Solved Problems

  1. Solved Problem M7-1 Convert the following constraints and objective function into the proper form for use in the simplex method:

    Minimize cost=4X1 + 1X2subject to3X1 + X2 = 34X1 + 3X26X1 + 2X23


    Minimize cost =4X1 + 1X2 + 0S1+ 0S2MA1MA2subject to3X1 + 1X2+ 1A1= 34X1 + 3X2 − 1S1+ 1A2= 61X1 + 2X2+ 1S2= 3
  2. Solved Problem M7-2 Solve the following LP problem:

    Maximize profit =$9X1 + $7X2subject to2X1 + 1X2  40X1 + 3X2  30


    We begin by adding slack variables and converting inequalities into equalities.

    Maximize profit =9X1 + 7X2+ 0S1 + 0S2subject to2X1 + 1X2+1S1 + 0S2 = 401X1 + 3X2 + 0S1 + 1S2 = 30

    The initial tableau is then as follows:

    A table shows the initial tableau.

    The correct second tableau and third tableau and some of their calculations follow. The optimal solution, given in the third tableau, is X1=18, X2=4, S1=0, S2=0, and profit =$190.

    1. Stpng 1 and 2 To go from the first to the second tableau, we note that the pivot column (in the first tableau) is X1, which has the highest CjZj value, $9. The pivot row is S1, since 40/2 is less than 30/1, and the pivot number is 2.

    2. Step 3 The new X1 row is found by dividing each number in the old S1 row by the pivot number—that is, 2/2=1, 1/2=0.5, 1/2=0.5, 0/2=0, and 40/2=20.

    3. Step 4 The new values for the S2 row are computed as follows:

      (Number innew S2 row)×(Number inold S2 row)[(Number belowpivot number)×(Correspondingnumber innew X1 row)]
      0 = 1 [(1) × (1)]
      2.5 = 3 [(1) × (0.5)]
      20.5 = 0 [(1) × (0.5)]
      1 = 1 [(1) × (0)]
      10 = 30 [(1) × (20)]
    4. Step 5 The following new Zj and CjZj rows are formed:

      Zj(for X1) = $9(1) + 0(0) = $9Cj− Zj = $9 − $9 = 0Zj(for X2) = $9(0.5) + 0(2.5) = $4.5Cj − Zj = $7 − 4.5 = $2.5Zj(for S1) = $9(0.5) + 0(−0.5) = $4.5Cj − Zj = 0 − 4.5 = $4.5Zj(for S2) = $9(0) + 0(1) = $0Cj − Zj = 0 − 0 = 0Zj(profit) = $9(20) + 0(10) = $180

      A table shows the second tableau.

      This solution is not optimal, and you must perform stpng 1 to 5 again. The new pivot column is X2, the new pivot row is S2, and 2.5 (circled in the second tableau) is the new pivot number.

      A table shows the third tableau.

      The final solution is X1=18, X2=4, and profit =$190.

  3. Solved Problem M7-3 Use the final simplex tableau in Solved Problem M7-2 to answer the following questions.

    1. What are the shadow prices for the two constraints?

    2. Perform RHS ranging for constraint 1.

    3. If the right-hand side of constraint 1 were increased by 10, what would the maximum possible profit be? Give the values for all the variables.

    4. Find the range of optimality for the profit on X1.


    1. Shadow price =(CjZj)

      For constraint 1, shadow price =(4)=4.

      For constraint 2, shadow price =(1)=1.

    2. For constraint 1, we use the S1 column.

      Quantity S1 Ratio
      18 0.6 18/(0.6)=30
      4 0.2 4/(0.2)=20

      The smallest positive ratio is 30, so we may reduce the right-hand side of constraint 1 by 30 units (for a lower bound of 4030=10). Similarly, the negative ratio of 20 tells us that we may increase the right-hand side of constraint 1 by 20 units (for an upper bound of 40+20=60).

    3. The maximum possible profit= Original profit + 10(shadow price)= 190 + 10(4) = 230

      The values for the basic variables are found using the original quantities and the substitution rates:

      Original Quantity S1 New Quantity
      18 0.6 18+(0.6)(10)=24
      4 0.2 4+(0.2)(10)=2
      X1 = 24, X2 = 2, S1 = 0, S2 = 0 (both slack variables remain nonbasic variables)profit = 9(24) + 7(2) = 230 (which was also found using the shadow price)
    4. Let Δ= change in profit for X1.

      A table shows the updated tableau considering the change in profit.

      For this solution to remain optimal, the CjZj values must remain negative or zero.



      1 + (0.2)Δ0(0.2)Δ1Δ5

      So the change in profit (Δ) must be between 20/3 and 5. The original profit was 9, so this solution remains optimal as long as the profit on X1 is between 2.33=920/3 and 14=9+5.

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