Appendix 11.1: Project Management with QM for Windows

PERT is one of the most popular project management techniques. In this chapter, we explore the General Foundry, Inc., example. When expected times and variances have been computed for each activity, we can use the data to determine slack, the critical path, and the total project completion time. Program 11.3A shows the QM for Windows input screen for the General Foundry problem. By selecting immediate predecessor list as the type of network, the data can be input without even constructing the network. The method indicated is for three time estimates, although this can be changed to a single time estimate, crashing, or cost budgeting. Program 11.3B provides the output for the General Foundry problem. The critical path consists of the activities with zero slack.

In addition to basic project management, QM for Windows allows for project crashing, in which additional resources are used to reduce project completion time. Program 11.4A shows the input screen for the General Foundry data from Table 11.9. The output is shown in Program 11.4B. This indicates that the normal time is 15 weeks, but the project may be finished in 7 weeks if necessary; it may be finished in any number of weeks between 7 and 15. Selecting Windows—Crash Schedule provides additional information regarding these other times.

Monitoring and controlling projects is always an important aspect of project management. In this chapter, we demonstrate how to construct budgets using the earliest and latest start times. Programs 11.5 and 11.6 show how QM for Windows can be used to develop budgets using earliest and latest starting times for a project. The data come from the General Foundry example in Tables 11.6 and 11.7.

A screenshot shows the QM for Windows input screen for the General Foundry problem.

Program 11.3A QM for Windows Input Screen for General Foundry, Inc.

A screenshot shows the QM for Windows solution screen for the General Foundry problem.

Program 11.3B QM for Windows Solution Screen for General Foundry, Inc.

A screenshot shows the QM for Windows input screen for Crashing General Foundry problem.

Program 11.4A QM for Windows Input Screen for Crashing General Foundry Example

A screenshot shows the QM for Windows Output Screen for Crashing General Foundry Example.

Program 11.4B QM for Windows Output Screen for Crashing General Foundry Example

A General Foundry Solution table in the “Early Start Budget” window has the column headers from period 1 to period 15 and shows the values for activities from A to H. The total in period and cumulative from values are shown for each period.

Program 11.5 QM for Windows for Budgeting with Earliest Start Times for General Foundry

A General Foundry Solution table in the “Late Start Budget” window has the column headers from period 1 to period 15 and shows the values for activities from A to H. The total in period and cumulative from values are shown for each period.

Program 11.6 QM for Windows for Budgeting with Latest Start Times for General Foundry

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