Key Equations

  1. (2-1) 0P(event)1

    A basic statement of probability.

  2. (2-2) P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B)P(A and B)

    Probability of the union of two events.

  3. (2-3) P(A|B)=P(AB)P(B)

    Conditional probability.

  4. (2-4) P(AB)=P(A|B)P(B)

    Probability of the intersection of two events.

  5. (2-5) P(A|B)=P(B|A)P(A)P(B|A)P(A)+P(B|A)P(A)

    Bayes’ Theorem in general form.

  6. (2-6) E(X)=i=1nXiP(Xi)

    An equation that computes the expected value (mean) of a discrete probability distribution.

  7. (2-7) σ2=Variance=i=1n[XiE(X)]2P(Xi)

    An equation that computes the variance of a discrete probability distribution.

  8. (2-8) σ=Variance=σ2

    An equation that computes the standard deviation from the variance.

  9. (2-9) Probability of r successes in n trials


    A formula that computes probabilities for the binomial probability distribution.

  10. (2-10) Expected value (mean)=np

    The expected value of the binomial distribution.

  11. (2-11) Variance=np(1p)

    The variance of the binomial distribution.

  12. (2-12) f(X)=1σ2π e (xμ)22σ2

    The density function for the normal probability distribution.

  13. (2-13) Z=Xμσ

    An equation that computes the number of standard deviations, Z, the point X is from the mean μ.

  14. (2-14) f(X)=μeμx

    The exponential distribution.

  15. (2-15) Expected value=1μ

    The expected value of an exponential distribution.

  16. (2-16) Variance=1μ2

    The variance of an exponential distribution.

  17. (2-17) P(Xt)=1eμt

    Formula to find the probability that an exponential random variable, X, is less than or equal to time t.

  18. (2-18) P(X)=λxeλX!

    The Poisson distribution.

  19. (2-19) Expected value=λ

    The mean of a Poisson distribution.

  20. (2-20) Variance=λ

    The variance of a Poisson distribution.

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