Key Equations

λ= mean number of arrivals per time period

μ= mean number of people or items served per time period

Equations 12-1 through 12-7 describe operating characteristics in single-channel models that have Poisson arrival and exponential service rates.

  1. (12-1) L=Average number of units (customers) inthe system=λμλ

  2. (12-2) W=Average time a unit spends in the system(Waiting time + Service time)=1μλ

  3. (12-3) Lq=Average number of units in the queue=λ2μ(μλ)

  4. (12-4) Wq=Average time a unit spends waiting in the queue=λμ(μλ)

  5. (12-5) ρ=Utilization factor for the system=λμ

  6. (12-6) P0=Probability of 0 units in the system(i.e., the service unit is idle)=1λμ

  7. (12-7) Pn>k=Probability of more than k units in the system=(λμ)k+1

    Equations 12-8 through 12-12 are used for finding the costs of a queuing system.

  8. (12-8) Total service cost = mCs


    • m = number of channels

    • Cs = service cost (labor cost) of each channel

  9. (12-9) Total waiting cost =(λW)Cw where Cw=cost of waiting

    Waiting time cost based on time in the system.

  10. (12-10) Total waiting cost =(λWq)Cw

    Waiting time cost based on time in the queue.

  11. (12-11) Total cost=mCs +λWCw

    Waiting time cost based on time in the system.

  12. (12-12) Total cost=mCs+λWqCw

    Waiting time cost based on time in the queue.

    Equations 12-13 through 12-18 describe operating characteristics in multichannel models that have Poisson arrival and exponential service rates, where m=the number of open channels.

  13. (12-13) P0=1[n=0n=m-11n! (λμ)n]+1m! (λμ)mmμmμλ


    Probability that there are no people or units in the system.

  14. (12-14) L=λμ(λ/μ)m(m1)!(mμλ)2 P0+λμ

    Average number of people or units in the system.

  15. (12-15) W=μ(λ/μ)m(m1)!(mμλ)2 P0+1μ=Lλ

    Average time a unit spends in the waiting line or being serviced (that is, in the system).

  16. (12-16) Lq=Lλμ

    Average number of people or units in line waiting for service.

  17. (12-17) Wq=W1μ=Lqλ

    Average time a person or unit spends in the queue waiting for service.

  18. (12-18) ρ=λmμ

    Utilization rate.

    Equations 12-19 through 12-22 describe operating characteristics in single-channel models that have Poisson arrival and constant service rates.

  19. (12-19) Lq=λ22μ(μλ)

    Average length of the queue.

  20. (12-20) Wq=λ2μ(μλ)

    Average waiting time in the queue.

  21. (12-21) L=Lq+λμ

    Average number of units in the system.

  22. (12-22) W=Wq+1μ

    Average waiting time in the system.

    Equations 12-23 through 12-28 describe operating characteristics in single-channel models that have Poisson arrival and exponential service rates and a finite calling population.

  23. (12-23) P0=1n=0NN!(Nn)!(λμ)n

    Probability that the system is empty.

  24. (12-24) Lq=N(λ+μλ)(1P0)

    Average length of the queue.

  25. (12-25) L=Lq+(1P0)

    Average number of units in the system.

  26. (12-26) Wq=Lq(NL)λ

    Average waiting time in the queue.

  27. (12-27) W=Wq+1μ

    Average time in the system.

  28. (12-28) Pn=N!(Nn)!(λμ)nP0for n=0, 1, , N

    Probability of units in the system.

    Equations 12-29 to 12-30 are Little’s Flow Equations, which can be used when a steady state condition exists. Equation 12-31 is an assumption that must be met in order for steady state conditions to exist.

  29. (12-29) L=λW

  30. (12-30) Lq=λWq

  31. (12-31) W=Wq+1/μ

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