Discussion Questions and Problems

Discussion Questions

  1. 5-1 Describe briefly the steps used to develop a forecasting system.

  2. 5-2 What is a time-series forecasting model?

  3. 5-3 What is the difference between a causal model and a time-series model?

  4. 5-4 What is a qualitative forecasting model, and when is it appropriate?

  5. 5-5 What are some of the problems and drawbacks of the moving average forecasting model?

  6. 5-6 What effect does the value of the smoothing constant have on the weight given to the past forecast and the past observed value?

  7. 5-7 Describe briefly the Delphi technique.

  8. 5-8 What is MAD, and why is it important in the selection and use of forecasting models?

  9. 5-9 Explain how the number of seasons is determined when forecasting with a seasonal component.

  10. 5-10 A seasonal index may be less than one, equal to one, or greater than one. Explain what each of these values would mean.

  11. 5-11 How is the impact of seasonality removed from a time series?

  12. 5-12 In using the decomposition method, the forecast based on trend is found using the trend line. How is the seasonal index used to adjust this forecast based on trend?

  13. 5-13 Explain what would happen if the smoothing constant in an exponential smoothing model was equal to zero. Explain what would happen if the smoothing constant was equal to one.

  14. 5-14 Explain when a CMA (rather than an overall average) should be used in computing a seasonal index. Explain why this is necessary.


  1. 5-15 Develop a 4-month moving average forecast for Wallace Garden Supply, and compute the MAD. A 3-month moving average forecast was developed in the section on moving averages in Table 5.2 .

  2. 5-16 Using MAD, determine whether the forecast in Problem 5-15 or the forecast in the section concerning Wallace Garden Supply is more accurate.

  3. 5-17 Data collected on the yearly demand for 50-pound bags of fertilizer at Wallace Garden Supply are shown in the following table. Develop a 3-year moving average to forecast sales. Then estimate demand again with a weighted moving average in which sales in the most recent year are given a weight of 2 and sales in the other 2 years are each given a weight of 1. Which method do you think is better?

    1 4
    2 6
    3 4
    4 5
    5 10
    6 8
    7 7
    8 9
    9 12
    10 14
    11 15

  4. 5-18 Develop a trend line for the demand for fertilizer in Problem 5-17, using any computer software.

  5. 5-19 In Problems 5-17 and 5-18, three different forecasts were developed for the demand for fertilizer. These three forecasts are a 3-year moving average, a weighted moving average, and a trend line. Which one would you use? Explain your answer.

  6. 5-20 Use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.3 to forecast the demand for fertilizer given in Problem 5-17. Assume that last period’s forecast for year 1 is 5,000 bags to begin the procedure. Would you prefer to use the exponential smoothing model or the weighted average model developed in Problem 5-17? Explain your answer.

  7. 5-21 A college student has just completed her junior year. The following table summarizes her grade-point average (GPA) for each of the past nine quarters:

    Year Semester GPA
    Freshman Fall 2.4
    Winter 2.9
    Spring 3.1
    Sophomore Fall 3.2
    Winter 3.0
    Spring 2.9
    Junior Fall 2.8
    Winter 3.6
    Spring 3.2
    1. Forecast the student’s GPA for the fall semester of her senior year by using a three-period moving average.

    2. Forecast the student’s GPA for the fall semester of her senior year by using exponential smoothing with α=0.2.

    3. Which of the two methods provides a more accurate forecast? Justify your answer.

  8. 5-22 Sales of Cool-Man air conditioners have grown steadily during the past 5 years:

    1 450
    2 495
    3 518
    4 563
    5 584
    6 ?

    The sales manager had predicted, before the business started, that year 1’s sales would be 410 air conditioners. Using exponential smoothing with a weight of α=0.30, develop forecasts for years 2 through 6.

  9. 5-23 Using smoothing constants of 0.6 and 0.9, develop forecasts for the sales of Cool-Man air conditioners (see Problem 5-22).

  10. 5-24 What effect did the smoothing constant have on the forecast for Cool-Man air conditioners? (See Problems 5-22 and 5-23.) Which smoothing constant gives the more accurate forecast?

  11. 5-25 Use a 3-year moving average forecasting model to forecast the sales of Cool-Man air conditioners (see Problem 5-22).

  12. 5-26 Using the trend projection method, develop a forecasting model for the sales of Cool-Man air conditioners (see Problem 5-22).

  13. 5-27 Would you use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of 0.3, a 3-year moving average, or a trend line to predict the sales of Cool-Man air conditioners? Refer to Problems 5-22, 5-25, and 5-26.

  14. 5-28 Sales of industrial vacuum cleaners at R. Lowenthal Supply Co. over the past 13 months are as follows:

    SALES ($1,000s) MONTH SALES ($1,000s) MONTH
    11 January 14 August
    14 February 17 September
    16 March 12 October
    10 April 14 November
    15 May 16 December
    17 June 11 January
    11 July
    1. Using a moving average with three periods, determine the demand for vacuum cleaners for next February.

    2. Using a weighted moving average with three periods, determine the demand for vacuum cleaners for February. Use 3, 2, and 1 for the weights of the most recent, second most recent, and third most recent periods, respectively. For example, if you were forecasting the demand for February, November would have a weight of 1, December would have a weight of 2, and January would have a weight of 3.

    3. Evaluate the accuracy of each of these methods.

    4. What other factors might R. Lowenthal consider in forecasting sales?

  15. 5-29 Passenger miles flown on Northeast Airlines, a commuter firm serving the Boston hub, are as follows for the past 12 weeks:

    WEEK MILES (1,000s) WEEK MILES (1,000s)
    1 17 7 20
    2 21 8 18
    3 19 9 22
    4 23 10 20
    5 18 11 15
    6 16 12 22
    1. Assuming an initial forecast for week 1 of 17,000 miles, use exponential smoothing to compute miles for weeks 2 through 12. Use α=0.2.

    2. What is the MAD for this model?

    3. Compute the RSFE and tracking signals. Are they within acceptable limits?

  16. 5-30 Emergency calls to Winter Park, Florida’s 911 system for the past 24 weeks are as follows:

    1 50 9 35 17 55
    2 35 10 20 18 40
    3 25 11 15 19 35
    4 40 12 40 20 60
    5 45 13 55 21 75
    6 35 14 35 22 50
    7 20 15 25 23 40
    8 30 16 55 24 65
    1. Compute the exponentially smoothed forecast of calls for each week. Assume an initial forecast of 50 calls in the first week, and use α=0.1. What is the forecast for week 25?

    2. Reforecast each period using α=0.6.

    3. Actual calls during week 25 were 85. Which smoothing constant provides a superior forecast?

  17. 5-31 How would the forecast for week 25 of the previous problem change if the initial forecast was 40 instead of 50? How would the forecast for week 25 change if the forecast for week 1 was assumed to be 60?

  18. 5-32 Sales of vacuum cleaners over the past 13 months were as follows:

    Month Sales Month Sales
    January 9 July 9
    February 12 August 12
    March 14 September 15
    April 8 October 10
    May 13 November 12
    June 15 December 14
    1. Using a moving average with three periods, predict the demand for vacuum cleaners for next February.

    2. Using a three-period weighted moving average with weights 3, 2, and 1, predict the demand for vacuum cleaners for February.

    3. Evaluate and comment on the accuracy of each of these models.

  19. 5-33 Consulting income at Kate Walsh Associates for the period February–July has been as follows:

    MONTH INCOME ($1,000s)
    February 70.0
    March 68.5
    April 64.8
    May 71.7
    June 71.3
    July 72.8

    Use exponential smoothing to forecast August’s income. Assume that the initial forecast for February is $65,000. The smoothing constant selected is α=0.1.

  20. 5-34 Resolve Problem 5-33 with α=0.3. Using MAD, which smoothing constant provides a better forecast?

  21. 5-35 A major source of revenue in Texas is a state sales tax on certain types of goods and services. Data are compiled, and the state comptroller uses them to project future revenues for the state budget. One particular category of goods is classified as Retail Trade. Four years of quarterly data (in $1,000,000s) for one particular area of southeast Texas follow:

    1 218 225 234 250
    2 247 254 265 283
    3 243 255 264 289
    4 292 299 327 356
    1. Compute a seasonal index for each quarter based on a CMA.

    2. Deseasonalize the data, and develop a trend line on the deseasonalized data.

    3. Use the trend line to forecast the sales for each quarter of year 5.

    4. Use the seasonal indices to adjust the forecasts found in part (c) to obtain the final forecasts.

  22. 5-36 Using the data in Problem 5-35, develop a multiple regression model to predict sales (with both trend and seasonal components), using dummy variables to incorporate the seasonal factor into the model. Use this model to predict sales for each quarter of the next year. Comment on the accuracy of this model.

  23. 5-37 Trevor Harty, an avid mountain biker, always wanted to start a business selling top-of-the-line mountain bikes and other outdoor supplies. A little over 6 years ago, he and a silent partner opened a store called Hale and Harty Trail Bikes and Supplies. Growth was rapid in the first 2 years, but since that time, growth in sales has slowed a bit, as expected. The quarterly sales (in $1,000s) for the past 4 years are shown in the table below:

    1 274 282 282 296
    2 172 178 182 210
    3 130 136 134 158
    4 162 168 170 182
    1. Develop a trend line using the data in the table. Use this to forecast sales for each quarter of year 5. What does the slope of this line indicate?

    2. Use the multiplicative decomposition model to incorporate both trend and seasonal components into the forecast. What does the slope of this line indicate?

    3. Compare the slope of the trend line in part (a) to the slope in the trend line for the decomposition model that was based on the deseasonalized sales figures. Discuss why these are so different and explain which is the better one to use.

  24. 5-38 The unemployment rates in the United States during a 10-year period are given in the following table. Use exponential smoothing to find the best forecast for next year. Use smoothing constants of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Which one had the lowest MAD?

    YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Unemployment rate (%) 7.2 7.0 6.2 5.5 5.3 5.5 6.7 7.4 6.8 6.1
  25. 5-39 Management of Davis’s Department Store has used time-series extrapolation to forecast retail sales for the next four quarters. The sales estimates are $100,000, $120,000, $140,000, and $160,000 for the respective quarters before adjusting for seasonality. Seasonal indices for the four quarters have been found to be 1.30, 0.90, 0.70, and 1.10, respectively. Compute a seasonalized or adjusted sales forecast.

  26. 5-40 In the past, Judy Holmes’s tire dealership sold an average of 1,000 radials each year. In the past 2 years, 200 and 250, respectively, were sold in fall, 350 and 300 in winter, 150 and 165 in spring, and 300 and 285 in summer. With a major expansion planned, Judy projects sales next year to increase to 1,200 radials. What will the demand be each season?

  27. 5-41 The following table provides the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) opening index value on the first working day of 1994–2013. Develop a trend line and use it to predict the opening DJIA index value for years 2014, 2015, and 2016. Find the MSE for this model.

    2013 13,104 2003 8,342
    2012 12,392 2002 10,022
    2011 11,577 2001 10,791
    2010 10,431 2000 11,502
    2009 8,772 1999 9,213
    2008 13,262 1998 7,908
    2007 12,460 1997 6,448
    2006 10,718 1996 5,117
    2005 10,784 1995 3,834
    2004 10,453 1994 3,754
  28. 5-42 Using the DJIA data in Problem 5-41 and exponential smoothing with trend adjustment, forecast the opening DJIA value for 2014. Use α=0.8 and β=0.2. Compare the MSE for this technique with the MSE for the trend line.

  29. 5-43 Refer to the DJIA data in Problem 5-41.

    1. Use an exponential smoothing model with a smoothing constant of 0.4 to predict the opening DJIA index value for 2014. Find the MSE for this.

    2. Use QM for Windows or Excel to find the smoothing constant that would provide the lowest MSE.

  30. 5-44 The following table gives the average monthly exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro for 2009. It shows that 1 euro was equivalent to 1.289 U.S. dollars in January 2009. Develop a trend line that could be used to predict the exchange rate for 2010. Use this model to predict the exchange rate for January 2010 and February 2010.

    January 1.289
    February 1.324
    March 1.321
    April 1.317
    May 1.280
    June 1.254
    July 1.230
    August 1.240
    September 1.287
    October 1.298
    November 1.283
    December 1.311
  31. 5-45 For the data in Problem 5-44, develop an exponential smoothing model with a smoothing constant of 0.3. Using the MSE, compare this with the model in Problem 5-44.

Note: means the problem may be solved with QM for Windows; means the problem maybe solved with Excel QM; and means the problem may be solved with QM for Windows and/or Excel QM.

Case Study Forecasting Attendance at SWU Football Games

Southwestern University (SWU), a large state college in Stephenville, Texas, 30 miles southwest of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, enrolls close to 20,000 students. In a typical town–gown relationship, the school is a dominant force in the small city, with more students during fall and spring than permanent residents.

A longtime football powerhouse, SWU is a member of the Big Eleven conference and is usually in the top 20 in college football rankings. To bolster its chances of reaching the elusive and long-desired number-one ranking, in 2008 SWU hired the legendary Billy Bob Taylor as its head coach. Although the number-one ranking remained out of reach, attendance at the five Saturday home games each year increased. Prior to Taylor’s arrival, attendance generally averaged 25,000 to 29,000 per game. Season ticket sales bumped up by 10,000 just with the announcement of the new coach’s arrival. Stephenville and SWU were ready to move to the big time!

The immediate issue facing SWU, however, was not NCAA ranking. It was capacity. The existing SWU stadium, built in 1953, has seating for 54,000 fans. The following table indicates attendance at each game for the past 6 years.

One of Taylor’s demands upon joining SWU had been a stadium expansion, or possibly even a new stadium. With attendance increasing, SWU administrators began to face the issue head-on. Taylor had wanted dormitories solely for his athletes in the stadium as an additional feature of any expansion.

SWU’s president, Dr. Marty Starr, decided it was time for his vice president of development to forecast when the existing stadium would “max out.” He also sought a revenue projection, assuming an average ticket price of $20 in 2014 and a 5% increase each year in future prices.

Discussion Questions

  1. Develop a forecasting model, justify its selection over other techniques, and project attendance through 2015.

  2. What revenues are to be expected in 2014 and 2015?

  3. Discuss the school’s options.

Southwestern University Football Game Attendance, 2008–2013

2008 2009 2010

aHomecoming games.

bDuring the fourth week of each season, Stephenville hosted a hugely popular southwestern crafts festival. This event brought tens of thousands of tourists to the town, especially on weekends, and had an obvious negative impact on game attendance.

Source: J. Heizer and B. Render, Operations Management, 11th ed., © 2014. Reprinted and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.

1 34,200 Baylor 36,100 Oklahoma 35,900 TCU
2a 39,800 Texas 40,200 Nebraska 46,500 Texas Tech
3 38,200 LSU 39,100 UCLA 43,100 Alaska
4b 26,900 Arkansas 25,300 Nevada 27,900 Arizona
5 35,100 USC 36,200 Ohio State 39,200 Rice
2011 2012 2013
1 41,900 Arkansas 42,500 Indiana 46,900 LSU
2a 46,100 Missouri 48,200 North Texas 50,100 Texas
3 43,900 Florida 44,200 Texas A&M 45,900 Prairie View A&M
4b 30,100 Miami 33,900 Southern 36,300 Montana
5 40,500 Duke 47,800 Oklahoma 49,900 Arizona State

Case Study Forecasting Monthly Sales

For years The Glass Slipper restaurant has operated in a resort community near a popular ski area of New Mexico. The restaurant is busiest during the first 3 months of the year, when the ski slopes are crowded and tourists flock to the area.

When James and Deena Weltee built The Glass Slipper, they had a vision of the ultimate dining experience. As the view of surrounding mountains was breathtaking, a high priority was placed on having large windows and providing a spectacular view from anywhere inside the restaurant. Special attention was also given to the lighting, colors, and overall ambiance, resulting in a truly magnificent experience for all who came to enjoy gourmet dining. Since its opening, The Glass Slipper has developed and maintained a reputation as one of the “must visit” places in that region of New Mexico.

While James loves to ski and truly appreciates the mountains and all that they have to offer, he also shares Deena’s dream of retiring to a tropical paradise and enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle on the beach. After some careful analysis of their financial condition, they knew that retirement was many years away. Nevertheless, they were hatching a plan to bring them closer to their dream. They decided to sell The Glass Slipper and open a bed and breakfast on a beautiful beach in

Table 5.13 Monthly Revenue ($1,000s)

MONTH 2011 2012 2013
January 438 444 450
February 420 425 438
March 414 423 434
April 318 331 338
May 306 318 331
June 240 245 254
July 240 255 264
August 216 223 231
September 198 210 224
October 225 233 243
November 270 278 289
December 315 322 335

Mexico. While this would mean that work was still in their future, they could wake up in the morning to the sight of the palm trees blowing in the wind and the waves lapping at the shore. They also knew that hiring the right manager would allow James and Deena the time to begin a semi-retirement in a corner of paradise.

To make this happen, James and Deena would have to sell The Glass Slipper for the right price. The price of the business would be based on the value of the property and equipment as well as projections of future income. A forecast of sales for the next year is needed to help in the determination of the value of the restaurant. Monthly sales for each of the past 3 years are provided in Table 5.13.

Discussion Questions

  1. Prepare a graph of the data. On this same graph, plot a 12-month moving average forecast. Discuss any apparent trend and seasonal patterns.

  2. Use regression to develop a trend line that could be used to forecast monthly sales for the next year. Is the slope of this line consistent with what you observed in question 1? If not, discuss a possible explanation.

  3. Use the multiplicative decomposition model and these data to forecast sales for each month of the next year. Discuss why the slope of the trend equation with this model is so different from that of the trend equation in question 2.


  • Billah, Baki, Maxwell L. King, Ralph D. Snyder, and Anne B. Koehler. “Exponential Smoothing Model Selection for Forecasting,” International Journal of Forecasting 22, 2 (April–June 2006): 239–247.

  • Black, Ken. Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making, 8th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.

  • Diebold, F. X. Elements of Forecasting, 4th ed. Cincinnati: Cengage College Publishing, 2007.

  • Gardner, Everette, Jr. “Exponential Smoothing: The State of the Art—Part II,” International Journal of Forecasting 22, 4 (October 2006): 637–666.

  • Granger, Clive W., and J. M. Hashem Pesaran. “Economic and Statistical Measures of Forecast Accuracy,” Journal of Forecasting 19, 7 (December 2000): 537–560.

  • Hanke, J. E., and D. W. Wichern. Business Forecasting, 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2009.

  • Heizer, J., B. Render, and C. Munson. Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 12th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2017.

  • Hyndman, Rob J. “The Interaction Between Trend and Seasonality,” International Journal of Forecasting 20, 4 (October–December 2004): 561–563.

  • Hyndman, Rob J., and Anne B. Koehler. “Another Look at Measures of Forecast Accuracy,” International Journal of Forecasting 22, 4 (October 2006): 679–688.

  • Levine, David M., David F. Stephan, and Kathryn A. Szabat. Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft Excel, 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2014.

  • Meade, Nigel. “Evidence for the Selection of Forecasting Methods,” Journal of Forecasting 19, 6 (November 2000): 515–535.

  • Snyder, Ralph D., and Roland G. Shami. “Exponential Smoothing of Seasonal Data: A Comparison,” Journal of Forecasting 20, 3 (April 2001): 197–202.

  • Yurkiewicz, J. “Forecasting Software Survey,” OR/MS Today 39, 3 (June 2012): 52–61.

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