

Action photography, 2829

Alabama Hills (California), 7, 90, 113

Anti-shake technology, 2930, 32

Aperture, 7879, 162

Aperture priority autoexposure, 65, 148

Arches National Park (Utah), 67

Artizen HDR, 168

Autobracketing, 170, 172

Autoexposure, 62, 6566, 6972, 172

Autofocusing techniques, 9092, 159

Automatic white balance (AWB), 102, 105107

Autopano Pro, 187

Au Train Falls (Michigan), 133, 139

Autumn color shots, 149151, 153155, 186

AWB Automatic white balance (AWB)


Back-button focusing, 9293, 149, 161

Backgrounds, 71, 129

Back-light, 117

Ball tripod head, 82

“Bit bucket”, 181

Black Mountain (Idaho), 12

Blinkies, 65, 142

BLM see Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Blocked shadows, 60

Blown-out highlights, 60

Blue light, 102, 105

Boats, shooting from, 139143

Bodie (ghost town), 4, 124, 171

Bright histogram, 19, 52, 59, 64

Bryce Canyon (Utah), 43

Buffer, 14

“Bull’s eye shots”, 129

Bureau of Land Management (BLM), 4

Burst depth, 14

B + W polarizers, 100


Cable releases, 21, 24, 8788

Camera bags, 3637, 39

Camera system basics

cable releases, 21, 24, 8788

companies, 1011

custom functions, 24

histograms, 19, 21

LCD monitor, 19

megapixels, 11, 1416

memory cards, 2425

mirror lockup, 21

panorama shots, 180

selection, 9

self-timer, 21

sensor size, 1619

spot meter, 24

Canon systems

back-button focusing, 9293

evaluative metering, 58

exposure determination, 52

exposure increments, 56

HDR autobracketing, 170

image–stabilization, 30

ISO choices, 77

lenses, 2728, 3233, 36, 39, 41, 43, 76

lens speed, 29

megapixels, 11, 14

panorama stitching, 187

polarizers, 100

quality, 910

sensor size, 1617

spot metering, 155, 157

Cantilever beams, 82

Castle Geyser, 91

Centennial Mountain Range, 45

Center of interest, 129

Center-weighted metering, 5859

CF, see CompactFlash (CF) card Chrominance noise, 16

Circular polarizer, 46, 100

City parks, 4

Clipping, 5253, 6061, 65

Cloudy light, 105, 114, 116, 157158

Cloudy white balance, 107

Clutter (composition), 122124

Color adjustment, 105, 107

Color film exposure, 51

Color of light, 102, 105, 107

Color matrix metering (Nikon), 52, 58, 155, 157

Color space, 7778, 175

Color temperature (K) white balance, 109110

CompactFlash (CF) card, 24


autoexposure problems, 70

background, 129

center of interest, 129

challenges, 121122

curves and patterns, 133

definition, 121

design tips, 122124

HDR contrast, 167

horizon level, 125, 127

horizon placement, 129, 131

image depth, 131134

image framing, 128129

lines, 133

orientation, 124126

perspective, 127128

rule of thirds, 129130

skill improvement, 137

subject, 133, 137

subject size, 124

and tripods use, 80

viewpoint, 127

Computer monitor, 72

Constant maximum aperture zooms, 33, 36

Continuous autofocus, 90

Contrast, 109, 111, 113114, 146, 167168

Converging lines (depth), 133

Council Lake, 42

Coyote Buttes (Arizona), 9, 62

Crop factor, 11, 17, 40

Curves (depth), 133

Custom functions, 24

Custom quick-release plates, 82

Custom white balance, 109


Dawn shots, 102, 110, 162163

Daylight white balance, 107

Dead calm conditions, 153

Death Valley National Park, 3, 59, 115, 180

Delkin Devices, 24, 9495

DeLorme map book, 6

Depth (composition), 131133

Depth of field, 54, 63, 65, 146, 157

Dfine, 16

Diffusers (HDR), 167

Digital capture vs. eyes, 109

Digital exposure, 5153

Digital Nature Photography: The Art and the Science, 53

Digital noise, 16, 61

Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR), see also Camera system basics

Back-button focusing, 9293

camera systems, 1011

HDR autobracketing, 170

image framing, 128129

vs. medium–format cameras, 11

megapixels, 1415

memory cards, 24

mirror lockup, 21

multiple autofocus points, 9091

vs. point-and-shoot, 16

tilt–shift lenses, 43

Diopter adjustment focusing, 88

Double-processing images, 111

DSLR, see Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)

Dunanda Falls, 125

Dusk shots, 102, 110, 162163

Dust, 48, 9394

DX format (Nikon), 1617

Dynamic Photo HDR, 168

Dynamic range, 109


Elevation (shooting), 57

Evaluative metering (Canon), 52, 58


autoexposure problems, 6972

automatic, 62

common mistakes, 72

composition, 70

film vs. digital, 5152

hand-held meters, 7273

histograms, 5961

increments, 5657

ISO, 56

JPEGs, 6162

law of reciprocity, 5556

lens apertures, 53

manual, 6265

metering modes, 5859

modes, 6567

panorama shots, 182

RAW images, 61

shutter speeds, 5455

snowy landscape shots, 155, 157

stops, 54

Exposure compensation, 6769, 172


Fast lenses, 29

FDRTools, 168

Fill flash, 111

Film vs. digital exposure, 5152


cleaning, 4849

image sharpness, 76

overview, 46

polarizer, 4648, 144

stacking, 39, 76

types, 37

Firehole Falls, 148149

Firehole River, 185

Fixed focal-length lenses, 36

Flash, 107, 112, 162163, 167

Focal length

and aperture, 53

and composition, 70

fixed length lenses, 36

and framing, 128

and f/stop, 7879

good range, 10

hyperfocal focusing, 89

image stabilization, 30

and ISO values, 77

lens quality, 76

and lens quality, 28

panorama shots, 182, 187

and perspective, 127

and sensor size, 1617

and shutter speed, 66, 87

super-wide-angle lens, 39, 41

telephoto lens, 41, 43

zoom lens, 3233, 36

Focusing techniques

autofocus, 9092

back-button, 9293

diopter adjustment, 88

hyperfocal, 8990

manual, 8889

panorama shots, 182

waterfall shots, 149

fps, see Frames per second (fps)

Frames per second (fps), 14

Framing, 128129

Front–light, 114


aperture priority, 6566

aperture relationship, 53

autofocus, 91

autumn colors, 154

back-light, 117

definition, 78

depth of field, 43, 54, 63, 70, 77, 85, 93

dust check, 93

exposure increments, 57

exposure quality, 52

HDR shots, 168169

hyperfocal focusing, 89

and ISO value, 56

law of reciprocity, 55

lens quality, 28

lens speed, 2829

panoramas, 182

shots from boats, 140141

sky shots, 158

snowy shots, 157

sun shots, 162

waterfall shots, 146

water motion, 148

zoom lenses, 33

Fujifilm, 10

Full-frame sensor, 1011

Full–frame shots, 144


Geysers, 3, 5, 91, 106, 185

Ghosting artifacts, 174175

Ghost trees, 155

Gibbon River (Yellowstone), 156

Giotto Rocket Blower, 48, 94

Giraffes (Maasai), 17

Gitzo tripods, 81

Glass filters, 37

Glass-to-air-interface (filters), 39

Grain, 56

Grand Canyon (Arizona), 43

Great Fountain geyser (Yellowstone), 5

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 3, 6, 101, 112, 144

Grotto Falls (Smokies), 6, 112

Ground (depth), 131

A Guide to 199 Michigan Waterfalls, 6


Hand–held meters, 7273

Hand–held shooting, 8587

Hart, Al, 146

Hasselblad cameras, 11

HDR, see High dynamic range (HDR) techniques

Heart Lake (Yellowstone), 108

High dynamic range (HDR) techniques

autobracketing, 170, 172

blue color cast, 104

brightness, 7

color space, 175

contrast control, 167168

double process, 111

example, 128, 166

ghosting artifacts, 174175

image marking, 172, 174

image processing, 174

image saving, 175, 177

image selection, 174

image set goals, 172

overview, 165

panoramas, 184

range coverage, 169170

RAW vs. JPEG, 168169

shutter speed, 169

sliders, 175

software choices, 168

software loading, 174

spot metering, 59

subject motion, 173

32–bit images, 175176

tone curve, 175

tone-mapping, 175

tripods, 168

waterfall shots, 146

white balance, 175

Highlight alert, 65, 7273

Histograms, 19, 5961, 7273, see also RGB histograms

HoodLoupe, 19

Horizon, 125, 127, 129, 131

Human eyes vs. digital capture, 109

Hyperfocal focusing, 8990


Image quality, 3233, 37, 9798


depth in composition, 131133

framing, 128129

and megapixels, 11

panorama exposures, 182, 184

Images (HDR)

ghosting artifacts, 174175

processing, 174

saving, 175, 177

selection, 174

32–bit, 175176

Image sharpness

apertures, 7879

autumn color shots, 153155

and cable release, 21

color space, 7778

file choices, 77

focusing techniques, 8893

ISO choices, 77

lens glass, 76

lens manufacturers, 7576

L–plates, 82, 84

polarizers, 100

quick-release plates, 82

sensors, 9395

shooting techniques, 8588

tripods, 7982, 8485

Image-stabilization (IS), 2930, 32

Intimate landscapes, 60 Iris Falls, 145

IS, see Image–stabilization (IS)

ISO values

autumn color shots, 154

boat–based shots, 141

choices, 77

definition, 56

digital exposure, 52

exposure compensation, 68

exposure increments, 57

frozen water, 148

HDR capture, 168169, 172

low light, 99

and megapixels, 16

panorama shots, 182

polarizers, 48

snowy shots, 155

and stops, 54

wind techniques, 85


Japan, 18

JPEGs, 6062, 6465, 77, 105, 107, 168169, 175


Kayaks, shooting from, 8586, 122, 140143

Kelvin (K), 109110

Kingston, 24

Kirk Enterprises, 82, 84


Lake Ha Hand, 6

Lake Superior, 13, 30, 32, 34, 80, 162

Landowners, 5

Landscape panorama shots, 184, 186

Laughing Whitefish Falls (Michigan), 104

Law of reciprocity, 5556

LCD monitors, 19, 52, 72, 78, 148, 155

Leading line, 40, 133

Lee Metcalf wilderness, 6

Lens apertures, 5354

Lens caps, 3637, 39

Lens cleaning solution, 49


amateur vs. properties, 2728

choices, 39

cleaning, 4849

fixed focal–length, 36

image sharpness, 7576

long and super–telephoto, 43

moderate telephoto, 41, 43

polarizer, 4648

protection, 3637, 39

quality, 27

short telephoto, 41

super–wide–angle, 3941

tilt–shift, 4344, 46

wide–angle, 41

zoom, 3236

Lens hood, 37, 47

Lens speed, 2829

Lexar, 24


and digital photography, 119

HDR contrast, 167

importance, 9798

and polarizing filters, 99102

viewfinder, 6970

Light direction

back–light, 117

front–light, 114

overcast light, 114, 116

reflected light, 117

side–light, 117

Light qualities

amount, 9899

color, 102109

contrast, 109, 111, 113114

direction, 114118

Lightroom (Adobe), 177

Linear polarizer, 46, 100

Live view, 155

Long-telephoto lenses, 43

Look-up table, 58

Loupe, 19

Lower Falls (Yellowstone), 35

L–plates, 82, 84

Luminance histograms, 19, 21, 52

Luminance noise, 16


Madison River (Yellowstone), 24

Mamiya cameras, 11

Mammoth Hot Springs (Yellowstone), 22

Manfrotto tripods, 81

Manual exposure

mode choices, 6667

panorama shots, 182

techniques, 6265

Manual focusing, 8889

Manzanar National Historic site, 28

Mara Game Reserve (Kenya), 20, 27, 161

Medium-format cameras, 11

Megapixels (MP), 11, 1416

Memory card, 11, 2425

Memory Stick Pro Dual, 24

Metering modes, 5859, 155, 157

Micro-fiber cloth, 4849

Middle gray, 67

Mid–toned gray, 67

Midway Geyser Basin, 185

Miner’s Beach, 93

Mirror lockup, 21, 88

Mixed colors, 105

Moccasin Lake, 132

Moderate telephoto lenses, 41, 43

Monitors, 72, see also LCD monitors

Mono Lake, 10, 45, 81, 89, 121122

Mountains, 57

Moving water (tripods), 85

MP, see Megapixels (MP)

Mt. Sheridan (Yellowstone), 108

Mt. Whitney (California), 10, 55

Multiple autofocus points, 9091


National monuments, 3

National parks, 3

National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) system, 4

Native resolution, 14

Native speed, 56

Natural landscapes, 35

Natural light, 7, 69, 108, 111, 114, 169, 172

Nature centers, 5

Nature photography, 53

ND filters, 111, 114, 167168

Nikon systems

back–button focusing, 9293

color matrix metering, 58, 155, 157

exposure determination, 52

HDR autobracketing, 170, 172

Image-stabilization, 30

lenses, 32, 36, 39, 41, 43, 76

megapixels, 11

memory cards, 24

polarizers, 100

quality, 910

sensor size, 1617

tilt-shift lenses, 43

virtual horizon, 127

Nodal point, 180181

Noise Ninja, 16

Noise reduction software, 16

Noise (sensors), 56

Noiseware, 16

Nubia vulture (Kenya), 39

NWR National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) system


Okefenokee Swamp, 47

Old Faithful Geyser (Yellowstone), 106

Olympus cameras, 10

One-half stop exposure increments, 5657

One-stop exposure increments, 56

One-third stop exposure increments, 57

Open shade, 102, 105

Orange Spring Mound (Yellowstone), 63

Oregon Coast, 83

Orientation importance, 124126, 184, 186

Outlying focus points, 91

Overcast days, 100, 114, 116


Palette Spring (Yellowstone), 22

Panasonic cameras, 10

Panning, 181

Panorama Factory, 187

Panorama shots

camera leveling, 180

focal length, 187

good scenes, 179

HDR, 184

image exposure, 182, 184

image overlap, 184

nodal point, 180181

orientation, 184, 186

panning, 181

photographing, 179180

polarizing filters, 184

series, 181

settings, 181182

stitching together, 187

tripod leveling, 180

uneven exposures, 7172

Pan-tilt tripod head, 8182

Paria Canyon (Arizona), 91

Partial metering, 58

Pater, Dan, 137

Patterns (depth), 133

Peak autumn color, 149151

Pentax cameras, 10

Perspective, 40, 127128

Pete’s Lake (Michigan), 75

Photomatix Pro software, 113, 160, 165, 168, 174

PhotoMechanic, 77

Photoshop (Adobe), 165, 168, 176177, 179180, 187

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, 66, 93, 139140

Pixel errors, 16

Pixels (picture elements), 11, see also Megapixels (MP)

Pixes per inch (ppi), 14

Polarizing filters

autumn color shots, 153

lens protection, 37

and light, 99102

panorama shots, 184

usage, 4648

waterfall shots, 144

“Poor man’s” shutter priority, 148149

Portal Falls (California), 55

Portrait panorama shots, 184, 186

ppi, see Pixes per inch (ppi)

Prime lenses, 36

Print film exposure, 51

Private land, 5

Program autoexposure, 65

Protection filters, 37, 76

PTGui, 187

Public lands, 4

Push–pull zoom, 32, 35


Quick-release plates, 82


Rainbows (polarizers), 48

RAW images

AWB, 107

double process, 111

and histograms, 60

ideal exposure, 61

vs. JPEGs, 77, 168169

manual exposure, 64

and megapixels, 14

open shade, 105

processing, 53

Really Right Stuff, 82, 84

Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, 4

Reflected light, 117

Reflections, 4

Reflectors, 167

Remote releases, 8788

Resolution, 14

RGB (Adobe), 7778

RGB histograms

definition, 21

example, 62

exposure quality, 52, 142

manual exposure, 64

snowy landscape shots, 155

spot metering, 59

waterfall shots, 146

Ring (zoom), 32

Rock River Falls, 147

Rule of thirds, 129130


Samsung cameras, 10

SanDisk card, 2425

Sandstone, 9

Scheimpflug Principle, 44

Scott falls (Michigan), 23

Seasonal considerations, 5, 147

Secure Digital card, 24

Self–timer, 21, 88

Sensors, 1617, 19, 56, 9395

Shade white balance, 107

Shadows, 131, 133134

Shooting techniques, 8588

Short telephoto lenses, 41

Shutter priority autoexposure, 6566

Shutter priority, 148149

Shutter speed, 5456, 63, 87, 148, 158, 169

Side-light, 117

Sierra mountains, 103

Sigma systems, 10, 36, 41, 75

Signal–to–noise ratio, 52

Single autofocus, 90

Slot canyons (Arizona), 16, 98

Small sensors, 17, 19

Snow (tripods), 85

Snowy landscape shots, 155, 157159

Soft ground (tripods), 85

Software, see alsospecific programs

HDR, seeHigh dynamic range (HDR) techniques

noise reduction, 16

panorama stitching, 181, 187

Sony systems, 10, 29, 32, 41

South Carolina, 6

Specular highlights, 61

Split neutral–density (ND) filters, 111, 114, 167168

Spot metering, 24, 59

Spray Falls (Lake Superior), 32 sRGB, 7778

Stacking filters, 39, 76

State parks, 4

Stitcher, 187

Stop increments, 54, 5758

Storage buffer, 14

Subject considerations

autoexposure problems, 7071

autumn color, 149155

composition, 124, 133, 137

flash at dawn/dusk, 162163

landscapes via boat, 139142

snowy landscapes, 155158

sunrise and sunset shots, 158, 160162

waterfalls, 142, 144149

Sunny day shots, 100, 153

Sunrise shots, 158, 160163

Sunset shots, 158, 160-162

Super Steadyshot (Sony), 29

Super-telephoto lenses, 43

Super-wide-angle lenses, 3941


Tahquamenon Falls, 4

Tamron systems, 41, 75

Telephoto lenses, 12, 41, 43

32-bit images, 175176

Thornton Lake (Michigan), 41, 152

Tiffen polarizers, 100

Tilt-shift lens, 4344, 46

Tokina systems, 32, 41, 75

Tone Compressor, 175

Tone curve (HDR), 175

Tone-mapping, 175

Tripod head, 8182

Tripods, 79, 81, 8485, 146147, 168, 180

Tungsten white balance, 107

Tuolomne Meadows (Yosemite), 6

Two Top Mountain (Yellowstone), 30, 186


Ultrasonic motor (USM), 28

Union Falls (Yellowstone), 71

Universal lenses, 39

Universal quick-release plates, 82

USM, see Ultrasonic motor (USM)

UV filter, 37


Variable aperture zooms, 33

Venturi effect, 146

Vibration reduction (VR), 29

Viewfinder, 6970

Viewpoint, 127

Virtual horizon, 127

VR, seeVibration reduction (VR)


Warming polarizer, 46, 100

Waterfall shots, 3, 142, 144, 146149

Water (tripods), 85

Wavelength, 102

Weather, 153

White balance, 107, 109, 175, 181182

White fluorescent lights, 107

White Sands National Monument, 56, 160

Whooper swans (Japan), 18

Wide–angle lenses, 41, 131, 136137, 148

Wildlife photography, 4, 18

Wind effects, 8485, 146, 153155


Yellowstone National Park, 3, 5, 22, 24, 33, 3536, 63, 71, 106, 108, 155156, 186

Yosemite National Park, 6


Zoom lenses, 3233, 36, 41, 63, 182

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