• Package delivery, 320

  • Parallel activity, 399, 400

  • Parameters, 4, 7, 76

    • problem, 82

  • Parametric programming, 264. See also Sensitivity analysis

  • Parents and material structure tree, 215

  • Partitioning matrix of transition probabilities, 511

  • Payoff/cost table, 205

  • Payoff table, 64, 65, 7577

  • p-chart, 537539

  • People, assigning projects to, 325327

  • Percent of work completed, 404

  • Perfect information, 7071, 74, 78, 82

  • PERT. See Program evaluation and review technique (PERT); Program evaluation and review technique/critical path method (PERT/CPM)

  • PERT/cost, 400404

  • PERT networks, 388

  • Pessimistic criterion, 6667

  • Pessimistic time, 391

  • Physical models, 4, 461

  • Pilot plants, 4

  • Pittsburgh Pirates, 12

  • Planning phase, 186

  • Plutonium, 93

  • Poisson arrivals, 431, 434439, 439441

  • Poisson distribution, 35, 4850, 430, 431, 439, 443

    • c-charts, 540

    • and Excel 2016, 50

    • formula for, 4849

  • Polls, queuing, 442

  • POM-QM for Windows, 910

  • Portfolio selection, 300303

  • Port of Baltimore exponential smoothing, 157158

  • Port of New Orleans simulation, 476478

    • Excel for, 478

  • Posterior probabilities, 2728, 29, 78, 8385. See also Conditional probabilities and decision trees

  • Postoptimality analysis, 6, 264. See also Sensitivity analysis

  • Predecessor activity, 399, 400

  • Predicting future market shares, 505

  • Predictive analytics, 2

  • Predictor variable, 111

  • Preparedness, 5

  • Prescriptive analytics, 2

  • Presently known probabilities, 501

  • Present value, 364

  • Preventive maintenance simulation, 483

  • Prior probabilities, 27, 28, 29, 83, 84, 85

  • Pritchett’s Precious Time Pieces example, 89, 1012

  • Pritsker Corp., 24

  • Probabilistic models, 9

  • Probabilities, 2123

    • assessments of curling champions, 39

    • Bayes’ Theorem and, 2729, 8385

    • binomial distribution, 3538

    • classical or logical method, 2223

    • collectively exhaustive events and, 2324

    • conditional, 25, 26, 78, 8485

    • decision trees, 7782

    • Empirical rule and, 44, 45

    • exponential distribution, 4648

    • F distribution, 35, 4446

    • flight safety and, 30

    • independent events, 2627

    • intersections of events, 2527

    • joint, 25, 2728, 29, 84, 85

    • known/unknown in decision making, 65

    • marginal, 28

    • mathematics of, 22

    • mutually exclusive events and, 2324

    • normal distribution, 32, 3844

    • objective, 22

    • Poisson distribution, 35, 4850, 434

    • posterior, 2728, 29, 78, 8385

    • prior, 27, 28, 29, 8385

    • random variables, 3031, 40

    • relative frequency approach, 24

    • relative frequency of demand, 22

    • revision, 2730, 8385

    • rules of, 22

    • simple, 22

    • sports and, 39

    • statistically dependent events, 26, 2728

    • statistically independent events, 26

    • subjective, 22

    • table of normal curve areas, 39, 40

    • types of, 2223

    • unions, 25

    • Venn diagrams and, 2324

  • Probability analysis and flight safety, 30

  • Probability density function, 35, 38

  • Probability distributions, 14, 21, 31, 430, 472473

    • binomial distribution, 3538

    • central tendency, 32

    • continuous random variables, 3435

    • discrete random variable, 3234

    • expected value, 3233

    • Kendall notation, 431432

    • mean, 3233

    • Monte Carlo simulation, 464465

    • normal distribution, 3944

    • variance, 3334

  • Probability function, 35, 46

  • Problems, 1215

    • and payoff tables, 7577

    • quantitative analysis, 3, 4, 7, 9, 1215

    • in using survey results, 85

  • Problem solving, 3638

  • Process control system, 532

  • Processes, 531537

  • Processes dispersion, 536

  • Process Logistics Advanced Technical Optimization (PLATO) project, 15

  • Procomp reorder point for chips, 195196

  • Production costs, 323

  • Production mix, 293295

  • Production/operations management (POM), 2, 9

  • Production process annual setup cost, 197

  • Production run model, 196199

  • Production scheduling, 295299

  • Product mix problem, 239, 265

  • Product quality, 529

  • Profit contribution, 239

  • Profit models, 6, 9

  • Program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 387388, 389392

  • Program evaluation and review technique/critical path method (PERT/CPM)

    • activity time estimates, 391392

    • beta probability distribution, 391

    • critical path, 392395

    • defining project and activities, 388389

    • drawing network, 390

    • expected activity time, 392

    • General Foundry example, 389, 391

    • history of, 388

    • hospital customer service example, 390

    • immediate predecessor, 389

    • information provided by, 398

    • most likely time, 391

    • networks, 388, 390, 391

    • optimistic time, 391

    • pessimistic time, 391

    • probability of project completion, 395398

    • project management, 399400

    • projects in smaller activities or tasks, 389

    • questions answered by, 389

    • sensitivity analysis, 399400

    • six stpng of, 388

    • variance of activity completion time, 392

  • Programming, 237

  • Project costs

    • monitoring and controlling, 403404

    • planning and scheduling, 400403

  • Project crashing, 405409

    • with linear programming, 407409

  • Project Insight, 395

  • Project management, 410

    • five phases, 405

    • in officeless, cloud-based work environment, 395

    • QM for Windows, 424426

    • sensitivity analysis, 399400

    • and small companies, 405

    • and water project in California, 401

  • Project Phoenix, 269

  • Projects, 387389

    • assigning people, 325327

    • defining, 388389

    • identifying activities, 387

    • probability of completion, 395398

    • standard deviation, 397

    • weekly budget, 400401

  • Project standard deviation, 397

  • Project variance, computing, 396

  • ProModel, 485

  • Proof 5, 485

  • Proportionality, 238, 239

  • Purchase cost, 187, 189, 193194, 200

  • Purchase orders, 188

  • Pure integer programming problems, 358

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