
In Go, code is binned into packages. These packages provide a namespaces for code. Every Go source file, for instance, encoding/json/json.go, starts with a package clause, like this:

 package json

Here, json is the package name, a simple identifier. Package names are usually concise.

Packages are rarely in isolation; they have dependencies. If code in one package wants to use something from a different package, then the dependency needs to be called out explicitly. The dependent packages can be other packages from the same project, a Golang standard package, or from a third-party package on GitHub. To declare dependent packages, after the package clause, each source file may have one or more import statements, comprising the import keyword and the package identifier:

import "encoding/json”

One important design decision in Go, dependency-wise, is that the language specification requires unused dependencies to be declared as a compile-time error (not a warning, like most other build systems). If the source file imports a package it doesn't use, the program will not compile. This was done to speed up build times by making the compiler work on only those packages that are needed. For programmers, it also means that code tends to be cleaner, with less unused imports piling up. The flip side is that, if you're experimenting with different packages while coding, you may find the compiler errors irritating!

Once a package has been imported, the package name qualifies items from the package in the source file being imported:

var dec = json.NewDecoder(reader)

Go takes an unusual approach to defining the visibility of identifiers (functions/variables) inside a package. Unlike private and public keywords, in Go, the name itself carries the visibility definition. The case of the initial letter of the identifier determines the visibility. If the initial character is an uppercase letter, then the identifier is public and is exported out of the package. Such identifiers can be used outside of the package. All other identifiers are not visible (and hence not usable) outside of the host package. Consider the following snippet:

package circles

func AreaOf(c Circle) float64 {

func colorOf(c Circle) string {

In the preceding code block, the AreaOf function is exported and visible outside of the circles package, but colorOf is visible only within the package.

We shall look at packing Go code in greater detail in Chapter 3, Design Patterns.

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