
3M, 35, 52, 65, 184, 213

ABB, 114, 185

Aburdene, Patricia, 12

Accounting, 59

Action learning, 54

ACTS, 2478

Adair, Red, 29

ADSL, 27

Africa, 17

After Action Review (AAR), 284

Agile Web, 110, 232

Agility Forum, 228

Agriculture, 12

Agriculture, US Department of, 280

Alba, Project, 275, 279

Alerting Services, 82, 132

Algorithms, data mining, 78

Allee, Verna, 173

Alliances, strategic, 215, 224, 2334

Internet, 228

knowledge in, 2334

AltaVista, 80

AltaVista Discovery, 132, 21, 105, 117

American Airlines, 4, 54

American Management Association, 30

American Management Systems (AMS), 76, 193

Amidon, Debra, xvi, 44, 47, 51, 178, 196,
21819, 284

Amoco, 10

AMS (American Management Systems), 76,

Andrew, oil field, 113

Angehrn, Albert, 2212

Anglian Water, 202

AOL (America Online), 87, 117, 197

Aqua Universitas, 202

ARPAnet, 17


building design, 1845

for information technology, 2034

for knowledge management, 1801

Arthur D. Little, 35

Artificial intelligence, 71, 95

data mining, 789

expert systems, 45, 71

genetic algorithms, 78

intelligent agents, 82

natural language, 80

neural networks, 78

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), 78

Assessment, of knowledge management, 180,

Asset focus, 589

Asia, economic turbulence, 7

AT&T, 49, 89, 114

ATM, broadband networks, 248

Audioconferencing, 101, 159

Augment, 87

Australia, culture, 168

Authors, rights and responsibilities, 252

Automobile Association, 54

Austin, Texas, 246, 247, 251, 262

IC2 Institute at, 262, 264

Technology Incubator (ATI), 261

Auto-by-Tel, 104

Autonomy, 82

Avon Network Centre, 263

Ayling, Bob, 184

BackWeb, 83

Bacon, Francis, 44

Balanced Business Scorecard (BBS), 198

Banff Management Centre, 2845

Bangladesh, 17

links with Manchester, 265

Bandwidth, 267

Bangemann, Martin, 253

Bangemann Challenge, 265

Bangemann Report, 253

Bankline, NatWest, 85

Barclaysquare, 104

Barings, demise of , 3, 8

BBC, The Money Programme, 109

Beer, Stafford, 160

Belbin, Meredith, 1545

Bell Corporation, 49

Bell South, 114

Benchmarking, 261

Berners-Lee, Tim, 18

Best practices:

databases, 56

in innovation, 261

sharing, 50, 65

BETTI, 261

Biemans, Wim, 16

Biometrics, 24

Biotechnology, 14, 279

Blue pages, at Novartis, 57, 191

Boeing, 25, 102

Boisot, Max, 48

Boolean search, 80

Booz Allen & Hamilton, 45

Boston, 247

Boundary spanning, 228

BP, 10, 114

leadership, 1823

simulation of oil fields, 84

virtual teamworking, 91, 113

BP Amoco, 65, 182, 284

BPR (Business Process Reengineering), 5, 43, 285

Bradford University, 197

Brand, Adam, 184

Brands, 13

Brazil, 25

Brent Spar, 8

Bright, knowledge service, 104, 278

Bristol, community network, 250

Britannica, Encyclopaedia, 104

British Airways, 185, 186

British Gas, 74

Broadband networks, 247

Singapore ONE, 248

Broker, in creating virtual company, 223, 226

Brooking, Annie, 58

Browne, John, 182

BT Laboratories, 24, 79

Buckman Laboratories, 65

K’NetixTM, knowledge network, 65, 193

virtual teaming at, 112

Building design, 1856

Burk, Cornelius, 189

Business angels, 251

Business Briefing, Reuters, 82

Business infrastructure, in virtual corporations,

Business networks, 217, 2267

broker role, 227

in Denmark, 227, 2613

Business processes:

knowledge in, 556

modelling of, 834

in virtual corporation, 230

Business Process Reengineering (BPR), 5, 43, 285

Business transformation, 44

Buzan, Tony, 76

C2E (Centre for Commercialisation and Enterprise), 262


fibre optic, 26

modems, 24

Cadence Design Systems, 94, 279

Café Vik, ICL, 56, 66, 93

Campbells’ Soups, Intelligent Quisine, 54

Campbell, Hare and Jenkins, 227

Canada, 254

Banff, 2845

culture, 168

SchoolNet, 250

Capability triangle, 127

Career Mosaic, 115

Career planning, 1425

Case-based reasoning (CBR), 84


Catalonia, 8

Caucus, web conferencing, 87, 282

CDMA, 26

CD-Now, 104

CD-ROM, 24

CEOs, role in knowledge management, 1823

CERN, 18

Champions, knowledge management, 181

Champy, James, 285

Change management, 3

at Siemens, 185

in virtual corporation, 231

Chaordic, knowledge processes, 187


of knowledge, 29, 46, 48

of knowledge networker, 126

of knowledge networking, 36

of team player, 1512

Chase Manhattan, 94

Check lists:

communications principles, teams 1589

competence matching, 224

computer conferencing, teams, 164

conferencing moderating, 1712

contract elements, virtual corporation, 229

culture for knowledge sharing, 184

dialogue, 134

electronic communications, 1345

information, adding value, 196

information management, personal, 132

intellectual capital measurement, 200

intellectual capital, personal, 142

intranet guidelines, 206

knowledge, adding value, 196

knowledge centre role, 193

knowledge enhancement, teams, 167

knowledge inventory, 189

knowledge management, getting started,

knowledge management, practices, 209

knowledge management, principles, 188

knowledge management, virtual
corporation, 233

knowledge repository enrichment, 192

knowledge sharing culture, 184

learning organization, practices, 202

moderating computer conferences, 1712

office environment, 186

personal network development, 136

personal reputation building, 143

personal technology, 138

publishing, rights and responsibilities, 252

strategic fit template, 223

team communications principles, 1589

team conferencing, 164

team development, 161

team knowledge enhancement, 167

team meetings, 157

trust, developing, 161

virtual corporation, competence matching,

virtual corporation, contract, 229

virtual corporation, knowledge
management, 233

virtual corporation, motivation for, 213

virtual corporation, risk management, 236

virtual corporation, strategic fit, 223

virtual corporation structures, 215

virtual corporation, sustaining, 235

Chevron, 56, 65

Chief executives, role in knowledge
management, 1823

Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO), 182

China, 16

Chrysler, 10

Ciba-Geigy, 10

CIBIT, Kenniscentrum, 283

CIGNA, 45, 56 Cisco, 104

Cistercian monks, 11

Citation trees, 80

CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer), 182


of knowledge, 46, 48

taxonomy, 1945

Cleveland, Harlan, 489

ClientLink, Schlumberger, 190

Climb Ltd, 1034

Coaching, 1334

Coca-Cola, 16, 35

Cochrane Peter, 24

Cognition, 289

Cognitus, 83

Collaboration, 5

benefits, 213

contracts, 2289

cross-sectoral, 267, 285

for design, 92

for innovation, 16, 220

via the Internet, 89

knowledge, 21218

knowledge-based, 2245

organizing, 2226, 2313

partners, 224

through networking, 16

in research and development, 63, 110, 220

spaces, on-line, 205

technologies, 8591

Collaboratory (collaboration laboratory), 285

CommerceNet, 256, 266

Commercialization, of R&D, 259


in teams, 1556

in virtual teams, 113


asynchronous, 90

effectiveness, 87, 1335

guidelines, 1345

media, 133

personal, 1335

team, 15860

technologies, 162

using videoconferencing, 1656

Community Intelligence Labs (Co-I-L), 205, 282


on AOL, 87

electronic business communities, 115

learning, 115

local initiatives, 266

sustaining, 1723

virtual, 11416

Communities of Interest (CoI), 170

Communities of practice (CoP), 631, 1701;
see also Knowledge communities

contrasted with groups, networks, 170

Community networks, 100, 11516, 250

Järvenpää, 116

Lapland, 100

South Bristol Learning Network, 250, 264, 266


size, 9

longevity of, 3, 34

mergers, demergers, 10

reconfiguration, 10

small businesses, 9

Compaq, 3, 16

Competence matching, virtual corporations,
22021, 2245


in alliances, 2201

for knowledge workers, 1267

Competitiveness, 244

EU white paper, 253

measures, 2445

UK white paper, 256

Compression, digital, 26

CompuServe, 83, 236

Computer conferencing, 878, 89, 282

moderator role, 171

in scenario development, 274

success factors, 1635


convergence with telecommunications, 278

evolution of role, 28

selection, 1379

technology trends, 235

see also information and communications
technologies, PCs


Concept Agent, 79

Concept mapping, 76

Concept retrieval, 80

Conklin, Jeff, 160, 167

Connections, 204

in networks, 228

small world effect, 17


ethnic links, 265

the Internet, 19

team linkages, 152

telecommunications, 27


creators rights and responsibilities, 252

in virtual communications space, 222

Contracts, for virtual corporation, 2289

Convergence, computers and
telecommunications, 278

Conversations, 15960, 204

Co-ordination, 204

Copyright, 252

Corporate hospitality, 58

Corporate restructuring, 10

Corporate universities, 54, 202

Covey, Stephen, 130

CoWorker, 91

Cranfield School of Management, 44


contrasted with innovation, 501, 190

environments for, 185

idea management, 190

software tools, 768

in teams, 639

techniques, 63, 76

Cresson, Edith, 260

Crete Resort Offices, 106

CTI (Computer Telephony Integration), 28

Culture, national, 1689

Culture, organizational:

change programme at Siemens, 185

compatibility in virtual corporations, 217,

and knowledge sharing, 67, 1835

in teams, 1689

Customer capital, 58, 142

Customer histories, 56

Customer loyalty, 57

Customer knowledge, 523

by data mining, 75

deepening, 57, 105

Customer relationships, 34, 57

spectrum of, 21819

Customer service, 12, 49, 65, 93

Customers, as source of innovation, 21820


of products and services, 12

of information, 82

Cyberskills training, 250

Daimler-Benz, 10; see also Mercedes-Benz

Databases, 746

knowledge bases, 1912

query tools, 78

Data mining, 789, 84, 219

Dataware, 75, 91

Data warehouses, 745

Data-wisdom hierarchy, 47

Decision Explorer, 78

Decision Support Systems, 856

DECnet, xiii

DECT, 25

Deere, 213

de Geus, Arie, 46

Dell Computer Corporation, 21, 100, 103

Delta & Pine Land, 279

Deloitte Consulting, 197


business networks, 2267, 2613

IT in schools, 249

National Council for Competency, 248

Department of Employment, UK, 250

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), UK,

Desktop Data, NewsEdge, 82

Dialog Corporation, 76


structured, 15960

tips for effective, 134

Digital cities programme, 264

Digital compression, 267

Digital Equipment Corporation, xiii, 3

as a networked organization, 15

office of the future, 185

and teleworking, 108

and virtual teams, 100

Discovering knowledge, 7880

Discussion lists, email, 115

Distance learning, 112

Document management, 756

Documentum, 75

Docuverse (document universe), 38

Domino, Lotus Notes, 88

Dooley graphs, 228

Dow Chemical, 58, 59

Dow Jones Interactive, 82


loss of jobs, 9

loss of knowledge, 30

Drexler, Allen, 157

Drexel/Sibbet Team Performance Model, 157

Drucker, Peter, 11, 44

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 26, 27

DTI (Department of Trade and Industry), 256

Duke University, 112

Du Pont, 35, 63, 220

Durham University Business School, 910


eBay, 104

Ecommerce, see Electronic commerce


global, 1617

industry structure, 8

intangible, 13

measures, 265

new rules, 29, 59

post-industrial, 11

EDS, 9

Education, 249

IT in Schools, 249

National Grid for Learning, UK, 256

Edvinsson, Leif, 173, 199


communications, 1335

compared to efficiency, 129

individual, 12931

team, 14952

EFQM, 198

Eisenhower, Dwight, 271

El Niño, 4, 367

Electronic Commerce (Ecommerce), 1035,

CommerceNet, 256

EU initiative, 257

ICDT model, 2212

knowledge enrichment, 1045

marketing globally, 101, 104

OECD initiative, 257

stimulating take-up, 2567

US, principles for, 257

Electronic Mail (Email), 18, 101

discussion lists, 115

effectiveness, 1345

in virtual corporations, 234

volumes, 131

Electronic markets, 21, 222, 2778

Electronic payment mechanisms, 18, 277

Electronic publishing, 252

Electronic signatures, 257

Electronic village halls, 265

Email, see Electronic mail

Employment, 910

law, 258

Enablers, of knowledge management, 179

Encarta, encyclopaedia, 104

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 104

Engelbart, Doug, 38, 87


around the clock, 102

virtual, 100

England, north-east, 259

Enterprise, role in knowledge economy, 2634

ENTOVATION International, xvi

network of global knowledge leaders, 283

Environmental scanning, 52

Ericsson, 260

Ernst & Young, 112

ETD (European Telework Development), 111,
16970, 258

Ethics, of knowledge, 2789

ETW (European Telework Week), 258

European Commission:

and information society, 253

and innovation, 2601

and small businesses, 9

and telework, 258

European Telework Awards, 258

European Telework Development, see ETD

European Telework Online, 108

European Telework Week (ETW), 258

European Union, 8

ACTS Programme, 2478

Bangemann report, 253

Electronic commerce initiative, 257

Fourth Framework programme, 254

Fifth Framework programme, 260

Framework programmes, 110, 259

information society initiative, 253

innovation culture diagnostic, 2256

innovation programme, 260

jobs, 9

research programmes, 110, 259

Rolling Action Plan, 254

telecommunications deregulation, 25, 258

Euser, L., 16

Excalibur, retrieval software, 80

Excellence model, EFQM, 198

Expertise directories, 45; see also Yellow Pages

Expertise profiling, 181, 191

Expert systems, 45, 71

Explicit knowledge, 47

characteristics, 489

management, 1878

Extranets, 19, 57

in virtual corporations, 234

Facilitator networks, at TI, 50


for computer conferencing, 1712

for communities of practice, 1723

for team development, 157

Farbey, Barbara, xvi, 129, 130

Federal Express (FedEx), 167, 94

Fifth Framework Programme, EU, 260

Filtering, electronic mail, 83

Financial Markets, 9, 280

Finance, for start-ups, 249, 251, 261

Finland, 116 Firewalls, 19

First!, news service, 82

First Class, groupware, 87

Flexible offices, 10810

Flexibility, in organizations, 2712

Florence University, 115

Ford, 21

C3P project, 111

virtual teams, 159

Forecasting, 26972

Fortune 50, 3

and employment, 9

most admired companies, 35

Forums, on CompuServe, 87

Foundations, of knowledge management,

Fourth Framework programme, EU, 254


for electronic commerce, 257

for innovation, 246

legal and regulatory, 2512

Frameworks: - continued

for knowledge development, 92

for knowledge management, 17980

for knowledge technologies, 724

for public policy, 246

Framework programmes, EU, 110, 259

Freedom of Information Act, 251


forecasting, 26971

of knowledge management, 2746

technology trends, 236

Futures, markets, 280

Futurizing, 2723

at Skandia, 2723

G7 (Group of seven) countries, 254

information society initiative, 255

Garten, Jeffrey, 17

Garvin, David, 46

Gates, Bill, 25

GBN (Global Business Network), 115

GDSS (Group Decision Support Systems), 856

General Motors, 8, 65, 27980

Generations, in futurizing, 273

Genetic algorithms, in data mining, 78

Genetic knowledge, 53, 27980

Geocities, 115, 117

Germany, 254

GII (Global Information Infrastructure), 247

Gimpel, Jean, 11

GKII (Global Knowledge Innovation
Infrastructure), 2834

Glaxo Wellcome, 65, 78

intranet, 92

as a learning organization, 46

GLEN, Rover Group, 92

Global Business Network (GBN), 115

Global Competitiveness Report, 2445, 277

Global economy, 7, 1617

Global Information Infrastructure (GII), 247

Global Knowledge Innovation Infrastructure
(GKII), 2834

Global Knowledge Leadership Map, 283

Globalization, 1617

of engineering, 87

of manufacturing, 16, 102

of resourcing, 99

marketing, 16

of services, 100

specialization of knowledge, 17

GOAL, project planning tool, 261

Goal setting in teams, 156

Godet, Michel, 272

Gore, Al, 247


on-line services, 256

policy roles, 264

role in knowledge economy, 2556, 2646

information society initiatives, 2526, 284

see also Denmark, EU, Italy, UK, USA

Groups, contrasted with teams, 1489, 170

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), 856

GroupSystems V, 85

Group-think, 30

Groupware, 56, 878

space-time grid, 85

GSM (Global Services Mobile), 26, 259

Guidance systems, 84

Guidelines, see Check lists Gutenburg, 11

Hall, Brian, 128

Hamel, Gary, 3

Hammer, Michael, 285

Hanson Industries, 10

Hawley Committee, The, 58

Hastings, Colin, 15

Hewlett-Packard, 65, 66

intranet, 89

HHCL and Partners, 109

Hickman, Craig, 3, 14


of data-information-knowledge-wisdom, 47

of virtualization, 21

High performance teams, 14951

Hoechst Celanese, 94, 192

Hoffman La Roche, 66, 102

Hofstede, Geert, 1689, 225

Holiday Inns, 31


culture, 168

Kenniscentrum, CIBIT, 283

innovation networks in, 16

telework awards, 258

Hollow corporation, 110

Holonic enterprise, 14

Home office, considerations, 13940

Honey, Peter, 140

Horton, F. Woody, 189

HOST, The Manchester, 115, 265

Hot-desking, 21, 108

Human capital, 58, 142

Human factors, 2003

Human genome, 439

Human resources, 54, 201

Hyperbolic TreeTM, 801

IAM (Intangible Assets Monitor), 199

IBIS, conversational model, 160

IBM, 8

and project Alba, 279

and hot-desking, 21

intelligent agent research, 280

SNA protocol, 20

stock options at, 203

IC see Intellectual capital

IC2 Institute, University of Texas, 246, 262

IC IndexTM, 199

ICDT, model for Internet commerce, 221

ICI, 10

ICL, 250

Café Vik, 56, 66, 93

ICT, see information and communications

IDC, 197 Idea banks, 190 IdeaFisherTM, 76

Idea management, 190

ideaMarket, 278

Identity, in teams, 156 Idons-for-ThinkingTM, 76

IMD, World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2445,

Inclusive Valuation Methodology (IVMTM), 199

Incubators, for start-up businesses, 261, 262

IN-Design, 116

India, software development in, 31

intellectual property rights, 281

Industrial policy, 259

Industrial revolution, 5


classification, 8

new knowledge industries, 14

structure, 89

InfoMap, 189

Information, 47

as an asset, 589, 189

characteristics, 48

customization, 82

fatigue syndrome (IFS), 131

Freedom of Information Act, 251

in hierarchy, data-wisdom, 47

intermediaries, 76

overload, coping with, 1312

persistence, 86

push vs pull, 82

sources of, for managers, 187

training, 24950

adding value to, 196

Information and communications technologies

check list for individuals, 138

collaborative, 8591

as driver of change, 3, 229

in the home, 138

human factors, 93

for individuals, 1379

infrastructure for knowledge management,

and knowledge levers, 94

for knowledge management, 72

knowledge systems perspective, 73

portability, 24

product and service check list, 137

rate of improvement, 3, 22

selection of, 1379

standards, 26

for teams, 1626

trends, 23

in virtual corporations, 2345

see also Information technology

Information audit, 18990

Information Fatigue Syndrome (IFS), 121

Information management, see also Information
resources management

MIS role, 203

knowledge management root, 45

personal strategy for, 1313

Information markets, 222, 2778

Information resources management (IRM), 189

knowledge inventory, 18990

policy for, 185

Willard model, 189

Information retrieval, 803

Information services, 76

personalized news services, 82

Information society, 7

initiatives, 2526

G7, 254, 255

UK, 2546

megatrend, 1213

Information Society Initiative (ISI), UK, 256

Information technology (IT)

evolution of role, 289

functionality, 24

rate of improvement, 3, 22

trends, 234

Information utility, 14


for knowledge economy, 246

for regional innovation, 246

knowledge management, ICT, 203

knowledge management, ‘soft’, 2003

for virtual collaboration, 22935

Innovation, 49, 501

and competitiveness, 2445

as conversion process, 51, 601, 190

culture diagnostic, 2256

with customers, 21820

EU programme, 2601

finance for, 249, 251, 261

idea management, 190

incubators, 261, 262

infrastructure, 246

knowledge cycle, 601

knowledge management focus, 49, 501

knowledge management root, 45

as knowledge processes, 51

measures of, 245

paradox, 260

processes , 16, 51, 61, 190

programme, EU, 2601

public policy, 25963

stimulating, 2601

strategic thrust, 49, 501

success characteristics, 179

success factors, 345

technopoles, 261

in teams, 167

Innovation networks, 16, 35, 247

Innovation quotient, 51

Intangibles, 13, 245

Intangible Assets Monitor (IAM), 199

Integrated circuit chips, 224

Manufacturing, sharing best practices, 50

trading of designs, 279

Intel, 22, 35

Intellectual assets, 45, 58

Intellectual capital, 45

classification, 58

as focus of knowledge strategy, 589

management, 6

measurement, 198200

personal, 1424

Intellectual Capital Services, 199

Intellectual property, 58

legislation, 252

protection of, 188, 251

trading of, 279


market, 52

of organizations, 30

in products, 12

in telecommunications networks, 26

IntelligenceWare, 78

Intelligent agents, 82, 131, 280

Intelligent Quisine (Campbells’ Soups), 54

International agencies, 266

International Business LanguageSM, taxonomy,

International Telecommunications Union
(ITU), 266

Internet, xiii, 1720

alliance analysis, 228

appliances, 18

benefits, 17, 18, 88

broadband applications, 911

browsers, 18

commerce, 1021, 222

evolution, 18

forecasts, 2701

information services, 222

as a global infrastructure, 247

legislation, 2512

as knowledge connector, 29, 36

and knowledge management, 88

and local communities, 100

management, 20

marketing via, 17, 1035, 222

and MIS managers, 32

next generation initiative (NGII), 247

origins, 17

satellite networks, 25

search engines, 80

statistics, 19

taxation, 251

telephony, 28

training, 250

Intranets, 19, 8890

AT&T, 89

benefits, 213

Glaxo Wellcome, 92

Hewlett-Packard, 89

and organizational memory, 56

return on investment in, 97

in a virtual corporation, 234

Intrapreneuers, 181

Intraprise (inter-enterprise), 212

benefits, 213

competencies, 2245

culture, 2256

infrastructures, 22935

risk minimization, 2367

strategic fit, 2234

structures, 21415

success factors, 235

Invention Machine, 78

Inxight, 801

iqport, 272

Iridium, satellite network, 25

ISDN (Integrated Digital Services network), 27

ISI (Information Society Initiative), 929

IT for All, UK, 250

IT for schools:

Denmark, 249

UK, 255

IT2000, Singapore, 284

Italy, 254, 258

ITU (International Telecommunications
Union), 266

IXL, 78

IVMTM (Inclusive Valuation Methodology), 199

Japan, 250, 254, 260

Järvennpää, 116

Jarvenpaa, Sirkka, 160, 161


demise of, 9

changing characteristics, 126

finding jobs online, 115

John Brown Engineering, 756

Journey, The, at Anglian Water, 202

Junkins, Jerry, 50

Junnarkar, Bipin, 173, 182

Kao, 66

Katzenbach, Jon, 148

KEFair, 1734

KEN (Knowledge Ecology Network), 174, 266,

Kenniscentrum CIBIT, 283

Kimball, Lisa, 172

Kinsman, Francis, 106

Kiosks, 256

Kleinwort Benson, 34

KMA, Monsanto, 181

KMC (Knowledge Management Consortium),

K’MunityTM, Shell, 64

K’NetixTM, Buckman Laboratories, 65, 93

Know-how, 46, 21718

Know-what, 46, 21415

Know-when, 46

Know-where, 46

Know-who, 46, 21617

Know-why, 46, 21214


adding value to, 196

aggregation of, 4, 367

arithmetic, 63

categories of, 468

characteristics of, 29, 46, 48

in collaboration, 2334

combinations, 623

customer, 523

diffusion, 11, 29, 48, 51, 1956

enrichment, in ecommerce, 1045

enrichment, in knowledge repositories, 1912

explicit, 47, 489, 1878

flows, 15, 36, 95, 190, 228, 233

fragmented, 4, 32, 36

geography of, 22

global specialization, 17

hierarchy, 47

hubs, 1934

leakiness, 49

loss, 50

maps, 79

nomads, 109

as organizational memory, 567, 1678

ownership, 279

packaging, 196

in people, 545

personal, 48

in processes, 556

in products and services, 53, 54

proprietary, 48

and prosperity, 2434

public, 48

recipes, 63

in relationships, 578

roles, 201

shared, 48

sharing cycle, 612

strategies, 48

tacit, 479, 187, 1912

in teams, 54, 1668

techniques, 72

tools, 72

transfer mechanisms, 192

types of, 468

value, 29, 49, 147

value chain, 734

in virtual corporation, 2334

wrappers, 196

see also Knowledge processes; Knowledge

Knowledge agenda, 2767

Knowledge analyst, 55, 201

Knowledge assets, 589

Knowledge bases, see Knowledge repositories

Knowledge-based systems, 45

Knowledge broker, 201

Knowledge creator, 201

Knowledge centres, 1935

Knowledge champion, 181

Knowledge communities, 55, 635, 1704, 284

Knowledge cycles, 602

Knowledge ecology, 645

contrasted with knowledge management, 64

Fair (KEFair), 1734

Network (KEN), 174, 266, 282

university, 174

Knowledge economy, 7, 12

rules of , 29

future developments, 27482

future scenarios, 2812

infrastructure, 246

kibbutzim, 282

measures, 265

model, 246

trends in, 1214

UK white paper, 256

Knowledge editor, 201

Knowledge era, 7

Knowledge ethics, 2789

Knowledge for Development, report, 244

Knowledge industries, 8, 1314

Knowledge inventory, 18990

Knowledge management:

agenda, 49

assessment, 180, 208

asset focus, 589

architecture, 1801

barriers, 667

benefits, 65

challenges, 667

champions, 181

conferences, 44

culture, 67, 1835

definition, 59

for development, 244

examples of, 656

explicit knowledge, 1878

evolution of, 44

fad vs fundamental, 5, 44

framework, 17980

information and communications
technologies, 94, 2037

initiatives, 48, 656, 1812

infrastructure, enterprise, 2003

infrastructure, intraprise, 2334

and IRM, 189

justification, 1978

leaders vs laggards, 178

leadership, 145, 1803, 2078

momentum of, 44

opportunities, 623

as an oxymoron, 208

practices, 209

principles, 188

processes, 5962, 179, 180, see also
Knowledge processes

roots of, 446

roles, 201

reward systems, 2023

self-knowledge, 1279

share fairs, 50, 192

starting, 208

story-telling, 276

strategies, seven levers of, 52

success factors, 178, 208

suites, 91

tacit knowledge, 187, 1912

teams, 1812

Knowledge management: - continued

in teams, 1668

technology infrastructure, 2037

thrusts, 49

trends, 2746

value chain, 734

value proposition, 198

valuing, 200

work space design, 1845

Knowledge Management Consortium (KMC), 283

Knowledge markets, 222, 2778

governance, 280

Knowledge networking, xiii, 357

characteristics, 36

in communities, 634, 1704

defined, 356

for interprise development, 220

and location, 10910

personal networks, 1357

in teams, 1668

Knowledge networkers, characteristics, 126

Knowledge networks:

at Buckman Laboratories, 65, 193

biological analogy, 36

and communities, 634, 170

future shaping through, 2823

in innovation, 16, 35, 247

the Internet as an example, 20

personal, 1357

at Schlumberger, 207

teams as nodes in, 1523

at Teltech resources, 55

Knowledge Online, 45

Knowledge processes, 5962

absorption, 51

auditing, 18990

chaordic, 187 classifying, 194

codifying, 48, 51, 53, 194

conversion, 51, 5960

creating, 76

development, 83, 92

discovery, 7880

elicitation, 71

encapsulation, 51

filtering, 83

gathering, 132

innovation cycle, 601

inventory, 18990

protection, 188

refining, 51, 188

searching, 80

sharing, 48, 49, 57, 64, 192

sharing cycle, 612

systematic vs chaordic, 187

Knowledge repository, 56

electronic forms, 746

enriching, 1912

examples of, 56

as focus of knowledge cycle, 61

as part of organizational memory, 56

Knowledgeshop, 278

Knowledge teams, 14851

principles, 15368

types of, 149

Knowledge ShareFair, 50

Knowledge society, 11

Knowledge steward, 201

Knowledge UpdateTM, 82

KnowledgeViewSM, 92

Knowledge worker, 44

characteristics, 126

motivation, 54, 144

reward and recognition, 203

KONET, 250

Korea, 17

Kozmetsky, George, 2467, 262

Krebs, Valdis, 228

Kumar, Kuldeep, 31

Language Translation, 24

Lapland, community networks, 100

Lattice organization, 14

Leadership, 145

in knowledge-based enterprises, 1803

knowledge leaders vs laggards, 178


cycle, 140

and knowledge management, 54

logs, 141

methods, 202

personal, 1402

styles, 140

in teams, 167

Learning organization:

discussion list, 115

and knowledge management, 46, 54

practices, 202

LearnShare, 213

Legal frameworks, 2512


for ecommerce, 257

for the Internet, 2512

Leidner, Dorothy, 161

Leonard, Allenna, 160

Levers, of knowledge strategy, 179

Lewin, Kurt, 3

Librarians, 62, 83

as intermediaries, 76

Libraries, 193

Linkages, 26, 152

Link2Learn, 250

Links, in networks, 14

Lipnack, Jessica, 14, 36

Lists, email discussion, 115

Livelinks, Open Text, 91

Lloyd, Tom, 44

Local communities, 266

Local government, 2645

Location, of work, 99101

Location independent working, 106

London, 259

London Business School, 130

Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), 280

Lorange, Peter, 225

Lotus Notes, 56, 83, 87

add-ons, 91

Lotus SmartSuite, 91

Lotus TeamRoom, 164

Loud-n-Bow, 21, 108

LTCM (Long Term Capital Management), 280

Luthans, Fred, 144

Lutheran reformation, 11

M&G, 197

McCaw, Craig, 25

Malaysia, 16

Malone, Michael, 199

Management, contrast with leadership, 144

new styles, 144

Management in the 1990s, 22


sources of information, 187

successful vs effective, 144

Manasco, Britton, 182


digital city, 265

HOST, 115, 265


database querying, 78

of knowledge management, 1957

messages, 197

relationship knowledge, 57

yourself as an individual, 143

Market intelligence, 52

Marks & Spencer, 16

Marriott Hotels, 12

Marshall Industries, 105

Massachusetts Innovation Index, 245

Massachusetts Technology Forum, 245

Masuda, Yoneji, 1314, 44

MBA, on-line, 112

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 128

MCC, Austin, 262

McGirk, Tom, 279

McMaster University, 284


of intellectual capital, 19819, 277

of success, 2445

Media, growth of knowledge publications, 44

Medinet, 94


decision support systems for, 856

virtual, 100, 163

Megatrends, 1112


computer, 23

holographic, 24

organizational, 567

team, 1678

Menlo Park, 185

Merck, 35

Mercedes-Benz, 32

Mergers, 10

Message handling, 138

Metcalfe, Bob, 28

Metcalfe’s Law, 28

Microchips, 223

Micropayments, 277

Microsoft, 8, 35, 94

Internet alliances, 228

Microsoft Encarta, 104

Microsoft Office, 91


computer bug, 312

management styles, 144

MindManagerTM, The, 76

Mind maps, 7676

Mind maps, 7

Mission, for teams, 156


and the Internet, 32

role in knowledge management, 203

MIT, Management in the 1990s study, 22

Mobile phones, 25

European leadership, 259

standards, 26

Modelling, 834

Modems, cable, 27

Moderator, in computer conferencing, 1712

Momentum, of knowledge management, 44

Monsanto, 173, 185, 279

KMA (Knowledge Management
Architecture), 181

knowledge management teams at, 182

Moore, Gordon, 22

Moore’s Law, 22, 28

Morita, Akio, 219

Mosaic, Internet browser, 18

Motorola, 25, 213

Motivation, of knowledge workers, 54, 144

M’Pherson, Philip, 199

Multimedia, 24

Mumford, Alan, 140

Muscat, 80

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 128


Naisbitt, John, 11

Nakai, Sonny, 116

NASDAQ, 251, 261

National Council for Competency, Denmark, 249

National Federation of Abstractors and
Information Services, 252

National Information Infrastructure (NII), 247

National government, role in knowledge

economy, 2556, 265

NatWest, 85

Natural language, retrieval, 80

Navigator, Skandia, 1801, 198

NCR, 112

NEC, 66


culture, 168

innovation networks, 16

Kenniscentrum CIBIT, 283

telework awards, 258

Netiquette (network etiquette), 135


Netscape, 228

Network broker, 227

Networked knowledge economy, 7

rules of, 22

Networked organization, 14

Networking, 1416:

human, 15, 1357, 144

computer, 15

peer-to-peer, 17

see also Knowledge networking


analysis, 228

business networks, 217, 2267, 2613

historical context, 3

dynamics of, 4

innovation, 16, 35, 247

links, 1415

nodes, 1415, 152

personal, 1357

utility of, 28

Neural networks, 78

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), 128

New Age Paradigms, 79

New product development, 53, see also Innovation, R&D

NewsEdge, 82

News, customized feeds, 82

NFAIS, 252

NGII (Next Generation Internet Initiative), 247

NII (National Information Infrastructure), 247

Nilles, Jack, 106

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), 128


in networks, 14

teams as, 1534

Nokia, 260

9000 Communicator, 28

Nomadic working, 106

Nonaka, Ikujiro, 44, 47, 5960

Novartis, 57, 191

Nova Scotia, knowledge quotient, 265

OECD, 226, 7

and ecommerce, 257

and jobs, 11

and small businesses, 9


design for knowledge sharing, 108, 1846

utilization, 108

virtual, 10810

Oil drill, smart, 53

Oil industry scenarios, 271

Oil field, Andrew, 113

Oil field modelling, 84

Oil reservoir simulation, 80

OLAP, 78

Olsen, Ken, 15

OMNI, 21

Onge tribe, herbal knowledge, 279


advisory services, 104

databases, 76

information services, 76

marketing, 1035

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 271

Open Text Corporation, 91

Open University, The, 273

O’Reilly Software, 87


flexibility, 2712

responses to environment, 335

structural capital, 58

Organizational compatibility

in virtual corporations, 2236

Organizational culture:

as barrier to knowledge sharing, 66

compatibility in alliances, 2256

diagnostic tool, 2256

for knowledge enterprises, 1835

Organizational infrastructure, for virtual corporation, 2313

Organizational learning, see Learning organization

Organizational memory, 567

in teams, 1678

Organizational structure, 14, 185

as dimension of virtualization, 1023

of interprises, 21415

in virtual corporations, 85

OSI (Open Standards Interface), 20

Ottawa, OECD meeting, 257

Outsourcing, 110

affect on knowledge, 301

Owens-Illinois, 213


selection in intraprises, 21617

contribution to intraprise, 224

Patents, 13, 260, 27980

citation tress, 80

inventive principles, 78

portfolio management at Dow, 58

Payment, online, 18, 277

pbViews, 94

PCs , 23

in the home, 138

for knowledge workers, 1379

packaging, 24

technology trends, 23

PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), 18, 28

Pearse, Keith, 113

Pearl Insurance, 109

Peer-to-peer networking, 17

People, as a focus of knowledge management, 545

Performance, of teams, 14951

Personal communications, 1335

Personal communicators, 18, 28

Personal computers, see PCs

Personal development, 125, 1402

Personal effectiveness, 12931

Personal knowledge, 48

intellectual capital, 1424

Personal learning, 1402

Personal networking, 1357

Personal profiling, 1279

Personal reputation building, 143

Personal values, 1278

Personal workspace, 13940

Personality profiling, 128

Peters, Tom, 3

Pfizer, 35, 281

PG&E, 115

Philips, 16, 128

Philosophers, and knowledge, 44

Phrontis, 230

Pink, Daniel, 9

Pisa University, 115

Pitney Bowes, 131

Plato, 44

Platt, Lew, 89, 192

Pointcast, 83

Policy, see Public policy

Polyani, Michael, 478

Pór, George, 64, 65, 205, 282

Portable computing, 24

Positioning, of knowledge technologies, 72

Post-industrial economy, 7, 11

Practices, knowledge management, 209

Prahaled, C. K., 3

Price Waterhouse, 66

International Business LanguageTM, 194

KnowledgeViewSM, 92

Principles, for knowledge teams, 15368

Problem bank, 190

Problem solving, 55, 65, 84, 92

Problem taxonomy, 194

Processes, knowledge in, 556; see also Business processes, Knowledge processes

Processes, for teams, 15861

Procter & Gamble, 108

Product selection, on-line, 105

Project histories, 206

Project rooms, 86, 192

Proprietary knowledge, 48

Prosperity, role of knowledge, 243

competitiveness, 267

Psychometric tests, 128

Public policy:

financing for knowledge businesses, 251

framework, 246

industrial, 259

information society initiatives, 2526

innovation, 2467, 25963

international agencies, 266

knowledge economy initiatives, 2526

local government, 2645

national government, 2556, 265

roles, 2646

Publishers, rights and responsibilities, 252

Push technology, 82

vs pull, 823, 132

Quality circles, 65

Quality of life, 244

Quaternary industries, 13

QuestMap, 168

RAFI (Rural Advancement Foundation International), 280


knowledge in, 55, 578

with stakeholders, 34

in teams, 1545


collaborative R&D, 63, 110, 220

exploitation, 259, 260

innovation paradox, 260

knowledge management and, 63

knowledge networking in, 35

national investment in, 260

virtualization of, 111

Reciprocity, in networks, 136

Recognition, 50

Recruitment, virtual, 112


of intellectual property, 252

of the Internet, 2512

of knowledge markets, 280


with customers, 21819

knowledge in, 578

in personal networks, 1367

Relationship marketing, 57

Rensselaer Polytechnic, 35

Reputation building, 143

Research, see R&D Resort offices, 106

Retrieval, information, 80

RetrievalWare, 80

Return on investment, intranets, 197


Business Briefing, 82

surveys, 121, 184

Revenue sharing, virtual corporations, 230

Reward systems, 2023

in virtual corporations, 230

Rey, Michael, 173

Rhodes, Jerry, 128

Ricoh, 185

Rinaldi, Arlene, 135

Risk, in virtual corporations, 2367

RoI, intranets, 197


new knowledge, 201

of public policy, 2556, 2646

in teams, 1545

ROMPing (Radical Office Mobility Programme), 109

Roots, of knowledge management, 446

Roos, Johan, 225

Rover Group, 92

RSA, Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry, 34

S.A. Armstrong, 94

Saatchi and Saatchi, 58

SABRE, 4, 54

Samsung, 15, 185

Saqqara, 105

Satellites, 25

Savage, Charles, xvi, 35, 46

SBLN (South Bristol Learning Network), 250, 264, 266

Schlumberger, 65, 2067

ClientLink, 190

SINet, 207

Schoolnet, 250

SchoolNet, 250

Scenario planning, 271, 2734

Scenarios, for knowledge economy, 2812

SciNet, 21314

Scotland, 8

Scottish Enterprise, 279

Search engines, 80

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 281

Segil, Larraine, 217

Self-employment, 910

SemioMap, 79

Sequent Computer Systems, 75

Service industries, 8

Set-top boxes, 18

Shareholder value, 34

Shaw, Thomas, 160

Shell, 34, 114

and Brent Spar, 8

as a learning organization, 46, 55

knowledge communities at, 64

K’MunityTM, 64

longevity, 34

Sibbet, David, 157

Siemens, 34, 185, 194, 260

culture change at, 185

Siena University, 115

Silicon Valley, 11, 203, 247, 251, 256, 261

Silva, Michael, 3, 14

Simulation, 80, 834

Singapore, wired island, 284

Singapore ONE, 284

Skandia, 45, 66, 173, 196

Futures Centre, Vaxholm, 2723

futurizing at, 2723

intellectual capital reports, 196

Navigator, 1801, 198

Skills, for knowledge networkers, 1267

Small businesses, 9

Small world effect, in networks, 36

Smartpatents, 80

Smart products, 12, 534

SmartSkills, 129, 133

SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises), 253

Global Marketplace for, G7 initiative, 255

innovation, 266

teleworking, 258

Smith, Doug, 148

SNA, IBM network protocol, 20

Socrates, 44

Sony Walkman, 219

South Africa, 17

South Bristol Learning Network, 250, 264, 266

Soviet Union, 7


office, design for knowledge sharing, 1856

as a dimension of virtualization, 99101

Space-time grid, 85

Spiders’ web, organizational form, 14

SPSS, 79

Stakeholder relationships, 34, 57

Stamps, Jeffrey, 14, 36

Standards, technology, 26

Stanford Research Institute, 87

Statistical information, 80

Steelcase, 52, 220

Stewart, Tom, 44, 59

Stock markets, 4, 280

Stockholm, 265

Strategic alliances, 215, 224, 2334

Strategic fit, 2224

in virtual corporations, 217

template, 222

Strategy, 34

collaboration, 42

knowledge levers, 52

shapers of, 42

Structural capital, 58, 142

Structured dialogue, 15960

Structures, see Organizational structures

Success factors:

computer conferencing, 1635

innovation, 345

personal effectiveness, 12931

knowledge management programmes, 178, 208

virtual corporations, 235

virtual knowledge teams, 169

Success, measures of, 2445

Sun Alliance, 78

Sun Microsystems, 66, 185

Sunshine operations, 102

Supply chain, 4, 5

Sveiby, Karl Erik, 44, 58, 173, 199

Sweden, 244

Swiss Bank Corporation, 84

Switzerland, 259

Systems dynamics, 83

Tacit knowledge, 478

knowledge repository and, 1912

management, 187, 1912

in processes, 55

Taiwan, 16

Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 47, 5960

Tampoe, Martin, 144

Task planning, in teams, 156

Taxation, on the Internet, 251

Taxonomy, 194

TDMA, 26

Team, teams:

building, 1578

commitment in, 1556

communications, 15860

composition, 1535

computer conferencing, 1635

contrasted with communities, 170

contrasted with groups, 1489, 170

culture, 1689

development, 157, 1689

effectiveness of, 14952

global, 1689

goal setting, 156

high performance teams, 14951

identity, 156

importance of, 1489

information and communications
technologies, 1626

innovation, 39

knowledge, 54, 1668

knowledge management in, 1668

knowledge management teams, 1812

learning in, 167

memory, 1678

mission of, 156

as nodes in knowledge networks, 1523

norms, 156

performance model, 157

performance, sustaining, 1689

players, characteristics, 1512

principles, 15368

processes, 15861

roles and relationships, 617, 1545

self-managed, xiii, 149

task planning, 156

technologies for, 1626

trust in, 1601

types of, 149

values, 156

vision, 156

virtual, 11213, 159, 16970

Team Performance Model, Drexel/Sibbet, 157

Teams Role Model, Belbin, 1545

TeamRoom, Lotus, 164

Team Syntegrity, 160

Technology, see Information and
communications technologies

Technology transfer, 2612

Technopoles, 2612

TELDET, 1078

Telecommunications, 257

bandwidth, 267

broadband networks, 248

convergence with computers, 278

deregulation, 25, 258

digitalization of , 26

fibre optic cables, 26

Internet telephony, 28

local loop, 26, 27

price reductions, 25

satellite systems, 25

standards, 26

subscribers, 25

trends, 256

Telecentres, 106

Telecottages, 21, 106

Telecommuting, 106

Teledesic, 25

Telephones, 137

mobile, 25

DECT, 25

Telepresence, 100


digital, 28

for Web access, 18

Teleworkers, 101, 107

Teleworking, 21, 10610

benefits, 1067

European Telework Week (ETW), 258

initiatives, 258

productivity, 107

public policy, 258

types of, 106

Teleworx, magazine, 102

Teltech Resources, 55, 195

Template, for strategic fit, 223

Terminator technology, 279

Tetrapak Converting Technologies, 64


Austin, 246, 247, 251, 262

IC2 Institute at University of, 246, 262

Internet tax, 251

Texas Instruments, 50

TI-BEST Programme, 50

Text mining, 79

Text retrieval, 803

using intelligent agents, 82

Text summarizing, 79

Thame, Sue, 128

Thesaurus, 194

Thinking Intentions Profile (TIP), 1289

Thinking styles, 1289

Thomas Miller & Co, 45, 57, 66, 88


Times 1000, 3


as dimension of communications, 90, 133

as dimension of virtualization, 1012

displacement, 1012

management, 1301

speed, 2212


of knowledge management, 44

personal planning tool, 127

Tips, see Check lists

Toffler, Alvin, 38

Tollet, Lars, 116

Tomorrow’s Company Inquiry, 34

Torp, Niels, 186

Toshiba, 57

Total Quality Management (TQM), 5, 43, 285

at Texas Instruments, 50

Toyota, 16

Toys ‘R Us, 16

TQM, see Total Quality Management

Transatlantic Business Club, 251

Trend Monitor International, xvi


computing, 235

in knowledge management, 274, 276

megatrends, 1112

telecommunications, 256

Triumph, 3


in personal networks, 136

in teams, 1601

in virtual corporations, 232, 236

Trust Group, The, 236

Turing, Alan, 71

Tuscany Hi-Tech Network, 115

Ubique, 91

UK, 251, 254

competitiveness white paper, 256

culture, 168

Department of Trade and Industry, 256

financial derivatives trading, 280

industry structure, 89

national initiatives, 2546

UMTS, 26

Unichema, 10, 45

Unilever, 10, 105

Universities, corporate, 202

Universitas, Aqua, 202

USA, 17, 254, 256

culture, 168

Department of Agriculture, 280

Department of Defense (DoD), 17

economy, 8, 13

electronic commerce, principles for, 257

employment, 9

exports, 13

Freedom of Information Act, 251

Internet legislation, 251

Link2Learn, 250

migration of work, 16

NGII (Next Generation Internet Initiative), 247

NII (National Information Infrastructure), 247

trade in high technology, 260

US Army, 284

Utility, in networks, 28

Vaxholm, Skandia Futures Centre, 272


adding to information, 196

in intangibles, 13

in intellectual capital, 19, 58

knowledge, 29, 197

proposition, 198

for shareholders, 34

Value chain, of knowledge, 734


personal, 1278

team, 156

Venezuela, 25

Venture capital, 251

Verity Personal, 132

Videoconferencing, 867, 101, 159

at Ford, 159

at BP, 113

guidelines for effectiveness, 1656

Virtual Communications Space (VCS), 222

Virtual communities, 21, 11416

Virtual consulting, 278

Virtual corporations, 20, 21 , 11012

changing participants in, 231

contracts, 229

creating, 2269

framework, 217

guidelines, 235

infrastructures, 22935

revenue sharing in, 230

risk minimization, 2367

selecting partners, 21617

structures, 21415

success factors, 235

Virtual Distribution Space (VDS), 222

Virtual education, 222

Virtual factory, 111

Virtual Information Markets (VIM), 222

Virtual Information Space (VIS), 222

Virtual Knowledge Markets (VKM), 2213, 2778

Virtual meetings, 100

Virtual offices, 21, 10810

Virtual Office, The, 109

Virtual organizations, see Virtual corporations

Virtual products and services, 21, 1035

Virtual reality, 24

Virtual recruitment, 112

Virtual research, 111

Virtual teams, teaming, 21, 11213, 16970

communications in, 15860

at BP, 91, 113

at Ford, 159

knowledge in, 16668

principles of, 15368

Virtual Transaction Space (VTS), 222

Virtual working, see Teleworking

Virtualization, 202

benefits, 20

in business operations, 100

dimensions of, 99

in manufacturing, 111

opportunities, 117

in products and services, 1035, 222

in R&D, 87, 100, 111

recipes, 103

threats, 117


in knowledge-based enterprises, 1802

in teams, 156

Visual frameworks, 181

Visualization, 79

Voice messaging, 28

Voice recognition technology, 24

Voicemail, 101

Wal-Mart, 16

Ward, Arian, 173

Warner-Lambert, 213

Watt, steam engine, 11

Wealth creation, 267

Web see WWW (World Wide Web)

WebBoard, 87

Web conferencing, 87

WEF (Word Economic Forum), 2445, 277

Weightless economy, 13

WELL, The, 11415

Wenger, Etienne, 173

Whirlpool, virtual teaming at, 112

Whiteboards, 86

electronic, 87

Wiele, Bob, 133

Willard, Nick, 189

Willcocks, Leslie, 31

Wissema, J. G., 16

Wisdom, in knowledge hierarchy, 47

Wit, a unit of knowledge, 46

Wolf, Michael, 84

Wolstenholme, Eric, 83


employment, 910

environment, 13940

jobs, demise of, 9

profiling, 130

self-employment, 910

Workflow software, 56


personal, 13940

design of, 1856

World Bank, The, 2434, 266

World Development Report, 244

World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2445, 248, 277

World Economic Forum (WEF), 2445, 248, 277

World Trade Organization (WTO), 25, 266

Worm-hole, at NCR, 112

WWW (World Wide Web), 18, 28

conferencing, 87

as an intranet, 111

vs online databases, 76

WTO (World Trade Organization), 25, 266

Wyllie, Jan, xvi, 13

X-ray lithography, 23

Xerox, 2

and communities of practice, 64

computer products web pages, 105

visualization software, 80

Xsite, 228

Yahoo!, 80

Yale School of Management, 17

Yellow Pages, 57, 181, 191

Yugoslavia, 7

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