The fan-out pattern

Besides routing messages as a whole, a router can split messages and then give them to different components for processing. This is demonstrated by the following code snippet:

type Message struct { 
   body string 
   key  int 
func main() { 
   evenPipe, oddPipe := fanOut(emitter()) 
   sink("even", evenPipe) 
   sink("odd", oddPipe) 
   time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) 
// this combines the sources to a Fan-In channel 
func fanOut(input <-chan Message) (<-chan Message, <-chan Message) { 
   even := make(chan Message) // The fan-out channels 
   odd := make(chan Message)  // The fan-out channels 
   // spawn the fan-out loop 
   go func() { 
         for { 
               msg := <-input 
               if msg.key%2 == 0 { 
                     even <- msg 
               } else { 
                     odd <- msg 
   return even, odd 
// dummy function for a source 
func emitter() <-chan Message { 
   c := make(chan Message) 
   go func() { 
         for i := 0; ; i++ { 
               c <- Message{fmt.Sprintf("Message[%d]", i), i} 
               time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(1000)) * time.Millisecond) // Sleep for some time 
   return c 
func sink(name string, in <-chan Message) { 
   go func() { 
         for { 
               msg := <-in 
               fmt.Printf("[%s] says %s
", name, msg.body) 

The topology consists of an emitter that connects to a fanOut component, which multiplexes the output onto two output channels based on the key in the Message body (this snippet is also an example of the Content-Based Router pattern).

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