Subject Index

Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Actionable decision, 129

Action review, 139, 141


as commanding officer, 108

man-in-the-loop strategy use of, 108

in video segments, 181182

Adaptation strategies

description of, 70, 75f

use of, 78

Advanced leadership training simulation. See ALTSIM

Alternate reality games, 225226, 230


authoring tool for, 44f

automating of, 117

Battle Captain, 1819, 92, 99, 107

Bosnia scenario, 1718, 101

communication system in, 157

creation of, 164

demonstration of, 23

description of, 18

encoded script for, 7779

experience management used in, 7076, 117

information in, 19

instructor in, 116117

“man in the loop” strategy used in, 21

media elements in, 7071, 163, 164f

news network in, 163

outcomes allowed, 23

sample screen for, 20f

self-sufficiency of, 118

tactical operations centers in, 1923, 165

video content in, 180

America’s Army, 219

Amortizing of costs, 190

Archival material, 202

Argumentative characters, 9293

Artificial intelligence

automated story generation using, 119, 122

description of, 8

Assessments, 141


bandwidth for, 131

creation of, 159

development of, 195

importance of, 195

music, 203204

narration, 182, 202

in real-time 3D-rendered environments, 187188

streaming, 170

summary of, 204

synthetic, 108109

in tactical operations center, 162163


for ALTSIM, 44f

for Internet, 171172

Automated story generation, 119122


Back story, 213217


Internet, 168

media, 130131

Battle Captain, 1819, 92, 99, 107

Beast, The, 225

Behavior-based focus of simulation, 161

Beta testing, 190

Bosnia, 1718, 101

Bowman, Chuck, 26

Branching storylines

dead ends, 58

Leaders, 30, 118

shared outcomes, 5859

spider web-based, 65


Captain Moran, 100

Catechumen, 220

Cellular text messaging, 168


argumentative, 9293

cultural differences portrayed by, 9395

dossier of, 103

hero skill levels, 84

learning objectives achieved through, 8990

multidimensional, 8395

nonplayer. See Nonplayer characters

opposite points of view represented in, 9092

personal deficiencies identified through, 8384

synthetic, 109110

villain. See Villain

Character bibles, 8789, 207


content for, 27

description of, 26

success of, 27

Close Combat, 219

Coherent pedagogy, 145

Collective learning, 54

Combat training, 89

Comedy writing, 3839

Commanding officer

description of, 1

live actor acting as, 108

Command Sergeant Major Pullman, 97

Commercial games, 221226

Compelling interactivity, 125

Computer-based pedagogical simulations, 140

Computer-generated animation, real-time 3D, 160

Concept documents, 149151

Conversations, simulated, 6163

Cosmo quiz, 127, 130

Cost amortization, 190

Crisis Decision Exercise, 9. See also Final Flurry Exercise

Cultural awareness, 49


characters who portray differences in, 9395

stories that portray, 49


Dahmann, Judith, 7

Darwin: Survival of the Fittest, 220

Data logs, 140

Dead ends, 58

Decision making, 127, 138

Degraded video, 197

Department of Defense Paramount and, 78

Design documents, 150151


definition of, 195

lip sync during, 196

nonplayer character

guide or mentor use, 199200

naturalness of, 199

offscreen, 201202

onscreen, 195200

prerecorded vs. real-time synthetic, 198199

out-of-sync, 196

prerecording of, 198199

real-time synthetic, 198199


offscreen, 201202

onscreen, 200201

Dial-up Internet, 167168

Digital video recorders, 176, 178

Directors Guild of America, 189190

Direct voice communication, 162163

Distance learning, 229

Distributed learning situation, 162

Doom, 169, 224

Douglas, Jay, 26


interactive, 69, 120122

in story creation, 3839

Dramatica, 148

Driscoll, James E., 50

DSL, 168170

Dungeon Master, 115, 118


E-mail, 163

Encoded script, 7779


location-based, 231232

real-time 3D-rendered. See Real-time 3D-rendered environment

scripted, 145


formative, 137138

during simulation, 138150

story, 136

summative, 140

Everquest, 169

Expectations, 139

Experience Management

description of, 7076

story representation in, 7779

Experience Manager


description of, 2223

encoded script for, 7779

formalisms, 79


Falstein, Noah, 130

Final Draft, 151153

Final Flurry Exercise

administration of, 10

description of, 910

instructor in, 116

interactive video in, 175176

Paramount/Department of Defense attendance at, 11

participant screen for, 13f

performance results, 1315

StoryDrive, 1013

video content in, 180

First-person shooter games, 158, 169, 188

First Sergeant Jones, 8487, 90, 9293

Flaws, in heroes, 98100

Formative evaluation, 137138

Franks, Tommy, 4849

Free play, 213217

Free will of participants, 6162, 6869

Full Spectrum Warrior, 26, 219



alternate reality, 225226, 230

beta testing of, 190

commercial, 221226

cost amortization of, 190

levels of, 189

massively multiplayer online, 225, 231

multiplayer, 192193, 224225

online collaborative, 230231

serious, 219220

single-player environment, 192193

story and, complementary relationship between, 224

Game, The, 226

Game consoles, 185186

Game engine, 188, 208


description of, 125

design rules, 130

for emotion and investment, 129130

hide-and-seek, 128

mask donning, 128

object manipulation, 127

puzzle solving, 127128

role-playing, 128

story added to, 125

summary of, 132

ticking clocks, 128

user input/elements of, 125129

Game the system, 6263


dramatic, 71, 114

pedagogical, 114, 133, 135, 146

Goldman, Steve, 18

Gordon, Andrew, 19, 2728, 69, 79

Grand Theft Auto, 213215

Graphics, 159

“Ground truth,” 1819

Guitar Hero, 223224


Half-Life, 222

Halo, 221222


flaws built into, 98100

skill levels of, 84

Herrington, Janet, 18

Hide-and-seek, 128

Hill, Randy, 27

Hip-hop music, 203


Idelson, Bill, 3539, 41, 83, 101

I Love Bees, 225

Immersive distance learning, 229

Incident Commander, 219

Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 9, 12

Insider, 220

Institute for Creative Technologies, 17, 98

Instructor-in-the-loop approach, 138

Intelligent tutoring, 6364

Interactive drama

architecture for, 120122

description of, 69

Interactive television

Internet delivery vs., 178179

one-screen applications of, 177178

overview of, 176177

story-driven, 179

summary of, 183

two-screen applications of, 177

Interactive Trauma Trainer, 219

Interactive video, 175176, 182


compelling, 125

description of, 69

learning through, 127

transformation, 128

Internal conflict of villain, 102, 104

International terrorism, 14


analytics, 172173

authoring for, 171172

description of, 167

dial-up, 167168

DSL, 168170

interactive television vs., 178179

Leaders, 173

lip sync issues, 197

maintenance on, 173

security on, 171

T1/T3, 170

user support considerations, 169

Internet2, 170

Internet Protocol Television, 178179

Iuppa, Nick, 7, 18


JavaScript webpage tagging, 173

Jhala, Arnav, 208

Johnson, Bill, 41

Johnston, Joan H., 50


Kirlik, Alex, 161

Knowledge, 4950

Kuma Wars, 169


LAN, 165

Large-scale simulation, 115

Last Call Poker, 226

Last Draw Poker, 225

Leaders, 113


audio used in, 30

authoring scenario for, 98

background for, 25, 58

branching storylines, 30, 118

characters in, 8487

CLAS story used in, 26

control architecture of, 31f

description of, 25

evaluation and testing of, 137

First Sergeant Jones, 8487, 90, 9293

game engine used in, 188

intelligent tutoring, 6364

Internet delivery of, 173

leadership decisions in, 28

media elements in, 26

music used in, 203

Narratoria use in, 31

natural language interface, 25

nonplayer characters, 2526, 61

Ricardo Perez, 8488, 90, 9293, 97

schematic diagram of, 57f

simulated conversations in, 6163

story structure, 2526, 26f, 29, 68

summary of, 32

teaching points in, 2730

verbal content of, 31

video production, 179180

virtual world in, 157


by users, 126, 139

collective, 54

distance, 229

distributed, 162

expectations and, 139

stories used for, 47, 54

LeMasters, Kim, 26

Lesterlin, Roland, 31

Lindheim, Richard, 78, 17

Lip sync, 196197

Liquid Narrative Group, 208

Location-based full-sensory simulations, 231232

Longyear, Barry, 41, 83


Magerko, Brian, 28, 120122

Maggio, Florence, 12

Man-in-the-loop strategy

description of, 11, 21

live actor participation, 108

Mask donning, 128

Massively multiplayer online games, 225, 231

McKee, Robert, 4245, 98

Medal of Honor, 222


in ALTSIM, 7071, 163, 164f

audio. See Audio

description of, 130132

graphics, 159

selection of, 155160

text, 158

video, 131, 159160

Memory aids, 4748

Mental models, 54

Metal Gear Solid, 222223

Military strategic planning, 7

Movie Magic Screenwriter, 153

Multimedia messaging, 168

Multiplayer games

description of, 224225

real-time 3D-rendered environments, 192193

Murray, Jane, 119, 122

Music, 203204

Music libraries, 204


Narration, 182, 202

Narrative, 5658

Narratoria, 31, 205207

National Science Foundation, 7

National Security Advisor, 9, 107

Natural language interface, 25

Navigation, 127

Non photo-realistic 3D, 191

Nonplayer characters

degraded video used to present, 197


guide or mentor use, 199200

naturalness of, 199

offscreen, 201202

onscreen, 195200

prerecorded vs. real-time synthetic, 198199

director’s influence over, 121

example of, 8487

hero flaws revealed through, 99

in Leaders, 2526, 61, 8487

semi-autonomous nature of, 121

summary of, 95


Objection!, 220

Object manipulation, 127

Offscreen dialogue, 201202

O’Neil, Pat, 18

Online collaborative games, 230231

Onscreen nonplayer character dialogue, 195200

Operations noncommissioned officer, 18

Opposite points of view, 9092


desired, 114

predicting of, 78

shared, 5859

Outcome-driven simulations, 5354

Outlining, 146149

Out-of-sync dialogue, 196



creative team at, 2728

Department of Defense and, 78

Participant free will, 6162, 6869

PDF, 172

Pedagogical content, 138139

Pedagogical goals, 114, 133, 135, 146


coherent, 133134

content, 145

simulation design based on, 134135, 140

story content and, 135136

transfer of, 134

unfocused, 134

Perez, Ricardo, 8488, 90, 9293, 97

Personal computers, 185186

Power Hungry, 2627, 179

PowerPoint, 148

Powers, Erin, 8

Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life, 30

Project outlining, 146149

Proof of concept, 137138, 149, 190

Psychometrics studies, 137

Pulse, 219

Puzzle solving, 127128


Reaction decision, 129

Real-time 3D computer-generated animation, 160

Real-time 3D-rendered environment

audio assets, 187188

beta testing, 190

building of, 185

cost amortization, 190

description of, 185

directing the simulation in, 189190

multiplayer, 192193

non photo-realistic 3D, 191

platforms in, 185186

proof of concept, 190

single-player, 192193

summary of, 193

vehicular 3D space, 191

visual assets, 186187

Real-time 3D virtual worlds, 185186

Real War, 219

Return on investment, 133

Riley, Patricia, 137139

Role-playing, 128

Rosenbloom, Paul, 8


Schank, Roger, 54


authoring of, 151154

definition of, 145

for game levels, 189

Scripted environments, 145

Secured virtual private network, 171

Sergeant Major Pullman, 90

Serious games, 219220

Set-top boxes, 176177

Shared outcomes, 5859

Sheehan, Bob, 18

Significant activities board, 162

SimNet, 18

Sims, The, 216217

Simulated conversations, 6163

Simulated tactical operations centers, 1823


behavior-based focus of, 161

by US Navy, 155

evaluation during, 138150

experience-managed, 78

integration of, 205209

large-scale, 115

location-based full-sensory, 231232

outcome-driven, 5354

pedagogical, 140

platform for, 135

proof of concept, 137138

in real-time 3D-rendered environment, 189190

story-driven. See Story simulations

training uses of, 8

user interactivity in, 120, 136

Simulation design

pedagogy as basis for, 134135, 140

spider-web, 6568

summary of, 141

Simulation environments

description of, 2, 131

real-time 3D-rendered. See Real-time 3D-rendered environment

Simulation leaders, 113

Simulation stories

decision points, 5657

narrative, 5658

spider-web design of, 6568

tacit knowledge used to design, 5360

Singer, Alex, 78, 12

Single-player real-time 3D-rendered environments, 192193

Situational awareness

definition of, 9

gameplay and, 129

“ground truth,” 1819

Sound effects, 202203

Soundtrack music, 203


text-to-speech engine, 108109

translated, 202

Speech-to-text translation, 200

Spider-web design, of simulation stories, 6568

Splinter Cell, 223

Stock footage, 180


alternate paths for, 7273

arc of, 43, 43f, 72f, 114115

automated generation of, 119122

back, 213217

comedy and, 3839

complexity of, 136

construction of, 37f

cultural awareness through, 49

description of, 3538

drama and, 3839

dramatic goals of, 71, 114

evaluation of, 136

flexibility in development of, 65

game and, complementary relationship between, 224

learning uses of, 47, 54

as memory aids, 4748

sorting out, 5556

spider-web design of, 6568

stress-exposure training using, 4950

tacit knowledge used to identify correct performance, 50

war, 4849

Story adaptation strategies

description of, 70, 75f

use of, 78

Story content

pedagogical evaluation and testing, 135136

simulation time affected by, 136

Story creation

perspectives on, 41

structuring of events, 42

training in, 3638

StoryDrive Engine

background of, 8

development of, 12

Final Flurry Exercise, 1013

Institute for Creative Technologists participation in, 17

simulations, 5360

Story-driven interactive television, 179

Story execution system, 1920

Story representation system, 70

Story simulations

combat training using, 89

description of, 115

machine-driven, 122

military strategic planning uses of, 78

Story space, 120121

Story structure

artificial intelligence system creation of, 6768

Leaders, 2526, 26f, 29, 68

StoryView, 148

Streaming audio, 170

Streaming video, 168169

Street Wars, 225

Stress-exposure training, 4950

Summative evaluations, 140

SVPN, 171

Swartout, William, 27

Synchronizing voiced character dialogue, 196

Synthetic characters, 109110

Synthetic speech, 108109


Tacit knowledge

definition of, 50

identifying of, 5355

Tactical operations centers

in Bosnian conflict, 17

configurations, 18

decision making at, 19

media elements in, 7071

significant activities board, 162

simulated, 1823

staff of, 18

T1 connection, 170

T3 connection, 170

Teaching points, 2730

Television, interactive

Internet delivery vs., 178179

one-screen applications of, 177178

overview of, 176177

story-driven, 179

summary of, 183

two-screen applications of, 177

Terrain, 205, 207

Terrorism, 14

Text, 158

Text messaging, 168

Text-to-speech engine, 108109, 200

Third-person point of view, 188

Three-dimensional virtual models, 156

Ticking clocks, 128

Transformation, 128

Tuch, Larry, 8, 11, 18

TVML, 170


University of Southern California, 8, 17, 79

Unreal, 224

U.S. military, 8


decision making by, 127, 138

emotions of, 129130

expectations of, 139

interactivity, 120, 136, 141

learning by, 126, 139

User dialogue

offscreen, 201202

onscreen, 200201


ValaNejad, Kurosh, 30

van Velsen, Martin, 205206

Vehicular 3D space, 191

Vice City, 215216


degraded, 197

description of, 131, 159160

interactive, 175176

production of, 179183

streaming, 168169


background of, 104105

building of, 100102

internal conflict of, 102, 104

summary of, 104105

Virtual battlefield, 156

Virtual Harlem, 229, 230f

Virtual reality, 231232

Voice communication, 162163

Voiced narration, 202

Voice-over narration, 182


WAN, 165

Warlord, 98

War stories, 4849

Web analytics, 172173

Weltman, Gershon, 18

Wertheimer, David, 8

Whitaker, Alan, 9

World Hunger: Food Force, 219

Writers’ Blocks, 148


X3D, 169, 191

XML, 206207


Young, Michael, 208

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