• Earliest finish time, 392, 393, 394

  • Earliest possible time, 402

  • Earliest start time, 392, 393, 400, 410

  • Econometric models, 485

  • Economic order quantity (EOQ), 189194, 200, 471

    • assumptions of, 189, 191

    • formula, 191192

    • without instantaneous receipt assumption, 196199

  • Economic systems and simulation, 462, 463, 485

  • Efficiency of sample information, 82

  • Elimination method, 248

  • Empirical rule and normal distribution, 44, 45

  • Employee scheduling applications, 299300

  • EMV. See Expected monetary value (EMV)

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 220221

  • Enumeration and integer programming problems, 358

  • EOL. See Expected opportunity loss (EOL)

  • Equally likely, 67, 68

  • Equilibrium conditions, 507510, 514

  • Equilibrium probabilities, 505, 507

  • Equilibrium share, 507

  • Equilibrium states, 507, 509, 510

  • Erlang, A. K., 428

  • Errors, 113

    • with constant variance, 117

    • forecast, 151

    • independent, 117

    • with a mean of zero, 117

    • normally distributed, 117

  • Error variance, 119

  • Events, 2527

    • and activities, 387

    • collectively exhaustive, 2324, 32

    • constraints, 408

    • dependent and independent, 2627

    • mutually exclusive, 2324, 32

    • statistically independent, 26

    • union of, 25

  • Excel, 912

    • add-ins, 11, 485

    • for analysis of Arnold’s multichannel queuing model, 441

    • on Arnold’s Muffler shop queue, 436

    • assignment problems, 327

    • binomial probabilities, 38

    • box filling example, 535536

    • for the Brown Manufacturing Problem, 198199

    • c-chart, 540541

    • constant service time model, 443

    • Data Analysis add-in, 11, 122

    • decision theory problems, 7577, 85

    • decomposition method, 170

    • developing regression model, 122124, 133134

    • to develop multiple regression model, 127, 128

    • to develop regression model, 170, 171

    • dummy variables and, 129, 130

    • economic order quantity (EOQ), 193

    • Excel 2016, 9, 11, 44, 46

    • Excel POM-QM, 912

    • Excel spreadsheets, 912, 34

    • F distribution, 46

    • finding exponential probabilities, 48

    • finite population model, 445

    • forecasting, 158160

    • Goal Seek, 11, 12

    • integer programming model, 361, 363

    • integer programming problems, 360

    • integer solutions, 305

    • labor planning solution, 301

    • linear programming (LP) problems, 251, 252257

    • linear regression equation, 132134

    • Markov analysis with, 526528

    • maximal-flow problems, 331332

    • mean, variance, and standard deviation, 34

    • minimal spanning tree problem, 336337

    • minimization problems, 260261

    • nonlinear relationship, 132

    • and payoff table problems, 7577

    • p-chart, 539

    • and Poisson distribution, 49, 50

    • for Port of New Orleans simulation, 478

    • probability distribution of a continuous random variable, 34

    • production run models, 198199

    • program crashing, 409

    • program evaluation and review technique/ critical path method (PERT/CPM), 398399

    • quantity discount problems, 202203

    • random numbers, generating, 471

    • regression calculations, 122, 123124

    • regression line, 163164

    • safety stock and reorder point, 208209

    • shortest-route problems, 333334

    • simulation, 469471

    • simulation module, 471

    • Solver add-in, 11, 252255

    • Solver and changes in right-hand-side values, 270271

    • Solver and objective function coefficients change, 267268

    • for the Sumco Pump Company example, 193

    • sum of squares error, 122

    • Sumproduct function, 253

    • for Super Cola example, 536

    • and transportation problems, 321322, 324325

    • transshipment problems, 330

    • trend-adjusted exponential smoothing, 162

    • trend analysis, 163164

    • used for normal probability distribution, 44

    • Whole Food Diet solution, 206

  • Excel QM

  • Executive Furniture Corporation, 320, 322

  • Expected activity time, 392, 394

  • Expected demand, 467

  • Expected monetary value (EMV), 6970, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81

  • Expected opportunity loss (EOL), 7172

  • Expected utility, 89

  • Expected value for activity completion times, 391

  • Expected value of perfect information (EVPI), 7071, 75

  • Expected value of probability distribution, 3233

  • Expected value of sample information (EVSI), 8182

  • Expected value with perfect information (EVwPI), 7071

  • Expenses, 6

  • Explanatory variable, 111

  • Exponential distribution, 35, 4648, 49, 465

  • Exponential service times, 434441

  • Exponential smoothing, 153, 156158

    • and Midwestern Manufacturing, 161, 162

    • with trend model, 160163

  • ExtendSim, 485

  • Extreme point, 248. See also Corner point method

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