

Based on what you’ve learned about the Code First Workflow so far, are the following statements true or false?

T        F

____  ____  In the concrete DbContext class, the entity sets are represented using List<T> (List(Of T) in Visual Basic).


____  ____  It’s customary to separate the classes that represent entities from the class that represents the context into separate projects.


____  ____  You don’t need to add a connection string to the App.config file if you’re using SQLExpress and you want Entity Framework to create a database for you.


____  ____  The project that defines the entity classes requires the Entity Framework NuGet package.


____  ____  The Code-First Workflow doesn’t require use of the Entity Model Designer or its associated wizards or T4 templates.


____  ____  Most real Entity Framework applications require more than one project.

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