7.5 Solving Minimization Problems

Many LP problems involve minimizing an objective such as cost instead of maximizing a profit function. A restaurant, for example, may wish to develop a work schedule to meet staffing needs while minimizing the total number of employees. A manufacturer may seek to distribute its products from several factories to its many regional warehouses in such a way as to minimize total shipping costs. A hospital may want to provide a daily meal plan for its patients that meets certain nutritional standards while minimizing food purchase costs.

Minimization problems with only two variables can be solved graphically by first setting up the feasible solution region and then using either the corner point method or an isocost line approach (which is analogous to the isoprofit approach in maximization problems) to find the values of the decision variables (e.g., X1 and X2) that yield the minimum cost. Let’s take a look at a common LP problem referred to as the diet problem. This situation is similar to the one that the hospital faces in feeding its patients at the least cost.

Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch

The Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch is considering buying two different brands of turkey feed and blending them to provide a good, low-cost diet for its turkeys. Each feed contains, in varying proportions, some or all of the three nutritional ingredients essential for fattening turkeys. Each pound of brand 1 purchased, for example, contains 5 ounces of ingredient A, 4 ounces of ingredient B, and 0.5 ounce of ingredient C. Each pound of brand 2 contains 10 ounces of ingredient A, 3 ounces of ingredient B, but no ingredient C. The brand 1 feed costs the ranch 2 cents a pound, while the brand 2 feed costs 3 cents a pound. The owner of the ranch would like to use LP to determine the lowest-cost diet that meets the minimum monthly intake requirement for each nutritional ingredient.

Table 7.5 summarizes the relevant information. If we let

Table 7.5 Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Data

A 5 10 90
B 4 3 48
C 0.5 0 1.5
Cost per pound 2 cents 3 cents
X1=number of pounds of brand 1 feed purchasedX2=number of pounds of brand 2 feed purchased

then we may proceed to formulate this linear programming problem as follows:

Minimize cost (in cents)=2X1+3X2

subject to these constraints:

5X1+10X290ounces(ingredient A constraint)4X1+3X2 48 ounces (ingredient B constraint)0.5 X11.5 ounces(ingredient C constraint)X10(nonnegativity constraint)X20(nonnegativity constraint)

Before solving this problem, we want to be sure to note three features that affect its solution. First, you should be aware that the third constraint implies that the farmer must purchase enough brand 1 feed to meet the minimum standards for the C nutritional ingredient. Buying only brand 2 would not be feasible because it lacks C. Second, as the problem is formulated, we will be solving for the best blend of brands 1 and 2 to buy per turkey per month. If the ranch houses 5,000 turkeys in a given month, it need simply multiply the X1 and X2 quantities by 5,000 to decide how much feed to order overall. Third, we are now dealing with a series of greater-than-or-equal-to constraints. These cause the feasible solution area to be above the constraint lines in this example.

Using The Corner Point Method On A Minimization Problem

To solve the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch problem, we first construct the feasible solution region. This is done by plotting each of the three constraint equations as in Figure 7.10. Note that the third constraint, 0.5 X1 ≥ 1.5, can be rewritten and plotted as X1 ≥ 3. (This involves multiplying both sides of the inequality by 2 but does not change the position of the constraint line in any way.) Minimization problems are often unbounded outward (i.e., on the right side and the top), but this causes no difficulty in solving them. As long as they are bounded inward (on the left side and the bottom), corner points may be established. The optimal solution will lie at one of the corners, as it would in a maximization problem.

A graph illustrates the feasible region for the holiday meal turkey ranch problem.

Figure 7.10 Feasible Region for the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem

In this case, there are three corner points: a, b, and c. For point a, we find the coordinates at the intersection of the ingredient C and B constraints—that is, where the line X1=3 crosses the line 4X1+3X2=48. If we substitute X1=3 into the B constraint equation, we get




Thus, point a has the coordinates (X1=3, X2=12).

To find the coordinates of point b algebraically, we solve the equations 4X1+3X2=48 and 5X1+10X2=90 simultaneously. This yields (X1=8.4, X2=4.8).

The coordinates at point c are seen by inspection to be (X1=18, X2=0). We now evaluate the objective function at each corner point, and we get

Cost=2X1+3X2Cost at point a=2(3)+3(12)=42Cost at point b=2(8.4)+3(4.8)=31.2Cost at point c=2(18)+3(0)=36

Hence, the minimum cost solution is to purchase 8.4 pounds of brand 1 feed and 4.8 pounds of brand 2 feed per turkey per month. This will yield a cost of 31.2 cents per turkey.

Isocost Line Approach

As mentioned before, the isocost line approach may also be used to solve LP minimization problems such as that of the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch. As with isoprofit lines, we need not compute the cost at each corner point but instead draw a series of parallel cost lines. The lowest cost line (i.e., the one closest to the origin) to touch the feasible region provides us with the optimal solution corner.

For example, we start in Figure 7.11 by drawing a 54-cent cost line—namely, 54 = 2X1+3X2. Obviously, there are many points in the feasible region that would yield a lower total cost. We proceed to move our isocost line toward the lower left, in a plane parallel to the 54-cent solution line. The last point we touch while still in contact with the feasible region is the same as corner point b of Figure 7.10. It has the coordinates (X1=8.4, X2=4.8) and an associated cost of 31.2 cents.

A graph illustrates a solution to the holiday meal turkey ranch problem using the Isocost Line.

Figure 7.11 Graphical Solution to the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem Using the Isocost Line

A graph illustrates the feasible region for the holiday meal turkey ranch problem.

Figure 7.10 Feasible Region for the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem

This could be solved using QM for Windows by selecting the Linear Programming Module and selecting New problem. Specify that there are two variables and three constraints. When the input window opens, enter the data and click Solve. The output is shown in Program 7.4.

To solve this in Excel 2016, determine the cells where the solution will be, enter the coefficients from the objective function and the constraints, and write formulas for the total cost and the total of each ingredient (constraint). The input values and solution are shown in Program 7.5A, with column D containing the formulas. These formulas are shown in Program 7.5B. When the Solver Parameters window opens, the Set Objective cell is D5; the addresses in the By Changing Variable Cells box are B4:C4; the Simplex LP method is used; the box for variables to be nonnegative is checked; and Min is selected because this is a minimization problem.

A screenshot of a “linear programming results” window illustrates the solution to holiday meal turkey ranch problem in QM for Windows in a tabular form.

Program 7.4 Solution to the Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem in QM for Windows

A screenshot of Excel 2016 illustrates the solution for holiday meal turkey ranch problem.

Program 7.5A Excel 2016 Solution for Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem

A screenshot shows the formulas used to find cost and LHS (Amount of ingredients).

Program 7.5B Excel 2016 Formulas for Holiday Meal Turkey Ranch Problem

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