Ivalidatable object

Custom validation attributes are convenient if you want to reuse validation code for multiple properties. They can even be used for type-level validation (which doesn’t make sense for the other validation attributes). But the DbContext also offers an alternative: the IValidatableObject interface, which can be implemented on your classes.

The IValidatableObject interface has a single method, Validate(), which takes a ValidationObject parameter and returns an IEnumerable<ValidationError> result:


public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)


Public Function Validate(ByVal validationContext As ValidationContext)
      As IEnumerable(Of ValidationResult)
      Implements IValidatableObjectValidate

Within the Validate() method, you perform your tests and, if the object fails, add a ValidationResult to the response. In Visual Basic this is done by adding each result to a List(Of ValidationResult), as shown opposite, while in C# it’s customary to use the yield statement, as shown below:


public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
 MyClass obj = validationContext.ObjectInstance;
 if (property is not valid)
      yield return
      new ValidationResult("message", new string[] { "Property" });
 if (some other property is not valid)
   yield return
      new ValidationResult("message", new string[] {"Other Property"});


Public Function Validate(ByVal validationContext As ValidationContext)
  As IEnumerable(Of ValidationResult)
  Implements IValidatableObject.Validate

 Dim results = New List(Of ValidationResult)
 Dim obj = validationContext.ObjectInstance

 If (property is not valid)
  result.Add(New ValidationResult("message", New String() {"Property"}))
 End If
 If (some other property is not valid)
  result.Add(New ValidationResult("message", New String() {"Other Property"}))
 End If

  Return result
End Function

Image Put On Your Thinking Hat

Ready to give it a try? Write a Validate() method for the RecipeIngredient class that checks that the Amount property is a positive number and only the IngredientName or the SourceId property can contain values, but not both.

Image Put On Your Thinking Hat

How’d you do?


public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
 RecipeIngredient ri = validationContext.ObjectInstance;

 if (ri.Amount < 0)
      yield return
      new ValidationResult("Amount must be positive", new string[] { "Amount" });
 if (ri.IngredientName != null && ri.SourceId != null)
  yield return
    new ValidationResult("You cannot enter both name and source",
      new string[] {"IngredientName", "SourceId"});


Public Function Validate(validationContext As ValidationContest) _
   As IEnumerable(Of ValidationResult)

   Dim ri As RecipeIngredient = validationContext.ObjectInstance
   Dim results = New List(Of ValidationResult)

   If ri.Amount < 0 Then
       results.Add(New _
          ValidationResult("Amount must be positive", New String() { "Amount" }))
   End If
   If ri.IngredientName IsNot Nothing AndAlso ri.SourceId IsNot Nothing Then
     results.Add(New _
         ValidationResult("You cannot enter both name and source", _
         New String() {"IngredientName", "SourceId"}))
   End If
 return results
End Function

Image Take A Break

And that’s it for the DbContext validations and the chapter. Why don’t you take a break before you complete the Review and we move on to the final project?

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