• Facility location, 320

    • analysis, 323325

    • supply-chain reliability, 337

  • Family Planning Research Center (Nigeria), 423424

  • Favorable market (FM), 66, 68, 78, 79, 83

  • FB Badpoore Aerospace, 498499

  • F distribution, 35, 119122

    • degrees of freedom and, 4446

  • Feasible region, 244, 245, 257, 268

    • corner points of, 248

  • Feasible solution, 244, 257, 263, 358

  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) simulation, 476

  • Feigenbaum, A. V., 530

  • Fifth Avenue Industries, 293295

  • Financial applications, 300305

  • Financial investment 0–1 (binary) variables, 367368

  • Finite population model, 443445

    • equations for, 444

  • Finnair, 509

  • First come, first served, 430

  • First-in, first-out (FIFO) rule, 14, 430, 434

  • Five stpng of decision tree analysis, 77

  • Fixed-charge problem example, 366367

  • Fixed costs, 6, 11, 18

    • feasible corner points and profits for, 249

    • Flair Furniture Company entering problem data, 252

    • graphical solution approach, 241

    • linear programming (LP) problems, 239241

    • LP problem solving using Excel QM, 255257

    • LP problem solving using Excel’s Solver Command, 252255

    • QM for Windows, 251252

  • Fix-It Shop example of LP for assignment problem, 325327

  • Flair Furniture Company

    • example of LP models, 240

    • linear programming example, 251257

  • Flight safety and probability analysis, 30

  • Flowchart, 472

  • Flow diagram, 472

  • Focus group, 82

  • Food and beverages, 1920

  • Food Mart, 503504

  • Ford, 63

    • decision theory, 69

  • Forecasting, 3, 147

    • bias, 153

    • causal models, 148

    • centered moving averages, 166167

    • combinations of weights, 155

    • decomposition method, 167170

    • Disney World, 175

    • errors, 151

    • Excel and Excel QM, 158160

    • exponential smoothing, 148, 160162

    • inventory, 186

    • mean absolute deviation (MAD), 151153, 154

    • mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 153

    • mean squared error (MSE), 152

    • measures of accuracy, 151153, 154

    • models, 147149, 160164

    • monitoring and controlling, 172174

    • monthly sales, 183

    • moving averages, 154

    • naïve model, 151

    • at NBC Universal, 172

    • purpose of, 147

    • qualitative models, 147148

    • scatter diagrams, 150

    • time series, 149150, 160, 163167

    • time-series models, 149

    • tracking signals, 172174

    • with trend, seasonal, and random variations, 167172

    • types of, 147149

  • Forecasts, 7

  • Fortune 100 firm inventory policy for service vehicles, 200, 210

  • Forward pass, 394

  • Forward stepwise procedure, 131

  • 4-month moving average, 154

  • FREQUENCY function, 470

  • Frosty machine transshipment data, 328

  • F test, 119, 131, 134

  • Fundamental matrix, 510513

  • Future market shares, 505

  • Future state from current state, 502

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