9.3 The Transshipment Problem

In a transportation problem, if the items being transported must go through an intermediate point (called a transshipment point) before reaching a final destination, the problem is called a transshipment problem. For example, a company might be manufacturing a product at several factories to be shipped to a set of regional distribution centers. From these centers, the items are shipped to retail outlets that are the final destinations. Figure 9.3 provides a network representation of a transshipment problem. In this example, there are two sources, two transshipment points, and three final destinations.

A network diagram illustrates a transhipment using supply and destination.

Figure 9.3 Network Representation of a Transshipment Example

Linear Program for Transshipment Example

Frosty Machines manufactures snow blowers in factories located in Toronto and Detroit. These are shipped to the regional distribution centers in Chicago and Buffalo, and then delivered to the supply houses in New York, Philadelphia, and St. Louis, as illustrated in Figure 9.3.

The available supplies at the factories, the demands at the final destinations, and shipping costs are shown in the Table 9.3. Notice that snow blowers may not be shipped directly from Toronto or Detroit to any of the final destinations but must first go to either Chicago or Buffalo. This is why Chicago and Buffalo are listed not only as destinations but also as sources.

Table 9.3 Frosty Machines Transshipment Data

Toronto $4 $7 800
Detroit $5 $7 700
Chicago $6 $4 $5
Buffalo $2 $3 $4
Demand 450 350 300

Frosty would like to minimize the transportation costs associated with shipping sufficient snow blowers to meet the demands at the three destinations while not exceeding the supply at each factory. Thus, we have supply and demand constraints similar to the transportation problem, but we also have one constraint for each transshipment point, indicating that anything shipped from these to a final destination must have been shipped into that transshipment point from one of the sources. The verbal statement of this problem would be as follows:

Minimize cost subject to

  1. The number of units shipped from Toronto is not more than 800

  2. The number of units shipped from Detroit is not more than 700

  3. The number of units shipped to New York is 450

  4. The number of units shipped to Philadelphia is 350

  5. The number of units shipped to St. Louis is 300

  6. The number of units shipped out of Chicago is equal to the number of units shipped into Chicago

  7. The number of units shipped out of Buffalo is equal to the number of units shipped into Buffalo

The decision variables should represent the number of units shipped from each source to each transshipment point and the number of units shipped from each transshipment point to each final destination, as these are the decisions management must make. The decision variables are

Xij=number of units shipped from location (node) i to location (node) j


i = 1, 2, 3, 4j = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The numbers are the nodes shown in Figure 9.3, and there is one variable for each arc (route) in the figure.

The LP model is

Minimize total cost=4X13 + 7X14 + 5X23 + 7X24 + 6X35 + 4X36+ 5X37 + 2X45 + 3X46 + 4X47

subject to

X13 + X14800(Supply at Toronto [node 1])X23 + X24700(Supply at Detroit [node 2])X35 + X45=450(Demand at New York City [node 5])X36 + X46=350(Demand at Philadelphia [node 6])X37 + X47=300(Demand at St. Louis [node 7])X13 + X23=X35 + X36 + X37(Shipping through Chicago [node 3])X14 + X24=X45 + X46 + X47(Shipping through Buffalo [node 4])xij0 for all i and j

The solution found using Solver in Excel 2016 and Excel QM is shown in Program 9.5. The total cost is $9,550 by shipping 650 units from Toronto to Chicago, 150 units from Toronto to Buffalo, 300 units from Detroit to Buffalo, 350 units from Chicago to Philadelphia, 300 units from Chicago to St. Louis, and 450 units from Buffalo to New York City.

A spreadsheet with several instructions and tables is shown.

Program 9.5 Excel QM Solution to Frosty Machines Transshipment Problem in Excel 2016

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