
images  A

Android ADK

    ADK demo kit

    Arduino IDE (see Arduino IDE)


    framework completion

        ADK monitor layout


        android:inputType flag


        BufferData class

        clearScreen and SendData functions

        data-handling function

        EditText box

        handleMessage function



        new and edited functions,

        new function

        openAccessory function

        registerUIobjects function

        run function

        Runnable class

        serial monitor

        strings.xml file

        write function

    known working devices


    and SPI

Android sensor networks

    Android application


        ChartFactory and GraphicalView

        clearScreen function

        incoming data handler function

        main.xml file

        refreshChart function

        registerUIobjects function

        RES folder


        SetupGraph function

        strings.xml file


        SyncData function

        XYSeries variable



        AT command response

        CheckForIncoming function

        data logger and ADK handler

        data logging

        isConnected function

        loop function

        reply packet

        SD buffer

        WaitForReply function


        frame ID

        Graph visualization

        incoming data


        switch statement



        WaitForReply function

    setting up

        information collection

        ReadWrite sketch

        sensor log node

        sensor’s resolution

        simple sensor network


    analog sensors


        LadyADA temperature sensor reader code


        RC low-pass filter

        TMP35 temperature sensor code

    ATmega 328P

    ATtiny family

        Atmel family

        ATtiny 84/44/24

        ATtiny 85/45/25

        ATtiny 4313 and 2313

        Burn Bootloader option

        Google Code project

        Tools menu



    code verification

    coin-op games


    digital sensors

        code verification

        gray code See (see Gray code)



    Expanding on the Idea


        code change

        code verification


        Arduino circuit

        arduinoLoop() function

        arduinoSetup() function

        class function prototypes

        code verification

        I2C functionality

        on-the-fly configurations



        testing application

    game development See (see Game development)

    I2C communication method

        code verification


        simulated sensor code

        SRF10 Ultrasonic Ranger Finder

        TWAR register

        TWCR register

        TWDR register

        TWSR register

    in-system programmer


    low-cost chip


    medal games

    merchandisers-style games

    MPIDE and chipKIT PIC32

        built-in features

        Digilent chipKIT Uno32

        home page

        IR object detection

        logic level converter

        PIC32 MCUs

        power up

        pull-up resistor

        SPI library

        Uno32 IR LED sensor


        key constants

        reference, class functions

    physical models

    redemption games


    secret knock box

        ATtiny Servo

        checkServo() function

        circuit diagram



        knock interval


        move-servo code


        SecretKnock object


    serial functions

    serial sensors

    sets up coding



Arduino 1.0.4 core changes

    API Core 1.0.4 See (see API Core 1.0.4)

    API updates


        Return types


    board updates and USB

        Avrdude update

        AVR ISP

        AVRISP mkII



        Leonardo board

        Parallel programmer

        types and naming



        variants files

        variant types and naming



Arduino IDE

    ADB functions

    ADB Wireless

    Android ADK application

        accessory_filter.xml file


        code languages

        code verification

        event-driven GUI development







    Android application creation

        Activity-creation options

        Activity name and layout options

        ADK blink

        API level setting

        application logo



        Eclipse’s New Project dialog


        New Android App dialog

        Run As options

    Arduino sketch

        AndroidAccessory object

        Arduino-to-Android configuration

        Circuits@Home libraries

        connection code

        isConnected function

        refresh function

        tracking and debugging

    development environment

    Eclipse IDE



Arduino libraries

    vs. Arduino sketches



        HelloLibrary cpp implementation file


        HelloLibrarySketch.ino sketch

        “Hello World” programs

        position struct

        SimpleHello, New Tab option

        starter sketch code



    folder anatomy

        directory structure

        “import library” menu



        license file

        reference code

    hardware profile

    motor library

        motor controller code

        motor controller header file

        motor controller main sketch

        3 pins


    and object conventions

        begin() function




        DS1631 I2C main sketch

        DS1631 temperature sensors

        getTempC() and getTempF() function

        I2C communication protocol

        I2C slave device

        internal commands

        setup() function

        Wire function


    preprocessing scans


Arduino Test Suite

    Arduino Constants


    ATS_General test

    ATS_PrintTestStatus() function

    built-in tests





        Bare-Bones Test


    hardware configuration


        begin() function

        end() function

        master-and-slave device

        Pro Arduino website

        setBitOrder() Test

        setClockDivider() Test

        setDataMode() Test

        SPI.h attachInterrupt Code

        SPI master-slave wiring




    mega pin layout

    memory testing

    Minimal Test Sketch

    result format

        information data

        Nose testing library


        test-naming structure

        test status options


        xUnit test structure

    serial monitor format

    sketch library folder

    standard sketch structure

    test skeleton


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Social coding



        create pages


        Github wiki


        using Markdown

    qissue management

        connect version control with issue management


        with Github

        issue tracking process


    project description

    version code control

        creating own project

        forking another project


        install Git


        work process

images  U, V

images  W

images  X, Y, Z


    API mode


        module configuration

        packet construction

        sending commands

        sending data

    Arduino data echo

        AT command packets

        calcChecksum function

        checksum calculation

        error checking

        loop captures

        processPacket function

        serial monitor

        switch statement


        X-CTU COM setting

    endpoint firmware

        Arduino dual-direction communication with sleep mode communications


        HELLO packet

        sleep configuration types



    packet reference

    reply packets


        mesh networking

        proprietary Digi mesh

        WiFi module


    transparent (AT command) mode

        Arduino setup

        code verification

        module configuration


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