remote, 36–41

designing for customers, 35

designing from sample pages, 3

Dreamweaver resource, 513–516

naming home page for framed, 336

navigating, 44

planning for expansion, 486–487

setting to use Contribute, 444

static vs. dynamic, 31

WebDAV protocol, 39, 40

weblogs, 515

Welcome screen

about, 2–4

building Web page from, 58–59


accordion, 384–385

adding, 376–377

adding menu bar, 378–379

collapsible panel, 386–387

defined, 374

deleting, 381

on Spry tab, 376

tabbed panels, 382–383


frameset column, 332

table, 272, 273, 283–285

text field, 304


Document, 6–7

managing workspace, 23–26

opening new browser, 360–362

resizing and editing preset sizes, 189–190

Windows Media plug-ins, 264

Windows platform

Coder layout for, 454–455

Designer layout for, 20

Document toolbar, 10

finding and selecting extension files in, 528

font groups for, 161

Insert Bar as displayed on, 8

managing windows, 23–25

Property Inspector for, 16

using external editors for source code, 480–483

wireless users and noframes content, 343

Wise-women mailing list, 517

Word documents, 437–438

word wrap. See wrapping text

working with other applications. See also Fireworks

about, 419

assigning external editing programs, 420–422

cleaning up Word HTML documents, 437–438

copying images from Bridge to Dreamweaver, 434–436

Device Central, 447–448

editing images with Fireworks, 423–427

HomeSite, 455

importing Excel data, 439–442

Photoshop, 27, 429–433

sites built using database applications, 31

using Contribute, 396, 443–446

workspace, 19–26

layouts for, 20

managing windows in, 23–26

mode buttons for views, 10

modifying layouts for, 21

saving custom layouts, 22

wrapping text

in forms, 308

options for source code, 453, 458

within cells, 284

Wyke-Smith, Charles, 520


XML data sets in Spry, 374, 375


Zeldman, Jeffrey, 520

Z-index, 192

Zoom tool, 15

zooming in/out on page, 187–188

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