Golang usage

Taking a pause from the theory, let's look at how we can use Redis in Go. At the time of writing this book, there are two main Redis clients in Go:

As an example, we will take a feature where we want to maintain likes about a hotel in Redis. The following struct defines the entity we want to model:

type Hotel struct { 
   Id         string 
   Name       string 
   City       string 
   StarRating int 
   Likes      int 

Here, we will use the Radix client. To install it, use the following command:

go get github.com/mediocregopher/radix.v2 

The first step is, of course, connecting. This can be done as follows:

   conn, err:= redis.Dial("tcp", "localhost:6379") 
   if err != nil { 
   defer conn.Close() 

The code connects to localhost. Of course, in production code, you should take this value as a configuration item.

Next, let's look at how we can save a hotel entity in Redis. The following code takes a hotel and saves it in Redis:

func setHotel(conn *redis.Client, h *Hotel) error { 
   resp:= conn.Cmd("HMSET", 
         "name", h.Name, 
         "city", h.City, 
         "likes", h.Likes, 
         "rating", h.StarRating) 
   if resp.Err != nil { 
         fmt.Println("save err", resp.Err) 
         return resp.Err 
   return nil 

As you can see, we are using the hashes data structure to store likes. This is because we know that the likes attribute will be independently incremented. HMSET is a multiple set for the hash object. Each hotel is identified by the string with the concatenation of "hotels" with the id of the hotel.

The following code gets a hotel with a specific hotel from Redis:

func getHotel(conn *redis.Client, id string) (*Hotel, error) { 
   reply, err:= conn.Cmd("HGETALL", "hotels:"+id).Map() 
   if err != nil { 
         return nil, err 
   h:= new(Hotel) 
   h.Id = id 
   h.Name = reply["name"] 
   h.City = reply["city"] 
   if h.Likes, err = strconv.Atoi(reply["likes"]); err != nil { 
         fmt.Println("likes err", err) 
         return nil, err 
   if h.StarRating, err = strconv.Atoi(reply["rating"]); err != nil { 
         fmt.Println("ratings err", err) 
         return nil, err 
   return h, nil 

Here, we are using the HGETALL command to get all of the fields of a hash. Then, we use the Map() method of the response object to obtain a map of field names to the values. We then construct a hotel object from the individual fields.

Now, coming to the likes, which is a key method that required is to increment counts of a hotel. Along with maintaining counts, we also have a requirement of determining the most-liked hotels. To enable the latter requirement, we use a sorted-set dataset. The first code snippet implements a like for a hotel:

unc incrementLikes(conn *redis.Client, id string) error { 
   //  Sanity check to ensure that the hotel exists! 
   exists, err:= conn.Cmd("EXISTS", "hotels:"+id).Int() 
   if err != nil || exists == 0 { 
         return errors.New("no such hotel") 
   // Use the MULTI command to inform Redis that we are starting a new 
   // transaction. 
   err = conn.Cmd("MULTI").Err 
   if err != nil { 
         return err 
   // Increment the number of likes  for the hotel. in the album hash by 1. 
   // Because we have initiated a  MULTI command, this HINCRBY command is queued NOT executed. 
   // We still check the reply's Err field  to check if there was an error for the queing 
   err = conn.Cmd("HINCRBY", "hotels:"+id, "likes", 1).Err 
   if err != nil { 
         return err 
   // Now we increment the leaderboard sorted set 
   err = conn.Cmd("ZINCRBY", "likes", 1, id).Err 
   if err != nil { 
         return err 
   // Execute both commands in our transaction atomically. 
   // EXEC returns the replies from both commands as an array 
   err = conn.Cmd("EXEC").Err 
   if err != nil { 
         return err 
   return nil 

This uses the MULTI option of redis to start a transaction and update both the likes for a hotel and the likes sorted set atomically.

The following code snippet gets the top-three liked hotels:

func top3LikedHotels(conn *redis.Client) ([]string, error) { 
   // Use the ZREVRANGE command to fetch the hotels from likes sorted set 
   // with  the highest score first 
   // The start and stop values are zero-based indexes, so we use 0 and 2 
   // respectively to limit the reply to the top three. 
   reply, err:= conn.Cmd("ZREVRANGE", "likes", 0, 2).List() 
   if err != nil { 
         return nil, err 
   return reply, nil 

The ZREVRANGE command returns the sorted set members in reverse order of rank. Since it returns an array response, we use the List() helper function to convert the response to []string.

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