
  • Before taking the self-test, refer to the learning objectives at the beginning of the module, the notes in the margins, and the glossary at the end of the module.

  • Use the key at the back of the book to correct your answers.

  • Restudy pages that correspond to any questions that you answered incorrectly or material you feel uncertain about.

  1. If the total demand equals the total supply in a transportation problem, the problem is

    1. degenerate.

    2. unbalanced.

    3. balanced.

    4. infeasible.

  2. In a transportation problem, what indicates that the minimum cost solution has been found?

    1. All improvement indices are negative or zero.

    2. All improvement indices are positive or zero.

    3. All improvement indices are equal to zero.

    4. All cells in the dummy row are empty.

  3. An assignment problem may be viewed as a transportation problem with

    1. a cost of $1 for all shipping routes.

    2. all supplies and demands equal to 1.

    3. only demand constraints.

    4. only supply constraints.

  4. If the number of filled cells in a transportation table does not equal the number of rows plus the number of columns minus 1, then the problem is said to be

    1. degenerate.

    2. unbalanced.

    3. optimal.

    4. a maximization problem.

  5. If a solution to a transportation problem is degenerate, then

    1. a dummy row or column must be added.

    2. it will be impossible to evaluate all empty cells without removing the degeneracy.

    3. there will be more than one optimal solution.

    4. the problem has no feasible solution.

  6. If the total demand is greater than the total capacity in a transportation problem, then

    1. the optimal solution will be degenerate.

    2. a dummy source must be added.

    3. a dummy destination must be added.

    4. both a dummy source and a dummy destination must be added.

  7. The Hungarian method is

    1. used to solve assignment problems.

    2. a way to develop an initial solution to a transportation problem.

    3. also called Vogel’s approximation method.

    4. used only for problems in which the objective is to maximize profit.

  8. In an assignment problem, it may be necessary to add more than one row to the table.

    1. False

    2. True

  9. When using the Hungarian method, an optimal assignment can always be made when every row and every column has at least one zero.

    1. False

    2. True

  10. The first step of the maximal-flow technique is to

    1. select any node.

    2. pick any path from the start to the finish with some flow.

    3. pick the path with the maximum flow.

    4. pick the path with the minimal flow.

    5. pick a path where the flow going into each node is greater than the flow coming out of each node.

  11. In which technique do you connect the existing solution to the nearest node that is not currently connected?

    1. maximal tree

    2. shortest route

    3. maximal flow

    4. minimal flow

  12. In the shortest-route technique, the objective is to determine the route from an origin to a destination that passes through the fewest number of other nodes.

    1. True

    2. False

  13. Adjusting the flow capacity numbers on a path is an important step in which technique?

    1. minimal flow

    2. maximal flow

    3. shortest route

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