11.2.2 The proof of Harrington’s Theorem

We follow the presentation of Hjorth [50]. By Theorem 2.6.5, for any recursive ordinal βω, there is an nimage such that |n|= β and the set {m | m <o n} is recursive. We choose such an ordinal β and the corresponding n.

For each m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n, let {ij, m}j<ω be a sequence of numbers such that

i0, m = Φk(m)


ij+1, m = Φk(m + j + 1).

By the proof of Theorem 2.6.5, we may assume that mij, m < ij+1, m for all j. Clearly the set {(ij, m, j, m) | (∃k)(m = 3 ⋅ 5km <o n ∧ jω)} is recursive.

Lemma 11.2.7.

(i)For any m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n and image

(ii)for any l <o n, the set {m | (∃k)(i0, m <o l <o m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n)} is finite;

(iii)the set {(m, l) | (∃k)(i0, m <o l <o m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n)} is recursive;

(iv)if m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n and |m|= limi→∞ βi where {βi} is an increasing sequence of limit ordinals, then for any i there is an m'' = 3 ⋅ 5k'' <o m with |m''|> βi such that for any m' = 3 ⋅ 5k' <o m with |m'|>|m''|, we have |i0, m' |>|m''|.

Proof. (i) is immediate. (ii) is true since for any number l, there are only finitely many ml such that l <o m <o n. (iii) is true since <o is a recursive relation over the recursive set {i | i <o n}.

We prove (iv). If m = 3 ⋅ 5k <o n and |m|= limi→∞ βi where {βi} is an increasing sequence of limit ordinals, then for any i there is an m'' = 3 ⋅ 5k'' <o m with |m''|> βi such that whenever m' = 3 ⋅ 5k' <o m with |m'|>|m''|, we have m' > m''. Hence |i0, m' |>|m''|.

The main difficulty with extending Theorem 11.2.2 to arbitrary levels of recursive ordinals concerns coding at limit ordinal stage. Here, as in the proof of Theorem 11.2.2, at each successor stage one attempts to carry out a stepdown construction that codes information computed at a limit level. There is no difficulty dealing with only one limit ordinal. With more than one limit ordinal, one of them has to be chosen for coding. Lemma 11.2.7 allows the use of nice sequences in the approximation of limit ordinals to facilitate the choice.

For convenience, in the rest of this section let |n|= β and identify each natural number ≤o n with the ordinal β < β of which it is an ordinal notation. In particular, we use λ for natural numbers which are ordinal notations of limit ordinals. Also βj, λ = |ij, m| for λ = |m|. We write image(β) and x(β) for Hi and image where |i| = β. Finally, β+ is identified with 2k where |k|= β.

For βo n, let

Λ(β) = {λ | β <o λ ∧ (∃jω)(βj, λo β)}.

Note that by Lemma 11.2.7, Λ(β) is finite for any βo n. Hence the following is well defined:

j(β) = max ({0}∪{j | (∃λΛ(β))(βj, λo β)}).

For each aω, define the following function “specialized” to ω a:



pa(T) = {pa(σ) | σT},



For β <o γ ≤o β, let

(β, γ]= {δ | β <o δ ≤o γ}.

Clearly if βo < γo < δ, then p(β, δ] = p(β,γ]p(γ, δ]. As in the previous section, there is a recursive tree Tβ × ω<ω such that T(β) = {σ | (β, σ) ∈ T} contains exactly one path image (β). Let

Tβ = {σ | (∀β)(∃i)(∃τ)(σ(β, i) defined →((β, τ) ∈ T ∧ (∀j)(σ(〈β, j〉) = τ(j))))}.

Hence Tβ∞ codes T as a single tree. For βo β, let yβ be a real such that

(∀i, j, k)(yβ(〈i, j〉) = kio β ∧ image(|i|)(j) = k).

Note that there are constants d0, d1 such that yβT image (β) via (d0, d1). We build a system consisting of a uniform sequence of r. E. trees image functions {ψγ, β}βoγ ≤ and onstants {ci}i ≤ 3 such that


Suppose that we have the sequence of trees as above. By (4) and (5), for every ximage, one concludes by an induction on βo β that


It would appear that the requirement set by (2) on Tβωj(β) × ωj(β) is a problem since too many nodes from Tλ, for λΛ(β), are put into it. However, the following lemma says that Tβωj(β) × ωj(β) is an orderly structure due to Lemma 11.2.7 (iv).

Lemma 11.2.8. Suppose that λΛ(β) with βj, λo β for some j. Then (σ, τ) ∈ Tβωj × ωj if and only if there exists a (σ, image) ∈ Tλ such that p(β, λ] (image) = τ.

Proof. Suppose not. Then there is a λΛ(β), a j with βj, λβ such that for some (σ, τ) ∈ Tβωj × ωj, there is no (σ, image) ∈ Tλ with p(β, λ] (image) = τ.

By (2), there is a λ1Λ(β) with βj1, λ1o β such that jj1 and for some (σ, image1) ∈ Tλ1ωj × ωj, one has p(β, λ1] (image1) = τ.

We claim that λ1 <o λ. Otherwise, λ <o λ1 and so βj1, λ1o β <o λ <o λ1. In other words, λ1Λ(λ). By applying (2) to λ, (σ, p(λ, λ1] (image1)) ∈ Tλ. Then


a contradiction.

Hence λΛ(λ1). Note that there is no (σ, image) ∈ Tλωj × ωj such that p(α, λ] (image) = image1. Repeating the above process upon replacing β and (σ, τ) with λ1 and (σ, image1) respectively, we see that there is a λ2Λ(λ1) and βj2, λ2o λ1 <o λ2 such that λ2 <o λ, image It follows that there is an increasing sequence of limit ordinals λ1 <o λ2 <o … <o λ such that βj, λ <o λi for every iω, contradicting Lemma 11.2.7 (iv).

For γ ≥o β, define a map ψγ, β : Tγ0image by induction on βo β. If β = 0, then ψ0,0 is the identity map. In the following, ψβ, β is always the identity map.

If γ+ >o β, then image

If λ is a limit ordinal, then for j such that βo βj, λ <o λ and σT0λωj, we have σTβj0 by (2) and Lemma 11.2.8. Define ψλ, β(σ) = ψβj, λ, β(σ).

Note that in the case β = βj, λ, we have ψλ, β(σ) = ψβj, λ, β(σ) = σ. We show that ψλ, β is well-defined.

Lemma 11.2.9. Let δo β,

(i)If βo δ, then ψδ, β is well defined.

(ii)For βo β1o δ, ψδ, β = ψβ1, βψδ, β1.

(iii)For image Moreover, |ψδ, β(σ) | ≥ |σ|.

(iv)There is a recursive function g such that for each image

Proof. We prove (i) and (ii) simultaneously by induction on δ. By the definition of ψδ, β, the only nontrivial case is when δ = λ for some limit ordinal λ.

For (i), fix a β <o λ and βo βj0, λ <o βj1, λ <o λ for j0 < j1. Suppose that σT0λωj0 and j0 is used to define ψλ, β(σ). By (2) and Lemma 11.2.8, image Note that for any γ with βj0, λ <o γ ≤o λ, we have λΛ(γ) and j(γ) ≥ j0. By(6) and an induction on γ in (βj0, λ, λ], ψγ, βj0, λ (σ) = σ. By the same argument, for γ in (βj1, λ, λ], we have ψγ, βj1, λ (σ) = σ. Hence by induction on β, ψλ, β(σ) = ψβj0, λ, β(σ) = ψβj0, λ, β(ψλ, βj0, λ (σ)) = ψβj0, λ, β(ψβj1, λ, βj0, λ (ψλ, βj1, λ (σ))) = ψβj1, λ, β(ψλ, βj1, λ (σ)) = ψβj1, λ, β(σ). Thus ψδ, β is well defined.

For (ii), given σ let j be such that |σ|< j and βo β1 <o βj, λo λ. Then ψλ, βj, λ (σ) = σ. By the definition of ψλ, βj, λ, ψλ, β(σ) = ψβj, λ, β(σ). Then by induction, ψβj, β(σ) = ψβ1, β(ψβj, λ, β1(σ)).

We obtain (iii) by using (5i) and (5ii) and an induction on β. Finally, (iv) follows from (3).

If x ∈ [image], let ψδ, β(x) = ∪mωψδ, β(xm). By Lemma 11.2.9 (iii), ψδ, β is well defined.

Lemma 11.2.10. For any βo γ ≤ βγ, β : [T0γ]→[image] is a homeomorphism.

Proof. This is proved by induction on γ. First, (5) implies that the only nontrivial case is when γ = λ, a limit ordinal.

For x ∈ [image] and mω, let jm > m be chosen such that βjm, λ > β. Byinduction, there is a unique zm ∈ [Tβj, λ ] such that ψβjm, λ, β(zm) = x. By Lemma 11.2.9 (iii), ψβjm, λ, β(zmm)⪰ xm. Let σm = zmm. By (ii) and (iii) of Lemma 11.2.9, there is a z = ∪mσm. Since jm > m, we have σmTλ for every m. Hence z ∈ [image]. More over, image Thus image In other words, ψ is onto.

Now suppose that x0, x1 ∈ [image], x0n0 = x1n0 = σ, x0σk0, x1σk1 for some k0 ≠ k1. Let j >|σ|+ 1besuchthat βj, λ > β. Then ψλ, βj, λ (x0 ↾|σ|+ 1) = x0 ↾ |σ|+ 1 ≠ x1 ↾|σ|+ 1 = ψλ, βj, λ (x1 ↾|σ|+ 1). By induction, ψβj, λ, β(y0) ≠ ψβj, λ, β(y1) for any y0x0 ↾|σ|+ 1 and y1x1 ↾|σ|+ 1. By Lemma 11.2.9 (ii), ψλ, β(x0) ≠ ψλ, α(x1).

Hence for γ = λ, ψγ, β is a bijection between [T0γ] and [image]. Clearly both ψγ, β and ψ−1γ, β are continuous. Hence ψγ, β is a homeomorphism.

By (3), image is a recursive tree. By the Recursion Theorem, one may assume that there is already a system satisfying (1)–(6). We define Tβ from Tβ+ . Let


be a recursive tree. Recursively compute j(β).

For σωj(β), let ̂T0β+, σ be a image(β)-recursive tree obtained from Lemma 11.2.5 upon replacing T with {τ | στT0β+} and x with image (β). Relativizing Lemma 11.2.6 to image (β) (replacing T0 with ̂T0β+, σ), we have a image (β)-recursive homeomorphism ψσ : ̂T0β+, σT0β, σ where T0β, σ is T1 in Lemma 11.2.6. Define image to be a image(β)-recursive tree such that τimage if and only if either

image for some λΛ(β), or


Define ψβ+, βT image(β+) : Tβ+0image such that

if image and image

otherwise, let τ =(τj(β))τ'. Define ψβ +, α (τ) = τj(β)ψτj(β)(τ' ⊕ (h0(β) ↾|τ'|)).

Hence for any ximage,


Note that image = Φdyβ (see (3)) for some d which is independent of β. Define Tβ such that (σ, τ) ∈ Tβ if and only if either

there exists a (σ, image) ∈ Tλωj(β) × ωj(β) for some λΛ(β) such that τ = p(β, λ]( image), or

there is a τ' image τ so that τ'Tβ1, Φdτ' (σ)[|τ'|] = 1 and (σj(β), image'j(β)) ∈ Tλ for< some λΛ(β) and image' such that τ' = p(β, λ] (image').

Then the tree Tβ is as required. Since the construction is uniform, the rest of (1)–(6) follow. This completes the proof of Theorem 11.2.2.

By image-boundedness, we have the following generalization:

Corollary 11.2.11 (Harrington). There is an uncountableimage-set A such that for any recursive ordinal β and image

Proof. Suppose not. Let Bω × ω<ω be arithmetical such that {[Be]}e<ω, where Be = {σω<ω | (e, σ) ∈ B)}, isarecursivelistofall image-subsets of ωω. Let O ⊆ O be as defined in Theorem 2.6.5.

Recall that the system satisfying (1)–(6) was obtained by fixing an ordinal notation n with |n|≥ ω. Let e0 be such that |3 ⋅ 5e0|= ω. Define a image-relation Rω × ω such that


Then by Theorem 4.2.1 and the assumption, there is a total image, hence image, uniformizing function f : ωO for R. Let I = {e ||[Be]| > ℵ0}. By Theorem 1.1.10, I is image. By Corollary 1.5.2, there is an nO such that for all m ∈ {f(e) | eI}, we have m <o n and that contradicts the proof above.

Hence there is an eI such that Be = image and a system satisfying (1)–(6) exists for each nO where |n|≥ ω. By the proof above, image

11.2.3 Exercises

Exercise 11.2.1. Prove that in Theorem 11.2.1, the set A may be chosen to be a subset of 2ω.

Exercise 11.2.2. (Harrington). There is a image-path through O such that the only hyper-arithmetic reals recursive in it are recursive.

Exercise 11.2.3. (Harrington). Prove that for any recursive ordinal β < ω1CK, there are two image-singletons x and y in 2ω such that image

Exercise 11.2.4. (Harrington). Prove that there is a transitive model N of KP such that N ⊩ ”Not every image-real is hyperarithmetic”.

11.3 Perfect sets in L

11.3.1 A question of Prikry

In [98], Prikry posed the following question.

Question 11.3.1. Suppose that there is a nonconstructible real. Does every perfect set contain a nonconstructible real?

Friedman [29] also raised a question related to Question 11.3.1:

Question 11.3.2. Suppose that there is a nonconstructible real. Is image

By Theorem 1.1.10, a positive answer to Question 11.3.1 would imply a negative solution to Question 11.3.2. The latter was given a negative solution by Velickovic and Woodin:

Theorem 11.3.3. (Velickovic and Woodin [166]). If the set of constructible reals is image, then either (ω1)L is countable or every real is constructible.

On the other hand, Question 11.3.1 was answered positively by Groszek and Slaman [41] and the solution is discussed in the next section.

Theorem 11.3.4. If there is a perfect set A ⊆(2ω)L, then every real is constructible.

11.3.2 The proof of Theorem 11.3.4

Given a tree T ⊆ 2<ω, aset A ⊆ 2ω is dense in T if for any σT, [σ] ∩ [T] ∩ A ≠ image. Areal x ∈ [T] is eventually constant in T if there is an n such that x is the leftmost or rightmost infinite path in [xn] ∩ [T].

Lemma 11.3.5. Let T be a perfect tree. Suppose that {gi}i<ωL contains a dense subset of T no member of which is eventually constant in T. Then for any z, there exist x, y ∈ [T] such that xy ⊕ (⊕i<ωgi) ≥T Z.

Assume Lemma 11.3.5. Let T be a perfect tree such that [T]⊆ L. Then (ω1)L = ω1. Select a countable sequence {xi}i<ω from [T] which is dense and such that no xi is eventually constant. Since (ω1)L = ω1, there is an xL such that xi <L x for each i < ω. Let {gi}i<ω be an enumeration of the set {x | x <L x}. Notethat {gi}i<ω belongs to L. By Lemma 11.3.5, for each z there exist x, y ∈ [T], and hence in L, such that xy ⊕ (⊕iωgi) ≥T Z. Thus zL.

The idea of the proof is as follows. Suppose z is a given real, T is perfect and {gi}i<ωL is a sequence with a subset dense in T no element of which is eventually constant in T. We define x ∈ [T] and an index function hx : ωω such that for each i, ghx(i) is a path through T that is not eventually constant in T. Theset x agrees with ghx(i) on longer and longer initial segments as i increases„ and z is coded into x and {ghx(i)}i<ω so that z(i) is the value of x at the first place where x differs from ghx(i). Itis easy to see that zT x ⊕ hx ⊕ (⊕i<ωgi). There is no problem to recursively define such an x and hx.

The challenge is to decode hx. This is handled by defining another real y ∈ [T] such that hxT x⊕y⊕ (⊕i<ωgi). To achieve this, we define an additional index function hy : ωω with the same properties (except that z is not coded here), in such a way that hx and hy can be computed from x, y and ⊕i<ωgi.

Proof of Lemma 11.3.5. We now describe the construction of the sets x, y and functions hx, hy.

Stage 0. Let σ0 and τ0 be the first splitting node of T extending its root, i. e. a splitting node of T such that every node in T extends either σ0 or τ0. Let hx(0) be the least i such that gi ∈ [σ0z(0)] ∩ [T], andlet hy(0) be the least j such that gj ∈ [τ0] ∩ T.

Stage n + 1. Assume by induction hypothesis that σn and τn are splitting nodes in T, andthat σnz(n)≺ ghx(n) and τnghy(n).

Substage (a). Define j0 to be the least index j so that gj ∈ [σn(1 − z(n))] ∩ [T] is not eventually constant. Let m0 be the least m >|τn| so that gi ↾ m ≠ gj0m for every i < j0. Let m1 be the least m > m0 such that ghy(n)m is a splitting node in T. Let τ' = ghy(n)m1(1 − ghy(n)(m1)). Then gim1gj0m1 for i < j0 and m1 is the least m such that τ'(m) ≠ ghy(n)(m).

Substage (b). Let j1 be the least j such that gj ∈ [τ'] ∩ [T]. Let m2 be the least m such that for any i < j1, gi ↾ m ≠ gj1m. Since gj0 is noteventuallyconstant, we may choose m3 to be the least m > m2 such that gj0m is a splitting node in T and gj0gj0m3z(n + 1). Then gim3gj1m3 for i < j1. Let σn+1 = gj0m3, τn+1 = gj1m3, hx(n + 1) = j0 and hy(n + 1) = j1.

Let image This completes the construction.

The construction ensures that for every n, hx(n + 1) is the least i such that gim1 = xm1 where m1 is the least m satisfying y(m) ≠ ghy(n)(m). Also, hy(n + 1) is the least i such that gim3 = ym3 where m3 is the least m such that x(m) ≠ ghx(n+1)(m). Hence hxhyT x ⊕ y ⊕ (⊕i<ωgi), giving zT x ⊕ y ⊕ (⊕iωgi).

11.3.3 Exercises

Exercise 11.3.1. Prove that Lemma 11.3.5 remains true without the condition “no element is eventually constant in T”.

*Exercise 11.3.2 (Harrington). Prove that for any image-set A ⊆ 2ω which is not thin, A contains a hyperarithmetically pointed perfect tree T, i. e. T ≤ h x for every x ∈ [T].

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