List of Tables

Chapter 1. Introducing Android

Table 1.1. Commonly employed URIs in Android

Chapter 3. User interfaces

Table 3.1. Android Activity main lifecycle methods and their purpose

Table 3.2. A subset of methods in the base Android View API

Table 3.3. More View methods for the TextView subclass

Chapter 4. Intents and Services

Table 4.1. Intent elements and descriptions

Table 4.2. Common Android application Intent action and Uri combinations

Table 4.3. Methods for broadcasting intents

Table 4.4. Broadcast actions provided by the Android platform

Table 4.5. Android IDL allowed types

Chapter 5. Storing and retrieving data

Table 5.1. ContentProvider URI variations for different purposes

Chapter 7. Telephony

Table 7.1. Phone-related manifest permissions and their purpose

Table 7.2. SMS-related manifest permissions and their purpose

Chapter 8. Notifications and alarms

Table 8.1. Notification fields

Table 8.2. AlarmManager public methods

Table 8.3. AlarmManager Alarm types

Chapter 9. Graphics and animation

Table 9.1. OpenGL primitives and their descriptions

Table 9.2. Flags for determining how values in the depth buffer are compared

Table 9.3. Parameters for the gluPerspective function

Chapter 11. Location, location, location

Table 11.1. Example coordinates for the emulator to set using the DDMS tool

Table 11.2. Methods for obtaining a LocationProvider reference

Chapter 12. Putting Android to work in a field service application

Table 12.1. Source files used to implement the field service application

Table 12.2. Resource files used in the sample application

Table 12.3. Server-side source code

Chapter 13. Building Android applications in C

Table 13.1. Linker options

Chapter 14. Bluetooth and sensors

Table 14.1. Bluetooth classes

Table 14.2. Sensor-related classes

Table 14.3. Android’s common sensors

Table 14.4. SensorEvent’s fields

Chapter 15. Integration

Table 15.1. Raw contacts including duplicates from multiple accounts

Table 15.2. The contacts table holds minimal information about each contact.

Table 15.3. The data table holds extended information for contacts.

Chapter 16. Android web development

Table 16.1. Viewport meta tag options

Table 16.2. Overriding browser behavior

Chapter 17. AppWidgets

Table 17.1. Various AppWidget deployment patterns

Table 17.2. File listing for this project

Table 17.3. Inventory of AppWidgetProvider methods

Chapter 18. Localization

Table 18.1. List of strings.xml files

Table 18.2. Helpful classes for localized applications

Chapter 19. Android Native Development Kit

Table 19.1. Build steps for an NDK library

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