11. On Your Own

So, we’ve reached the end of the book. I hope you feel a lot more comfortable with the what and how of Entity Framework than you were ten chapters ago.

This chapter is a little different. Well, actually, it’s a whole lot different. In this chapter I won’t be presenting any new information. Instead, I’ll walk you through building a little piece of the recipe application we’ve been playing with. Not a full-blown application, of course, and not a proper development workflow, but the beginnings of both. Enough, I think, to give you a sense of how the process works in the real world and help you consolidate what you’ve learned in the last 340 pages.


And I won’t be giving you answers. Instead, I’ll present you with some requirements and ask you some questions, but all the design and coding decisions are yours to make. In fact, if you’re tired of recipes, you can substitute a completely different application domain for recipes. Would you rather work with baseball statistics or butterfly sightings? Now’s your chance, because in this chapter, you’re (almost) on your own.

Image Make A Note

Throughout this chapter I talk about what decisions I’d make. They’re only opinions, so please don’t take them as recommendations. Just because I happen to know more about Entity Framework than you do, it doesn’t follow that you can’t run rings around me in other areas of application design and development.

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