Make Your Own Board

Teams are responsible for their own boards. It doesn’t matter if you use an iteration-based agile approach or a flow-based agile approach; create a board that matches your needs.

If you have several projects underway and your team is supposed to make progress on all of them, consider a kanban board with WIP limits. You will need to see how many items you can have in progress for your team. If your team addresses production support issues, consider adding an urgent queue to your board.

If your team has people in many time zones, you might need to see where the work is to see the state of everything in progress. I recommend your team use a kanban board with WIP limits, so no one gets too far ahead or behind.

As you start to use an agile approach, notice the kind of work you have and what flows easily through your team. Especially notice if you have bottlenecks and adjust your board to make those bottlenecks visible.

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