1.4 How to Develop a Quantitative Analysis Model

Developing a model is an important part of the quantitative analysis approach. Let’s see how we can use the following mathematical model, which represents profit:


In many cases, we can express revenue as the selling price per unit multiplied times the number of units sold. Expenses can often be determined by summing fixed cost and variable cost.

Variable cost is often expressed as the variable cost per unit multiplied times the number of units. Thus, we can also express profit in the following mathematical model:

Profit=Revenue(Fixed cost+Variable cost)
Profit=(Selling price per unit)(Number of units sold)
[Fixed cost+(Variable cost per unit)(Number of units sold)]


s=selling price per unit
f=fixed cost
ν=variable cost per unit
X=number of units sold

The parameters in this model are f, ν, and s, as these are inputs that are inherent in the model. The number of units sold (X) is the decision variable of interest.

Example: Pritchett’s Precious Time Pieces

We will use the Bill Pritchett clock repair shop example to demonstrate the use of mathematical models. Bill’s company, Pritchett’s Precious Time Pieces, buys, sells, and repairs old clocks and clock parts. Bill sells rebuilt springs for a price per unit of $8. The fixed cost of the equipment to build the springs is $1,000. The variable cost per unit is $3 for spring material. In this example,


The number of springs sold is X, and our profit model becomes


If sales are 0, Bill will realize a $1,000 loss. If sales are 1,000 units, he will realize a profit of $4,000 [$4,000=($8)(1,000)$1,000($3)(1,000)]. See if you can determine the profit for other values of units sold.

In addition to the profit model shown here, decision makers are often interested in the break-even point (BEP). The BEP is the number of units sold that will result in $0 profits. We set profits equal to $0 and solve for X, the number of units at the BEP:


This can be written as


Solving for X, we have


This quantity (X) that results in a profit of zero is the BEP, and we now have this model for the BEP:

BEP=Fixed cost(Selling price per unit)(Variable cost per unit)

For the Pritchett’s Precious Time Pieces example, the BEP can be computed as follows:

BEP=$1,000/($8$3)=200 units, or springs,

The Advantages of Mathematical Modeling

There are a number of advantages of using mathematical models:

  1. Models can accurately represent reality. If properly formulated, a model can be extremely accurate. A valid model is one that is accurate and correctly represents the problem or system under investigation. The profit model in the example is accurate and valid for many business problems.

  2. Models can help a decision maker formulate problems. In the profit model, for example, a decision maker can determine the important factors or contributors to revenues and expenses, such as sales, returns, selling expenses, production costs, and transportation costs.

  3. Models can give us insight and information. For example, using the profit model, we can see what impact changes in revenue and expenses will have on profits. As discussed in the previous section, studying the impact of changes in a model, such as a profit model, is called sensitivity analysis.

  4. Models can save time and money in decision making and problem solving. It usually takes less time, effort, and expense to analyze a model. We can use a profit model to analyze the impact of a new marketing campaign on profits, revenues, and expenses. In most cases, using models is faster and less expensive than actually trying a new marketing campaign in a real business setting and observing the results.

  5. A model may be the only way to solve some large or complex problems in a timely fashion. A large company, for example, may produce literally thousands of sizes of nuts, bolts, and fasteners. The company may want to make the highest profits possible given its manufacturing constraints. A mathematical model may be the only way to determine the highest profits the company can achieve under these circumstances.

  6. A model can be used to communicate problems and solutions to others. A decision analyst can share his or her work with other decision analysts. Solutions to a mathematical model can be given to managers and executives to help them make final decisions.

Mathematical Models Categorized by Risk

Some mathematical models, like the profit and break-even models previously discussed, do not involve risk or chance. We assume that we know all values used in the model with complete certainty. These are called deterministic models. A company, for example, might want to minimize manufacturing costs while maintaining a certain quality level. If we know all these values with certainty, the model is deterministic.

Other models involve risk or chance. For example, the market for a new product might be “good” with a chance of 60% (a probability of 0.6) or “not good” with a chance of 40% (a probability of 0.4). Models that involve chance or risk, often measured as a probability value, are called probabilistic models. In this book, we will investigate both deterministic and probabilistic models.

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