• RAND function, 469

  • Random arrivals, 430, 440

  • Random (R) component, of time-series, 150

  • Random errors, 113

  • Random numbers, 464, 469, 474, 479, 480, 484

    • generating, 465466

    • generating in Excel, 471

  • Random variables, 3031, 32, 33, 40

  • Random variations, 154, 167

  • Range charts, 536537

  • Ranking goals with priority levels, 371

  • Raw data, 2

  • Raw materials, 187, 269

  • Ray Design, Inc., 332334

  • R-charts, 532, 535, 537

  • Receipt of inventory, 189

  • Recovery, 5

  • Red Top Cab Company c-chart example, 540541

  • Redundancy, 261, 262263

  • Regression

    • calculations in formulas, 145146

    • cautions and pitfall, 134135

    • coefficients of, 119

    • computer software, 122126

    • least squares, 113, 163

    • measuring fit of, 114117

    • multiple regression model, 126129

    • nonlinear, 131134

    • as part of improvement initiative at Trane/Ingersoll Rand, 117

    • relationship among variables, 111, 112, 113, 114116

    • stepwise, 131

    • with trend and seasonal components, 167, 170172

    • variance (ANOVA) table, 122

  • Regression analysis, 111, 112, 148, 153

    • cautions and pitfalls, 134135

  • Regression equations, 113, 114, 116, 132, 133

  • Regression models, 117

    • assumptions of, 113, 117119

    • binary variables, 129130

    • building, 130131

    • coefficient of correlation, 116117

    • coefficient of determination, 116

    • dependent variable, 111, 113

    • dummy variables, 129130

    • errors, assumptions about, 113, 117119

    • estimating variance, 119

    • independent variable, 111, 112

    • nonlinear regression, 131134

    • quantitative causal models, 148

    • scatter diagrams, 112

    • significant, 119120

    • simple linear regression, 111, 113114

    • statistical hypothesis test, 119121

    • statistically significant, 130131

    • testing for significance, 119122

    • variables, 126127

  • Relative frequency approach, 22, 23, 24

  • Remington Rand, 388

  • Reneging, 430, 434

  • Rentall trucks, 523524

  • Reorder point (ROP), 16, 194196, 472, 474

  • graphs, 195

  • Residual, 122

  • Resistance to change, 16

  • Resource leveling, 410

  • Resources

  • Response, 5

  • Response variable, 111

  • Restrictions, 238

  • Results, 5, 14

  • Revenue management, 308309, 310

  • Revised probability. See Posterior probabilities

  • Revision probability, 2730, 8385

  • Risk analysis, 5

  • Risk avoider utility curve, 88

  • Risk management system, 199

  • Risk mathematical model categories, 9

  • Risk seeker utility curve, 88

  • RiskSim, 485

  • Romig, H. G., 530

  • Rules of probability, 22

  • Running sum of the forecast errors (RSFE), 172

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